70 research outputs found

    Implementasi Algoritma LUC dalam Penyandian Teks

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    Confidentiality and data security are very important in data communication, both for the purpose of shared security and for individual privacy. Computer users who want the data to be unknown by unauthorized parties always try to get around the way to secure the information that will be communicated or to be stored. One method for securing data or information is cryptographic methods. The LUC algorithm is a cryptographic method using two different keys in the cryptosystem. To encrypt text, an encryption function is used that uses a public key, the result of encryption is encrypted text that is safe from intruders. Furthermore, by decrypting encrypted text using the decryption function using the private key it will return the same text as the original. With the LUC algorithm the author tries to create a text encoding to secure data with the LUC algorithm


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    Hypertension is the silent disease because people do not know that they are exposed to hypertension due to prolonged smoking. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between smoking duration and the incidence of hypertension in Kenyaran Health Center, Pantan Weather, Gayo Lues Regency in 2019. This type of research is quantitative research, The research design used is descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach. The population in this study was hypertension sufferers. The total sampling technique was 30 people. Chi-square test results obtained a significant value P value (0.001) <(0.05) there is a significant relationship between the duration of smoking with the incidence of hypertension in Kenyaran Public Health Center in Pantan Weather Gayo Lues District in 2019. The conclusion of this study is that cigarettes contain nicotine which can increase the hormone epinephrine which can constrict arterial blood vessels. It is recommended to health workers to provide counseling about the dangers of smoking for people with hypertension

    Pengaruh Senam Hipertensi terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Pasien Hipertensi di Puskesmas Bakongan Kabupaten Aceh Selatan Tahun 2019

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    Hypertension is a chronic disease that is often called the silent killer, because in general patients do not know that patients suffer from hypertension before checking their blood pressure. The purpose of this research is the influence of hypertension exercises on reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients in the Bakongan District Health Center. Aceh Selatan 2019. This study uses a crosssectional research design. The population in this study were researchers taking hypertension patients who were in Puskesmas Bakongan, South Aceh Regency in 2019 as many as 20 hypertensive patients. With total sampling technique the number of samples in this study were 10 cases and 10 controls. Data analysis techniques were performed using univariate and bivariate statistical analysis. The statistical test in this study, paired t-test data was used using significant 0.05. Based on the results of the study There is a significant effect of anti-hypertension exercise on reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients in the Bakongan District Health Center. South Aceh in 2019, the results obtained p value 0,000 (p <α = 0.05). For Research on Hypertension is expected to control blood pressure routinely in order to minimize the risk of complications that will arise from the disease, one of the non pharmacology to overcome the above problems of hypertension sufferers can do anti-hypertensive exercise regularly and routinely, decrease blood pressure depending on intensity gymnastics and is highly recommended in middle to upper age, because that age is more at risk of suffering from hypertension


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    SD N Wonosari IV terletak di Jalan KH.Agus Salim, tepatnya di Ledoksari, Kepek, Wonosari, Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, mempunyai 6 kelas serta 13 orang guru dan karyawan. Pelaksanaan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) dimulai tanggal 10 Agustus 2015 sampai dengan 12 September 2015. Mahasiswa peserta PPL di SD N Wonosari IV berjumlah 10 mahasiswa yang seluruhnya berasal dari program studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar – S1 (PGSD – S1). Program yang dilaksanakan berupa program mengajar terbimbing dan program non mengajar. Program mengajar terbimbing dilaksanakan sebanyak 6 kali, 2 kali praktik mengajar di kelas rendah dan 2 kali mengajar di kelas tinggi, serta masin-masing 1 kali ujian praktik mengajar terbimbing di kelas rendah dan kelas tinggi. Program non mengajar yang dilaksanakan seperti Tamanisasi, Lomba peringatan HUT RI ke-70, administrasi perpustakaan, pendampingan Pramuka, pendampingan BTA, dan pembuatan struktur organisasi sekolah. Secara keseluruhan semua program kerja terlaksana dengan perencanaan. Meskipun beberapa program tidak dapat dilaksanakankarena adanya situasi tertentu diluar rencana. Dengan berakhirnya kegiatan PPL penyusun berharap program yang dilaksanakan dapat bermanfaat bagi SD N Wonosari khususnya

    Perilaku Promotif Sehat Dalam Meningkatkan Status Kesehatan Lansia di Kecamatan Pantai Labu Kabupaten Deli Serdang Tahun 2019

