25 research outputs found

    Structure, thermicity and geodynamic evolution of the Internal Metamorphic Zone in the Pyrenees

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    La comprĂ©hension des processus et des modalitĂ©s de l’inversion des systĂšmes extensifs et plus particuliĂšrement les domaines de marges amincies, dans les chaines de collision est un enjeu majeur. La chaĂźne intracontinentale des PyrĂ©nĂ©es constitue un exemple d’inversion de marges passives hyper-amincies, associĂ©es Ă  un mĂ©tamorphisme HT-BP et intĂ©grĂ©es dans le prisme orogĂ©nique. La premiĂšre partie de cette Ă©tude est centrĂ©e sur l’étude de la rĂ©partition du mĂ©tamorphisme HT-BP associĂ© Ă  la phase de rifting et de l’exhumation du manteau lithosphĂ©rique. L’apport des donnĂ©es de TRSCM a permis, dans un premier temps, de dĂ©finir l’enveloppe de la ZIM caractĂ©risĂ©e par des tempĂ©ratures comprises entre 400 et 630°C Ă  l’échelle de l’ensemble de la chaĂźne et de montrer qu’il n’existe pas de gradient significatif des tempĂ©ratures maximales Ă  cette Ă©chelle. Dans un second temps, cette Ă©tude a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence des sauts de tempĂ©rature importants au travers de failles majeures et de distinguer des gradients de tempĂ©ratures latĂ©raux Ă  l’échelle des diffĂ©rents bassins constituant la ZIM, en particulier dans l’ouest de la chaĂźne sur l’exemple de la Nappe de Marbres. Cette partie de l’étude montre Ă©galement l’importance d’une tectonique salifĂšre antĂ©rieure au mĂ©tamorphisme de HT-BP. La seconde partie de cette Ă©tude, concernant la structure de la ZIM met en Ă©vidence trois phases de dĂ©formation, associĂ©es Ă  l’orogenĂšse pyrĂ©nĂ©enne ainsi que le rĂŽle du niveau de dĂ©collement des Ă©vaporites du Trias supĂ©rieur dans l’allochtonie gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e de la ZIM. De plus, les failles majeures observĂ©es dans la ZNP, montrent un mouvement inverse avec une composante dĂ©crochante sĂ©nestre. L’interprĂ©tation de l’ensemble de ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšre que la ZIM et la ZNP ne forme qu’une seule unitĂ© dĂ©couplĂ©e du socle varisque au niveau du Trias supĂ©rieur et dĂ©placĂ©e par des chevauchements plats issus de l’hĂ©ritage extensif, lors du dĂ©but de la convergence. Le mode de dĂ©formation est alors de type thin-skinned, puis devient, lors de la collision des deux palĂ©omarges, de type thick-skinned, avec le dĂ©veloppement de faille majeures associĂ©es Ă  l’exhumation des blocs de socle (Massifs Nord-PyrĂ©nĂ©ens) qui ont dĂ©coupĂ© l’ensemble de la ZIM.The understanding of the processes and scenarios of the inversion of extensional systems, and more specifically of hyper-extended margins, in collision thrust belts is a major issue. The intracontinental belt of the Pyrenees is an example of inversion of hyper-extended margins, associated with a HT-LP metamorphism and then integrated within the orogenic wedge. The first part of this study is focused on the distribution of the HT-LP metamorphism associated with rifting and the exhumation of lithospheric mantle. A new set of TRSCM data allows the recognition of the geometry of the IMZ, characterized with temperature ranging from 400 to 630°C and shows the absence of a regional gradient at this scale. This study then shows significant temperature gaps across major faults and distinguishes lateral temperature gradients at the scale of the different basins constituting the IMZ, especially in the westernmost part of the belt, in the Nappe des Marbres Basin. This part of the study moreover shows the importance of a salt tectonics prior to the HT-LP metamorphism. The second part shows the existence of three main tectonics phases during the Pyrenean orogeny and the role played by the Late Triassic evaporites as a decollement level in the generalized allochthony of the IMZ. A left-lateral component along the main faults within and along the boundaries of the North Pyrenean Zone (ZNP) is also shown. The interpretation of these observations is that the IMZ and ZNP form a single tectonic unit, decoupled from the Variscan basement by the decollement in the Late Triassic deposits and displaced above shallow-dipping thrust faults inherited from the rifting episode, during the first stages of the convergence. Deformation mode is then thin-skinned and becomes thick-skinned when the two paleomargins collide, with the development of major steeper faults linked with the exhumation of basement blocks (North Pyrenean Massifs) that dissected the IMZ

