15 research outputs found

    Differences in biomechanics parameters of drop jumps performed from 20, 40 and 60 cm

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    Istraživanje je provedeno na Kineziološkom fakultetu u Zagrebu sa ciljem utvrđivanja razlika u biomehaničkim pokazateljima dubinskih skokova. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 20 sportaša prosječne starosti 22,3 ± 7,2 godina, tjelesne mase 79,4 ± 7,3 kg i tjelesne visine 181,6 ± 7,2 cm. Dobivenim rezultatima određeni su deskriptivni pokazatelji (Min, Maks, AS, SD), a Wilcoxonovim testom ranga utvrdile su se statističke značajne razlike unutar varijabli na pojedinoj visini saskoka. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u trajanju kontakta s podlogom između visina 40/60 cm, odnosno rezultati saskoka sa 60 cm trajali su u prosjeku dulje od onih sa 40 cm. Nadalje, izmjereni rezultati pokazali su veliko razlikovanje visine skoka između saskoka sa platforme visine 20/40 te 40/60 cm. Povećanje visine platforme proporcionalno je povećavalo i visinu skoka. Ostale varijable nisu pokazale značajne razlike. Trajanje ekscentrične i koncentrične kontrakcije te kut amortizacije u koljenu u prosjeku nije variralo s obzirom na povećanje visine saskoka.The research has been realized on Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb with goal of determining differences in biomechanics parameters of drop jumps. Sample has been made of 20 athletes average age 22,3 ± 7,2 years, weight 79,4 ± 7,3 kg and height 181,6 ± 7,2 cm. The results were analyzed with application of method of descriptive statistics (Min, Max, Mean, SD) and compared with Wilcoxon rang test which gave significant differences in certain variables on each drop jump height. Significant statistical difference in ground contact time were obtained between 40/60 cm drop jump height, apropos results from 60 cm lasted on average longer from those with 40 cm. Furthermore, measured results showed high difference in jump height between drop jumps from 20/40 & 40/60 height. Increasing drop jump height resulted in increased jump height. Other variables did not show significant differences. Duration of eccentric, concentric contraction and angle of knee flexion did not vary in average regarding to increase of drop height

    Differences in biomechanics parameters of drop jumps performed from 20, 40 and 60 cm

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    Istraživanje je provedeno na Kineziološkom fakultetu u Zagrebu sa ciljem utvrđivanja razlika u biomehaničkim pokazateljima dubinskih skokova. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 20 sportaša prosječne starosti 22,3 ± 7,2 godina, tjelesne mase 79,4 ± 7,3 kg i tjelesne visine 181,6 ± 7,2 cm. Dobivenim rezultatima određeni su deskriptivni pokazatelji (Min, Maks, AS, SD), a Wilcoxonovim testom ranga utvrdile su se statističke značajne razlike unutar varijabli na pojedinoj visini saskoka. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u trajanju kontakta s podlogom između visina 40/60 cm, odnosno rezultati saskoka sa 60 cm trajali su u prosjeku dulje od onih sa 40 cm. Nadalje, izmjereni rezultati pokazali su veliko razlikovanje visine skoka između saskoka sa platforme visine 20/40 te 40/60 cm. Povećanje visine platforme proporcionalno je povećavalo i visinu skoka. Ostale varijable nisu pokazale značajne razlike. Trajanje ekscentrične i koncentrične kontrakcije te kut amortizacije u koljenu u prosjeku nije variralo s obzirom na povećanje visine saskoka.The research has been realized on Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb with goal of determining differences in biomechanics parameters of drop jumps. Sample has been made of 20 athletes average age 22,3 ± 7,2 years, weight 79,4 ± 7,3 kg and height 181,6 ± 7,2 cm. The results were analyzed with application of method of descriptive statistics (Min, Max, Mean, SD) and compared with Wilcoxon rang test which gave significant differences in certain variables on each drop jump height. Significant statistical difference in ground contact time were obtained between 40/60 cm drop jump height, apropos results from 60 cm lasted on average longer from those with 40 cm. Furthermore, measured results showed high difference in jump height between drop jumps from 20/40 & 40/60 height. Increasing drop jump height resulted in increased jump height. Other variables did not show significant differences. Duration of eccentric, concentric contraction and angle of knee flexion did not vary in average regarding to increase of drop height

    Differences in biomechanics parameters of drop jumps performed from 20, 40 and 60 cm

