11 research outputs found

    Lembaga Jaminan Fidusia: Pasca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 18/PUU-XVII/2019

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    Fiduciary is one of the guarantees where the debtor has the right to control and take advantage of the goods that are used as fiduciary security objects. Article 15 paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of Law Number 42 Year 1999 concerning Fiduciary Guarantee regulates the execution mechanism for fiduciary security objects when the fiduciary giver (debtor) experiences breach of promise to the fiduciary recipient (creditor). So far, the execution mechanism for fiduciary security objects regulated in the Act creates legal uncertainty and harms the debtor's rights. Because it gives too much power to the creditor. The imbalance of power relations between debtors and creditors towards the handling of the problem of breach of contract actually causes an injustice in existing fiduciary institutions. The Constitutional Court, through decision number 18 / PUU-XVII / 2019, tries to return the fiduciary institution to the spirit of equilibrium relations between debtors, creditors, and fair fiduciary guarantees. After the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 18 / PUU-XVII / 2019. Has there been a harmonious power relationship between two legal subjects in fiduciary guarantees. This paper examines the pre and post fiduciary guarantee institutions of the Constitutional Court and analyzes the legal consequences that occur. This paper uses a type of juridical-normative research using primary data and primary, secondary and tertiary legal material. While the analysis method uses qualitative method


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    Di negara-negara sedang berkembang, pemerintah yang menyelenggarakan kekuasaan negara, umumnya berperan sebagai agen pembangunan dan perubahan sosial. Dalam menjalankan peranan itu,  pemerintah membutuhkan dukungan bank sentral sebagai lembaga yang berperan penting  dalam pembiayan pembangunan. Persoalan yang akan dibahas dalam tulisan ini yaitu terkait independensi kelembagaan Bank Sentral dalam mengelola perekonomian suatu negara dan hubungannya dengan ekonomi dunia. Adapun parameter yang digunakan untuk menakar kualitas independensi kelembagaan bank sentral dapat mengacu kepada: pertama, kewenangan dan hubungan bank sentral dengan pemerintah,  kedua, pengisian jabatan pimpinan bank sentral dan ketiga,  keuangan lembaga. Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik yakni menata kembali kelembagaan dan independensi Bank Indonesia adalah Conditio Sine Qua non, karena lembaga bank Indonesia adalah lembaga yang memegang peranan yang penting dalam bidang moneter.Di negara-negara sedang berkembang, pemerintah yang menyelenggarakan kekuasaan negara, umumnya berperan sebagai agen pembangunan dan perubahan sosial. Dalam menjalankan peranan itu,  pemerintah membutuhkan dukungan bank sentral sebagai lembaga yang berperan penting  dalam pembiayan pembangunan. Persoalan yang akan dibahas dalam tulisan ini yaitu terkait independensi kelembagaan Bank Sentral dalam mengelola perekonomian suatu negara dan hubungannya dengan ekonomi dunia. Adapun parameter yang digunakan untuk menakar kualitas independensi kelembagaan bank sentral dapat mengacu kepada: pertama, kewenangan dan hubungan bank sentral dengan pemerintah,  kedua, pengisian jabatan pimpinan bank sentral dan ketiga,  keuangan lembaga. Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik yakni menata kembali kelembagaan dan independensi Bank Indonesia adalah Conditio Sine Qua non, karena lembaga bank Indonesia adalah lembaga yang memegang peranan yang penting dalam bidang moneter

    Pembatasan Hak Untuk Bergerak (Right to Move) melalui Larangan Masuk dan Pembatasan Perjalanan selama Penyebaran Virus COVID-19 menurut Hukum Internasional dan Hukum Indonesia