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    Aging will happen to every enthusiast, is a process that occurs naturally. Aging is characterized by a decrease in physical, cognitive, psychological, and social conditions, sometimes coming quickly but there are times when it goes through a long process, but many elderly people who do not want to check their health to the puskesmas are caused by factors, attitudes, intentions, subjective norms and controls behavior. The type of research is observational with a cross sectional approach. The method of sampling is purposive sampling which amounts to 282 respondents. With the Total Sampling data collection technique that is the entire population is a sample from the study. Chi square statistical test results. The results of the study, there was a significant effect between attitudes toward healthy elderly promotive behavior, with a significance value of 0.001, There was a significant influence between subjective norms on healthy behavior of the elderly, with a significance value of 0.003, there was a significant influence between behavioral control of elderly healthy behavior , with a significance value of 0.007, There is a significant influence on the healthy promotive behavior of the elderly, with a significance value of 0.007, There is a significant influence between the decision on healthy elderly promotive behavior in Pantai Labu Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency, with a significance value of 0.002. It is recommended to health workers so that the healthy promotive behavior model in the elderly can be used as teaching staff, students in health institutions such as public health, nursing in gerontik nursing courses and the practice of promotive, preventive efforts in controlling and preventing health in the elderly

    Pengaruh Pijat Akupresur terhadap Mual Muntah pada Ibu Hamil Trimester 1 di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sukaramai Medan Tahun 2019

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    Nausea Vomiting is often overlooked because it is considered a normal consequence at the beginning of pregnancy without recognizing the great impact it has on women and their families, so action is needed in restraint that is by using acupressure techniques. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of acupressure massage on vomiting nausea in trimester 1 pregnant women in the working area of Sukaramai Medan Health Center in 2019. This study uses a quantitative design research type with a quasi-experimental design using the Pre post only control approach. The population of all first trimester pregnant women who came to the Sukaramai Medan Health Center Work Area to conduct an inspection visit in March - April 2019 as many as 30 trimester 1 pregnant women, with total sampling technique sampling. Data analysis techniques were carried out using the Wilcoxon test and comparing methods using the Whitney Test test and the results were narrated. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of acupressure massage on Vomiting Nausea in 1st trimester pregnant women in the Sukaramai Medan Health Center Work Area in 2019, with a pvalue (0.000) <α (0.05). For research sites, it is recommended that health workers provide information and training on the use of acupressure therapy to reduce complaints of nausea and vomiting in pregnant women in the first trimester. Pregnant women carry out acupressure relaxation therapy appropriately to reduce nausea and vomiting in the first trimester

    Pengaruh Unit Simpan Pinjam Terhadap Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa

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    This research aims to analyze and provide empirical evidence regarding the effect of the Penebal Teguh Mandiri savings and loan unit on improving the economic welfare of the Penebal village community. The problem in this research is that many people still use savings and loan units towards consumptive use. The data analysis method used is a quantitative analysis using validity and reliability tests, simple linear regression analysis, classical assumption test and the coefficient of determination using SPSS. The population used is the Penebal Village community with the criteria being the people who make loans at the Penebal Teguh Mandiri office of Penebal Village. The sample used was 174 people from the Penebal Village community. The results of this research indicate that only 38% of the level of influence of the savings and loan unit on the level of the economic welfare of the Penebal village community

    Pengaruh Teknik Hypnobirthing terhadap Lamanya Proses Persalinan Kala I Fase Aktif dan Tingkat Nyeri pada Ibu Bersalin di Klinik Bersalin Eka Sriwahyuni Kecamatan Medan Denai Tahun 2019

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    Pain in childbirth is a uterus contraction pain which can cause the increase in the activity of sympathetic nervous system. Today, pain can be reduced by using hypnobirthing relaxation method which is aimed to make the process of childbirth become relaxed without severe pain. The objective of the research was to find out the influence of hypnobirthing on the length of birthing period I Active Phase and Childbirth Pain in childbirth women in Klinik Bersalin. The research used True Experimental Design with Posttest – Only Control Design. The treatment population was all childbirth women who had gotten suggestive hypnobirthing in Klinik Bersalin Eka Sri Wahyuni. The control population was childbirth women who did not get suggestive hypnobirthing. The samples were 25 respondents for treatment group and 25 respondents for control group. The data were analyzed by using independent t-test. The result of the research showed that there was the influence of hypnobirthing on the length of the process of childbirth in the period I Active Phase in primapara and multipara childbirth women at pvalue < 0.005. There was the influence of hypnobirthing in childbirth pain of period I Active Phase in primapara and multipara childbirth women at p-value < 0.005. It is recommended that health care providers, especially midwives, increase the understanding and skill in hypnobirthing technique so that the process of childbirth can be safe, smooth, and fast since. the initial pregnancy by providing

    Analysis Of The Effect Of Company Size, Roa, And Der On Corporate Social Responsibility In Metal And Mineral Mining Companies Listed On Bei 2015-2016 Period

