18,382 research outputs found

    Social Determinants of Smoke Exposure During Pregnancy: Findings From Waves 1 & 2 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study

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    Maternal smoking during pregnancy (MSDP) and secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure are associated with a myriad of negative health effects for both mother and child. However, less is known regarding social determinants for SHS exposure, which may differ from those of maternal smoking during pregnancy (MSDP). To identify social determinants for SHS exposure only, MSDP only, and MSDP and SHS exposure, data were obtained from all pregnant women (18–54 years; N = 726) in waves 1 and 2 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study (2014–2015). Multiple logistic regressions were conducted using SAS 9.4. Smoke exposure during pregnancy was common; 23.0% reported SHS exposure only, 6.1% reported MSDP only, and 11.8% reported both SHS exposure and MSDP. Results demonstrate that relationships between smoke exposure during pregnancy and social determinants vary by type of exposure. Women at risk for any smoke exposure during pregnancy include those who are unmarried and allow the use of combustible tobacco products within the home. Those who are at higher risk for SHS exposure include those who are younger in age, and those who are earlier in their pregnancy. Those who are at higher risk for maternal smoking include those with fair/poor mental health status and those who believe that others\u27 view tobacco use more positively. These results suggest the need for implementing more comprehensive policies that promote smoke-free environments. Implementing these strategies have the potential to improve maternal and fetal health outcomes associated with tobacco smoke exposure

    Electronic and phonon excitations in {\alpha}-RuCl3_3

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    We report on THz, infrared reflectivity and transmission experiments for wave numbers from 10 to 8000 cm1^{-1} (\sim 1 meV - 1 eV) and for temperatures from 5 to 295 K on the Kitaev candidate material {\alpha}-RuCl3_3. As reported earlier, the compound under investigation passes through a first-order structural phase transition, from a monoclinic high-temperature to a rhombohedral low-temperature phase. The phase transition shows an extreme and unusual hysteretic behavior, which extends from 60 to 166 K. In passing this phase transition, in the complete frequency range investigated we found a significant reflectance change, which amounts almost a factor of two. We provide a broadband spectrum of dielectric constant, dielectric loss and optical conductivity from the THz to the mid infrared regime and study in detail the phonon response and the low-lying electronic density of states. We provide evidence for the onset of an optical energy gap, which is of order 200 meV, in good agreement with the gap derived from measurements of the DC electrical resistivity. Remarkably, the onset of the gap exhibits a strong blue shift on increasing temperatures.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    A Promising Change in the Selection of the Circular Polarization Excitation Used in the Measurement of Eu(III) Circularly Polarized Luminescence

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    A judicious change in the selected transition used for circular polarization excitation will overcome the low oscillator strength limitation of the currently allowed magnetic-dipole 5D1 ← 7F2 (Eu(III)) transition chosen for circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) measurement. The proposed allowed magnetic-dipole 5D1 ← 7F0 (Eu(III)) transition will facilitate the detection of CPL from the Eu(III) systems of interest. CPL on the acetonitrile solution of the chiral tris complex of Eu(III) with (R,R)-N,N′-bis(1-phenylethyl)-2,6-pyridinedicarboxamide ([Eu((R,R)-1)3]3+), recently suggested as an effective and reliable CPL calibrating agent, confirms the feasibility of the proposed experimental procedure. A comparable CPL activity exhibited by the acetonitrile solution of [Eu((R,R)-1)3]3+ following direct excitation in the spectral range of the 5D1 ← 7F0 transition and upon indirect excitation through the ligand absorption bands (λexc = 308 nm) was observed. This confirms that the recommended magnetic-dipole allowed absorption transition, 5D1 ← 7F0, is the transition to be considered in the measurement of CPL. This work provides critical direction for the continued instrumental improvements that can be done for developing CPL into a biomolecular structural probe

    Multivariate Anisotropic Interpolation on the Torus

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    We investigate the error of periodic interpolation, when sampling a function on an arbitrary pattern on the torus. We generalize the periodic Strang-Fix conditions to an anisotropic setting and provide an upper bound for the error of interpolation. These conditions and the investigation of the error especially take different levels of smoothness along certain directions into account

    Application of the Kerman-Klein method to the solution of a spherical shell model for a deformed rare-earth nucleus

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    Core-particle coupling models are made viable by assuming that core properties such as matrix elements of multipole and pairing operators and excitation spectra are known independently. From the completeness relation, it is seen, however, that these quantities are themselves algebraic functions of the calculated core-particle amplitudes. For the deformed rare-earth nucleus 158Gd, we find that these sum rules are well-satisfied for the ground state band, implying that we have found a self-consistent solution of the non-linear Kerman-Klein equations.Comment: revtex and postscript, including 1 figure(postscript), submitted to Phys.Rev.Let

    Production, breeding and potential of cowpea crop in Brazil.

