81 research outputs found


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    That human behavior is influenced by money is widely understood by many of us today. The influence is quite great not only in economic-related human behavior, but also in political, social, cultural, legal, and even in religious domain of human behavior. Therefore it is important to understand the meaning of money. In the terms of its symbolism, different individuals give different cognitive and affective meaning to money. This research proposes a model which hopefully is able to explain the symbolic meaning of money with both individual and group perspectives. In doing so, the research placed self-esteem and social identity (that is identification with the Pancasilathe state foundation and ideology of the Republic of Indonesia-values) as predictor variables. There were 161 Indonesian students (46 males and 115 females) participated in this research and they came from two universities located in Jakarta, the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. The multiple linear regression analysis showed that self-esteem and identification with the fourth principle values of Pancasila significantly predicted the symbolic meaning of money, although the correlation coefficient of self-esteem and the dependent variable was considerably weak. The one-way ANOVA showed that there were significant differences in the symbolical meaning of money according to the faculty where the students went, the category of residential place where the students lived in, the students' occupation, and their ethnicity. The implication of the research findings in order to understand the financial corruptive behavior in Indonesia is discussed; so is the recommendation concerning the Indonesians' spirituality factor for symbolic meaning of money measurement improvement

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Atlas Elektronik Terhadap Hasil Belajar Geografi di SMA Labschool Jakarta

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    Abstract This study aims to get practical answers about the effect of the use of electronic atlases on student learning outcomes in class XI on geography subjects. Research using experimental methods. The population in this study were all students of class XI Labschool Jakarta High School. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling, where one class is an experimental class taught by using an electronic atlas, and another type as a comparison class that is a control class taught not to use an electronic atlas. The instrument used in this study was in the form of multiple-choice tests namely pre-test and post-test. The data analysis technique used to test hypotheses is the t-test.  The results showed that there were differences in student learning outcomes between the experimental class and the control class on natural resource material. Before conducting the hypothesis test, the data requirements test is carried out, namely data normality test using Chi-Square test and data homogeneity test using Bartlet test. From the results of normality test data both pre-test and post-test in the experimental class and the control class obtained prices X2-count < X2-table, meaning that the data collected are typically distributed. The results of the homogeneity test data calculations using the Bartlet test also obtained estimates F2-count < F2-table, eaning that the data from both groups are homogeneous. After testing the data requirements, a hypothesis test is performed using the t-test, and values are obtained t-count = 3,61 dan t-table with dk 56, and the 0.05 significance level is 1.67. So t-count > t-table means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted, and the null hypothesis is rejected. The results of the study concluded that there is an influence of the use of electronic atlases on the learning outcomes of students of class XI IPS on geography subjects with natural resource material. Therefore, geography study teachers can use this electronic atlas as one of the media used in the learning process of geography.  Keywords: Electronic atlas, Geography learning outcomes, Labschool High School Jakarta   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan jawaban empiris mengenai pengaruh penggunaan atlas elektronik terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas XI pada mata pelajaran geografi. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen.  Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas XI SMA Labschool Jakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling, dimana satu kelas merupakan kelas eksperimen yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan atlas elektronik dan satu kelas lagi sebagai kelas pembanding yaitu kelas kontrol yang diajarkan tidak menggunakan atlas elektronik. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dalam bentuk tes pilihan ganda yaitu pre-tes dan post-tes.  Teknik analisa data yang digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis adalah Uji-t.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol pada materi sumber daya alam. Sebelum melakukan uji hipotesis terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji persyaratan data yaitu uji normalitas data dengan menggunakan uji Chi Kuadrat dan uji homogenitas data dengan menggunakan uji Bartlet. Dari hasil uji normalitas data baik pre-tes maupun post-tes pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol diperoleh harga X2-hitung < X2-tabel, artinya data yang diperoleh berdistribusi normal.  Hasil perhitungan uji homogenitas data dengan menggunakan uji Bartlet juga diperoleh harga F2-hitung < F2-tabel, artinya data dari kedua kelompok tersebut bersifat homogen.  Setelah melakukan uji persyaratan data, kemudian dilakukan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji-t dan diperoleh nilai t-hitung = 3,61 dan t-tabel dengan dk 56 dan taraf signifikansi 0,05 adalah 1,67. Jadi t-hitung > t-tabel artinya hipotesis alternatif diterima dan hipotesis nol ditolak.  Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan atlas elektronik terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas XI IPS pada mata pelajaran geografi dengan materi sumber daya alam. Oleh karena itu guru bidang studi geografi dapat menggunakan atlas elektronik ini sebagai salah satu media yang digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar geografi.    Kata kunci: Atlas elektronik, Hasil belajar Geografi, SMA Labschool Jakart