    Structure, thermicité et évolution géodynamique de la Zone Interne Métamorphique des Pyrénées

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    The understanding of the processes and scenarios of the inversion of extensional systems, and more specifically of hyper-extended margins, in collision thrust belts is a major issue. The intracontinental belt of the Pyrenees is an example of inversion of hyper-extended margins, associated with a HT-LP metamorphism and then integrated within the orogenic wedge. The first part of this study is focused on the distribution of the HT-LP metamorphism associated with rifting and the exhumation of lithospheric mantle. A new set of TRSCM data allows the recognition of the geometry of the IMZ, characterized with temperature ranging from 400 to 630°C and shows the absence of a regional gradient at this scale. This study then shows significant temperature gaps across major faults and distinguishes lateral temperature gradients at the scale of the different basins constituting the IMZ, especially in the westernmost part of the belt, in the Nappe des Marbres Basin. This part of the study moreover shows the importance of a salt tectonics prior to the HT-LP metamorphism. The second part shows the existence of three main tectonics phases during the Pyrenean orogeny and the role played by the Late Triassic evaporites as a decollement level in the generalized allochthony of the IMZ. A left-lateral component along the main faults within and along the boundaries of the North Pyrenean Zone (ZNP) is also shown. The interpretation of these observations is that the IMZ and ZNP form a single tectonic unit, decoupled from the Variscan basement by the decollement in the Late Triassic deposits and displaced above shallow-dipping thrust faults inherited from the rifting episode, during the first stages of the convergence. Deformation mode is then thin-skinned and becomes thick-skinned when the two paleomargins collide, with the development of major steeper faults linked with the exhumation of basement blocks (North Pyrenean Massifs) that dissected the IMZ.La comprĂ©hension des processus et des modalitĂ©s de l’inversion des systĂšmes extensifs et plus particuliĂšrement les domaines de marges amincies, dans les chaines de collision est un enjeu majeur. La chaĂźne intracontinentale des PyrĂ©nĂ©es constitue un exemple d’inversion de marges passives hyper-amincies, associĂ©es Ă  un mĂ©tamorphisme HT-BP et intĂ©grĂ©es dans le prisme orogĂ©nique. La premiĂšre partie de cette Ă©tude est centrĂ©e sur l’étude de la rĂ©partition du mĂ©tamorphisme HT-BP associĂ© Ă  la phase de rifting et de l’exhumation du manteau lithosphĂ©rique. L’apport des donnĂ©es de TRSCM a permis, dans un premier temps, de dĂ©finir l’enveloppe de la ZIM caractĂ©risĂ©e par des tempĂ©ratures comprises entre 400 et 630°C Ă  l’échelle de l’ensemble de la chaĂźne et de montrer qu’il n’existe pas de gradient significatif des tempĂ©ratures maximales Ă  cette Ă©chelle. Dans un second temps, cette Ă©tude a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence des sauts de tempĂ©rature importants au travers de failles majeures et de distinguer des gradients de tempĂ©ratures latĂ©raux Ă  l’échelle des diffĂ©rents bassins constituant la ZIM, en particulier dans l’ouest de la chaĂźne sur l’exemple de la Nappe de Marbres. Cette partie de l’étude montre Ă©galement l’importance d’une tectonique salifĂšre antĂ©rieure au mĂ©tamorphisme de HT-BP. La seconde partie de cette Ă©tude, concernant la structure de la ZIM met en Ă©vidence trois phases de dĂ©formation, associĂ©es Ă  l’orogenĂšse pyrĂ©nĂ©enne ainsi que le rĂŽle du niveau de dĂ©collement des Ă©vaporites du Trias supĂ©rieur dans l’allochtonie gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e de la ZIM. De plus, les failles majeures observĂ©es dans la ZNP, montrent un mouvement inverse avec une composante dĂ©crochante sĂ©nestre. L’interprĂ©tation de l’ensemble de ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšre que la ZIM et la ZNP ne forme qu’une seule unitĂ© dĂ©couplĂ©e du socle varisque au niveau du Trias supĂ©rieur et dĂ©placĂ©e par des chevauchements plats issus de l’hĂ©ritage extensif, lors du dĂ©but de la convergence. Le mode de dĂ©formation est alors de type thin-skinned, puis devient, lors de la collision des deux palĂ©omarges, de type thick-skinned, avec le dĂ©veloppement de faille majeures associĂ©es Ă  l’exhumation des blocs de socle (Massifs Nord-PyrĂ©nĂ©ens) qui ont dĂ©coupĂ© l’ensemble de la ZIM