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    Istraživanje je provedeno na Kineziološkom fakultetu u Zagrebu sa ciljem utvrđivanja razlika u biomehaničkim pokazateljima dubinskih skokova. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 20 sportaša prosječne starosti 22,3 ± 7,2 godina, tjelesne mase 79,4 ± 7,3 kg i tjelesne visine 181,6 ± 7,2 cm. Dobivenim rezultatima određeni su deskriptivni pokazatelji (Min, Maks, AS, SD), a Wilcoxonovim testom ranga utvrdile su se statističke značajne razlike unutar varijabli na pojedinoj visini saskoka. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u trajanju kontakta s podlogom između visina 40/60 cm, odnosno rezultati saskoka sa 60 cm trajali su u prosjeku dulje od onih sa 40 cm. Nadalje, izmjereni rezultati pokazali su veliko razlikovanje visine skoka između saskoka sa platforme visine 20/40 te 40/60 cm. Povećanje visine platforme proporcionalno je povećavalo i visinu skoka. Ostale varijable nisu pokazale značajne razlike. Trajanje ekscentrične i koncentrične kontrakcije te kut amortizacije u koljenu u prosjeku nije variralo s obzirom na povećanje visine saskoka.The research has been realized on Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb with goal of determining differences in biomechanics parameters of drop jumps. Sample has been made of 20 athletes average age 22,3 ± 7,2 years, weight 79,4 ± 7,3 kg and height 181,6 ± 7,2 cm. The results were analyzed with application of method of descriptive statistics (Min, Max, Mean, SD) and compared with Wilcoxon rang test which gave significant differences in certain variables on each drop jump height. Significant statistical difference in ground contact time were obtained between 40/60 cm drop jump height, apropos results from 60 cm lasted on average longer from those with 40 cm. Furthermore, measured results showed high difference in jump height between drop jumps from 20/40 & 40/60 height. Increasing drop jump height resulted in increased jump height. Other variables did not show significant differences. Duration of eccentric, concentric contraction and angle of knee flexion did not vary in average regarding to increase of drop height

    Razlike u motoričkim sposobnostima između košarkašica i odbojkašica

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    The research took place at the Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb. The goal of the research was to determine differences in motor skills, between the youth categories, of the female volleyball and basketball players. Sample size was comprised of 35 female athletes with an average age of 14,7 ± 0,8 years, average body height 176,9 ± 8,1 cm, and average body weight 65,4 ± 6,8 kg. Descriptive statistic was used to analyse the results, which had showed descriptive method indicators (Min, Max, Mean, Sd). The tests that were conducted for analysis in the research were: side steps (MAGKUS), countermovement jump (CMJ), single leg take-off from a step (Single_leg), two-legged take-off with one step approach (Parallel_jump) and 20 m running (Run_20m). For the purpose of determining the statistical significance of differences between groups of subjects, the independent samples t-test was used in the software package Statistica v13.5. A statistically significant difference was found in countermovement jump, two-legged take-off with one step approach and side steps, in which the group of volleyball players had significantly better results. Remaining variables did not show any significant results. This research will contribute to a better understanding of the similarities and differences between basketball and volleyball. With the presented tests and results, it is possible to continuously monitor athletes and use these values as reference points for comparing equal categories of female athletes.Istraživanjem provedenim na Kineziološkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu cilj je bio utvrditi razlike u nekim motoričkim sposobnostima između mlađe dobnih kategorija košarkašica i odbojkašica. U tu svrhu, uzorak ispitanika za istraživanje činilo je 35 sportašica prosječne starosti 14,7 ± 0,8 godina, tjelesne visine 176,9 ± 8,1 cm i tjelesne mase 65,4 ± 6,8. Izmjerenim rezultatima određeni su deskriptivni pokazatelji (Min, Maks, AS, SD). U istraživanju provedeni su testovi: koraci u stranu (MAGKUS), skok u vis iz mjesta (CMJ), skok u vis sunožnim odrazom iz jednog koraka (S_ sun_korak), jednonožni skok u vis iz koraka (S_vis_jedn_ korak) i trčanje 20 m (Trč_20m). Za potrebe određivanja statističke značajnosti razlika između grupa ispitanika koristio se t-test za nezavisne uzorke u programskom paketu Statistica v13.5. Statistički značajna razlika utvrđena je u testovima skoka u vis iz mjesta, skoka u vis sunožnim odrazom iz jednog koraka te koraka u stranu u kojima je skupina odbojkašica imala statistički bolje rezultate. U ostalim varijablama rezultati nisu pokazali značajne razlike. Ovo istraživanje doprinijet će boljem shvaćanju sličnosti i razlika između košarke i odbojke. Prikazanim testovima i rezultatima moguće je kontinuirano pratiti sportaše te koristiti ove vrijednosti kao referente za usporedbu jednakih kategorija sportašica

    Changes of Impact Force During Performance of Straight Punch With Two Boxing Techniques – Case Study