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     ABSTRAK  Pelaksanaan KKN di perdesaan, memberi peluang bagi masyarakat untuk memperoleh ketrampilan dalam rangka menambah penghasilan. Dengan adanya mahasiswa KKN memberi ketrampilan, maka masyarakat akan berpeluang mendapatkan ketrampilan secara gratis yang pada akhirnya dapat memperoleh peluang mecari penghasilan tambahan.  Namun demikian tidak semua mahasiswa peserta KKN mempunyai ketrampilan yang dapat diberikan ke masyarakat berupa ketrampilan yang menghasilkan “sesuatu yang dapat dijualâ€. Oleh karena itu kegiatan ini memberi bekal kepada mahasiswa calon peserta KKN untuk menjadi trainers di tempat mereka ber KKN nanti.  Melalui pelatihan TOT bagi mahasiswa calon peserta KKN UNJ yang dideseminasikan kepada para ibu-ibu di lokasi KKN maka diharapkan diperoleh alternatif menambah penghasilan, dengan mengikuti pelatihan tanpa mereka harus mengeluarkan biaya.   ABSTRACTImplementation of KKN in rural areas, provides an opportunity for the community to obtain skills in order to increase income. With the KKN students giving skills, then the community will have the opportunity to get the skills for free which in turn can get the opportunity to find additional income.However, not all students participating KKN have skills that can be given to the community in the form of skills that produce "something that can be sold". Therefore, this activity gives provision to students of KKN candidates to become trainers in their place of KKN later.Through TOT training for students of KKN UNJ candidates disseminated to the mothers in KKN location it is expected to obtain alternative income, by training without them have to spend

    Circularly Polarized Microstrip Array Antenna for Ground Segment in Quasi-zenith Satellite System

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    In satellite communication system, antenna plays an important role. Therefore, the antenna must meet some requirements, such as high gain, circular polarization, and good directivity. In this paper, a four element linear array triangular patch microstrip antenna with cross slot is designed to be used for Quasi-Zenith satellite system. A simulation study as well as experimental study was carried out. The simulation showed that the 3 dB axial ratio bandwidth of 87 MHz (2.569-2.656 GHz) is achieved while the measured results showed 96 MHz (2.556-2.652 GHz). The linear array of 4 element antenna has a gain of 13.73 dB and maximum radiation pattern at 40° and -40°. Simulation and experiment results show that this antenna has met the characteristic requirements of Quasi-Zenith satellite


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    Pemanfaatan mangga podang di Kelurahan Mojoroto Kota Kediri masih terbatas hanya untuk buah meja dan jus. Padahal mangga podang berpotensi dijadikan produk olahan yang memiliki nilai jual lebih tinggi seperti bolu kukus. Selain itu, bolu mangga juga dapat dijadikan oleh-oleh khas daerah. Maka dari itu perlu dilakukan sosialisasi dan bimbingan teknis pemanfaatan mangga podang sebagai bahan baku bolu kukus. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan dan pendampingan serta tahap evaluasi. Sasaran dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakta ini adalah ibu PKK Kelurahan Mojoroto Kota Kediri. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa peserta bimbingan teknis antusias terhadap sosialisasi yang telah diberikan. Selan itu, peserta juga dibimbing untuk melakukan uji kesukaan terhadap produk bolu mangga podang yang telah diproduksi. Peserta bimbingan teknis juga mendapatkan nilai diatas 80 untuk hasil evaluasi yang menunjukkan bahwa proses transfer ilmu telah berhasil dilakukan. Peserta bimbingan teknis juga ada yang berkeinginan untuk mengembangkan pembuatan bolu mangga podang sebagai bisnis skala kecil

    Respon Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Jagung Manis (Zea mays saccharata) Pengaruh Waktu Penyemprotan Herbisida Pada Jarak Tanam Yang Berbeda

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    Zea mays saccharata or sweet corn has become a leading horticultural commodity. It is not only limited to vegetables that are consumed normally but come with a variety of preparations. Therefore, there is a need for research on sweet corn productivity due to the interaction effect of herbicide spraying time treatment and plant spacing. In this study, sweet corn seed planting materials of TALENTA variety and selective herbicide PAG (Anti-Weed Package) were used with the active ingredients of Atras 600 sc and Aleron 60 sc. The research was carried out using the RAK environmental design (Randomized Block Design) with 3 replications and 2 treatment factors, namely 3 levels of spacing and herbicide spraying time which also consisted of three levels. Observations using destructive and non-destructive methods. By observing the variables of plant height, the number of leaves, stem diameter, leaf width, length of ear, the weight of ear, and diameter of the ear. The data obtained from the observational variables were processed by the F test using the ANOVA method. If there are treatments that are significantly different, a 5% Least Significant Difference test will be carried out. Planting distance J2: 70 x 30 cm and spraying herbicide PAG at P2:14 DAP was the best spacing and spraying time for sweet corn cultivation. Optimal spacing and proper spraying time can reduce the level of competition between cultivated plants and cultivated plants with weeds

