25 research outputs found

    Nuevo modelo de distribución de leche

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    Las explotaciones ganaderas de Cataluña están condicionadas por las grandes explotaciones ganaderas de otros países. Para hacer frente a los problemas económicos que las grandes explotaciones suponen, el presente artículo propone tres modelos de negocio diferentes en la distribución de leche utilizando máquinas dispensadoras. Se presentará los diferentes modelos de negocio propuestos y una comparativa de los estudios económicos, realizando una propuesta del modelo más rentable.Preprin

    Urban agriculture in the framework of sustainable urbanism

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    Agriculture represents a crucial phase in the development of mankind. Although cities initially had close ties withagriculture, which was a key element in ancient civilisations, in modern twentieth-century urban plans, such as Le Corbusier’s Chandigarh or Lucio Costa’s Brazilia, agriculture was banished from large cities. The demographic growth of urban areas today and its predictions for the short and long term have increased the value of urban agriculture.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Predicting willingness to pay and implement different rooftop strategies to characterize social perception of climate change mitigation and adaptation

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MWith the latest IPCC report, dramatic global climate action must be taken immediately to limit global warming to 1.5 oC, or face more frequent and extreme weather events with catastrophic implications. Cities must invest in climate resilience development; however, government policies are only effective if they are supported by the society in which they serve. As such, this study aims to characterize the social perception of climate resilience development, in particular the implementation of sustainable urban rooftop strategies, to support policy makers and enable individual action. This was accomplished through the analysis of 1,100 answered surveys in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Spain), to assess one's willingness to pay (WTP) and willingness to implement (WTI) rooftop strategies according to: 1. socio-demographical characteristics; 2. social perceptions and beliefs; and 3. surrounding land use and land cover, and vulnerabilities identified through temperature and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) maps. The results of this study found age played a significant role in predictability, with 18-39-year-olds being the most willing to pay and implement the various rooftop scenarios. However, our results uncovered societal inequality as those 85+ were the second group most interested in rooftop agriculture but the most financially restricted. Belief in the viability of rooftop strategies increased respondents WTP and WTI while having access to ones' rooftop increased willingness to partake in rooftop food cultivation and enhance rooftop greenery. A new finding presented by this study is the quantifiable impact that urban greenery plays on increasing survey respondents WTP and WTI

    Nuevo modelo de distribución de leche

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    Las explotaciones ganaderas de Cataluña están condicionadas por las grandes explotaciones ganaderas de otros países. Para hacer frente a los problemas económicos que las grandes explotaciones suponen, el presente artículo propone tres modelos de negocio diferentes en la distribución de leche utilizando máquinas dispensadoras. Se presentará los diferentes modelos de negocio propuestos y una comparativa de los estudios económicos, realizando una propuesta del modelo más rentable

    Survey answers for the research: Characterizing public perception of mixed rooftop uses

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MThis dataset is based on a phone survey conducted in April 2021. The aim of this survey was to inform policy plans of the need for the implementation of different systems: rooftop agriculture, photovoltaic solar panels, and rainwater harvesting in a way that benefited the municipality (Cerdanyola del Vallès, Catalonia) and residents socially, environmentally, and economically. Therefore, residents were also asked to provide their preferences for willingness to pay and willingness to implement these systems (open-air farming, rooftop greenhouses, green roofs, rainwater harvesting, PV panels, or mixed-use), specify their perception of the use of these strategies in other European cities, and to rank key challenges facing the EU within the next twenty years. This survey was answered by 1,100 residents and is a stratified random sample that encompasses the various forms of urban typology (housing estates, and originary fabrics, which include the historic center, suburban extensions, and single-family housing areas)

    Are we preventing flood damage eco-efficiently? An integrated method applied to post-disaster emergency actions

