253 research outputs found

    Supramolecular control over recognition of proteins and cells

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    The Role of Selfregulation, Motivation and Self-efficacy on Sport Maintenance and the influence of Egodepletion, Habit and Gender

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    Steeds meer Nederlanders zijn zwaarlijvig of zelfs obese, wat nadelige gevolgen kan hebben voor de gezondheid. Eén van de manieren om overgewicht tegen te gaan is meer bewegen, zoals sporten. Meer dan de helft van diegenen die beginnen met sporten, stoppen hier echter binnen een half jaar weer mee. Door meer inzicht te krijgen in determinanten die het volhouden van sporten beïnvloeden, kan hopelijk het percentage niet-volhouders naar beneden worden gebracht. In dit onderzoek is onderzocht of er een relatie is tussen de combinatie zelfregulatie, motivatie en eigen effectiviteitsverwachting op het volhouden van sporten en het effect van egodepletie en gewoonte op deze relatie. Tevens is onderzocht of geslacht een directe invloed heeft op het volhouden van sporten. Mannen en vrouwen, in de leeftijd van18 tot 65 jaar, zijn middels sociale media, flyers en advertenties, éénmalig gevraagd een online vragenlijst in te vullen. De vragenlijst bestond uit 124 vragen waarbij eerst vragen werden gesteld om het sportgedrag inzichtelijk te maken, vervolgens algemene vragen zoals leeftijd en geslacht. Aansluitend werd de sterkte van zelfregulatie, motivatie, eigen effectiviteitsverwachting, gewoonte en egodepletie gemeten aan de hand van een 5-punten likertschaal

    Cerebellar Activation During Simple and Complex Bimanual Coordination:an Activation Likelihood Estimation (ALE) Meta-analysis

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    Bimanual coordination is an important part of everyday life and recruits a large neural network, including the cerebellum. The specific role of the cerebellum in bimanual coordination has not yet been studied in depth, although several studies indicate a differential role of the anterior and posterior cerebellum depending on the complexity of the coordination. An activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta-analysis was used combining the data of several functional MRI studies involving bimanual coordination tasks with varying complexities to unravel the involvement of the different areas of the cerebellum in simple and complex bimanual coordination. This study confirms the general bimanual network as found by Puttemans et al. (Puttemans et al. in J Neurosci 25:4270-4278, 2005) and highlights the differences between preferred in-phase (simultaneous movements of homologous muscle groups) and anti-phase movement conditions (alternating movements of homologous muscle groups), and more complex, non-preferred bimanual movements (e.g., out-of-phase movements). Our results show a differential role for the anterior and posterior vermis in bimanual coordination, with a role for the anterior vermis in anti-phase and complex bimanual coordination, and an exclusive role for the posterior vermis in complex bimanual movements. In addition, the way complexity was manipulated also seems to play a role in the involvement of the anterior and posterior vermis. We hypothesize that the anterior vermis is involved in sequential/spatial control, while the posterior vermis is involved in temporal control of (bimanual) coordination, though other factors such as (visual) feedback and continuity of the movement also seem to have an impact. More studies are needed to unravel the specific role of the cerebellar vermis in bimanual coordination

    Mutant JAK3 phosphoproteomic profiling predicts synergism between JAK3 inhibitors and MEK/BCL2 inhibitors for the treatment of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (vol 32, pg 788, 2018)

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    Following the publication of this article the authors noted that data describing precisely where phosphorylation sites in proteins modulated following JAK1 or JAK3 inhibition in mutant T-ALL samples was not clearly annotated. Therefore an additional sheet has been added to Supplementary Table 2

    Mutant JAK3 phosphoproteomic profiling predicts synergism between JAK3 inhibitors and MEK/BCL2 inhibitors for the treatment of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Mutations in the interleukin-7 receptor (IL7R) or the Janus kinase 3 (JAK3) kinase occur frequently in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) and both are able to drive cellular transformation and the development of T-ALL in mouse models. However, the signal transduction pathways downstream of JAK3 mutations remain poorly characterized. Here we describe the phosphoproteome downstream of the JAK3(L857Q)/(M511I) activating mutations in transformed Ba/F3 lymphocyte cells. Signaling pathways regulated by JAK3 mutants were assessed following acute inhibition of JAK1/JAK3 using the JAK kinase inhibitors ruxolitinib or tofacitinib. Comprehensive network interrogation using the phosphoproteomic signatures identified significant changes in pathways regulating cell cycle, translation initiation, mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT signaling, RNA metabolism, as well as epigenetic and apoptotic processes. Key regulatory proteins within pathways that showed altered phosphorylation following JAK inhibition were targeted using selumetinib and trametinib (MEK), buparlisib (PI3K) and ABT-199 (BCL2), and found to be synergistic in combination with JAK kinase inhibitors in primary T-ALL samples harboring JAK3 mutations. These data provide the first detailed molecular characterization of the downstream signaling pathways regulated by JAK3 mutations and provide further understanding into the oncogenic processes regulated by constitutive kinase activation aiding in the development of improved combinatorial treatment regimens

