74 research outputs found

    Women Empowerment: Constitutional Provision

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    “Empowering women is a prerequisite for creating a good nation, when women are empowered, society with stability is assured. Empowerment of women is essential as their thoughts and their value systems lead to the development of a good family, good society and ultimately a good nation.” –A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Formal-President Govt. of India. Women are main founder of the world as well as men. So that in India women are called “Ardhangini‟ and in western countries she is called „Better women in society. Empowerment of women is very essential for the development of society because women play an import key role in all the fields of development. Women contribute directly or indirectly for the economic development. Women play a strategic role in the developmentof society in particular and development economy in general. Although from last two centuries, in India, the position of women is so hazardous that year 2001 is announced as the year of “EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN, 2001.” Empowerment of women involves many things-economic opportunity, property rights, political representation, social equality, personal rights and so on. The process of empowerment is taking place at so many levels that it is quite difficult to gauge the actual nature and extent of empowerment in improving status of women

    Legal Education Is An Effective Tool To Stop Crime From The Society: An Analytical Study

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    Laws are important to society because they serve as a code of conduct for citizens. Legal education provides law students with general and cultural education and serves society generously by making them law-abiding and good citizens. Such legal education instills in students the importance and relevance of democratic culture. Law, legal education, and development have become interrelated issues in modern emerging economies that are evolving into welfare states and seeking sustainable means to improve the socioeconomic status of their people. I'm here. The same is true in our country. With the help of this research article, I want to know whether legal education is the capacity to stop crime from society or not. People say that Legal education is an effective tool to remove crime from society

    An Analytical Study Related To Voidable Marriage In India Under The Provision Of The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955

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    We know that according to the orthodox view of Hinduism, there was an inseparable relationship between law and dharma. The concept of an invalid and voidable marriage is not new in India. It's been a long time. Law and the source of the law were common. Thus Manu described his four sources of Dharma which are also sources of Dharma. This is mentioned in the 1955 Hindu Marriage Act. An invalid and voidable marriage is a valid marriage that can be annulled by a court on specific grounds established by law. This research article focuses on several reasons for invalid and voidable marriages. What are the effects on children born and society after marriage is annulled or voidable by a court? After that what kind of life do they lead

    Modern lifestyle, Non Veg Food and Its Impact on Environmental Aspects

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    Background Human s life style has changed dramatically over the time The consumption of meat and meat production has increased radically through out the world Global demand for food is expected to increase by 70 by 2050 FAO 2009 This excessive growth in meat production consumption brings several impacts on environmental resources The paper discusses change in people s lifestyle and consumption pattern of non veg food all over the world The consequences of meat production live stock farming on water land use rain forest and climate change are discussed Materials and methods Data from U S Department of Agriculture Foreign Agriculture Service 2010 is used for meat consumption analysis Global data of 1965-2005 obtained from the U N Food and Agricultural Organization FAOSTAT livestock database is used for projectio

    Application of Ala‚k¹ra Siddh¹nta in ‘Ode To A Skylark’ of Shelley

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    Aesthetics “A Science of Fine Arts” is an outcome of the self-realisation, which Indian aestheticians, has attained by their tap and devotion (s¹dhya) through their age old experiments by the way of their sensuous power. There is well experimented siddh¹ntas (theories) or processes of judgement with sensuous taste in relishing aesthetic beauty, that Indian aestheticians assure. These siddh¹ntas (theories) can be relished, enjoyed and can be expressed in words. The multifarious process of appropriating words and sentences like syntax, diction, style matures as a result of their cumulative refinement for centuries, till it is appreciated as full fledge doctrine (siddh¹nta) of Indian poetics. These siddh¹ntas (theories) are: rasasiddh¹nta of ¸c¹ryaBharat (theory of aesthetic pleasure), alaṁkāra siddhānta of ¸c¹ryaBh¹mah (theory of figures of speech), dhvani siddhānta of ¸c¹rya ¸nandavardhana (theory of suggestion), rīti siddhānta of ¸c¹ryaV¹man (theory of style), vakrokti siddhānta of ¸c¹ryaKuntaka (theory of obliquity), and aucitya siddh¹nta of ¸c¹rya K¬emendra (theory of  propriety). The essence of the Vedic and the Non-Vedic religious, sectarian concepts, philosophical thoughts and doctrine (siddh¹nta) of different schools has considerably enriched and sweetened Indian philosophy; and its scope is so great and the span is so vast, that we find no such line of literary study that is not perfumed with its essence

    A Comparative Analysis of Gender Related Development Index and Gender Empowerment Measures of Nepal