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    PURPOSE: Performance in boxing is a combination of strength, speed, and stability to create maximum impact. One of the types of punches commonly used in boxing is the straight punch. The magnitude of force exerted at the point of impact is influenced by a number of factors. Therefore, some biomechanical parameters can have greater effect than others during punch performance. Likewise, different technique modalities influence punch force. This study aims to determine differences between kinetic and kinematic parameters of punches performed with two different techniques (with and without weight shifting). METHODS: Overall, 20 straight punches were performed (10 for each observed technique) by a top-level female boxer (26.1 years old, height 170.3 cm, weight 63.2 kg). Afterwards, four kinematic variables (shoulder, upper arm, forearm, and hand velocities) were analyzed together with the position of center of mass (Xsens, Awinda). Also, overall foot pressure force of both feet (Novel pressure insoles) was analyzed for each technique, as well as the impact force of each punch (Punchsensor). Differences between the techniques were determined by MANOVA. RESULTS: Significant differences were found in foot pressure force and impact force, with higher values of punch force determined in the straight punch performance that includes weight shifting (p=0.00). Regarding kinematic parameters, there were significant differences in shoulder velocity, forearm velocity, and center of mass position (p=0.00). Upper arm and hand velocity variables did not differ significantly. This result indicates that different punch preparation can exhibit greater force and better performance. CONCLUSION: The understanding of movement pattern in punching could provide insightful instruction to coaches and boxers on how to generate powerful straight punches. The presented data objectively determined differences between two approaches in performing a straight punch which could help in correcting technical performance

    Kinematički modeli šuta jednom rukom s grudiju iz mjesta i skok šuta i razlike među njima

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    Shooting is the basic way in which the ball is directed towards the basket, it is a technical element that is very often used during a basketball game. In that way, the main goal, to throw the ball into the basket, is achieved. There are two basic forms of shooting used in a player’s training: a jump shot and a shot with one hand from the spot. The aim of this research is to define the kinematic parameters of a shot with one hand from the spot and the jump shot, as well as to determine the differences between them. The analysis of parameters was performed on a former member of the U-20 national team of Croatia (26 years, 180 cm, 82 kg, 15 years of training experience). The observed variables (shoulder angle at the moment of ball release, maximal height of release, wrist joint at the moment of ball release, the angle at which the ball enters into the basket and oscillations of the centre of mass of the body along the x-axis during the shot) were measured using the Xsens Awinda kinematic system and 94 Fifty Smart Sensor Basketball. The results showed that the observed kinematic parameters have a statistically significant difference between the jump shot and a shot with one hand from the spot by 2 points distance (F = 84.28; p<0.00) and by 3 points distance (F = 184.69; p <0.00).Šutiranje je osnovni način kojim se upućuje lopta prema košu, to je tehnički element koji se vrlo učestalo koristi za vrijeme košarkaške utakmice. Na taj način se ostvaruje glavni cilj, a to je ubacivanje lopte u koš. Postoje dva osnovna oblika šutiranja koja se koriste u obuci igrača: skok šut i šut jednom rukom s grudiju iz mjesta. Cilj ovog istraživanja je definiranje kinematičkih parametara kod šuta s jednom rukom s grudiju iz mjesta i skok šuta, kao i utvrditi razlike između njih. Analiza parametara provedena je na bivšem članu U-20 nacionalne selekcije Hrvatske (26 godina, 180 cm, 82 kg, trenažno iskustvo 15 godina). Promatrane varijable (Kut_rame, Visina_izbačaja, Kut_upada, X_os) mjerile su se uz pomoć Xsens Awinda kinematičkog sustava i 94 Fifty Smart Sensor Basketball. Rezultati su pokazali da postoji statistički značajna razlika između skok šuta i šuta jednom rukom s grudiju iz mjesta za 2 poena (F= 84,28; p<0,00) i za 3 poe na (F=184,69; p<0,00)

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology

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    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Sport and Quality of Life 2019 gatheres submissions of participants of the conference. Every submission is the result of positive evaluation by reviewers from the corresponding field. Conference is divided into sections – Analysis of human movement; Sport training, nutrition and regeneration; Sport and social sciences; Active ageing and sarcopenia; Strength and conditioning training; section for PhD students

    Povezanost između akademskog uspjeha i razine tjelesne aktivnosti studenata

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    Akademski uspjeh tijekom obveznog školovanja povezan je širokim spektrom prednosti koje doprinose kasnijim životnim uspjesima. Istraživanja akademskog uspjeha i tjelesne aktivnosti u školi ili na fakultetu prikazuju različite rezultate. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi povezanost između razine tjelesne aktivnosti i akademskog uspjeha. Povezanost između uspjeha na studiju te razine tjelesne aktivnosti procjenjivala se Baecke-ovim upitnikom. Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (N=273 ; 21.97 ± 2.89 god.). Ovim istraživanjem utvrđeno je da nema povezanosti između razine tjelesne aktivnosti odnosno bavljenja sportom i akademskog uspjeha (r= -0.06). Također, razina tjelesne aktivnosti tijekom slobodnog vremena također nije povezana sa prosjekom ocjena (r= 0.07). Bez obzira na dobivene rezultate, potrebno je i dalje uključivati i poticati studente na bavljenje sportom i tjelesnom aktivnošću