101 research outputs found

    Glutamate, and its relationship to task-induced functional connectivity in the human brain: A focus on schizophrenia

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    Glutamate is the brainā€™s major excitatory neurotransmitter mediating both neuroplasticity and network function (Zhou & Danbolt, 2014). Basal glutamate (Glu) measured using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) provides insight into a regionā€™s density of neuropil related to the glutamatergic system. Moreover, given the role of glutamate in mediating brain network function, Glu levels may play a role in the brainā€™s functional connectivity (FC), which is typically estimated from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) time series data. These questions converge when considering the clinical syndrome of schizophrenia (SCZ). Patients with SCZ show abnormalities in basal Glu in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex (Tebartz et al., 2013). They also show functional dys-connectivity across brain networks induced by tasks of learning (Baajour et al., 2020). Yet, no investigations have systematically assessed relationships between basal Glu and task-induced FC in healthy controls (HC), and possibly altered relationships in SCZ. Here, we will explore relationships between Glu (hippocampus and prefrontal cortex) and whole-brain functional connectivity derived from fMRI data acquired using a specifically tailored learning task (Ravishankar et al., 2019). Data was acquired in a single session in 72 participants (36 SCZ and 36 HC). From Glu quantitated in the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex (LC Model, Woodcock et al., 2018), we will explore statistical relationships to FC estimated across a 90-node brain network, using a combination of clustering and graph theoretic methods, and address whether these relationships differ between HC and SCZ

    From Mathematics to Medicine: A Practical Primer on Topological Data Analysis (TDA) and the Development of Related Analytic Tools for the Functional Discovery of Latent Structure in fMRI Data

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    fMRI is the preeminent method for collecting signals from the human brain in vivo, for using these signals in the service of functional discovery, and relating these discoveries to anatomical structure. Numerous computational and mathematical techniques have been deployed to extract information from the fMRI signal. Yet, the application of Topological Data Analyses (TDA) remain limited to certain sub-areas such as connectomics (that is, with summarized versions of fMRI data). While connectomics is a natural and important area of application of TDA, applications of TDA in the service of extracting structure from the (non-summarized) fMRI data itself are heretofore nonexistent. ā€œStructureā€ within fMRI data is determined by dynamic fluctuations in spatially distributed signals over time, and TDA is well positioned to help researchers better characterize mass dynamics of the signal by rigorously capturing shape within it. To accurately motivate this idea, we a) survey an established method in TDA (ā€œpersistent homologyā€) to reveal and describe how complex structures can be extracted from data sets generally, and b) describe how persistent homology can be applied specifically to fMRI data. We provide explanations for some of the mathematical underpinnings of TDA (with expository figures), building ideas in the following sequence: a) fMRI researchers can and should use TDA to extract structure from their data; b) this extraction serves an important role in the endeavor of functional discovery, and c) TDA approaches can complement other established approaches toward fMRI analyses (for which we provide examples). We also provide detailed applications of TDA to fMRI data collected using established paradigms, and offer our software pipeline for readers interested in emulating our methods. This working overview is both an inter-disciplinary synthesis of ideas (to draw researchers in TDA and fMRI toward each other) and a detailed description of methods that can motivate collaborative research

    Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex modulates supplementary motor area in coordinated unimanual motor behavior

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    Motor control is integral to all types of human behavior, and the dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex (dACC) is thought to play an important role in the brain network underlying motor control. Yet the role of the dACC in motor control is under-characterized. Here we aimed to characterize the dACCā€™s role in adolescent brain network interactions during a simple motor control task involving visually coordinated unimanual finger movements. Network interactions were assessed using both undirected and directed functional connectivity analysis of fMRI BOLD signals, comparing the task with a rest condition. The relation between the dACC and Supplementary Motor Area (SMA) was compared to that between the dACC and Primary Motor Cortex (M1). The directed signal from dACC to SMA was significantly elevated during motor control in the task. By contrast, the directed signal from SMA to dACC, both directed signals between dACC and M1, and the undirected functional connections of dACC with SMA and M1, all did not differ between task and rest. Undirected coupling of dACC with both SMA and dACC, and only the dACC-to-SMA directed signal, were significantly greater for a proactive than a reactive task condition, suggesting that dACC plays a role in motor control by maintaining stimulus timing expectancy. Overall, these results suggest that the dACC selectively modulates the SMA during visually coordinated unimanual behavior in adolescence. The role of the dACC as an important brain area for the mediation of task-related motor control may be in place in adolescence, continuing into adulthood. The task and analytic approach described here should be extended to the study of healthy adults to examine network profiles of the dACC during basic motor behavior

