3,446 research outputs found

    The influence of brand effect on slogan‘s memorability

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    Purpose: The main aim of this article is to examine the influence of consumers’ brand effect on their ability to remember brand slogans. Design/Methodology/Approach: An empirical quantitative study was carried out via an online questionnaire, analyzing 370 real costumers of three telecom B2C service providers in Portugal. Findings: The results tend to indicate to not corroborate the positive influence of brand effect on brand slogan memorability. However, it was also found evidence to raise doubts on the absence of the relationships, since some components of brand effect had a positive impact on slogan recognition in some of the brands studied. Practical implications: Brands might consider focusing on other dimensions besides brand effect, if their aim is to increase brand and slogan awareness. However, since some contradictory results were verified, managers should not view that implication as a golden rule for management and branding decisions. Originality/Value: The main contribution of this study is to shed a light on a relation not yet sufficiently explored in previous studies related to slogan’s effectiveness.peer-reviewe

    Use and Perception of the Internet as a Marketing Tool to Promote Rural Tourism

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    Businesses and communities in rural areas face increased challenges to compete in the globalized tourism market. Rural areas and small communities often have rich endogenous natural resources, which may appeal to a stressed urban public, however, simply possessing these attributes is not sufficient, the must be communicated and promoted to the right people. The purpose of this study is to explore the use of Internet and online marketing tools to improve the competitiveness of small-scale rural tourism companies. The paper presents an overview of the perception, knowledge and use of Internet as a marketing toll by small-scaled rural tourism companies located in Portugal centre region and discusses the challenges and motivations involved in promoting rural tourism in a globalized market. A sample of small-scaled rural tourism companies was inquired about their attitudes toward the use of Internet marketing tools. The results show that Rural Tourism companies have limited knowledge of web marketing tools potential to support the rural tourism and highlight the need to increase the use of Internet as a marketing tool to globally communicate, promote and positioning rural tourism in order to leverage resources and create sustainability.Rural tourism, SMEs, Internet, Marketing, e-Commerce

    Cooperation and Conflict: the dynamics of water and electricity in Central Asia

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    This article analyzes some paradigmatic cases of tension between conflict and cooperation, limited cooperation and difficulties in initiating processes of cooperation in Central Asia, particularly in terms of water and electricity, often generating rivalries that prevent significant advances in regional integratio

    Ásia Central: o prepoderante na sua história e geografía

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    This article aims to highlight the major historical and geopolitical characteristics of Central Asia. Various geopolitical currents highlight the prominence of Central Asia under the geostrategic and global economy. Authors such as H. Mackinder or Z. Brzezinski, stressed the importance of the 'Heartland' (i.e. the Eurasian Balkans), while is 'world axis' and geopolitical space. The central argument is that this is a region of major importance in the current economic arena as a result of its strategic position as a link between East and West, a space of competition and reinforcement of the great powers. By revisiting history and through a literature review, this paper aims to contribute to increase knowledge about a remote region of the world, but of utmost importance in the geopolitical and economic context of today. Besides, the region has been, in recent years, attracting the attention of foreign investors due to the existence of large reserves of oil and gasEste artículo tiene como objetivo destacar las principales características históricas y geopolíticas de Asia Central. Diversas corrientes geopolíticas destacan la importancia de Asia Central bajo la geoestratégica y la economía global. Autores como H. Mackinder o Z. Brzezinski, destacaron la importancia del 'Heartland' (es decir, los Balcanes euroasiáticos), mientras 'eje del mundo' y espacio geopolítico. El argumento central es que esta es una región de gran importancia en el escenario económico actual, como resultado de su posición estratégica como nexo entre Oriente y Occidente, un espacio de competencia entre las grandes potencias. Al revisar la historia y a través de una revisión de la literatura, este trabajo pretende contribuir a aumentar el conocimiento sobre una región remota del mundo, pero de suma importancia en el contexto geopolítico y económico de hoy. Además, la región sigue, en los últimos años, atrayendo la atención de los inversores extranjeros debido a la existencia de grandes reservas de petróleo y gas.O objetivo desde trabalho é destacar as principais características históricas e geopolíticas da Ásia Central. Várias correntes geopolíticas enfatizam a importância da Ásia Central sob a geoestratégica e a economia global. Autores como H. Mackinder ou Z. Brzezinski, destacaram a importância de "Heartland" (ou seja, os Balcãs eurasiáticos), enquanto 'eixo do mundo' e espaço geopolítico. O argumento central é que esta é uma região de grande importância no cenário econômico atual, como resultado de sua posição estratégica como enlace entre o Oriente e o Ocidente, uma zona de competição entre as grandes potências. Ao analisar a história e através de uma revisão da literatura, este trabalho pretende contribuir para aumentar o conhecimento sobre uma região afastada do mundo, mas de grande importância no contexto geopolítico e econômico de hoje. Além disso, a região continua, nos últimos anos, atraindo a atenção de investidores estrangeiros devido à existência de grandes reservas de petróleo e gás

    Central Asia: the bends of history and geography?

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    This article aims to highlight the major historical and geopolitical characteristics of Central Asia, a region that led authors like Brzezinski to state that "whoever controls that space, will rule the planet", linking, on the other hand, the durability of American hegemony to Washington policy in the region. Why is Central Asia important in the international system? The central argument is that this is a region of major importance in the current economic arena as a result of its history, geography and strategic position as a link between East and West, a space of competition and reinforcement of the great powers

    Cuando la Tierra no basta: China en la carrera hacia el espacio

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    This article aims to emphasise the importance of the race for Space to China. The main argument is that the intense competition for the access to reserves of fresh water, energy resources and rare minerals on planet Earth, along with the ambition of affirmation on the international scene, and an effort to preserve the continuity of the Chinese Communist Party in power, motivate China to embark on a space adventure. In fact, we will try to demonstrate that in a not too distant future, and due to the constant improvement in technology, it will not be inappropriate to speculate that Space can offer several resources that will become increasingly scarce on planet Earth. And, while the most populous country in the world, it makes sense that China dares to explore boundaries until then regarded as unlikely – the asteroids or the Moon – in search of the resources that its population and economy will need, when the Earth will no longer suffice. Besides the political and economic motivations, we will conclude that Space is still important to China in a war context, to the extent that it houses military and civilian satellites, which can easily be neutralised by depriving a rival State to have access to its own sources of information, crucial in a context of military hostility. The qualitative method (hermeneutics) is the methodology that will guide this investigationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O conceito de estratégia no pensamento estratégico-militar português na era da guerra total : da grande guerra à entrada na NATO 1919-1958

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    Tem este texto, por mister, dissecar o conceito de estratégia no pensamento estratégico-militar português no período da Guerra Total, 1910-1958. Abarca o texto a época das duas guerras mundiais e ainda as primeiras fases da Guerra Fria. É uma época em que a visão da guerra é moldada pelo impacto da Revolução Industrial e pela mobilização nacional para as guerras entre nações. De que modo, os teóricos da estratégia portugueses vislumbraram o impacto da guerra e como esta transformou o modo de fazer a guerra e a concepção de estratégia é o objectivo deste texto. A tese que se apresenta ao leitor infere que a concepção de uma mobilização total da sociedade para a guerra e o alargamento da estratégia a dimensões não militares foi compreendido tardiamente pelos teóricos da estratégia portugueses. De facto, para estes teóricos, até meados da II Guerra Mundial, a concepção de estratégia, e por conseguinte, a visão da guerra, reduzia-se à sua dimensão militar, a despeito da exigência de uma maior mobilização demográfica

    The influence of brand affect on slogan‘s memorability

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