17 research outputs found

    Analisis Risiko Likuiditas Pada Perbankan Islam

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    Permasalahan penelitian ini melihat pengaruh antara faktor sistematis, unsistematis dan risiko kredit terhadap risiko likuiditas pada perbankan Islam. Dimana, risiko likuiditas pada perbankan konvensional dinilai sebagai faktor utama yang menyebabkan risiko berdampak sistemik pada saat krisis global. Penelitian ini khusus dilakukan pada perbankan Islam, sebab perbankan Islam dinilai sebagai bank yang tidak terkena dampak saat krisis global. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji dan menjelaskan tentang kinerja perbankan Islam yang dinilai lebih tangguh dibanding perbankan konvensional dalam menghadapi krisis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksplanatori dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan purposive sampling dengan kriteria. Berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditentukan, dari 395 bank Islam di 33 negara, terpilih sampel sebanyak 105 bank Islam di 24 negara sejak tahun 2007 hingga tahun 2016. Dengan demikian, sebanyak 1050 unit analisis data digunakan yang merupakan perkalian dari 105 bank dengan 10 tahun. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor sistematis dan unsistematis berpengaruh terhadap risiko kredit dan faktor sistematis, unsistematis berpengaruh terhadap risiko likuiditas namun risiko kredit tidak berpengaruh terhadap risiko likuiditas pada perbankan Islam. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat dijelaskan bahwa, perbankan Islam mampu bertahan dari krisis global dikarenakan risiko kredit tidak mempengaruhi risiko likuiditas. Apabila risiko likuiditas pada perbankan Islam aman, maka perbankan Islam dapat terhindar dari risiko berdampak sistemik yang dapat menimbulkan terjadinya efek domino pada bank lain. Hasil temuan tersebut sama halnya dengan temuan yang secara khusus dilakukan di Indonesia

    Liquidity risk : comparison between Islamic and conventional banking

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of micro-economy or bank-specific to the liquidity risk in Islamic and conventional banks. The data in this study using secondary data consists of 20 Islamic banks and 12 conventional banks obtained from seven countries, namely Albania, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Malaysia, Dubai, Qatar and Indonesia from 2009 to 2015. This research method is based on quantitative techniques using panel data regression. The results showed that in the Islamic and conventional bank found the best model is the fixed effect model. The variables that affect the liquidity risk in Islamic banks are the CAR, FEXP, FLP and NPF. While the variables that affect liquidity risk in conventional banks are FEXP, FLP, NPL and ROA. In Islamic banking NIM, ROA and SIZE does not affect the liquidity risk, and CAR, NIM and SIZE not affect the liquidity risk in Conventional banks.peer-reviewe


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    This study aimed to compare the three models SCAPM, namely SCAPM without risk free, SCAPM inflation and SCAPM zakat to know which model is more optimal use. The method used is the analysis of explanatory power and linear regression. The data used is secondary data, the inflation data, zakat, sharia shares incorporated in Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) from 2011 to 2015.The results are based on the analysis of explanatory power, SCAPM inflation is more optimal than SCAPM zakat and SCAPM without risk free. The results are supported by the results of the analysis graph illustrating SCAPM inflation has a higher volatility than other SCAPM, it indicates that the more profitable inflation SCAPM models are accompanied by greater risks, in accordance with the principles of the classical high risk high return

    Analisis Pertumbuhan Fintech Sebelum dan Saat Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia

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    Fintech in development has fluctuations in every sentiment, both negative and positive and has had an impact on its development. Before the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, many people still use traditional financial services which were carried out through offline payment transactions and carrying cash even though fintech options were available. During the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, financial services changed offline habits into online activities. However, inconsistencies occurred between loan disbursement which increased while the interest trend in fintech financing decreased when the Covid-19 pandemic hit. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether there were differences before and during the Covid-19 pandemic among fintech lenders in Indonesia. analyze whether there were differences before and during the Covid-19 pandemic for fintech borrowers in Indonesia. The data used is transaction data of fintech lenders and borrowers in Indonesia from 2018 – 2022. This study uses the Paired Sample t-Test and the Wilcoxon Test with the Eviews 12 test tool. The results of this study indicate that there are significant differences in lender transactions and borrowers in conditions before the entry of Covid-19 to the time of entry of Covid-19 to Indonesia. The conclusion is that this significant difference is because during Covid-19, especially investors in Indonesia experienced many problems from health to finance, so when Covid-19 occurred they held back money more than investing in fintech so that lender transactions decreased. In borrower transactions due to lender transactions as lenders decreasing so that loan requests by borrowers that can be fulfilled also decrease

    Credit risk and macroeconomics of Islamic banking in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of macroeconomic variables, namely GDP, Inflation and Unemployment to credit risk in Islamic banking of Indonesia. The data for this study were collected from secondary sources via Statistics Center Indonesia (BPS) and financial statements of the 7 Islamic bank of Indonesia. The data used are the annual ones from 2009 to 2016. This research uses an explanatory analysis. The test is a panel data regression testing using Eviews 9. The result of panel data regression with random effect model consisted gross domestic product (GDP) and unemployment rate (UNEMP) have a significant negative effect on credit risk of Islamic banking in Indonesia. While the inflation variable has a negative but statistically insignificant effect on credit risk in Islamic banking system of Indonesia.peer-reviewe