    Learning without contingencies induces higher order asynchrony in brain networks in schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia (SCZ) is characterized by both cognitive and reward impairments. A recent study suggests that SCZ is associated with a loss of synchrony between learning and reward circuits (Robison et al., 2019) and higher levels of dis-organization of functional brain networks may underpin failures in learning that characterize SCZ (HĆ¼tt et al., 2014). Therefore, here we examined inter-group (HC ā‰  SCZ) 4th order differences in statistical regularity across a connectome of cognition and reward brain circuits. The analyses were conducted on fMRI time series data from a previous learning paradigm (Stanley et al., 2017) with periods of Encoding and Retrieval. 75 participants (46 SCZ, 18 Age 50) consented for fMRI. Time Series were extracted from eight bilateral a priori nodes (across learning and reward sub-networks). 2nd order undirectional functional connectivity was characterized across all nodal pairs during Encoding, Retrieval, and their subsequent rest periods. From this, a 4th order cross-correlation matrix was produced within each group and condition. Significant 4th order differences were projected to chords in the 4th order connectomic rings for Encoding and Retrieval (Figure 1). Two effects are evident: 1) SCZ are characterized by a massive loss of 4th order synchrony during both Encoding and Retrieval and 2) Retrieval evokes a greater loss in 4th order statistical synchrony than does Encoding. These results appear to validate the idea the SCZ is characterized by a loss of synergy between cognition and reward circuits, and that this loss of synergy is evident at higher order scales

    Attempts at memory control induce dysfunctional brain activation profiles in Generalized Anxiety Disorder: An exploratory fMRI study

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    Suppression of aversive memories through memory control has historically been proposed as a central psychological defense mechanism. Inability to suppress memories is considered a central psychological trait in several psychiatric disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Yet, few studies have attempted the focused identification of dysfunctional brain activation profiles when patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorders attempt memory control. Using a well-characterized behavioral paradigm we studied brain activation profiles in a group of adult GAD patients and well-matched healthy controls (HC). Participants learned word-association pairs before imaging. During fMRI when presented with one word of the pair, they were instructed to either suppress memory of, or retrieve the paired word. Subsequent behavioral testing indicated both GAD and HC were able to engage in the task, but attempts at memory control (suppression or retrieval) during fMRI revealed vastly different activation profiles. GAD were characterized by substantive hypo-activation signatures during both types of memory control, with effects particularly strong during suppression in brain regions including the dorsal anterior cingulate and the ventral prefrontal cortex. Attempts at memory control in GAD fail to engage brain regions to the same extent HC, providing a putative neuronal signature for a well-established psychological characteristic of the illness

    Premorbid Cognitive Deficits in Young Relatives of Schizophrenia Patients

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    Neurocognitive deficits in schizophrenia (SZ) are thought to be stable trait markers that predate the illness and manifest in relatives of patients. Adolescence is the age of maximum vulnerability to the onset of SZ and may be an opportune ā€œwindowā€ to observe neurocognitive impairments close to but prior to the onset of psychosis. We reviewed the extant studies assessing neurocognitive deficits in young relatives at high risk (HR) for SZ and their relation to brain structural alterations. We also provide some additional data pertaining to the relation of these deficits to psychopathology and brain structural alterations from the Pittsburgh Risk Evaluation Program (PREP). Cognitive deficits are noted in the HR population, which are more severe in first-degree relatives compared to second-degree relatives and primarily involve psychomotor speed, memory, attention, reasoning, and social-cognition. Reduced general intelligence is also noted, although its relationship to these specific domains is underexplored. Premorbid cognitive deficits may be related to brain structural and functional abnormalities, underlining the neurobiological basis of this illness. Cognitive impairments might predict later emergence of psychopathology in at-risk subjects and may be targets of early remediation and preventive strategies. Although evidence for neurocognitive deficits in young relatives abounds, further studies on their structural underpinnings and on their candidate status as endophenotypes are needed

    Inefficient white matter activity in Schizophrenia evoked during intra and inter-hemispheric communication

