15 research outputs found

    La ciberdemocracia en el Congreso de los Diputados (2004-2008)

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    Ficha técnica: Eva Campos Domínguez Congreso de los Diputados. Colección Monografías, 86 Madrid, 2011 400 p. ISBN: 978-84-7943-409-

    Social network sites in the corporate communication of the IBEX 35: uses, development and importance according to its leaders

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    Los medios sociales ofrecen una oportunidad para la comunicación corporativa en el contexto de la Web 2.0, donde la imagen y reputación se ven afectadas por las conversaciones de las comunidades digitales. Las investigaciones previas, basadas en análisis de contenido, señalan el interés de las empresas por tener presencia corporativa en redes sociales, pero destacan la falta de aprovechamiento de las posibilidades interactivas y dialógicas. El propósito de este artículo consiste en mostrar, mediante una encuesta, la opinión de los departamentos de comunicación de las grandes empresas españolas sobre las redes sociales. Los objetivos incluyen conocer los perfiles profesionales responsables de la planificación y gestión de la presencia corporativa en redes, comprender sus usos e importancia y observar cómo responden ante la posibilidad de establecer relaciones dialógicas con sus públicos. Los resultados muestran que las empresas del IBEX 35 consideran fundamentales sus perfiles corporativos en redes sociales, su actualización frecuente y gestión profesionalizada. Además, entienden su carácter conversacional, sin embargo, los emplean principalmente para informar. Así, se observa la falta de coherencia entre la comprensión del contexto dialógico, la importancia concedida a las redes sociales y los usos informativos que priman en la mayoría de casos.Social media offer an opportunity for corporate communication in the context of Web 2.0, where image and reputation are affected by the delogue/conversations within virtual communities. Previous research on this issue, based on content analysis, points out the interest of companies to have a corporate presence in social networks, but at the same time they emphasize the lack of harnessing of the interactive and dialogical potential. In this article, we have conducted a survey to know the opinion of the most important Spanish companies about social network sites. With this method, we pretend to find out which professional profiles are in charge of the planning and management of the corporate presence in social media, to understand their uses and relevance and to study how the big companies are answering to the possibility of having dialogue relations with their publics. The results show that the IBEX 35 companies consider of great relevance their corporate profiles on social networks, as well as their frequent updating and professionalized management. Also, the respondents understand the conversational nature of social networks, however, they are using these channels mainly for informative goals. The findings allow us to see the lack of consistency between the understanding of the dialogical context, the importance given to social networking and the informational purposes that prevail in most of the cases

    Interacción y participación en salas de prensa virtuales de las empresas del IBEX 35

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    Interactive and participatory elements in the virtual press rooms of IBEX 35 companies. Corporate pressrooms, as informative sources for mass media and society, are facing the challenge of accepting the role of prosumers in the interactive and participatory web 2.0 context. In this paper we analyze online pressrooms and propose a five-level classification of the tools offered to users, from the lowest to the highest possibility of participation. After doing the analysis of the most important Spanish companies, we make suggestions in order to move towards a transparent and collaborative model of online pressrooms