    A Bright, Slow Cryogenic Molecular Beam Source for Free Radicals

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    We demonstrate and characterize a cryogenic buffer gas-cooled molecular beam source capable of producing bright beams of free radicals and refractory species. Details of the beam properties (brightness, forward velocity distribution, transverse velocity spread, rotational and vibrational temperatures) are measured under varying conditions for the molecular species SrF. Under typical conditions we produce a beam of brightness 1.2 x 10^11 molecules/sr/pulse in the rovibrational ground state, with 140 m/s forward velocity and a rotational temperature of approximately 1 K. This source compares favorably to other methods for producing beams of free radicals and refractory species for many types of experiments. We provide details of construction that may be helpful for others attempting to use this method.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Time-dependent Stochastic Modeling of Solar Active Region Energy

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    A time-dependent model for the energy of a flaring solar active region is presented based on a stochastic jump-transition model (Wheatland and Glukhov 1998; Wheatland 2008; Wheatland 2009). The magnetic free energy of the model active region varies in time due to a prescribed (deterministic) rate of energy input and prescribed (random) flare jumps downwards in energy. The model has been shown to reproduce observed flare statistics, for specific time-independent choices for the energy input and flare transition rates. However, many solar active regions exhibit time variation in flare productivity, as exemplified by NOAA active region AR 11029 (Wheatland 2010). In this case a time-dependent model is needed. Time variation is incorporated for two cases: 1. a step change in the rates of flare jumps; and 2. a step change in the rate of energy supply to the system. Analytic arguments are presented describing the qualitative behavior of the system in the two cases. In each case the system adjusts by shifting to a new stationary state over a relaxation time which is estimated analytically. The new model retains flare-like event statistics. In each case the frequency-energy distribution is a power law for flare energies less than a time-dependent rollover set by the largest energy the system is likely to attain at a given time. For Case 1, the model exhibits a double exponential waiting-time distribution, corresponding to flaring at a constant mean rate during two intervals (before and after the step change), if the average energy of the system is large. For Case 2 the waiting-time distribution is a simple exponential, again provided the average energy of the system is large. Monte Carlo simulations of Case~1 are presented which confirm the analytic estimates. The simulation results provide a qualitative model for observed flare statistics in active region AR 11029.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    The monocyte-derived cytokine response in whole blood from preterm newborns against sepsis-related bacteria is similar to term newborns and adults

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    IntroductionSepsis is characterized by a dysregulated innate immune response. It is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in newborns, in particular for newborns that are born premature. Although previous literature indicate that the pro-inflammatory response may be impaired in preterm newborns, serum levels of monocyte-derived cytokines, such as TNF-α and IL-6, vary highly between newborns and can reach adult-like concentrations during sepsis. These contradictory observations and the severe consequences of neonatal sepsis in preterm newborns highlight the need for a better understanding of the pro-inflammatory cytokine response of preterm newborns to improve sepsis-related outcomes.Methods and resultsUsing an in vitro model with multiple read outs at the transcriptional and protein level, we consistently showed that the monocyte-derived cytokine response induced by sepsis-related bacteria is comparable between preterm newborns, term newborns and adults. We substantiated these findings by employing recombinant Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands and showed that the activation of specific immune pathways, including the expression of TLRs, is also similar between preterm newborns, term newborns and adults. Importantly, we showed that at birth the production of TNF-α and IL-6 is highly variable between individuals and independent of gestational age.DiscussionThese findings indicate that preterm newborns are equally capable of mounting a pro-inflammatory response against a broad range of bacterial pathogens that is comparable to term newborns and adults. Our results provide a better understanding of the pro-inflammatory response by preterm newborns and could guide the development of interventions that specifically modulate the pro-inflammatory response during sepsis in preterm newborns

    Opportunities for mesoscopics in thermometry and refrigeration: Physics and applications

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    This review presents an overview of the thermal properties of mesoscopic structures. The discussion is based on the concept of electron energy distribution, and, in particular, on controlling and probing it. The temperature of an electron gas is determined by this distribution: refrigeration is equivalent to narrowing it, and thermometry is probing its convolution with a function characterizing the measuring device. Temperature exists, strictly speaking, only in quasiequilibrium in which the distribution follows the Fermi-Dirac form. Interesting nonequilibrium deviations can occur due to slow relaxation rates of the electrons, e.g., among themselves or with lattice phonons. Observation and applications of nonequilibrium phenomena are also discussed. The focus in this paper is at low temperatures, primarily below 4 K, where physical phenomena on mesoscopic scales and hybrid combinations of various types of materials, e.g., superconductors, normal metals, insulators, and doped semiconductors, open up a rich variety of device concepts. This review starts with an introduction to theoretical concepts and experimental results on thermal properties of mesoscopic structures. Then thermometry and refrigeration are examined with an emphasis on experiments. An immediate application of solid-state refrigeration and thermometry is in ultrasensitive radiation detection, which is discussed in depth. This review concludes with a summary of pertinent fabrication methods of presented devices.Comment: Close to the version published in RMP; 59 pages, 35 figure