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    About 50 years ago cowpea was reported as a relatively minor tropical legume. However, in the last years, it has been emerging as one of the most important food legume of the 21st century (SINGH, 2010). Brazil is not out of this panorama. Brazilian agriculture is undergoing major technological changes and, in addition, globalization in agribusiness has caused impacts on the production chain of several crops, particularly those heavily dependent on the use of a large volume of agricultural inputs, mainly fertilizers and pesticides. Such crops have had a higher production cost each year. On the other hand, this situation has brought new opportunities. Business farmers have sought new alternatives for their production arrangements. In this context cowpea constitutes one of the best options.bitstream/item/85620/1/Doc-216-Production.pd

    Sub-gap optical response across the structural phase transition in van der Waals layered \alpha-RuCl3_3

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    We report magnetic, thermodynamic, thermal expansion, and on detailed optical experiments on the layered compound α\alpha-RuCl3_3 focusing on the THz and sub-gap optical response across the structural phase transition from the monoclinic high-temperature to the rhombohedral low-temperature structure, where the stacking sequence of the molecular layers is changed. This type of phase transition is characteristic for a variety of tri-halides crystallizing in a layered honeycomb-type structure and so far is unique, as the low-temperature phase exhibits the higher symmetry. One motivation is to unravel the microscopic nature of spin-orbital excitations via a study of temperature and symmetry-induced changes. We document a number of highly unusual findings: A characteristic two-step hysteresis of the structural phase transition, accompanied by a dramatic change of the reflectivity. An electronic excitation, which appears in a narrow temperature range just across the structural phase transition, and a complex dielectric loss spectrum in the THz regime, which could indicate remnants of Kitaev physics. Despite significant symmetry changes across the monoclinic to rhombohedral phase transition, phonon eigenfrequencies and the majority of spin-orbital excitations are not strongly influenced. Obviously, the symmetry of the single molecular layers determine the eigenfrequencies of most of these excitations. Finally, from this combined terahertz, far- and mid-infrared study we try to shed some light on the so far unsolved low energy (< 1eV) electronic structure of the ruthenium 4d54d^5 electrons in α\alpha-RuCl3_3.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Ação microbiológica de filme de acetato com óleos essenciais em queijo coalho.

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    Resumo: As embalagens biodegradáveis têm sido amplamente exploradas como alternativas para substituição das embalagens convencionais. Estudos vêm sendo direcionados visando não somente a proteção, mas também a interação com o produto. Em alimentos as embalagens ativas atuam como barreira a agentes externos, contribuindo com uma melhor qualidade do produto e prolongando a vida de prateleira. A incorporação de substâncias antimicrobianas em embalagens é uma estratégia para solucionar o problema da contaminação microbiana em alimentos

    The two states of Sgr A* in the near-infrared: bright episodic flares on top of low-level continuous variability

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    In this paper we examine properties of the variable source Sgr A* in the near-infrared (NIR) using a very extensive Ks-band data set from NACO/VLT observations taken 2004 to 2009. We investigate the variability of Sgr A* with two different photometric methods and analyze its flux distribution. We find Sgr A* is continuously emitting and continuously variable in the near-infrared, with some variability occurring on timescales as long as weeks. The flux distribution can be described by a lognormal distribution at low intrinsic fluxes (<~5 mJy, dereddened with A_{Ks}=2.5). The lognormal distribution has a median flux of approximately 1.1 mJy, but above 5 mJy the flux distribution is significantly flatter (high flux events are more common) than expected for the extrapolation of the lognormal distribution to high fluxes. We make a general identification of the low level emission above 5 mJy as flaring emission and of the low level emission as the quiescent state. We also report here the brightest Ks-band flare ever observed (from August 5th, 2008) which reached an intrinsic Ks-band flux of 27.5 mJy (m_{Ks}=13.5). This flare was a factor 27 increase over the median flux of Sgr A*, close to double the brightness of the star S2, and 40% brighter than the next brightest flare ever observed from Sgr~A*.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap