493 research outputs found

    Riesgo psicosocial en la universidad : estresores propios del docente universitario

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    Si bien el estrés como riesgo laboral en la docencia es una temática principal en la enseñanza primaria y secundaria, no es el caso en la enseñanza superior. El estudio que se presenta modifica un cuestionario, validado y empleado en otros niveles de enseñanza, para evaluar específicamente la afección del profesorado universitario de dos centros de la Universidad de Huelva. Con este trabajo se explora el perfil del profesor universitario más estresado, pulsa las consecuencias del estrés en este colectivo y, en definitiva, investiga el mapa de estresores más frecuentes en este subsector._____________________________________While stress and occupational hazard in teaching is a main theme in the primary and secondary education is not the case in higher education. The study presented adjust a questionnaire, validated and used in other levels of education, to specifically assess the condition of university teachers of two schools at the University of Huelva. This paper explores the profile of the university professor more stressed, press the effects of stress on this group and, finally, investigates the most common stressors map in this subsector

    Turismo residencial y sostenibilidad: el caso de la costa sur-occidental española

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    La historia reciente de la provincia de Huelva aparece condicionada por la decisión tecnocrática de la instalación, en los años sesenta, de un polo industrial de desarrollo junto a la capital. Durante la década de los noventa, se producen, simultáneamente, una serie de crisis que golpean la economía provincial. Por una parte, el sector industrial se enfrenta a la necesidad de adaptarse a un contexto más competitivo, nuevas normativas europeas, cuestiones sociolaborales, requisitos ambientales… que ponen en peligro su supervivencia. Al mismo tiempo, la crisis de la pesca tradicional afectó profundamente a los municipios de costa. Ante las crisis de estos sectores tradicionales, en las últimas dos décadas surgen la agricultura industrial y el turismo como alternativas de desarrollo. En concreto, los municipios costeros, comienzan a plantearse nuevas fórmulas de desarrollo turístico. El “turismo de calidad y respetuoso con el medio ambiente” aparece como la referencia que orienta las iniciativas municipales, intentando dejar atrás el poco rentable turismo familiar de masas, estacional y residencial, que se había desarrollado hasta los noventa en localidades como Matalascañas o Punta Umbría. La calidad y la sostenibilidad se erigen como el discurso político-empresarial hegemónico para el nuevo desarrollo turístico de la zona

    Responsibility, ethics an regulation: An impact assessment of Financial Fair Play Regulations in Spanish professional football

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    Since the end of the 20th century football has become an ever-expanding business, especially in European economies. It has created internal pressures in the systemization of processes, regulatory control, professionalization of tasks and organizational modernization in general. In addition, the increasing social weight of football has led to calls for more ethical and responsible business practice, more consistent with the contemporary social values currently gaining ground in other sectors. From this perspective, we assess the reactions of the Spanish professional football sector to the compulsory application of responsible corporate management criteria (Economic Control Regulation). We carried out a study of the coming into effect of such regulation in professional clubs financial performance in two seasons, 2010-11 and 2014-15 (before and after, respectively, the imposition of the ECR). Our findings show a marked improvement in financial indicators. The central discussion of this paper focuses on ways that responsible management improves company profitability. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, responsible business, financial compliance, football management, compliance culture

    El análisis de contenido: apuntes de estudio

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    Se explica el análisis de contenido de manera resumida y en formato 'manual' (orientado al estudiante universitario de Ciencias Sociales) según las últimas prácticas de investigación, y en referencia a los diferentes cambios que han acaecido en la práctica de dicho método - metodología - técnica de investigación

    Unequality social structures, environment and hujman development. Drugs and development: The case of cannabis in Morocco.

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    En el mundo contemporáneo, el desarrollo humano aparece como un concepto clave para incrementar la seguridad humana, y que actúa sobre la vulnerabilidad social, económica, política y medioambiental de las naciones del mundo. Las iniciativas en este sentido han de tener como consecuencia un descenso de la desigualdad social y un desarrollo sostenible. No obstante, en ocasiones se producen situaciones cuando menos parcialmente paradójicas, como es la relación entre droga y desarrollo que analizamos en el Norte de Marruecos, y que se presenta en este trabajo. En concreto, nos centramos en los factores sociales, culturales, de salud y medioambientales que intervienen en el auge del cultivo del Cannabis en el Norte de marruecos y los problemas para llevar a cabo un desarrollo local sostenible. El despegue económico que ha experimentado esta zona al amparo de la extensión de este cultivo ha tenido como consecuencia inmediata un incremento sustancial en el nivel de vida de la población local.In the current world, human development seems to be a key concept in the increase of human security with a heavy impact on the social, economic, political and environmental vulnerability of nations all over the world. Initiatives in this direction must have decrease of social inequality and sustainable development as implied consequences. Nevertheless, partially paradoxical situations take place sometimes, such as the relationship between drugs and development in Northern Morocco that we analyse in this paper. More specifically, we focus on the social, cultural environmental and health factors that have an influence on the heyday of the growing of Cannabis in the North of Morocco, as well as on the problems arising from carrying out a sustainable development at the local level. The economic takeoff that this area has undertaken as a consequence of the expansion of this crop, is the cause of an immediate and substantial increase in the standard of living of the local populatio

