7 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik Berlatar Belakang Petani dan Nelayan di SDI Aeteke Kecamatan Lio Timur Kabupaten Ende Tahun 2020

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    This study was conducted to determine whether there is a difference in learning motivation between students from farmers family and fishermen family at SDI Aeteke. The research problem is formulated as follows: 1). How is the learning motivation of farmers' students? 2). How is the learning motivation of fishermen's children? The research method used is descriptive quantitative, with comparative analysis to determine the differences in learning motivation between farmers' children and fishermen's children. The results showed that at SDI Aeteke there was no significant difference in learning motivation between students from farmer family backgrounds and fishermen's children, where the learning motivation score of students from farming family backgrounds was 78.5% while students from fishermen family backgrounds were 77. 9% or only 0.6% difference. However, both of them have the highest and lowest scores on different indicators where students from farming family backgrounds have high motivation scores on the interest indicator and the lowest on the student self-awareness indicator, while students with fishing family backgrounds have high motivation scores on the indicator of the desire to succeed and the lowest indicator of the condition of the student learning environment

    Etnomatematika: Konten Matematika Sekolah Dasar pada Rumah Adat di Kampung Waka Ende NTT

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    The difficulty of elementary school students in learning mathematics can be overcome through contextual learning, one of which is by using a cultural context. Mathematical content is widely available in cultural elements, one of which is traditional houses. This study aims to explore elementary school math concepts in traditional houses in Waka village, Ende, NTT. This research is a qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The process of collecting data in this study was carried out by interview, observation and documentation. The results showed that the Waka traditional house was related to elementary school mathematics. Mathematical concepts found in traditional houses in Waga Village are dominated by the concepts of primitive geometric elements (such as points, lines, line segments, angles) and flat and space forms.Kesulitan siswa sekolah dasar dalam mempelajari matematika dapat diatasi melalui pembelajaran yang kontekstual, salah satunya dengan menggunakan konteks budaya. Konten matematika banyak tersedia dalam unsure-unsur budaya, salah satunya adalah rumah adat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi konsep-konsep matematika sekolah dasar pada rumah adat di kampung Waka, Ende, NTT. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Proses pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Trianggulasi data digunakan untuk mengecek keabsahan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa rumah adat Waka mengandung unsur matematika sekolah dasar. Konsep matematika yang ditemukan pada rumah adat di Kampung Waga didominasi oleh konsep unsur-unsur geometri primitif (seperti titik, garis, ruas garis, sudut) dan bentuk bangun datar dan bangun ruang

    Edukasi Kesadaran Menjaga Lingkungan Bersih di Sekolah Dasar Inpres Ende 14

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    The purpose of this activity is to shape the mindset of the students of the Inpres Ende 14 Elementary School as the younger generation and as family members to care and maintain the surrounding environment and students can also be used as ambassadors for cleanliness in their families and homes. This activity is expected to create a clean, comfortable and healthy environment. Therefore, environmental hygiene must be applied from an early age so that they have a far-sighted mindset and will become agents of change in their environment. The method used in this activity is the lecture method. The lecture method is used to provide students with an understanding of the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy environment and the problems it causes and its impact on the environment as well as how to sort waste and process waste. After this activity, the waste management process will be continued. The activity begins with delivering material about a clean environment. The material presented is about the importance of keeping the environment clean, the origin of waste, the problems caused by waste and its impact on the environment. In these activities, the students seemed very enthusiastic and enthusiastic and the students also seemed very happy. After delivering the material, it was followed by cleaning the school environment and its surroundings as an application of lecture activities

    Relevansi Nilai-Nilai Tarian “Raja Sine” dengan Pendidikan Nilai dalam Pembelajaran PKn Sekolah Dasar