    Peak metamorphic temperatures (Tmax) from the eastern Pyrenees

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    These data published in this repository are associated with a paper focused on the Eastern Pyrenees. For this study, the Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Materials (RSCM) was used as a geothermometer and was calibrated in the range between 330 and 650°C by Beyssac et al. (2002a) and extended to the range between 200 and 320°C by Lahfid et al. (2010). We applied these two calibrations to estimate paleotemperatures in marbles and pelitic metasedimentary rocks from the Paleozoic to Upper Cretaceous series of the study area. ‱ The unique data file corresponds to a Excel table ‱ The collected sample and measured RSCM temperatures associated (9) was obtained between 2013 and 2017. ‱ First, we collected sample in the field, then each sample was transformed to thin-section and finally was analyzed by RSCM method to obtained maximum temperature (TRSCM), (for detail of the methodology see article). ‱ Standard Deviation (SD) and Standard Error (SE)for each sample are presented in the Table S1. ‱ Raman analyses were performed using a Renishaw (Wotton-under-Edge, UK) InVIA Reflex microspectrometer at the BRGM in OrlĂ©ans. Before each session, the spectrometer was calibrated with silicon standard. The light source was a 514 nm Spectra Physics argon laser. The output laser power is around 20mW, but only around 1mW reached the surface sample through the DMLM Leica (Wetzlar, Germany) microscope with a 100”m objective (NAD0.90). Edge filters eliminated the Rayleigh diffusion, and the Raman light was dispersed using a 1800 gmm.1 grating before being analyzed by a Peltier-cooled RENCAM CCD detector. Measurements were performed in situ on polished thin sections cut normal to the foliation and parallel to the stretching lineation (XZ structural planes), when L1 was visible. To avoid the effect of polishing on the CM structural state, the CM particles analysed were below a transparent adjacent mineral, usually calcite or quartz (Pasteris, 1989; Beyssac et al., 2002b; Scharf et al., 2013). Eleven to eighteen points were measured for each sample with 10 to 15 accumulations of 10 seconds acquisition periods. The measured Raman spectra of the carbonaceous material were decomposed for all Raman peaks of carbon by using PeakFit (v4.06) software

