14 research outputs found

    P ORTOLAN: a Model-Driven Cartography Framework

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    Processing large amounts of data to extract useful information is an essential task within companies. To help in this task, visualization techniques have been commonly used due to their capacity to present data in synthesized views, easier to understand and manage. However, achieving the right visualization display for a data set is a complex cartography process that involves several transformation steps to adapt the (domain) data to the (visualization) data format expected by visualization tools. To maximize the benefits of visualization we propose Portolan, a generic model-driven cartography framework that facilitates the discovery of the data to visualize, the specification of view definitions for that data and the transformations to bridge the gap with the visualization tools. Our approach has been implemented on top of the Eclipse EMF modeling framework and validated on three different use cases

    Model Driven Tool Interoperability in Practice

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    International audienceModel Driven Engineering (MDE) advocates the use of models, metamodels and model transformations to revisit some of the classical operations in software engineering. MDE has been mostly used with success in forward and reverse engineering (for software development and better maintenance, respectively). Supporting system interoperability is a third important area of applicability for MDE. The particular case of tool interoperability is currently receiving a lot of interest. In this paper, we describe some experiments in this area that have been performed in the context of open source modeling efforts. Taking stock of these achievements, we propose a general framework where various tools are associated to implicit or explicit metamodels. One of the interesting properties of such an organization is that it allows designers starting some software engineering activity with an informal light-weight tool and carrying it out later on in a more complete or formal context. We analyze such situations and discuss the advantages of using MDE to build a general tool interoperability framework

    Une approche de MDE pour la résolution de problèmes de configuration : Une application à la plate-forme Eclipse

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    Finding the right configuration is often a challenging task since one needs to deal with many dependencies between plug-ins and most of existing configuration engines are not flexible enough to work in different scenarios. In this paper we propose a MDE-based approach to solve configuration problems, considering them as constraints satisfaction problems. This approach has been applied by an industrial partner to the management of plug-ins in the Eclipse framework, a big issue for all the technolNational audienceLa recherche de la bonne configuration est souvent une tâche complexe nécessitant la gestion des nombreuses dépendances entre plug-ins. D'autant plus que la plupart des moteurs de configuration existants n'ont pas la flexibilité nécessaire permettant de s'adapter à différents scénarios. Dans cet article, nous proposons une approche fondée sur l'IDM permettant la résolution de problèmes de configuration, en les représentant comme des problèmes de satisfaction de contraintes. Un de nos partenaires industriels a utilisé cette approche pour la gestion des plug-ins dans le cadre d'Eclipse. Cette gestion est considérée comme un problème important pour tous les fournisseurs de solutions basées sur Eclipse

    Transforming BPMN process models to BPEL process definitions with ATL

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    Abstract. This paper presents a solution to the Case Study: BPMN to BPEL Model Transformation. This solution implements a bridge between two business process modeling languages, BPMN and BPEL. The proposed solution has been implemented using ATL

    An MDE-based approach for solving configuration problems: An application to the Eclipse platform

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    International audienceMost of us have experienced configuration issues when installing new software applications. Finding the right configuration is often a challenging task since we need to deal with many dependencies between plug-ins, components, libraries, packages, etc; sometimes even regarding specific versions of the involved artefacts. Right now, most configuration engines are adhoc tools designed for specific configuration scenarios. This makes their reuse in different contexts very difficult. In this paper we report on our experience in following a MDE-based approach to solve configuration problems. In our approach, the configuration problem is represented as a model that abstracts all irrelevant technological details and facilitates the use of generic (constraint) solvers to find optimal solutions. This approach has been applied by an industrial partner to the management of plug-ins in the Eclipse framework, a big issue for all the technology providers that distribute Eclipse-based tools

    Inter-DSL coordination support by combining megamodeling and model weaving

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    Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) advocates the use of models at every step of the software development process. Within this context, a team of engineers collectively and collaboratively contribute to a large set of interrelated models. Even if the main focus can be on a single model (e.g. a class diagram model), related elements in other models (e.g. a requirement model) often have to be considered and/or accessed. Moreover, all the involved models do not necessarily conform to the same metamodel and thus may have been built using different independent DomainSpecific Languages (DSLs). Such a situation has already been frequently observed in many large-scale industrial deployments of MDE. Manually coordinating all the involved models, i.e. being able to both manage and use the links existing between them, can become a cumbersome and difficult task. As a proposal to solve this inter-DSL coordination issue, we introduce in this paper a generic and extensible inter-model traceability and navigation environment based on the complementary use of megamodeling and model weaving. We illustrate our solution with a concrete working example.status: publishe

    Pyrocarbon anisotropy as measured by electron diffraction and polarised light

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    International audienceThis work deals with the measurement of pyrocarbon anisotropy on very thin fiber coatings used to control the interfacial behavior in carbon/carbon composites. Differentiation of the various pyrocarbons was performed through computerized image analysis of the electron diffraction patterns by measuring the azimuth opening of the carbon 002 diffraction arcs. This orientation angle decreases when the texture switches from rough to smooth laminar. The relationship with the polarized light measurement technique at a lower resolution is discussed

    Inter-dsl coordination support by combining megamodeling and model

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    Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) advocates the use of models at every step of the software development process. Within this context, a team of engineers collectively and collaboratively contribute to a large set of interrelated models. Even if the main focus can be on a single model (e.g. a class diagram model), related elements in other models (e.g. a requirement model) often have to be considered and/or accessed. Moreover, all the involved models do not necessarily conform to the same metamodel and thus may have been built using different independent Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs). Such a situation has already been frequently observed in many large-scale industrial deployments of MDE. Manually coordinating all the involved models, i.e. being able to both manage and use the links existing between them, can become a cumbersome and difficult task. As a proposal to solve this inter-DSL coordination issue, we introduce in this paper a generic and extensible inter-model traceability and navigation environment based on the complementary use of megamodeling and model weaving. We illustrate our solution with a concrete working example

    Applying MDE for the Validation of Correct Eclipse Plugin Bundles

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    Abstract. Complex software systems are often constructed by assembling bundles from repositories. Eclipse is one of these systems; build on top of a platform accepting different sets of bundles according to the user needs. This adaptability is one of the main benefits of this kind of systems but implies also several configuration problems. The consistency of Eclipse plug‐in's bundles is one of them. This problem involves a need for the configuration validation. To adress this problem, this paper proposes an approach using model driven engineering. The presented solution combines different MDE techniques such as global model management and model transformations to check the coherency of Eclipse plug‐in's bundles