237 research outputs found

    Dynamic phase transition properties for the mixed spin-(1/2, 1) Ising model in an oscillating magnetic field

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    We study the dynamic phase transition properties for the mixed spin-(1/2, 1) Ising model on a square lattice under a time-dependent magnetic field by means the effective-field theory (EFT) based on the Glauber dynamics. We present the dynamic phase diagrams in the reduced magnetic field amplitude and reduced temperature plane and find that the phase diagrams exhibit the dynamic tricitical behavior, the multicritical and zero-temperature critical points as well as reentrant behavior. We also investigate the influence of the frequency (w) and observe that for small values of w the mixed phase disappears, but high values it appears and the system displays reentrant behavior as well as critical end point

    Application of (G/G') -expansion method to the compound Kdv-burgers type equations

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    In this Letter, the (G'/G)-expansion method is proposed to seek exact solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. For illustrative examples, we choose the compound KdV-Burgers equation, the compound KdV equation, the KdV-Burgers equation, the mKdV equation. The power of the employed method is confirmed

    Explicit travelling wave solutions of two nonlinear evolution equations

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    In this paper, we applied the sine-cosine method and the rational functions in exp(ksi) method for the modified Kawachara equation and the Damped Sixth-order Boussinesq Equation, respectively. New solitons solutions and periodic solutions are explicitly obtained with the aid of symbolic computation

    The understanding levels of preservice teacher's of basic science concept's measurement units and devices, their misconceptions and its causes

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    Conference: 1st World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Administration (WCLTA) Location: Amer Univ, Cairo, EGYPT Date: OCT 29-31, 2010In this study it is aimed to determine preservice science teachers' and elementary teachers' level of understanding about measurement units, and devices; and misconceptions about basic science concepts (mass, weight, density, heat, temperature, energy, specific heat etc.). The sample included 92 undergraduate students who are second year preservice elementary teacher; and first and second year elementary science teacher. In this study the data was collected through data meaning-analysis table, which is one of the types of related diagram. In order determine the cause of the problems they encounter while learning measurement devices and units, 12 participants were interviewed using open-ended questions as well. It has been found that preservice teachers have misconceptions in the concepts and units about mass, weight, heat, temperature, energy and specific heat. Interview showed that more attention should be given to related courses which focus on measurement devices and units

    İzmi̇r Kalkınma Ajansı tarafından desteklenen projeleri̇n uygulama sonrası değerlendi̇rme çalışması

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    Araştırma, İzmir Kalkınma Ajansı (İZKA) tarafından 2009 yılında desteklenen projelerin uygulama sonrası değerlendirme çalışmasını ele almaktadır. Bu kapsamda, İZKA’dan destek alan projelerin planlama, yazım, uygulama ve uygulama sonrası aşamaları değerlendirilmiştir. Bu tebliğde, projeye konu olan boyutlardan yalnızca proje öncesi aşaması olan planlama, yazım ve değerlendirme deneyimleri ele alınmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi, Turizm ve Çevre Mali Destek Programı kapsamında destek almaya hak kazanan 33 projedir. Proje alan tüm kurumlarla görüşmeler gerçekleştirilerek veriler toplanmıştır. Araştırma ekibi tarafından gerçekleştirilen saha çalışmaları sonucunda, kurumların projelerle ilgili çağrıları İZKA’nın iletişim ve tanıtım çalışmaları ve kurum içi gerçekleştirilen tanıtım faaliyetleri aracılığıyla takip ettikleri ortaya çıkmıştır. Proje planlama aşamasında, kurum içi teşvik ve yönlendirme, proje fikri geliştirme, paydaşlarla işbirliği yapma, proje ekibi ve deneyimi konularının önem taşıdığı görülmektedir. Proje yazım aşamasında ise proje yazımı eğitimlerinin, İZKA desteğinin, danışman firmaların, uzman desteğinin, proje süresinin, başvuru rehberinin, İZKA bilgilendirme toplantılarının ve proje ekiplerinin önemine vurgu yapmaktadır

    Identification of chronic urticaria subtypes using machine learning algorithms

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    Chronic urticaria (CU) comes as chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) and chronic inducible urticaria (CIndU). Across its types and subtypes, CU is a heterogeneous disease that has different phenotypes with distinct clinical characteristics and different endotypes with distinct underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. It may be possible that subtypes of CU patients exhibit distinct phenotypic disease signatures that can point to differences in what drives their condition and in their response to treatments. Cluster analysis is a popular unsupervised machine learning (ML) method for discovering previously undetected data patterns. ML-based cluster analysis has been used in several diseases for the identification and characterization of patient subgroups. As of now, no study has attempted to identify CU subtypes with this method. Here, we performed a proof-of-concept study to test whether cluster analysis using ML algorithms can identify subgroups of CU patients based on clinical and routine laboratory characteristics.This project benefitted from the support (non-financial) of the GA2LEN network of urticaria centers of reference and excellence (UCARE, www.ga2len-ucare.com)