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    Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) menyatakan Covid-19 sebagai Pandemi pada 11 Maret 2020. Sejumlah negara telah membuat berbagai kebijakan untuk menekan penyebaran virus tersebut. Salah satu kebijakan tersebut adalah regulasi masuk dan pembatasan perjalanan. Kebijakan ini dipandang perlu untuk mencegah penularan dan penyebaran virus secara masif akibat pergerakan manusia. Di sisi lain, konvensi hak asasi manusia memberikan perlindungan terhadap hak untuk bergerak dan memasuki suatu negara dan melarang tindakan diskriminasi. Tulisan ini mengkaji perspektif hukum internasional tentang kebijakan masuk dan pembatasan perjalanan serta membahas kebijakan domestik Indonesia dalam menanggulangi wabah korona. Penelitian  ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, dengan data sekunder yaitu bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tersier. Tulisan ini merangkum bahwa kebijakan negara mengenai pengaturan masuk dan pembatasan larangan bepergian merupakan sesuatu yang dibolehkan menurut hukum internasional. Hal ini berdampak pada pengurangan jumlah wabah korona lintas batas negara. Meskipun demikian, kebijakan ini mungkin melanggar hak asasi manusia jika tidak mengacu pada ketentuan hukum yang berlaku seperti konvensi hak asasi manusia. Tulisan ini menyarankan kepada para pembuat kebijakan untuk berhati-hati dalam menggunakan kebijakan entry regulation

    Pembatasan Hak Untuk Bergerak (Right to Move) melalui Larangan Masuk dan Pembatasan Perjalanan selama Penyebaran Virus COVID-19 menurut Hukum Internasional dan Hukum Indonesia

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    Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) menyatakan Covid-19 sebagai Pandemi pada 11 Maret 2020. Sejumlah negara telah membuat berbagai kebijakan untuk menekan penyebaran virus tersebut. Salah satu kebijakan tersebut adalah regulasi masuk dan pembatasan perjalanan. Kebijakan ini dipandang perlu untuk mencegah penularan dan penyebaran virus secara masif akibat pergerakan manusia. Di sisi lain, konvensi hak asasi manusia memberikan perlindungan terhadap hak untuk bergerak dan memasuki suatu negara dan melarang tindakan diskriminasi. Tulisan ini mengkaji perspektif hukum internasional tentang kebijakan masuk dan pembatasan perjalanan serta membahas kebijakan domestik Indonesia dalam menanggulangi wabah korona. Penelitian  ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, dengan data sekunder yaitu bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tersier. Tulisan ini merangkum bahwa kebijakan negara mengenai pengaturan masuk dan pembatasan larangan bepergian merupakan sesuatu yang dibolehkan menurut hukum internasional. Hal ini berdampak pada pengurangan jumlah wabah korona lintas batas negara. Meskipun demikian, kebijakan ini mungkin melanggar hak asasi manusia jika tidak mengacu pada ketentuan hukum yang berlaku seperti konvensi hak asasi manusia. Tulisan ini menyarankan kepada para pembuat kebijakan untuk berhati-hati dalam menggunakan kebijakan entry regulation

    Navigating Human Rights in Indonesia and Beyond

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    In Indonesia, promoting human rights is a long battle run. Human rights were just formally recognised when Suharto's authoritarian regime ended in 1998, but these rights have experienced a rise and fall throughout the Reformasi. Indonesia successfully amended the 1945 Constitution by incorporating more human rights provisions and enacted Human Rights Law 39/1999. However, this country still faces the challenges of ensuring that human rights are promoted with the state’s obligation to respect, protect and fulfil amidst the debates on institutional reforms, universalism and relativism, as well as the limited powers of the national human rights institution. Along with efforts to ensure that democracy and human rights can coexist, democratisation in Indonesia is also inextricably linked to advancing human rights. After two decades of Indonesia's reform, human rights and democracy have become vital cornerstones, but they have experienced serious challenges in their promotion. From the Indonesian context, these discourses can relate to those discourses in other Global South countries, like India, that this edition will elaborate on due to their relatively similar and unique pathways with arduous tasks in managing domestic affairs. Indonesia can represent critical, which is more likely underrepresented discourses with robust arguments on various social, economic, political and cultural situations in the Southern Hemisphere, from which these debates endure and are usually more centred on the West and, to some extent, the Global North. These discourses from the Global South countries can provide a frequently unheard perspective to current discussions on human rights. These discourses highlight how the new justification of human rights can contribute to emancipatory initiatives