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    Intensive cognitive tasks induce inefficient regional and network responses in schizophrenia (SCZ). fMRI-based studies have naturally focused on gray matter, but appropriately titrated visuo-motor integration tasks reliably activate inter- and intra-hemispheric white matter pathways. Such tasks can assess network inefficiency without demanding intensive cognitive effort. Here, we provide the first application of this framework to the study of white matter functional responses in SCZ. Event-related fMRI data were acquired from 28 patients (nine females, mean age 43.3, Ā±11.7) and 28 age- and gender-comparable controls (nine females, mean age 42.1ā€‰Ā±ā€‰10.1), using the Poffenberger paradigm, a rapid visual detection task used to induce intra- (ipsi-lateral visual and motor cortex) or inter-hemispheric (contra-lateral visual and motor cortex) transfer. fMRI data were pre- and post-processed to reliably isolate activations in white matter, using probabilistic tractography-based white matter tracts. For intra- and inter-hemispheric transfer conditions, SCZ evinced hyper-activations in longitudinal and transverse white matter tracts, with hyper-activation in sub-regions of the corpus callosum primarily observed during inter-hemispheric transfer. Evidence for the functional inefficiency of white matter was observed in conjunction with small (~50ā€‰ms) but significant increases in response times. Functional inefficiencies in SCZ are (1) observable in white matter, with the degree of inefficiency contextually related to task-conditions, and (2) are evoked by simple detection tasks without intense cognitive processing. These cumulative results while expanding our understanding of this dys-connection syndrome, also extend the search of biomarkers beyond the traditional realm of fMRI studies of gray matter

    Activations in gray and white matter are modulated by uni-manual responses during within and inter-hemispheric transfer: effects of response hand and right-handedness

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    Because the visual cortices are contra-laterally organized, inter-hemispheric transfer tasks have been used to behaviorally probe how information briefly presented to one hemisphere of the visual cortex is integrated with responses resulting from the ipsi- or contra-lateral motor cortex. By forcing rapid information exchange across diverse regions, these tasks robustly activate not only gray matter regions, but also white matter tracts. It is likely that the response hand itself (dominant or non-dominant) modulates gray and white matter activations during within and inter-hemispheric transfer. Yet the role of uni-manual responses and/or right hand dominance in modulating brain activations during such basic tasks is unclear. Here we investigated how uni-manual responses with either hand modulated activations during a basic visuo-motor task (the established Poffenberger paradigm) alternating between inter- and within-hemispheric transfer conditions. In a large sample of strongly right-handed adults (n = 49), we used a factorial combination of transfer condition [Inter vs. Within] and response hand [Dominant(Right) vs. Non-Dominant (Left)] to discover fMRI-based activations in gray matter, and in narrowly defined white matter tracts. These tracts were identified using a priori probabilistic white matter atlases. Uni-manual responses with the right hand strongly modulated activations in gray matter, and notably in white matter. Furthermore, when responding with the left hand, activations during inter-hemispheric transfer were strongly predicted by the degree of right-hand dominance, with increased right-handedness predicting decreased fMRI activation. Finally, increasing age within the middle-aged sample was associated with a decrease in activations. These results provide novel evidence of complex relationships between uni-manual responses in right-handed subjects, and activations during within- and inter-hemispheric transfer suggest that the organization of the motor system exerts sophisticated functional effects. Moreover, our evidence of activation in white matter tracts is consistent with prior studies, confirming fMRI-detectable white matter activations which are systematically modulated by experimental condition

    Sexual regional dimorphism of post-adolescent and middle age brain maturation. A multi-center 3T MRI study

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    Sex-related differences are tied into neurodevelopmental and lifespan processes, beginning early in the perinatal and developmental phases and continue into adulthood. The present study was designed to investigate sexual dimorphism of changes in gray matter (GM) volume in post-adolescence, with a focus on early and middle-adulthood using a structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dataset of healthy controls from the European Network on Psychosis, Affective disorders and Cognitive Trajectory (ENPACT). Three hundred and seventy three subjects underwent a 3.0 T MRI session across four European Centers. Age by sex effects on GM volumes were investigated using voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and the Automated Anatomical Labeling atlas regions (ROI). Females and males showed overlapping and non-overlapping patterns of GM volume changes during aging. Overlapping age-related changes emerged in bilateral frontal and temporal cortices, insula and thalamus. Both VBM and ROI analyses revealed non-overlapping changes in multiple regions, including cerebellum and vermis, bilateral mid frontal, mid occipital cortices, left inferior temporal and precentral gyri. These findings highlight the importance of accounting for sex differences in cross-sectional analyses, not only in the study of normative changes, but particularly in the context of psychiatric and neurologic disorders, wherein sex effects may be confounded with disease-related changes
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