    Politainment in the transmedia construction of the image of politicians

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    This article explores the application of the concept of transmedia narrative to the construction of the public image of political figures, in a media context characterised by the prevalence of infotainment and the dissolution of the boundaries of political content. To attain this objective, a case-study on a specific leader is carried out; he is a regional leader recognised at a national level thanks to his discursive strategy: president of Cantabria, Miguel Ángel Revilla, chosen for his role as a regular guest on T.V shows of all kinds, as well as for having become the third most followed Spanish politician on social networks. Through content analysis, we examine the character’s own performance on different media (television, social networks and an autobiographical book) along with the reactions provoked among the cybernauts. The results show a multiplatform narrative adapted to the specific formal language of each of those media and formats, constantly maintaining the application of politainment features (personalisation, entertainment, emotiveness and trivialisation of the issues). Regarding the effects, there is a high level of involvement and a love-hate dichotomy among the public, as proved in social networks. Consequently, in the transmedia political narrative (TPN) the users co-create the resulting image of the politician who is finally perceived by the audience. In addition, the success of Revilla’s communication strategy is verified via ensuring that the self-assigned values in his speech, such as leadership and closeness to the people, match those that the audience identify with his figure.El presente artículo explora la aplicación del concepto de narrativa transmedia a la construcción de la imagen pública de las figuras políticas en un contexto mediático dominado por el infoentretenimiento y la disolución de los límites del contenido político. Con este objetivo, se realiza un estudio de caso sobre un líder regional reconocido a nivel nacional gracias a su estrategia discursiva: el presidente de Cantabria, Miguel Ángel Revilla, elegido por su rol de invitado asiduo de programas televisivos de diversa índole y por haber conseguido ser el tercer político español con más seguidores en redes sociales. A través del análisis de contenido, se examina la producción propia del personaje en distintos medios (televisión, redes sociales y libro autobiográfico) y las reacciones que provoca en los cibernautas. Los resultados muestran un relato multiplataforma que se adapta al lenguaje formal de cada espacio manteniendo de forma constante la aplicación de los rasgos del politainment (personalización, entretenimiento, emotividad y frivolización de los temas). Por lo que refiere a los efectos, se observa una alta implicación de los públicos y una dicotomía de amor-odio que se evidencia en redes sociales. En consecuencia, en la narrativa política transmedia (NPT) los usuarios participan en la co-creación de la imagen final del político que percibe la audiencia. Además, se constata el éxito de la estrategia comunicativa de Revilla al conseguir que los valores que se asigna en su discurso, como liderazgo y cercanía con el pueblo, sean los que los receptores identifican con su figura

    Corporate communication and value-based education in the university classroom. A project of Service-learning (S-L)

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    El trabajo de valores solidarios en el aula fomenta la construcción de ciudadanos socialmente responsables y comprometidos. Esta investigación evalúa los efectos de la metodología del aprendizaje-servicio en el ámbito universitario cuando se apoya en la comunicación corporativa y audiovisual. A través de una triangulación multidisciplinar y multimétodo, que combinó la encuesta, el análisis de contenido y la entrevista en profundidad, se comprueba el cambio de actitud y de percepción en los participantes. Los resultados constatan la validez del trabajo colaborativo y autónomo por proyectos y del formato audiovisual como medio para involucrar y trasladar de forma efectiva valores solidarios.The work in the classroom of solidarity values encourages the construction of socially responsible and committed citizens. This research evaluates the effects of the service-learning methodology applied in the university classroom when it relies on corporate and audiovisual communication. Through a multidisciplinary and multimethod triangulation, which combined the survey, the content analysis and the in-depth interview, the change of attitude and perception in the participants is verified. In addition, the results confirm the validity of collaborative and autonomous work by projects and the audiovisual format as a means to effectively involve and transfer solidarity values.Este trabajo forma parte del Proyecto de aprendizaje colaborativo “Hazte donante”: creación de una campaña de comunicación social, audiovisual y digital reconocido y financiado por el Área de Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Valladolid

    Effects of narrative-persuasive frames on Twitter regarding blood donation: pride versus empathy and people versus numbers

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    Blood donation in Spain is an altruistic, voluntary and unpaid process. Despite its social and health significance, this process has suffered a standstill in recent years that has been aggravated by the coronavirus pandemic. To promote the generation of new donors, it is necessary to carry out campaigns aimed at younger age groups to improve the information they have and reduce their fears. This research analyses the effectiveness of different frames of a persuasive narrative to increase blood donation. These frames have been constructed from two variables: an emotional appeal (empathy awakened by a recipient protagonist versus the pride experienced by a donor protagonist) and the identification of the beneficiary of the donation (identifiable victim versus generic beneficiary). The manipulated narratives incorporate features of edutainment and are adapted to the tone and language of the target population, young people, in the format of a Twitter thread. To test the effectiveness of these narratives, an experimental study was conducted among 600 participants aged 18–30 years. The results show the effectiveness of the emotional appeal, specifically in the threads that are led by a recipient of the blood donation. This appeal induces greater identification among people who perceive themselves as a little or somewhat similar to the protagonist. This outcome in turn positively affects information recall, the intention to share the message and the attitude towards donation, and reduces the perceived risk. All in all, it increases the donation intention. The data confirm a moderated mediation model with identification as a mediator and similarity as a moderator. On the contrary, no statistically significant effects were found regarding the second manipulated variable. No evidence was found that the use of an identifiable beneficiary in the donation appeal obtained better results than the call to donate supported by generic data

    Interactive and participatory elements in the virtual press rooms of IBEX 35 companies

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    Corporate pressrooms, as informative sources for mass media and society, are facing the challenge of accepting the role of prosumers in the interactive and participatory web 2.0 context. In this paper we analyze online pressrooms and propose a five-level classification of the tools offered to users, from the lowest to the highest possibility of participation. After doing the analysis of the most important Spanish companies, we make suggestions in order to move towards a transparent and collaborative model of online pressrooms

    El community manager en los gabinetes de las instituciones políticas: nuevas competencias del periodista de fuente para una gestión eficaz de los medios sociales

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    The unrelenting rise of digital tools like social network sites, blogs, wikis, micro and miniblogs is forcing all the players of political communication to adapt their discourse and language to these new scenarios and their audiences. The main working hypothesis of this paper is that those responsible for the cabinets of political communication are required to take the skills of CM profile in order to improve their job, according to the actual theories that teach the organizational communication has to be developed by all its departments and members, in a global and coherent way, but always under the direction of the cabinet

    Redes sociales virtuales en la comunicación corporativa del IBEX 35:: usos, desarrollo e importancia según sus responsables

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    Social media offer an opportunity for corporate communication in the context of Web 2.0, where image and reputation are affected by the delogue/conversations within virtual communities. Previous research on this issue, based on content analysis, points out the interest of companies to have a corporate presence in social networks, but at the same time they emphasize the lack of harnessing of the interactive and dialogical potential. In this article, we have conducted a survey to know the opinion of the most important Spanish companies about social network sites. With this method, we pretend to find out which professional profiles are in charge of the planning and management of the corporate presence in social media, to understand their uses and relevance and to study how the big companies are answering to the possibility of having dialogue relations with their publics. The results show that the IBEX 35 companies consider of great relevance their corporate profiles on social networks, as well as their frequent updating and professionalized management. Also, the respondents understand the conversational nature of social networks, however, they are using these channels mainly for informative goals. The findings allow us to see the lack of consistency between the understanding of the dialogical context, the importance given to social networking and the informational purposes that prevail in most of the cases.Los medios sociales ofrecen una oportunidad para la comunicación corporativa en el contexto de la Web 2.0, donde la imagen y reputación se ven afectadas por las conversaciones de las comunidades digitales. Las investigaciones previas, basadas en análisis de contenido, señalan el interés de las empresas por tener presencia corporativa en redes sociales, pero destacan la falta de aprovechamiento de las posibilidades interactivas y dialógicas. El propósito de este artículo consiste en mostrar, mediante una encuesta, la opinión de los departamentos de comunicación de las grandes empresas españolas sobre las redes sociales. Los objetivos incluyen conocer los perfiles profesionales responsables de la planificación y gestión de la presencia corporativa en redes, comprender sus usos e importancia y observar cómo responden ante la posibilidad de establecer relaciones dialógicas con sus públicos. Los resultados muestran que las empresas del IBEX 35 consideran fundamentales sus perfiles corporativos en redes sociales, su actualización frecuente y gestión profesionalizada. Además, entienden su carácter conversacional, sin embargo, los emplean principalmente para informar. Así, se observa la falta de coherencia entre la comprensión del contexto dialógico, la importancia concedida a las redes sociales y los usos informativos que priman en la mayoría de casos

    La gestión de crisis en el escenario digital: efectos sobre la reputación online y pautas de actuación en su comunicación

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    At today’s global and mediatic society, a proper management of the communication in a crisis situation becomes essential to preserve the reputation of organizations. This phenomenon has generated a vast literature in an effort to provide a communicative response model from traditional cabinets. However, currently Web 2.0 is a new scenario that provides a communication platform for critical comments from citizens and negative information against the interests of entities that can reach a large and rapid impact due to the high virality of virtual networks