14 research outputs found

    Treatment of a Prolonged Air Leak with Radiotherapy: A Case Report

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    Pneumothorax is defined as air in the pleural space. Depending on the severity of the pneumothorax, treatment consists of oxygen therapy, simple aspiration, tube thoracostomy, and pleurodesis. Prolonged air leakage is observed in 25% of the patients who have undergone surgical procedures, such as thoracotomy, pleurectomy, and video-assisted thoracoscopy. The patient presented here is the third reported case successfully treated with radiotherapy. Ventilation scintigraphy was used to localise the air leak, and localised radiotherapy was performed at the targeted location. After radiotherapy, the air leak ceased and at the 3-month followup, the pneumothorax had not recurred. Radiotherapy can be a treatment modality for patients with prolonged air leak, who are not candidates for surgery

    Severe Arterial Thrombophilia Associated with a Homozygous Mthfr Gene Mutation (A1298C) in a Young Man with Klinefelter Syndrome

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    Klinefelter syndrome (KS) is the most common sex chromosome disorder in men. It may be associated with an increased risk for venous thrombosis and thromboembolism, which is partially explained by hypofibrinolysis due to androgen deficiency. Additional genetic or acquired thrombophilic states have been shown in KS patients complicated with venous thrombosis as isolated case reports. Arterial thrombotic events had not been previously reported in KS. In this study, a young man with KS who developed acute arterial thrombosis during testosterone replacement therapy is presented. He was homozygous for the A1298C mutation of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene.WoSScopu

    Two cases with thyroglossal duct carcinoma

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    Tiroglossal duktus kistleri boyun orta hattında sık rastlanan kistik kitlelerdir; tiroglossal duktus karsinomları ise nadir görülür. Bu makalede, tiroglossal duktus karsinomu saptanan iki kadın hasta (yaşları 31 ve 25) sunuldu. Bir hastada ameliyat öncesi yapılan ince iğne aspirasyon biyopsi sonucu benign olarak bildirilmişti. Her iki olguya da tiroglossal duktus kisti öntanısı ile Sistrunk operasyonu uygulandı. Histopatolojik inceleme sonucu tiroglossal duktus papiller karsinomu ile uyumlu idi. İzlem sırasında her iki hastanın sağ tiroid lobunda hipoaktif nodül saptanması üzerine sağ tiroid lobektomi yapıldı. Tiroidektomi materyalinde karsinoma rastlanmadı. Hastaların 21 ve 35 aylık takipleri sırasında hastalık bulgusu görülmedi.Thyroglossal duct cyst is a common midline cystic mass in the neck, whereas thyroglossal duct carcinoma is rare. We present two female patients aged 31 and 25 years, respectively, with thyroglossal duct papillary carcinoma. Fine needle aspiration biopsy performed in one patient showed a benign cystic lesion. Both patients underwent Sistrunk operation following a diagnosis of thyroglossal duct cyst. Histopathologic examination revealed papillary carcinoma of the thyroglossal duct. Right thyroid lobectomy was performed in both patients upon detection of hypoactive nodules on follow-up examinations. Thyroid specimens were free of carcinoma evidence. No disease-associated complications occurred during follow-ups of 21 and 35 months, respectively

    Influence of some environmental factors on litter size and lamb growth performance in Karacabey merino sheep

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    u çalışmanın amacı, ara elit ve taban sürülerde yetiştirilen Karacabey Merinosu koyunlarda doğumda kuzu verimi ve kuzuların büyüme performansını belirlemektir. Bu çalışma 2007-2009 yılları arasında ara elit (Balıkesir) ve taban sürülerde (Balıkesir, Sındırgı ve Bigadiç) yetiştirilen 10209 baş Karacabey Merinos koyun ve bunlardan doğan 11390 baş kuzuda yürütülmüştür. Kuzu verimine sürü ve doğum yılının etkisi önemli (P<0.01) bulunmuştur. Ara elit sürü ve taban sürülerde doğuran koyuna göre kuzu verimi ortalamaları sırasıyla 1.33, 1.17, 1.29 ve 1.20 kuzu olmuştur. Kuzuların doğum ağırlığı, 45. gün ve 90. gün canlı ağırlıklarına sürü, yıl cinsiyet ve doğum tipinin etkisi önemli (P<0.01) bulunmuştur. Ara elit sürü ve taban sürülerde kuzuların doğum ağırlığı genel ortalamaları sırasıyla 3.51, 3.58, 3.70 ve 3.95 kg, 45. gün canlı ağırlık ortalamaları sırasıyla 15.05, 14.75, 15.71 ve 16.53 kg ve 90. gün canlı ağırlık ortalamaları da sırasıyla 28.03, 26.53, 26.31 ve 27.65 kg olarak bulunmuştur. Bu sonuçlar Karacabey Merinos koyunlarının doğumda kuzu verimi ve kuzuların gelişme özelliklerinin sürü doğum tipi, kuzunun cinsiyeti ve yıllara göre farklılıklar gösterdiğini ortaya koymaktadır.The aim of this study was to determine the litter size and growth performance of lambs in multiplier and base sheep flocks. This research was conducted between 2007 and 2009 on the Karacabey Merino sheep in multiplier flock of Balıkesir provinces and three base flocks in Balıkesir, Sındırgı and Bigadi&ccedil; breeding region a total of 10209 head of ewes and their lambs 11390 head lamb. The effects of years and flocks were found significant (p&lt;o.oi) for litter size. The average litter size for elite and three base flocks were 1.33, 1.17, 1.29 and 1.20 lambs, respectively. The effects of flock, birth years, sex and birth type were significant (P&lt;0.01) birth weight 45,hday live weight and 90,h live weight. The least square means of the lamb birth weight, 45th day live weight and 90th day live weight of the multiplier flock and three base flocks were found as 3.51, 3.58, 3.70, and 3.95 kg; 15.05, 14.75, 15.71, and 16.53 kg; 28.03, 26.53, 26.31, and 27.65kg, respectively. The results of this study showed that litter size and lambs growth performance of the Karacabey Merino ewes were highly influenced by flock, birth type, sex of lambs and lamb birth year