    The COVID-19 Pandemic Affects Male Patients With Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria More Than Female Patients

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically disrupts health care for patients with chronic diseases including chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU). As of now, it is unknown if the effects of the pandemic in CSU are different than in other chronic diseases. We also do not know, if different groups of CSU patients, for example female and male patients, are affected differently. Aim: To understand how CSU patients and subgroups are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in their disease activity and control and treatment, using psoriasis as control. Patients and Methods: We analyzed 399 patients (450 visits) with CSU or psoriasis assessed during August 2019, i.e. before the pandemic, or August 2020, i.e. during the pandemic, for changes in disease activity, disease control, and the treatment they used, and how these changes are linked to age, gender, and disease duration. Results: Male but not female patients with CSU had markedly increased disease activity during the pandemic. CSU patients' age or disease duration were not linked to changes. Male and female patients with psoriasis showed similar increases in disease activity and decreases in disease control. The rate of omalizumab treatment, during the pandemic, was unchanged in male patients and increased in female patients with CSU. The efficacy of omalizumab treatment, during the pandemic, was reduced in male patients but not female patients with CSU. Conclusion: Male but not female CSU patients, during the COVID-19 pandemic, show loss of disease control linked to loss of omalizumab efficacy. The reasons for this need to be investigated

    Application of a short-term hydrological forecast system

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı kar erimesinin etkili olduğu dağlık memba havzaları için kısa dönemli akım tahmin sisteminin geliştirilmesidir. Çalışma alanları olarak seçilen dağlık Fırat ve Seyhan Havzaları, yüksek su potansiyeli, bu potansiyeli besleyen kar erimeleri, mansapta büyük ve önemli su yapılarının bulunması ile ön plana çıkmaktadırlar. Yağış-akış ilişkisinin simülasyonu için dağlık bölge uygulamalarında literatürde yaygın olarak kullanılan HBV modeli seçilmiştir. Sayısal Hava Tahmin (SHT) verisi olarak Mesoscale Model 5 (MM5) ve Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model sonuçları kullanılmıştır. Hidrolojik model parametrelerinin gözlenen yağış, sıcaklık ve akım verileriyle kalibrasyon/doğrulama işleminin yapılmasının ardından, analizleri yapılan SHT verilerinin girdi olarak kullanılması ile 1 ve 2 günlük akım tahminleri elde edilmiştir. İleriye dönük akım tahminleri Delft-FEWS platformunda kapalı döngü şeklinde çalıştırılarak, geçmiş dönem tahmin simülasyonları gerçekleştirilmiş ve akım gözlemleri ile kıyaslanarak performans değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar havzaların akış aşağısında bulunan su yapılarının daha verimli işletilmesine ve böylece ülke ekonomisine katkı sağlayabilecektir.This study aims to deploy a short term hydrological forecast system in snow dominated mountainous basins. The headwaters of Euphrates and Seyhan Basins, selected as study areas, stand out with their high water potential, snow melt feeding this potential and the presence of large and important water structures in the downstream. For the simulation of precipitation-runoff relationship, HBV model, a widely used model in the literature especially for mountainous regions, is utilized. Mesoscale Model 5 (MM5) and Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model results are preferred as Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) data. After calibration/validation of hydrological model parameters with observed precipitation, temperature and flow data, 1- and 2-day flow estimates are obtained using the analyzed NWP data as input. Hindcast simulations for the past period are implemented with a closed-loop structure on the Delft-FEWS platform, and performance evaluation is conducted by comparing them with streamflow observations. The results obtained may contribute to the more efficient operation of water structures located downstream of the basins and thus to the national economy

    The validation of ID Migraine (TM) screener in neurology outpatient clinics in Turkey

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the validity of the ID Migraine (TM) test in neurology outpatient clinics (NOCs), regardless of their presenting complaints. Patients admitted to 41 NOCs were screened. Eligible subjects (n = 3682) were evaluated by a neurologist for headache diagnosis according to the International Headache Society criteria and asked the 3-item screening questions of the ID Migraine (TM) test. Of 3682 patients, 917 (24.9%) were diagnosed as migraine, whereas 1171 (31.8%) were ID Migraine (TM) test positive. The sensitivity of the ID Migraine (TM) test for neurologist's diagnosis of migraine was 91.8%, specificity was 63.4%, positive predictive value was 71.9% and negative predictive value was 88.4%. The ID Migraine (TM) test is easy to use and a practical test that could alert the neurologist to diagnose patients having other complaints. This test would help to increase the diagnosis and treatment rate of undiagnosed migraine patients in NOCs