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    Human development paradigm is one of the emerging development models which is widely accepted all over the world This paper tries to shed light on the methodology applied by Nepal for calculating GDI and GEM and it also focuses on the trend and pattern of GDI and GEM in Nepal The primary objective of this study is to examine the change in pattern of GDI and GEM of Nepal over the last 10 years from 1996 to 2006 This study is based on the secondary source of information collected from the Nepal Human Development Reports NHDR 1998 to 2009A D The study indicates that desegregation of GDI and GEM at sub national levels has enormous differences in terms of human development especially from gender perspective The level of both GDI and GEM has increased over the time the value of GDI has improved from 0 267 in 1996 to 0 499 in 2006 Likewise the value of GEM has also increased form 0 191 in 1996 to 0 496 in 2006 but still it has not reached in satisfactory level particularly while comparing the status of these two indicators in development regions there is wide gap This study can be effective for policy intervention and further planning for women empowermen

    Diligence of Domain Engineering in Accounting Management System

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    This paper presents on domain feature modeling, domain architecture design and domain implementation in an enterprise. This paper demonstrates the accounting management feature modeling based on the extended (Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis) FODA method and system architecture of accounting management domain, integrates Aspect Object Oriented Programming technology with domain implementation, and designs a whippersnapper AOP framework based on the object proxy pattern to separates crosscutting concerns in the domain implementation phrase. Research result shows this method can effectively seal insulate and abstract variability in requirements of accounting management domain, instruct the designing and implementation of accounting management components, get the requirement of software reuse, resource sharing and collaboration in accounting management domain

    Assiduousness of Domain production in Secretarial Executive System

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    In the foregoing dissertation, I tried to put forward language description formalism called Collages. It can be used to engineer Domain Specific Languages (DSLs), which are computer languages made to solve problems of specific domains. Here the focus on DSLs which have algorithmic design and are supposed to be used in corporate environments. Domain specific language can be broken in three parts, these are abstract syntax, description language conceptualization & relationship among them and last is their constraints which encode rules of domain. Domain’s concrete syntax produces graphical and textual presentation of abstract syntax elements. Their semantics meaning are normally defined operationally. Operational semantics normally encoded system behavior and could be described as a collection of “elements”, each denoting the transformation This paper present on sphere feature model, sphere architecture   design   and   area   implementation   in   an enterprise.  This  paper  demonstrates  the  accounting management   feature   modeling   based   on   the   extended (Feature-Oriented   Domain   Analysis)   FODA  method   and system architecture of accounting management domain, integrates Aspect Object Oriented Programming technology with domain implementation, and designs a whippersnapper AOP   framework   based  on  the  object   proxy  pattern  to separates crosscutting concerns in the domain implementation phrase. Research result shows this method can effectively seal insulate and abstract variability in requirements of accounting management domain, instruct the designing and implementation of accounting management components, get the requirement of software reuse, resource sharing and collaboration in accounting management domain


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    India is a country where a sizeable amount of population lives in rural areas. They are engaged in agriculture and allied activities. Most of the people living in rural areas are poor. They do not have any access to the banks. The awareness and access of the poor to the banking services is important for the alleviation of the poverty. Their access to the banking services will contribute a lot to the growth and development of our country’s economy. Financial inclusion is a great weapon to overcome the financial backwardness as well as the establishment of good governance. It broadens the resource base of the financial system by developing a culture of savings among large segment of rural population, disadvantaged group and plays an essential role in the process of economic development. The Government of India and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) have been making concentrated efforts periodically to overcome such vicious problems by promoting Financial Inclusion, being one of the important national objectives of the country. Since first phase of nationalization (1969) GoI continuously promoting financial inclusion through self-help groups, no frills account, simplification of KYC, Business correspondents etc., but no palpable effect could be seen in the plight of these financially vulnerable people. To mitigate this long drawn financial sufferings, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a new scheme in his Independence Day speech on 15th Aug 2014 called Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY). Mission of PMJDY is to ensure easy access of financial services for the excluded section i.e. weaker section and the low income group. This effort will certainly go a long way in promoting economic growth and reducing poverty, while mitigating systematic risk and maintaining financial stability. This article focuses on the RBI, GoI initiatives, current status and future prospects of financial inclusion in India on the basis of facts and data provided by various secondary sources. It is concluded that financial inclusion shows positive and valuable changes

    Empowering Women Through Environmental Protection

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    Women symbolize „Prakrati‟ means „nature‟ in Indian Philosphy. She creates and nurtures the creation to bloom. She signifies „shakti‟ the power that drives the system. Throughout the history, women have been immortalized as powerful symbols of nature. Mother earth, Earth Goddess women have personified nature and given nature its infinite meaning. Women have direct contact with natural resources like fuel, food and fodder, forest water and land specially in rural areas where 70% of Indian reside and directly dependent upon natural resources. A lot of studies on women and environment have shown that women are significant actors in natural resource management and they are major contributors to environmental rehabilitation and conservation. Women‟s direct contact with environment has produced them deep-knowledge about the environment. Thus, women have served as agriculturalists, water resource manager, and traditional scientists, among others. Women are not only knowledgeable about the environment, but they are also protective and caring. Women and the environment are closely bound and interconnected. Therefore women as beares and conserver of life, as those who first guide children, should be foremost in dedication to the environmental cause