    From shales to slates: The magnetite and pyrrhotite temperature windows

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    International audienceDuring burial of clay-rich sediments, magnetic minerals, just as other minerals, are continuously produced, altered, and dissolved. In shales, from early burial to anchi-metamorphism (Tburial< 250°C), magnetite is the main magnetic mineral. In slates, it is known that the dual breakdown of magnetite and pyrite trigger the formation of pyrrhotite for burial temperature close to 300°C (greenschist metamorphic grade). We propose to bracket the range of temperature of magnetite and pyrite breakdown using in combination magnetic studies and burial temperature obtained by Raman spectroscopy. Samples are late Cretaceous slates (burial temperature 250°-600°C) from Pyrenees. The identification of magnetite and pyrrhotite is firmly constrained by the identification of Verwey ( 120 K) and Besnus ( 32K) magnetic transition. Burial temperatures are estimated within ±30°C. Results show: 1) Magnetite is dominant for Tburial<330°C, with evidence of fine pyrrhotite in the superparamagnetic to single domain states. Magnetization is pretty low (<10-4 Am2/kg). 2) An assemblage of magnetite and pyrrhotite is observed for the range 330°C< Tburial <360°C. 3) Pyrrhotite is the only ferrimagnetic mineral detected for the range 360°C< Tburial <600°C. Magnetization displays a wide range (10-4-10-1 Am2/kg) in the pyrrhotite windows. There is therefore a high contrasting magnitude of magnetization of shales vs. slates. In shales, the remanence carried by magnetite is essentially a chemical remanent magnetization imprinted during peak burial. In contrast, the remanence carried by pyrrhotite is essentially a thermo remanent magnetization blocked in during the uplift of metamorphic units

    From shales to slates: The magnetite and pyrrhotite temperature windows

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    International audienceDuring burial of clay-rich sediments, magnetic minerals, just as other minerals, are continuously produced, altered, and dissolved. In shales, from early burial to anchi-metamorphism (Tburial< 250°C), magnetite is the main magnetic mineral. In slates, it is known that the dual breakdown of magnetite and pyrite trigger the formation of pyrrhotite for burial temperature close to 300°C (greenschist metamorphic grade). We propose to bracket the range of temperature of magnetite and pyrite breakdown using in combination magnetic studies and burial temperature obtained by Raman spectroscopy. Samples are late Cretaceous slates (burial temperature 250°-600°C) from Pyrenees. The identification of magnetite and pyrrhotite is firmly constrained by the identification of Verwey ( 120 K) and Besnus ( 32K) magnetic transition. Burial temperatures are estimated within ±30°C. Results show: 1) Magnetite is dominant for Tburial<330°C, with evidence of fine pyrrhotite in the superparamagnetic to single domain states. Magnetization is pretty low (<10-4 Am2/kg). 2) An assemblage of magnetite and pyrrhotite is observed for the range 330°C< Tburial <360°C. 3) Pyrrhotite is the only ferrimagnetic mineral detected for the range 360°C< Tburial <600°C. Magnetization displays a wide range (10-4-10-1 Am2/kg) in the pyrrhotite windows. There is therefore a high contrasting magnitude of magnetization of shales vs. slates. In shales, the remanence carried by magnetite is essentially a chemical remanent magnetization imprinted during peak burial. In contrast, the remanence carried by pyrrhotite is essentially a thermo remanent magnetization blocked in during the uplift of metamorphic units

    Extension and early orogenic inversion along the basal detachment of a hyper-extended rifted margin: an example from the Central Pyrenees (France)

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    International audienceThe North Pyrenean Zone inverts remnants of an Aptian–Cenomanian rifting during which subcontinental mantle was exhumed. These remnants contain a synrift HT–LP metamorphic domain, the Internal Metamorphic Zone. New field data, Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material data and structural cross-sections constrain the structural and metamorphic relationships between the Internal Metamorphic Zone and the underlying low-grade North Pyrenean Zone. The Internal Metamorphic Zone is a tectonic nappe that overthrusts the European margin along the 3M Fault. Along this contact, the Tuc de Haurades peridotite is surrounded by tectonic breccia composed of ductilely deformed carbonate and sparse lherzolite clasts that passes upward into foliated marbles. Marbles contain top-to-south ductile shear, recording continuing extensional deformation that marks the onset of HT metamorphism. During Early Cretaceous rifting, European Mesozoic sedimentary cover metamorphosed and its base brecciated as it slid basinward on Triassic salt onto exhumed mantle. As the exhumed mantle domain closed during early convergence, the detached metamorphosed cover was transported northward and thrust onto the distal European margin, sampling lherzolite tectonic lenses. This triggered the first tectonic loading on the European plate. This study highlights the role of the Internal Metamorphic Zone in the early Pyrenean orogenic phase and gives new insights into the east–west diversity of structural setting of the North Pyrenean Zone peridotites. Supplementary material : A table with Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material temperatures and original and high-quality photographs of the samples are available at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.553926