    Reconfiguration of Polarized Antennas for WLAN Applications

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    Wireless technology based on the IEEE 802.11 standard and in accordance with the KEMINFO 2019 regulations requires antennas that can adapt to changing environments. Microstrip antennas are a good solution to meet the current technological advancements because they have several advantages, such as a simple design, lightweight, easy manufacturing, and low cost. When designing a microstrip antenna, bandwidth parameters must be observed. The bandwidth of a microstrip antenna is narrow. In order to work properly, some simple techniques can be used to increase antenna bandwidth. This research proposes a reconfigurable microstrip antenna polarization using a U-slot at a frequency of (2.4– 2.485) GHz for WLAN applications. The proposed antenna reconfiguration utilizes two (2) switching mechanisms that can be turned on and off individually or simultaneously. The results of the simulation showed that Ant. 1 and Ant. 2 have a linear polarization (LP), Ant. 1 has a bandwidth of 85 MHz (2.399 – 2.484) GHz, and Ant.2 has a bandwidth of 87 MHz (2.398– 2.485) GHz, both with S-parameter values ≤-9.54 dB. Then, Ant. 3 has a right circular polarization with a bandwidth value of 124 MHz (2.397 – 2.484) GHz, and Ant. 4 has a left circular polarization with a bandwidth value of 87 MHz (2.398 – 2.485) GHz at the Axial Ratio (AR) limit of ≤ 3 dB


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    ABSTRAKSI Kehidupan berbangsa sebuah kelompok masyarakat dapat dilihat seberapa jauh kelompok itu memiliki pengenalan dan pemahaman yang cukup kuat terhadap akar budayanya. Kecintaan dan rasa nasionalisme itu terwujud melalui pengembangan kebudayaan leluhur scrta mewariskannya kcpada generasi bcrikutnya, mcski mungkin secara politis telah berada di wilayah hukum dan menjadi warganegara dari negara lain. Fenomena inilah yang dialami kelompok Etnis Tionghoa di Indonesia, yang selama lebih dan tiga dasawarsa kehilangan jati diri dan identitas kultural akibat kebijakan ideologi dan politik pemenntah yang melarang penggunaan budaya leluhur mereka di banyak sektor kehidupan. Kekhawatiran akan punahnya identitas diri inilah yang melatarbelakangi pend irian media massa berbasis Etnis Tionghoa, setelah kebijakan politik di Indonesia mengalami perubahan yang cukup positif bagi mereka. Hadimya Chengbav yang sekaligus menjalankan dua fungsi terhadap kondisi sosial pohtik masyarajat Tionghoa, pada awal pendinannya diharapkan dapat menggali dan melestankan nilai-nilai budaya asal, serta secara tampilan isi dapat membuka wacana dan wawasan politik kelompok Tionghoa. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam kepada pemimpin umum, pemimpin redaksi, dan seorang tokoh masyarakat Tionghoa Surabaya mewakili kalangan pembaca (komunikan). Hasil yang dicapai dan penelitian ini diharapk~n dapat menemukan kekuatan, kelemahan, dan juga prospek koran etnis untuk menjalankan fungsinya sebagai penyambung kebudayaan tanpa harus menimbulkan kesan eksklusivisme di tengah masyarakat

    Implementasi Algoritma Rijndael 128 Pada Aplikasi Chatting Berbasis Html5 Websocket

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    In the past, web-based chat application didn\u27t consider security as part of must-have requirement, thus many insecure examples were broken in short time after it was released. Data sniffing is one common attack that could be used to attack insecure applications because the data was transferred using an insecure medium, which is HTTP. We propose a new web-based chat application that is built based on HTML5 WebSocket technology using Socket.IO library to improve confidentiality of the messages sent between two or multiple parties. We combine it with NodeJS and Express to facilitate real-time discussion between client and server and vice versa. We also use Rijndael (known as AES - Advanced Encryption Standard) to make sure that the message stays confidential and only known by sender and receiver. To satisfy the integrity property, we apply SHA-3 hash function. By combining SSL/TLS, AES, and SHA-3 hash function, we have added multiple layer of security inside this application and no additional effort needed by the user. Based on conducted experiments, we can conclude that this application could satisfy security requirements (confidentiality and integrity), either on the client or server side
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