    Influence of Some Environmental Factors on Litter Size and Lamb Growth Performance in Karacabey Merino Sheep

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, ara elit ve taban sürülerde yetiştirilen Karacabey Merinosu koyunlarda doğumda kuzu verimi ve kuzuların büyüme performansını belirlemektir. Bu çalışma 2007–2009 yılları arasında ara elit (Balıkesir) ve taban sürülerde (Balıkesir, Sındırgı ve Bigadiç) yetiştirilen 10209 baş Karacabey Merinos koyun ve bunlardan doğan 11390 baş kuzuda yürütülmüştür. Kuzu verimine sürü ve doğum yılının etkisi önemli (P<0.01) bulunmuştur. Ara elit sürü ve taban sürülerde doğuran koyuna göre kuzu verimi ortalamaları sırayla 1.33, 1.17, 1.29, ve 1.20 kuzu olmuştur. Kuzuların doğum aralığı, 45. gün ve 90. gün canlı ağırlıklarına sürü, yıl cinsiyet ve doğum tipinin etkisi önemli (P<0.01) bulunmuştur. Ara elit sürü ve taban sürülerde kuzuların doğum ağırlığı genel ortalamaları sırasıyla 3.51, 3.58, 3.71 ve 3.95 kg, 45. gün canlı ağırlık ortalamaları sırasıyla 15.05, 14.75, 15.71 ve 16.53 kg ve 90. gün canlı ağırlık ortalamaları da sırasıyla 28.03, 26.53, 26.31 ve 27.65 kg olarak bulunmuştur. Bu sonuçlar Karacabey Merinos koyunlarının doğumda kuzu verimi ve kuzuların gelişme özelliklerinin sürü doğum tipi, kuzunu cinsiyeti ve yıllara göre farklılıklar gösterdiğini ortaya koymaktadır.The aim of this study was to determine the litter size and growth performance of lambs in multiplier and base sheep flocks. This research was conducted between 2007 and 2009 on the Karacabey Merino sheep in multiplier flock of Balıkesir provinces and three base flocks in Balıkesir, Sındırgı and Bigadiç breeding region a total of 10209 head of ewes and their lambs 11390 head lamb. The effects of years and flocks were found significant (P<0.0.1) for litter size. The average litter size for elit and three base flocks were 1.33, 1.17, 1.29, and 1.20 lambs, respectively. The effects of flock, birth years, sex and birth type were significant (P<0.0.1) birth weight 45 th day live weight and 90 th day live weight of the multiplier flock and three base flocks were found as 3.51, 3.58, 3.71 and 3.95 kg ; 15.05, 14.75, 15.71 and 16.53 kg ; 28.03, 26.53, 26.31 and 27.65 kg, respectively. The results of this study showed that litter size and lambs growth performance of the Karacabey Merino ewes were highly influenced by flock , birth type, sex of lambs and lamb birth year

    Endotracheal ectopic parathyroid adenoma mimicking asthma

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    Primary benign tumors of the trachea are uncommon. These tumors may cause tracheal occlusion and lead to a misdiagnosis of asthma. Ectopic parathyroid adenoma (EPA) can be seen anywhere between the mandibular angle and the mediastinum. The distal part of the trachea is a rare location for EPA, and EPA obstructing the endotracheal lumen has not been reported in the literature. We herein describe a 52-year-old female with a several-year history of asthma treatment who presented with progressive dyspnea. Computed tomography revealed a mass that was obstructing the tracheal lumen. Total mass excision was performed via endobronchial treatment, and pathologic examination revealed EPA