95 research outputs found

    Europe 2020 – The New Strategy For Smart , Susinable And Inclusive Growth And Bulgarian Industrial Competitiveness

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    This paper present one decision on innovation European industry contributes to output, jobs, innovation and exports and is interrelated with service industries. Indeed, many service industries such as transport, health and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) depend on competitive industry to produce the equipment and hardware which they use [1, 2]

    New low molecular collagen - a number one treatment in wrinkle care and anti-aging processes

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    Многобройни изследвания показват по неоспорим начин, че съществува непосредствена връзка между съдържанието на разтворим колаген в човешката кожа и стареенето й. Колагенът е биополимер, който изгражда 75% от влакнестата съединителна тъкан в кожата. Заедно с процесите на стареене на кожата намалява и нейната метаболитна активност, което води до редица физиологични нарушения. Този белтък може да бъде внесен успешно в организма, но проблемът при неговото локално приложение идва от това, че има високо молекулно тегло 300 000 мD и това препятства преминаването му през кожните бариерни структури. Този нов нискомолекулярен колаген успешно се прилага и действа на клетъчно ниво, като стимулира образуването на собствен колаген в кожата. Трайната употреба на продукти за домашна и професионална грижа с този нискомолекулярен колаген (TH 80) води до намаляване на загубата на този белтък с възрастта и е гаранция за здрава кожа. Доказани резултати след употреба на продуктите, съдържащи тази нова структура, са: тонизиращо, придава блясък, подобрява еластичността, хидратацията и клетъчната регенерация на кожата. Притежава успокояващо и балансиращо действие и забавя процеса на стареене.Numerous studies over the years have shown in an irrefutable way that there is a direct connection between the content of soluble collagen in human skin and its aging. Collagen is a biopolymer that forms 75% of the fibrous connective tissue in the skin. Along with aging of the dermis, the metabolic activity also decreases. This leads to numerous physiological disorders. This protein can be successfully brought in the human body, but the problem of its local use is that the molecular level is very high - over 300 000 мD, which precludes its absorption at cellular level and its transition through the skin barrier structures.This new low-molecular collagen can be successfully applied on skin - on a cellular level. It stimulates the formation of the skin`s own collagen. Long-term use of products for home and professional care with this low molecular weight collagen (TH80) reduces the loss of the protein with time and it is also a guarantee of healthy, elastic and radiant skin.Proven results after the use of these products are: toned, shine, elastic and hydrated skin. They also improve cell regeneration, soothe and balance skin with acne and sensitivity, remove fine wrinkles, smooth deep wrinkles, improve the cell membrane elasticity and slow the aging process of the skin

    Study of the gingival health in children with crown restorations

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    Introduction: Prosthetic treatment with fixed constructions is an effective method for recovering severely destroyed teeth. The purpose of this study is to track the changes in the gingival tissues around teeth, which are prosthetically treated with different aesthetic crowns.Materials and Methods: Eighty-two teeth were studied with 46 of them being restored with CAD/CAM composite crowns and 36 with ready-made zirconia crowns. The assessment of the condition of the surrounding soft tissues was performed using the modified gingival index (MGI).Results: Slight gingival inflammation of the severely destroyed natural teeth (MGI - 1,25 ÷ 2,13) was reported, whereas after their restoration with crown constructions, healing processes and decreasing of the gingival index during the follow-up period occurred. The MGI, one year after placing the constructions, was 0 ÷ 1.44.Conclusion: CAD/CAM and ready-made zirconia crowns have excellent compatibility with surrounding soft tissues and do not disturb gingival health

    Medieval Sources and Present-Day Folklore Materials on Saints in an Electronic Encyclopedia

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    This paper discusses the variety of the digitized content of an electronic encyclopedia on the veneration of saints according to Bulgarian sources. The emphasis is on medieval Slavonic Church manuscripts and on present-day records of Bulgarian folklore narratives and songs. The combination of these sources provokes discussion of the so-called folklore Christianity and adds new dimensions to the understanding of the role of the cults of saints for culture and of the religiosity of the Bulgarians.he project is supported by the National Scientific Fund of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Youth, and Science (No DDVU 02/68, 2010)

    Online Access to the Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum

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    Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum project aims at building a repertoire of medieval and early modern Bulgarian texts for saints in combination with ethnological data and some visual sources. A basic project task is to produce an accessible on-line digital repository of this valuable cultural heritage treasure. The paper presents the Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum environment, its architecture, functional specification, application modeling process and software implementation. The paper also discusses the specifics of the ―Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum‖ project and its knowledge domain. The paper also presents the integration between the Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum and the Bulgarian Iconographical Digital Library, a digital library keeping rare specimens, private collections of Orthodox icons, wall- paintings and other iconographical objects, selected from difficult-to-access storages, distant churches, chapels, and monasteries, objects in a risk environment or unstable conditions

    Medical and cosmetic center or beauty salon

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    Provoked by the controversy over the difference between a beautician and a medical beautician, we decided to conduct a survey using the following methods: literature, magazines, documents and anonymous surveys. The subject of our study are 100 male and female respondents aged 16 to 60 + from different locations in Bulgaria

    Knowledge and understanding risk factors and preventive measures for osteoporosis in women: results of a survey in 502 women with and without a migration background

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    Background: Osteoporosis is a disease of the skeletal system associated with loss of bone mass and an increased risk of fractures affecting women more often than men. Identification of the knowledge about osteoporosis and its preventive methods is the backbone of any awareness program. This study investigates the knowledge with a special focus on women with and without a migration background. Methods: Data from systematic patient interviews based on a questionnaire were collected at three different sites in Berlin between February and June 2021. The survey included questions assessing migrant background, demographic characteristics, lifestyle habits including physical exercise and smoking, prevention by vitamin D intake and bone densitometry, and information on personal and family medical history. According to the responses, a scale was created to assess the level of knowledge of preventive osteoporosis measures. The ethic committee of the Charite, Medical faculty has approved this study. SPSS (version 24.0) was used for the statistical analyses. Results: The survey of 502 female patients revealed that 25% had low and 34% no previous knowledge of osteoporosis. Older age and a better education level correlate with a higher knowledge. Patients with gynecologic cancer are less well informed. There is a significant difference in vitamin D intake between migrant and non-migrant women (57% vs. 49%). There were no significant differences regarding the use of bone densitometry. Conclusion: Knowledge of osteoporosis and the possibility of a bone densitometry as well as the implementation of preventive measures is low among women. Therefore, informing patients better should be a priority, with particular attention on the risks and needs of women with a migration background. Specific programs for women with and without migration background should be developed to increase the awareness of osteoporosis