    Preanalytical errors: the professionals’ perspective

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    This study was aimed at understanding the perspective on preanalytical errors from the point of view of the professionals involved in the preanalytical process. A significant contribution of their specialized knowledge and experience in day-to-day practice for identifying these kinds of mistakes, and their most frequent causes, was expected.It seems evident that weaknesses and threats are closely related to institutional organization aspects and the same is true for positive elements (strengths and opportunities). There is also an important appreciation of the staff’s implication. Staff´s opinions should be taken into account by institution managers, as they offer an approach that is different and complementary to the one traditionally applied, which is purely managerial and therefore not sufficient. The results should be complemented with more updated information. Multidisciplinary cooperation must involve not only professionals from different fields but also with different roles, i.e., managers, in order to obtain results that can be used to improve healthcare, save costs and to guarantee patient’s safety. We will continue with this research line investigating the same questions among primary care staff, in order to assess “the other side of the coin” of this problem.This study was partially supported by project Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS) grant PIFIS 1099/12 from “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social. Gobierno de España. (Health Ministry, Spanish Government).Yes2015-04-0

    People of African Descent of the Americas, Racial Discrimination, and Quality of the Health Services

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    The WHO urges countries to consider the link between racial discrimination and health and, in particular, the need for further research to study the links between health outcomes and racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance. This article is carried out within the framework of approximation work towards health‐related ethnic inequalities among the population of African descent of the Americas. A qualitative methodology was used to conduct 20 in‐depth interviews with a group of key informants composed of leaders of African descent, officials from the ministries of health, international health agencies, and international technicians specialised in African descent health and interculturality from six different countries. The extracted data were categorised and encoded, generating quotations and concept maps with Atlas.ti v.8.2. The concurrency coefficients made it possible to link the codes of each subcategory with the central analytical category. The racial discrimination experienced by people of African descent and the quality of health services received poses a problem. Discrimination is faced in all countries, affecting access to services and the quality of health care, and greater discrimination against women is also detected. This shows the need for an activistpolicy and for the inclusion of specific variables in surveys, censuses, and records in order that they may be researched. Claims are made about the complementary role that traditional medicine may play and the fact that the intercultural approach may be a useful strategy for addressing inequalities. The interviewees agree with the reference theory on the existence of racial discrimination and segregation regarding the African descent population of the Americas and how this translates into ethnic inequities in the field of health. Proposals have been put forward both on how to deepen research and how to contribute to the reduction of ethnic inequalities in health issues

    Discourse analysis of the debate on hydroelectric dam builiding in Brazil

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    In recent years new hydroelectric dam projects in Brazil have led to intense debate across society. A range of different social actors have been engaged in these controversies, all of them deploying different discourses to legitimise their postures. This paper addresses the study of the discourses emerging around this debate in the case of two hydroelectric projects in the Cuenca del Alto Paraná River, and examines the way the multiple arguments emanating from the social actors are grouped together. On the basis of a content analysis of qualitative interviews a factor analysis was carried out to identify the groups of arguments. One of the main outcomes of this analysis highlighted the discursive isolation of a single social group – the people affected by the construction of the dams – in contrast to the other actors, who shared arguments grounded in techno-economic rationales. As opposed to this, those affected by the dam projects used arguments based on their emotions, identities and daily experiences of place; their perspectives were absent from the discourses of other actors

    Impacto social y desarrollo: contribuciones y retos desde la experiencia iberoamericana

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    La edición del libro está financiada por la Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana, a través del proyecto AICO con referencia 2022-40506P0007

    Edad, dependencia y consecuencias sociosanitarias

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    The use of health resources is conditioned by several factors, that are not considered by health system. It is necesary to consider that factors in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness, prevention, care and population health. This is especially important in a sociological and demographic context in which elderly and very elderly population is getting more and more importance. This fact, and its consequences, raise key issues not only in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of the health system, but also at the level of values and social rights.El uso de recursos sanitarios viene condicionado por una serie de factores que escapan a los tratados directamente por el sistema sanitario, y que es necesario considerar en el avance hacia la eficiencia y eficacia del mismo, así como para mejorar la prevención, la atención y la salud de la población. Esto es especialmente importante en un contexto sociológico y demográfico en el que el sector de población mayor y muy mayor está ganando cada vez más peso específico. Este peso, y sus consecuencias, plantean asuntos clave no sólo en términos de eficiencia y eficacia del sistema sociosanitario, sino también a nivel de valores y derechos sociales