591 research outputs found

    Homogeneous Transitions during Inflation: a Description in Quantum Cosmology

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    The usual description of inflationary fluctuations uses the framework of quantum field theory (QFT) in curved spacetime, in which quantum fluctuations are superimposed on a classical background spacetime. Even for large fluctuations, such as those envisioned during a regime of eternal inflation, this framework is frequently used. In the present work we go one step beyond this description by quantising both the scalar field and the scale factor of the universe. Employing the Lorentzian path integral formulation of semi-classical gravity we restrict to a simplified minisuperspace setting by considering homogeneous transitions. This approach allows us to determine the dominant geometry and inflaton evolution contributing to such amplitudes. We find that for precisely specified initial scale factor and inflaton values (and uncertain momenta), two distinct saddle point geometries contribute to the amplitude, leading to interference effects. However, when the momenta of both scale factor and inflaton are specified with sufficient certainty, only a single saddle point is relevant and QFT in curved spacetime is applicable. In particular we find that for inflaton transitions up the potential, meaningful results are only obtained when the initial uncertainty in the inflaton value is large enough, allowing the dominant evolution to be a complexified slow-roll solution \emph{down} from a comparatively unlikely position higher up in the potential

    Unstable no-boundary fluctuations from sums over regular metrics

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    It was recently shown by Feldbrugge et al. that the no-boundary proposal, defined via a Lorentzian path integral and in minisuperspace, leads to unstable fluctuations, in disagreement with early universe observations. In these calculations many off-shell geometries summed over in the path integral in fact contain singularities, and the question arose whether the instability might ultimately be caused by these off-shell singularities. We address this question here by considering a sum over purely regular geometries, by extending a calculation pioneered by Halliwell and Louko. We confirm that the fluctuations are unstable, even in this restricted context which, arguably, is closer in spirit to the original proposal of Hartle and Hawking. Elucidating the reasons for the instability of the no-boundary proposal will hopefully show how to overcome these difficulties, or pave the way to new theories of initial conditions for the universe

    Prolonged survival in the absence of disease-recurrence in advanced-stage follicular lymphoma following chemo-immunotherapy: 13-year update of the prospective, multicenter randomized GITMO-IIL trial

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    Aprospective trial conducted in the period 2000-2005 showed no survival advantage for high-dose chemotherapy with rituximab and autograft (RHDS) versus conventional chemotherapy with rituximab (CHOP-R) as firstline therapy in 134 high-risk follicular lymphoma patients aged <60 years. The study has been updated at the 13-year median follow up. As of February 2017, 88 (66%) patients were alive, with overall survival of 66.4% at 13 years, without a significant difference between R-HDS (64.5%) and CHOP-R (68.5%). To date, 46 patients have died, mainly because of disease progression (47.8% of all deaths), secondary malignancies (3 solid tumor, 9 myelodysplasia/acute leukemia; 26.1% of all deaths), and other toxicities (21.7% of all deaths). Complete remission was documented in 98 (73.1%) patients and associated with overall survival, with 13- year estimates of 77.0% and 36.8% for complete remission versus no-complete remission, respectively. Molecular remission was documented in 39 (65%) out of 60 evaluable patients and associated with improved survival. In multivariate analysis, complete remission achievement had the strongest effect on survival (P<0.001), along with younger age (P=0.002) and female sex (P=0.013). Overall, 50 patients (37.3%) survived with no disease recurrence (18 CHOP-R, 32 R-HDS). This follow up is the longest reported on follicular lymphoma treated upfront with rituximab-chemotherapy and demonstrates an unprecedented improvement in survival compared to the pre-rituximab era, regardless of the use of intensified or conventional treatment. Complete remission was the most important factor for prolonged survival and a high proportion of patients had prolonged survival in their first remission, raising the issue of curability in follicular lymphoma

    A microcosm treatability study for evaluating wood mulch-based amendments as electron donors for trichloroethene (Tce) reductive dechlorination

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    In this study, wood mulch-based amendments were tested in a bench-scale microcosm experiment in order to assess the treatability of saturated soils and groundwater from an industrial site contaminated by chlorinated ethenes. Wood mulch was tested alone as the only electron donor in order to assess its potential for stimulating the biological reductive dechlorination. It was also tested in combination with millimetric iron filings in order to assess the ability of the additive to accelerate/improve the bioremediation process. The efficacy of the selected amendments was compared with that of unamended control microcosms. The results demonstrated that wood mulch is an effective natural and low-cost electron donor to stimulate the complete reductive dechlorination of chlorinated solvents to ethene. Being a side-product of the wood industry, mulch can be used in environmental remediation, an approach which perfectly fits the principles of circular economy and addresses the compelling needs of a sustainable and low environmental impact remediation. The efficacy of mulch was further improved by the co-presence of iron filings, which accelerated the conversion of vinyl chloride into the ethene by increasing the H2 availability rather than by catalyzing the direct abiotic dechlorination of contaminants. Chemical analyses were corroborated by biomolecular assays, which confirmed the stimulatory effect of the selected amendments on the abundance of Dehalococcoides mccartyi and related reductive dehalogenase genes. Overall, this paper further highlights the application potential and environmental sustainability of wood mulch-based amendments as low-cost electron donors for the biological treatment of chlorinated ethenes

    Foregrounds for observations of the cosmological 21 cm line: I. First Westerbork measurements of Galactic emission at 150 MHz in a low latitude field

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    We present the first results from a series of observations conducted with the Westerbork telescope in the 140--160 MHz range with a 2 arcmin resolution aimed at characterizing the properties of the foregrounds for epoch of reionization experiments. For the first time we have detected fluctuations in the Galactic diffuse emission on scales greater than 13 arcmin at 150 MHz, in the low Galactic latitude area known as Fan region. Those fluctuations have an rmsrms of 14 K. The total intensity power spectrum shows a power--law behaviour down to ℓ∼900\ell \sim 900 with slope βℓI=−2.2±0.3\beta^I_\ell = -2.2 \pm 0.3. The detection of diffuse emission at smaller angular scales is limited by residual point sources. We measured an rmsrms confusion noise of ∼\sim3 mJy beam−1^{-1}. Diffuse polarized emission was also detected for the first time at this frequency. The polarized signal shows complex structure both spatially and along the line of sight. The polarization power spectrum shows a power--law behaviour down to ℓ∼2700\ell \sim 2700 with slope βℓP=−1.65±0.15\beta^P_\ell = -1.65 \pm 0.15. The rmsrms of polarization fluctuations is 7.2 K on 4 arcmin scales. By extrapolating the measured spectrum of total intensity emission, we find a contamination on the cosmological signal of δT=ℓ(ℓ+1)CℓI/2π∼5.7\delta T= \sqrt{\ell (\ell+1) C^I_\ell / 2\pi} \sim 5.7 K on 5 arcmin scales and a corresponding rmsrms value of ∼\sim18.3 K at the same angular scale. The level of the polarization power spectrum is δT∼3.3\delta T \sim 3.3 K on 5 arcmin scales. Given its exceptionally bright polarized signal, the Fan region is likely to represent an upper limit on the sky brightness at moderate and high Galactic latitude.Comment: Minor corrections made to match the final version printed on A&A. A version with high resolution figures is available at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~bernardi/FAN/fan.pd
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