    Thermal record of hyperextended rifted margins: the fossil record of the Pyrenees

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    International audienceThe thermal architecture of late rifting to breakup along the deep passive margins is still poorly known. This is mostly because of the limited access to industry drillhole data that, anyway, calibrate topographic highs and rarely the deepest rift domains (and even less the basement). However, unravelling this evolution is a fundamental requirement to define the ultimate exploration potential of these frontier domains. An alternative way to document this thermal evolution is to describe fossil analogues onshore. In this study, we use the fossil hyperextension record of the Pyrenean belt that was sampled by orogenic deformation into the North Pyrenean None and Nappe des Marbres alpine units. Previous studies have shown that the rift came into hyperextension and recorded locally mantle exhumation. These rift domains are associated with a HT-LP metamorphism event that was shown to vary spatially within the rift basin as well as into the basement. In order to restore the late rift thermal architecture of the Pyrenean hyperextended rift, we use a new compilation of Raman Spectroscopy measurements on Carbonaceous Material (RSCM) and Vitrinite Reflectance data. This method allows to record the palaeo-maximum temperatures in the sedimentary basins spatially as well as vertically and can be superposed to geological sections. This method was applied in almost 200 samples collected all along the belt at different stratigraphic level as well as into the Paleozoic basement. When the base of the rift basin is exposed, RSCM Tmax range between 450 and 620°C below a <5km thick sedimentary pile. Western Pyrenees was shown to be an exception as RSCM Tmax are less than 300°C on the outcropping superficial part of the rift basin. However; Vitrinite Reflectance data from wells that are calibrating the deep basin demonstrate that the same thermal intensity was actually reached. These results discard any lateral variation in thermal regime and is pointing out that it is a burial function into a (very)high late rift thermal gradient that largely exceed 100°c/km. Far from being restricted to the Pyrenean case, such a thermal evolution with the same amplitude gradient within the same exhumed mantle domains were documented in the Northern Red Sea example

    Fluids drainage along detachments: the West Cycladic Detachment System and synkinematic skarns on Serifos Island (Cyclades, Greece) Maxime Ducoux

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    International audienceBack-arc extension in the Aegean Sea has been accommodated by several large-scale detachments such as the West Cycladic Detachment System (WCDS) in the Oligocene and Miocene. The WCDS is associated on Serifos island (Cyclades) with a synkinematic granodioritic intrusion. Serifos is also well known for its skarn deposit and a rich mineralogy as well as colder Fe-Ba ore deposits that were exploited until 1963. The geometrical and kinematic relations between the detachments and ore bodies have so far been little studied. Different types of skarn can be observed (1) massive garnet endoskarns, (2) garnet-pyroxene endoskarns in the granodiorite, (3) garnet-pyroxene cracks exoskarns, (4) brecciated pyroxene +/- ilvaite skarn within the MeghĂ lo Livadhi and Kavos Kiklopas detachments.Fields observations show that the formation of the skarn is intimately associated with the detachments and the deformation of the intrusion in the footwall. Endo and exo-skarn deposits formed before, during and after the ductile and brittle structures resulting from the activity of the WCDS. They are represented by echelon veins, veins with antithetic shear and boudinaged veins wrapped within sheath folds, with a shearing movement top SSW or SW compatible with the regional tectonics, deformation in host-rock and the emplacement of the syn-tectonic granodioritic intrusion. Skarnified breccias formed within the two main detachments attesting for the intense circulation of fluids at a certain distance from the main intrusion. These skarn parageneses were deposited by hydrothermal fluids associated with the intrusion, mixed with meteoric or oceanic fluids forming at the regional level of pyroxene. The two detachments acted as preferential crustal-scale drains during footwall exhumation. This example illustrates the potential of detachments to channelize large amount of fluids in the crust during extension