262 research outputs found

    Tests of monolithic active pixel sensors at national synchrotron light source

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    The paper discusses basic characterization of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) carried out at the X12A beam-line at National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS), Upton, NY, USA. The tested device was a MIMOSA V (MV) chip, back-thinned down to the epitaxial layer. This 1M pixels device features a pixel size of 17X17µm^2 and was designed in a 0,6µm CMOS process. The X-ray beam energies used range from 5 to 12 keV. Examples of direct X-ray imaging capabilities are presented

    High resolution pixel detectors for e+e- linear colliders

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    The physics goals at the future e+e- linear collider require high performance vertexing and impact parameter resolution. Two possible technologies for the vertex detector of an experimental apparatus are outlined in the paper: an evolution of the Hybrid Pixel Sensors already used in high energy physics experiments and a new detector concept based on the monolithic CMOS sensors.Comment: 8 pages, to appear on the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Linear Colliders LCWS99, Sitges (Spain), April 28 - May 5, 199

    A fast monolithic active pixel sensor with pixel level reset noise suppression and binary outputs for charged particle detection

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    In order to develop precision vertex detectors for the future linear collider, fast active monolithic active pixel sensors are studied. Standard CMOS 0.25 mum digital process is used to design a test chip which includes different pixel types, column-level discriminators and a digital control part. In-pixel amplification is implemented together with double sampling. Different charge-to-voltage conversion factors were obtained using amplifiers with different gains or diode sizes. Pixel architectures with DC and AC coupling to charge sensing element were proposed. As far, hits from conversion of 35Fe photons were registered for the DC-coupled pixel. Double sampling is functional and allows almost a complete cancellation if fixed pattern noise

    Optimization of Tracking Performance of CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors

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    CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) provide an attractive solution for high precision tracking of minimum ionizing particles. In these devices, a thin, moderately doped, undepleted silicon layer is used as the active detector volume with the readout electronics implemented on top of it. Recently, a new MAPS prototype was fabricated using the AMS 0.35 mumum OPTO process, featuring a thick epitaxial layer. A systematic study of tracking performance of that prototype using high-energy particle beam is presented in this work. Noise performance, signal amplitude from minimum ionizing particles, detection efficiency, spurious hit suppression and spatial resolution are shown as a function of the readout pitch and the charge collecting diode size. A test array with a novel readout circuitry was also fabricated and tested. Each pixel circuit consists of a front-end voltage amplifier, capacitively coupled to the charge collecting diode, followed by two analog memory cells. This architecture implements an on-pixel correlated double sampling method, allowing for optimization of integration independently of full frame readout time and strongly reduces the pixel-to-pixel output signal dispersion. First measurements using this structure are also presented

    Radiation Tolerance of CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors with Self-Biased Pixels

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    CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) are proposed as a technology for various vertex detectors in nuclear and particle physics. We discuss the mechanisms of ionizing radiation damage on MAPS hosting the the dead time free, so-called self bias pixel. Moreover, we discuss radiation hardened sensor designs which allow operating detectors after exposing them to irradiation doses above 1 Mra
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