1,012 research outputs found

    Alignment of professional, academic and industrial development needs for quantity surveyors

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    The academic, professional and training needs of Quantity Surveyors are pulled by different stakeholders in different directions. Academics are interested in producing a rounded graduate with the basic foundation in knowledge for further development whereas professional bodies are interested in graduates capable of progression to full professional status through the achievement of the required core competencies (RICS, 2009). The industry is looking for a graduate who can straight away contribute to the growth and daily functions of business activity. Hence, there is a three directional pull on the development needs of the Quantity Surveyor (QS). The present education system of the QS does not recognise these multi-directional needs and hence often produces a graduate whom the industry sees as not fulfilling their requirements. This leads to many problems with greater levels of employer and graduate dissatisfaction and obstacles to early career development of the QS graduate. This research aims at investigating the changing development needs of Quantity Surveyors within a post recession industrial environment that satisfies the aspirations of industrial, professional and academic stakeholders. The paper will present the initial findings of the research based on a series of stakeholder interviews examining RICS competencies and academic curricular

    Their Truths Live On Remembering Eugene Nida (1914-2011) and Peter Newmark (1916-2011)

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    1In 2011, the two 20th century "fathers" of translation studies, Eugene Nida and Peter Newmark passed away. This commemorative article is a celebration of their lives and works in recognition of the enormous contribution they both made to translation practice and theory.nonemixeddodds john martinDodds, JOHN MARTI

    Words or meaning?

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    Abstract - In the following pages, a brief, personal outline of the history of translation is sketched, so as to determine the whys and wherefores of the form/content dichotomy that seems to be plaguing translators and translation theorists incessantly. From the outset, in Classical times, sense rules supreme. In the late middle ages with the advent of Bible translation in Europe, the word – being the word of God – assumes new-found importance, especially as any deviation from it implies heresy. With Neo-Classicism and the Age of Enlightenment, the original tenets of antiquity unsurprisingly make their comeback, though somewhat short-lived this time. With the Romantics and post-Romantics, foreign lands and cultures gain ever greater interest, as indeed do their various forms of expressions. In contemporary Europe, over the last hundred years or so, with its preoccupation for markets and product diversification, the two schools of thought seem to co-habit quite comfortably, notwithstanding modern linguistic theory that renders form and content into indivisible components of language, thus making the dichotomy fatuous. Riassunto - Nelle pagine seguenti si delinea brevemente una traccia personale della storia della traduzione in modo da determinare i motivi della dicotomia forma/contenuto che pare affliggere costantemente i traduttori e teorici della traduzione. Fin dall'inizio dell’epoca classica, il senso regna sovrano. La parola è considerata spesso niente più di un veicolo modesto per la sublimità del pensiero. Soltanto nel tardo medioevo, con l'avvento della traduzione della Bibbia in Europa, la parola,essendo la parola di Dio, assume una nuova importanza, in quanto ogni deviazione da essa significa un’eresia. Con il Neoclassicismo e l’Illuminismo non sorprende che i principi originali dell'antichità facciano ritorno, anche se solo per breve tempo. Con il Romanticismo e il post-Romanticismo, cresce l’interesse per le terre e le culture straniere, nonché per vari modi in cui si esprimono. Nel corso degli ultimi cento anni circa, nell’Europa contemporanea, con la preoccupazione per i mercati e la diversificazione dei prodotti, le due scuole di pensiero sembrano convivere piuttosto tranquillamente, nonostante lo sviluppo della teoria della linguistica moderna che considera forma e contenuto componenti indivisibili del linguaggio. Di conseguenza il problema della dicotomia non sussiste più

    Letter from John Dodds

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    Letter concerning a copy of the catalogue for Utah Agricultural College

    Dust emission in powder handling: Free falling particle plume characterisation

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    Dust generation during solids handling, principally from the free falling of bulk materials and their impact on stockpiles, can be a health threat for operators and a cause of dust explosions. The proper design of a dust emission control system requires knowledge of the behaviour of the free falling jet, in particular the amount of air entrained by the falling powder and the concentration of dust liberated. The focus in this present paper is on the effect of drop height of a free falling jet on segregation by particle size, particle velocity, changes in particle concentration and entrained air in the dust plume. This gives a quantification of the important parameters and the concentration of dust emitted during a free fall

    Granular flows down inclined channels with a strain-rate dependent friction coefficient. Part I: Non-cohesive materials

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    The flow of a granular material down an incline of finite width with a strain-rate dependent coefficient of friction and a conical yield criterion is semi-analytically obtained using a characteristic method for flows on a deep layer of grains. This analysis leads to a flow field with three distinct zones: a Bagnold-flow zone below the free surface, a dead zone and a matching zone between the two, linked to slippage at the wall. A good agreement between the computed flow field and experimental data is obtained

    Antarctic geopolitics

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    Market news dissemination in Iowa

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    Dust emission by powder handling: Influence of the hopper outlet on the dust plume

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    Dust generation in solids handling involving free fall of bulk materials and impacts on a stockpile can cause many problems in industry and be a great danger for operators health. This paper describes an experimental set up to characterize the dust plume formed in free fall of powders from a hopper and investigates the influence of various outlet geometries on the dust plume. For this purpose an image analysis technique was developed to quantify the characteristics of the dust plume

    Post-colonial Antarctica

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    This chapter explores how postcolonial perspectives have informed and contributed to ‘critical Antarctic studies’. Shortly after Dodds published an essay in Polar Record entitled ‘Post- colonial Antarctica: an emerging engagement’, leading postcolonial theorists posited the ‘The end of post- colonial theory?’ in the journal PMLA (Publications of the Modern Language Association). Lambasting postcolonial theory as irrelevant, parochial and Anglo-centric, 1 their piece captured a powerful current of discontent. But for Robert Young, a leading theorist of post- colonialism and author of field- setting introductions to postcolonial theory and practice, such an obituary seemed out of place and time..