    Freedom Of Religion And Belief Under Supreme Court Verdict Study Case On Supreme Court Decision Number 17/P/HUM/2021

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    Freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) is one of the human rights stated in the 1945 Constitution. Article 29 paragraphs (1) and (2) of the 1945 Constitution. The recognition of religion guarantees the independence of each of its inhabitants to embrace their respective religions and to worship according to their religion or beliefs. The state guarantee on FoRB consists of assurance for the internal and external forums. Freedom to embrace religion or belief is an internal forum for everyone, an absolute right as regulated in ICCPR that Indonesia has also ratified. In fact, this provision is also regulated in Article 28 I paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution. The fulfillment of the right to FoRB is frequently discriminated against in Indonesia. The  issue of forcing to wear school uniforms with hijab for non-Muslim female students is still common in many public schools in Indonesia. The State has issued a joint decree (SKB) of 3 ministers to normalize the discriminatory status quo. However, the attempt to return it to its normal position was thwarted by the LKMM, which carried out the SKB test. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court (SC) canceled the SKB because schools have the right to carry out religious education and instilled values. The judges ratio decidendi made by the SC Justices were very dry from the perspective of freedom of religion or belief in canceling the 3 Ministerial Decrees. The judge saw the issue of forcing to wear hijab on non-Muslim students from the perspective of the majority religious thought without noticing that Indonesian society is very diverse. Therefore, the protection of the right to FoRB should also safeguard the religious minorities rights. This paper will examine decision made by judiciary power in term protecting the FoRB right. This verdict will be reviewing toward to justice consideration (ratio decedendi) and legal archicteture in filling the norm FoRB. Moreover, it will also appraise to judicial behavior based on breakfasting theory

    Constitutional Design of Strengthening DPR Role in Forming, Changing, and Dissolving State Ministries in the Constitutional Views

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    As a country that maintains a presidential system of government, it is essential to concentrate on creating the framework and structure of government. This is closely tied to the establishment, evolution, and dissolution of such institutions. As a consequence, the President and the DPR will be capable of determining responsive and constitutional legal politics. This legal policy study focuses on how the growth and regulation of state ministries and state institutions were connected to the constitutional system's establishment, modification, and dissolution. Second, how can legal politics address this in a manner that seems to be constitutional? The objective of this study is to assess the arrangements pertaining to the formation, alteration, and dissolution of ministries and state institutions under the constitutional system in order to define the ideal political legislation.This research uses normative legal research methods with descriptive research specifications and is analyzed through library research and data analysis methods using juridical-qualitative. The results of the research and discussion in this study include: First, the arrangements regarding the formation, modification, and dissolution of ministries and state institutions do not yet have a clear legal basis so that the President as the holder of power, is irregular in issuing his policies. Second, the legal politics that was initiated wanted the Government and the DPR to be more synergized in terms of drafting legal considerations and normalizing them based on statutory regulations and principles in a presidential system of government


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    The Ratification Act is a legal product that states Indonesia's commitment to an international treaty. The constitutionality of these laws has been tested before the Constitutional Court. In its decision, the Constitutional Court stated that the Ratification Acts is the object of judicial review as stipulated in article 24 C paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution. Even though there were two differences of opinion in the verdict on the ASEAN Charter Ratification Laws review, namely the Justice: Hamdan Zoelva and Maria Farida. The two judges categorized the Laws on the Ratification of International Treaties, not in the category of laws reviewed by the Constitutional Court. This decision explains the position of the Ratification Law in the Indonesian legal system and its future implications. This paper discusses the position of the Ratification Acts under the Indonesian legal system and the implications that will occur after the future Constitutional Court decisions on the development and relations of national law and international law. This writing uses secondary data and also primary, secondary, and tertiary legal material. This writing found the inconsistency of Indonesia in making ratification acts of International Law. It emerges that implication to the status of ratification acts. Moreover, The Constitutional Court decision tries to clarify ratification acts under the Indonesian legal system