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    This stydy aims to determine the values in the Raja Sine dance that are relevant to the value education in civics learning in elementary schools. The type of cksplorratit qualitative research with the non-negative approach (culture) as atechnique for data collection is carried out by conducting in-depth interviews, documentation and participatory observation. The results showed that the values in the raja sine dance thar are relevant to the learning of civics are aesthetic values namely in class I KI 2 KD2.2, class II KI 2 KD2.2 and class III KI 2 KD2.2. the values of solidarity is in class II KI2 KD2.1. the value of togetherness (cooperation) is in class I KI 2 KD 2.3. the value of responsibility is in class I KI 2 KD2.1, class II KI 1KD2.1. the valuesof discipline is in class I KI 2 KD2.2.2, class II KI 2 KD2.2 and class III KI 2 KD 2.2

    Penggunaan Media Audio Visual dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Seni Tari pada Peserta Didik Kelas V SDN Ende 5 Kabupaten Ende

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    The purpose of this research is to define the use of audio-visual media in improving dance understanding in students, to find out the understanding of dance after using audio-visual media. This type of research is a classroom action research (CAR). This research was conducted in a recurring cycle through four stages namely planning, implementing, observing, reflecting. This research was conducted at Ende 5 Elementary School in Ende Regency. The subjects in this study were grade V students, amounting to 28 people. The collection methods used are interviews, observation, documenta   tion, and test. Analysis of the data used in this study is a qualitative descriptive analysis of teacher observation, observation of student learning activities and student understanding of the results. Based on the results of the evaluation of the first cycle with a percentage of mastery comprehension of students 50% with an average of 72.53%, the results of the evaluation of the second cycle with the percentage of completeness of students' understanding 82.14% with an average of 78.67% then the use of audio visual media can improve understanding dance with an increase of 6.14%

    Pendidikan Karakter dalam Upacara Koe Toko pada Masyarakat Adat Unggu (Kajian Semiotika)

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    Penelitian  ini  dilaksanakan  untuk  mengeksplorasi  etnopedagogi berupa penanaman nilai-nilai karakter dalam masyarakat adat Unggu melalui upacara koe toko. Dilaksanakannya penelitian ini memiliki tujuan agar nilai-nilai yang dimiliki dan diwariskan melalui upacara koe toko dapat ditemukan dan direkonstruksi untuk dilihat secara sistematis dalam  konsep  pendidikan  karakter.  Penelitian  menggunakan  metode  kualitatif  yaitu  dengan membuat kajian semiotika tentang upacara koe toko. Tahapan metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data, membuat kajian semiotik atas data dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam upacara koe toko yaitu: nilai kebersamaan atau gotong royong, tanggung jawab, religiositas dan menghargai kehidupan. Pelaksanaan upacara pemindahan makam menjadi kesempatan bagi orang tua dalam kampung, tokoh masyarakat dan mosalaki untuk memberi nasihat, mengajarkan kepada warga dan anak-anak tentang berbagai nilai yang yang harus mereka kenali dan pahami, terutama yang berkaitan dengan rasa hormat dan tanggung jawab. Nilai-nilai dalam upacara tokoh sebagaimana yang disebutkan di atas selalu diingatkan oleh para orang tua dan mosalaki kepada keluarga yang menyelenggarakan upacara tersebu

    Kesulitan Guru Sekolah Dasar dalam Mengembangkan Pembelajaran IPS Berorientasi Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Kearifan Lokal

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    Penelitian dilaksanakan untuk mendapatkan deskripsi yang jelas mengenai kesulitan guru IPS di Kecamatan Detukeli Kabupaten Ende, dalam mengembangkan perencanaan pembelajaran IPS berorientasi pendidikan karakter berbasis kearifan lokal. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan observasi dan wawancara dalam pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para guru IPS SD di Kecamatan Detukeli belum membuat perencanaan pembelajaran dengan baik karena mengalami kesulitan dalam membuat setiap bagian dari rencana pembelajaran dan mengatur waktu kerja. Hal-hal yang menyebabkan kesulitan tersebut adalah kurangnya pelatihan untuk guru yang berhubungan dengan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran, minimnya sarana dan prasarana penunjang, dan beban kerja yang terasa berat karena minimnya fasilitas