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    Owners of the company not only pay attention to the financial performance but also pay attention to stakeholders (stakeholders) who are part of the company one of them is to conduct corporate social responsibility activities (Corporate Social Responsibility). This study aims to examine the effect of corporate Size, Return on Assets (ROA), and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) to Corporate Social Responsibility in metal and mineral mining companies listed in BEI period 2015-2016. The type of data used in this research is secondary data and using a purposive sampling technique. The analytical method used was descriptive statistics, classical assumption test, and multiple regression test. The result showed that partially Company Size 0,251> 0,05, Return on asset (ROA) 0,045 0,05, hence can be said that company Size and Debt to equity ratio (DER) has no significant effect on Corporate Social Responsibility, while Return on Asset (ROA) has significant effect to Corporate Social Responsibility, so company Size and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) can not be measured to know the high or low of Corporate Social Responsibility. While simultaneously Size of company, Return on asset (ROA), Debt to equity ratio (DER) equal to 0,108> 0,05 and F value equal to 2,509, hence can be said that no significant effect to Corporate Social Responsibility at metal and mineral mining company listed on the IDX period 2015-2016Owners of the company not only pay attention to the financial performance but also pay attention to stakeholders (stakeholders) who are part of the company one of them is to conduct corporate social responsibility activities (Corporate Social Responsibility). This study aims to examine the effect of corporate Size, Return on Assets (ROA), and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) to Corporate Social Responsibility in metal and mineral mining companies listed in BEI period 2015-2016. The type of data used in this research is secondary data and using a purposive sampling technique. The analytical method used was descriptive statistics, classical assumption test, and multiple regression test. The result showed that partially Company Size 0,251> 0,05, Return on asset (ROA) 0,045 0,05, hence can be said that company Size and Debt to equity ratio (DER) has no significant effect on Corporate Social Responsibility, while Return on Asset (ROA) has significant effect to Corporate Social Responsibility, so company Size and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) can not be measured to know the high or low of Corporate Social Responsibility. While simultaneously Size of company, Return on asset (ROA), Debt to equity ratio (DER) equal to 0,108> 0,05 and F value equal to 2,509, hence can be said that no significant effect to Corporate Social Responsibility at metal and mineral mining company listed on the IDX period 2015-201

    Produktivitas Rumput Gajah (Pennisetum purpureum) dengan level pemberian POC (Pupuk Organik Cair) Kulit Bawang Merah (Allium cepa L) yang Berbeda

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    Allium cepa L skin waste is one of the household wastes that is still rarely used and thrown away, even though this waste can be processed into liquid organic fertilizer to replace chemical fertilizers such as urea, which provides fertility to plants such as elephant grass. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of onion skin organic fertilizer (POC) on Pennisetum purpureum productivity, consisting of plant height, number of leaves, number of tillers, and fresh weight, and to determine the concentration or dose of Allium cepa L skin POC that gives the best results on Pennisetum purpureum productivity. Method of research design was Complete Random Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replicates, so that 20 experimental units were obtained. The treatments of the study were A1: without fertilizer (control), A2: POC Allium cepa L skin 25 mL/polybag (pot), A3: POC Allium cepa L skin 50 mL/polybag (pot), A4: POC Allium cepa L skin 75 mL/polybag (pot), and A5: POC Allium cepa L skin 100 mL/polybag (pot). The results of the analysis showed that the provision of Allium cepa L skin POC at different levels had a significant difference (P <0.05) on Pennisetum purpureum productivity consisting of plant height, number of leaves, and fresh weight. while the number of tillers showed no significant difference (P > 0.05). The conclusion of this study is that the provision of Allium cepa skin POC with different levels has a significant effect on the productivity of Pennisetum purpureum consisting of plant height, number of leaves and higher fresh weight. Giving with a concentration of 50 mL/polybag is the best treatment for Pennisetum purpureum productivity.   Key words: Allium cepa L, POC, Productivity, Pennisetum purpureum.   ABSTRAK Limbah kulit bawang merah merupakan salah satu limbah rumah tangga yang masih jarang digunakan dan dibuang begitu saja, padahal limbah ini dapat diolah menjadi pupuk organik cair untuk menggantikan pupuk kimia seperti urea yang memberikan kesuburan pada tanaman seperti rumput gajah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh pemberian pupuk organik cair (POC) kulit bawang merah terhadap produktivitas rumput gajah yang terdiri tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, jumlah anakan, dan berat segar serta mengetahui efektivitas konsentrasi/dosis dari POC kulit bawang yang memberikan hasil terbaik terhadap produktivitas rumput gajah. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan sehingga diperoleh 20 unit percobaan. Perlakuan dari penelitian adalah A1 : tanpa pemberian pupuk (kontrol), A2 : POC kulit bawang merah 25 mL/polybag (pot), A3 : POC kulit bawang merah 50 mL/polybag (pot), A4 : POC kulit bawang merah 75 mL/polybag (pot), A5 : POC kulit bawang merah 100 mL/polybag (pot). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pemberian POC kulit bawang merah dengan level berbeda terdapat perbedaan nyata (P<0.05) terhadap produktivitas rumput gajah yang terdiri tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun dan berat segar. Sedangkan untuk jumlah anakan menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan nyata (P>0.05).  Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini yaitu pemberian POC kulit bawang merah dengan level meningkatkan produktivitas rumput gajah yang terdiri tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun dan berat segar lebih tinggi. Pemberian dengan konsentrasi 50 mL/polybag (pot) merupakan perlakuan terbaik untuk produktivitas rumput gajah.   Kata kunci: Kulit bawang merah, POC, Produktivitas, Rumput gaja
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