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    Flood damage results in economic and environmental losses in the society, but flood prevention also entails an initial investment in infrastructure. This study presents an integrated eco-efficiency approach for assessing flood prevention and avoided damage. We focused on ephemeral streams in the Maresme region (Catalonia, Spain) to determine the feasibility of post-disaster emergency actions implemented after a major event in hydrologic, environmental and economic terms. Life cycle assessment (LCA) and costing (LCC) were used to determine the eco-efficiency of these actions, and their net impact and payback were calculated by integrating avoided flood damage. Results showed that the actions effectively reduced damage generation when compared to the water flows and rainfall intensities registered. The eco-efficiency of the emergency actions resulted in 1.2 kg CO2eq. per invested euro. When integrating the avoided damage into the initial investment, negative net impacts were obtained (e.g., -5.2E+05 € and -2.9E+04 kg CO2 eq. per event), which suggests that these interventions contributed with environmental and economic benefits to the society. The economic investment was recovered in two years, whereas the design could be improved to reduce their environmental footprint, which is recovered in 25 years. Our method and results highlight the effects of integrating the environmental and economic consequences of decisions at an urban scale and might help the administration and insurance companies in the design of prevention plans and climate change adaptation.Peer Reviewe

    Methodological framework for the implementation of circular economy in urban systems

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MUrban areas are hubs for innovation, economic activity and growth that hugely influence the development of our society, making those areas important drivers in the global transition towards circular economy. Although global policies are necessary to set the general ambition, local interventions are crucial to realize it. This paper presents a methodological framework aimed at facilitating the understanding and application of circular economy strategies in urban systems, that being a single city, or urban regions. The framework is conceived as a flexible structure that contains a network of potential decisions, describing different convergence and divergence points, and that is meant as a supporting tool for future urban circular economy implementation initiatives. After a literature review and an analysis of specific case studies on urban circular economy implementation, a four-phased methodology is proposed where the territory is explored in order to identify and select initiatives in the areas with greatest potential for circular economy. Actions needed to implement the selected initiatives are finally summarized in a roadmap. Each phase contains recommendations of different tasks to complete and available tools for achieving the expected results. Different approaches to adopt in the application of this methodology are discussed as well, such as production-based vs. consumption-based, and top-down vs. bottom-up. Special emphasis is put on the importance of involving local agents, in order to obtain specific and validated proposals that are adapted to the reality of the territory and the concerns of the stakeholders

    Jornada ON Landscape. Sessió tarda

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    Sessió tarda de la Jornada ON Landscape amb les intervencions a càrrec d' Ana Coello, Arquitecta i paisatgista | Elena Albareda, Arquitecta, sòcia de Cíclica Arquitectura | Scob, Arquitectes i paisatgistes ( Sergi Carulla i Óscar Blasco) | Xavier Fàbregas, Ing. Agrònom i coordinador MBLAndArch | Javi Zaldívar, Arquitecte i paisatgista | Enric Batlle, Dr. Arquitecte i Director MBLandArch

    Analysis of urban agriculture solid waste in the frame of circular economy: Case study of tomato crop in integrated rooftop greenhouse

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MWithin urban agriculture (UA), integrated rooftop greenhouses (i-RTG) have great growth potential as they offer multiple benefits. Currently it is intended to improve environmental benefits by taking advantage of the water, nutrients and gases flows. On the other hand, solid waste (SW) generated by the UA is a new type of waste within cities that has not well been classified or quantified for its use. This could become a new problem for the waste management system within cities in the future, mainly the organic fraction. The objective of this research is to identify what type of i-RTG SW has the potential to be used from a circular economy (CE) perspective and propose a type of management for its material valorization. The results of the case study show that, of the SW generated in i-RTG, the biomass has the greatest potential to be used locally as an eco-material, particularly the tomato stems. Its use is proposed as a substrate for two experimental lettuce crops in i-RTG. The results show that tomato stems have a better yield as a substrate after a prewash treatment, since at first the values of electrical conductivity (EC) are very high with respect to the control substrate, which is expanded perlite. In conclusion, we can say that it is possible to increase the environmental benefits of i-RTG by taking advantage of its biomass locally, helping to foresee a possible future problem regarding the management of the residual biomass of i-RTG within cities. In this way, the paradigm about the perception of the SW of the UA could be changed to give them a by-product treatment from the beginning