    Islamic bank credit risk : macroeconomic and bank specific factors

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of macroeconomic and banking factors on credit risk in Islamic banking. The methodology used is panel data regression analysis. The data set is consisting of secondary data from banking financial statements contained in the respective websites, as well as macroeconomic variables obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics and Central Bank Indonesia for the period 2010 to 2016. The results support the hypothesis that the SIZE of the bank is influencing positively and significantly the credit risk. Other variables tested were financing expansion, financing quality, GDP and inflation which have been proven to influence negatively and significantly the credit risk. These results support the results of another study by Effendi and Yuniarti (2018) regarding the influence of macroeconomic variables on credit risk. The contribution of this article is that similar conclusions have been made regarding the influence of banking factors on credit risk. Both results lead to the conclusion that Islamic banking could be affected negatively if it does not regulate the quality and the expansion of its financing properly.peer-reviewe

    Fiqih Economic in Virtual Currency Implementation

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    Digital transactions are becoming very popular in the Islamic economic and financial industry. Therefore, it is very important to understand the provisions of economic fiqh so that Sharia principles are always actual and relevant to business changes and the demands of the times. This study aims to investigate fiqh in economic transactions using blockchain and metaverse technology. More in-depth research uses a case study design using qualitative methods that focus on implementing smart contracts and virtual currency in terms of economic fiqh studies. The findings reveal that the use of smart contracts and virtual currency is found to be able to replace the role of intermediaries in economic transactions. Thus eliminating the risk of fraud and cheating. Smart contracts can help ensure compliance with sharia and the use of virtual currency has an impact on economic fiqh, especially related to the legitimacy and halal use of the virtual currency itself. The expected implication is that to minimize risks and maximize benefits for the benefit of the people, the use of blockchain and metaverse technology in economic transactions requires further research and development efforts, as well as increasing public understanding of this technology from the perspective of economic fiqh


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    ABSTRAK             Pandemi COVID-19 telah mempengaruhi tatanan hidup dan kebiasaan masyarakat di dunia pada umumnya dan di Indonesia pada khususnya. Masyarakat yang pada kesehariannya telah terbiasa untuk berinteraksi secara langsung, karena adanya COVID-19 maka masyarakat harus mulai terbiasa dengan pola hidup dengan social distancing. UMKM menjadi salah satu sektor yang terpuruk akibat pandemi Covid-19. Metode pelaksanaan adalah dengan memberikan pengajaran lewat daring yaitu menggunakan aplikasi googlemeet dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan melakukan forum diskusi tanya jawab dengan mitra yang tergabung dalam KADIN Jawa Barat. Pada era new normal, UMKM mampu meningkatkan konsumsi nasional yang selanjutnya akan berdampak pada pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Strategi yang dapat di terapkan oleh UMKM dalam menghadapi kondisi new normal adalah dengan melakukan penyesuaian transaksi bisnis perusahaan yang bersifat konvensional dan memanfaatkan berbagai jejaring social sehingga akan membuat kontak fisik akan berkurang. Perusahaan juga dapat mengadopasi panduan keselamatan kerja yang tetap memberikan rasa aman dan nyaman bagi karyawan dan konsumen. Kata Kunci: Pandemi COVID-19, New normal, UMKM

    Perencanaan Dan Pengaturan Keuangan Keluarga Dengan Menggunakan Konsep Sakinah Finance Di Lembaga Al-Quran Qashwa Bandung

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    Pendidikan adalah proses belajar yang dilakukan oleh sekelompok orang yang diturunkan melalui pengajaran, pelatihan atau penelitian di bawah bimbingan orang lain seumur hidup. Pengajian atau dikenal juga dengan sebutan Majelis Taklim merupakan forum pembelajaran keagamaan informal yang masih menjadi pilihan umat Islam. Lembaga Al-Quran Qashwa Bandung merupakan lembaga informal yang fokus pada pendidikan agama Islam, seperti Aqidah, Fiqh, Adab dan Qiroatul-quran. Universitas Widyatama dan Lembaga Al-Quran Qashwa Bandung bekerja sama dalam pengabdian masyarakat. Masalah peserta kedepannya adalah bagaimana mencapai kebebasan finansial, oleh karena itu tutor mengambil tema tentang keuangan sakinah. Pengabdian masyarakat ini diikuti oleh 42 peserta. Langkah-langkah perencanaan keuangan dengan konsep keuangan sakinah terdiri dari lima langkah yaitu mengelola pendapatan, mengelola kebutuhan, mengelola impian, mengelola surplus dan defisit, serta mengelola kontinjensi


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    Dalam studi sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa banyak investor sering bertindak tidak rasional dan sering ditemukannya fenomena pasar modal / pasar keuangan yang bertentangan dengan teori keuangan standar dan teori ekonomi konvensional. Konsep keuangan standar mulai digantikan dengan konsep standar pada keperilakuan keuangan dan investor yang memiliki penyimpangan bias dalam sosial, kognitif, dan emosional menggantikan konsep investor yang rasional. Keperilakuan keuangan investor juga dapat dilihat dari jenis kelamin, usia, dan telah dipelajari keuangan atau belum. Ketiga hal di atas dapat diketahui keinginannya dalam berinvestasi, apakah mereka termasuk pecinta resiko (risk takers) atau cenderung penghindar resiko (risk averse)