2,312 research outputs found

    Türkiye’deki doğal Türk fındığı (Corylus colurna L.) popülasyonlarının durumu

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    Location and climate information of 18 natural Turkish hazel populations in Turkey is reported. Populations are small (mean area = 206 ha) and are found at 700 m to 1600 m above sea level. Mean annual temperature is 8.83 °C and (range: 6.9 - 11 °C) and mean annual precipitation is 654.28 mm (range: 477 - 952 mm) at population locations. The species is of interest in Turkey for plantation in arid and semi-arid regions but only three of the 18 population locations are classified as semi-arid. The rest of the populations are located in more humid environments. The genetic structure of these populations should be determined and a comprehensive gene conservation program should be put in place. A through genetic testing (provenance and/or progeny tests) should be conducted to determine suitable seed sources and families for plantation in semi-arid environments.Bu çalışmada Türkiye’deki 18 doğal Türk fındığı popülasyonunun konum ve iklim verileri irdelenmiştir. İncelenen popülasyonlar küçüktür (ortalama alan = 206 ha) ve deniz seviyesinden 700 ila 1600 m arasında bulunmaktadır. Popülasyon konumlarında yıllık ortalama sıcaklık 8.83°C (aralık: 6.9 - 11 °C) ve yıllık ortalama yağış 654.28 mm (aralık: 477 - 952 mm) olarak belirlenmiştir. Türün Türkiye’deki kurak ve yarı-kurak alanların ağaçlandırılmasında kullanılması yönünde bir ilgi vardır ancak incelenen popülasyonların sadece üçü yarı-kurak sahalarda bulunmaktadır. Diğer popülasyonlar daha nemli bölgelerde bulunmaktadır. Bu popülasyonların genetik yapısı belirlenmeli ve kapsamlı bir gen koruma programı gündeme alınmalıdır. Ayrıntılı köken (orijin) ve/veya döl denemeleri ile yarı-kurak sahaların ağaçlandırılmasında kullanılabilecek tohum kaynakları ve aileler belirlenmelidir

    Akvaryum koşullarında cüce vatoz (ancistrus dolichopterus)'un üremesi üzerine bir araştırma

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    X, 38 sayfa29 cm. 1 CDÖzet:Vatozlar akvaryum sektöründe sıklıkla talep gören kedi balıklarıdır. Özellikle 200 L'nin altındaki akvaryumlar için vatozların cüce türleri daha çok tercih edilirler. Cüce vatozlar gece ürerler, çoğunlukla ışıklardan saklanırlar ve gölge alanları tercih ederler. Erkek, yuva denilen oyuk şeklindeki kapalı alanı hazırlar. Daha sonra dişi, bu temiz alana yumurtalarını döker. Embriyonik gelişim boyunca, farklı evrelerden geçerek larval dönemlerini tamamlarlar. Bu çalışmada, çalı ağızlı cüce vatozların (Ancistrus dolichopterus) akvaryum koşullarında üretilmesi üzerine bir deneme yürütülmüştür.Summary:Plecos are catfish, which are often in demand in the aquarium industry. Dwarf species of plecos are more preferred especially for aquariums below the 200 L. Dwarf plecos reproduce at night, often hide from lights and prefer shade areas. The male prepares the hollow-shaped closed area called the nest. The female then lays her eggs in this clean area. Throughout embryonic development, they pass through different stages and complete their larval period. In this study, an experiment was carried out on the production of bushymouth catfish (Ancistrus dolichopterus) under aquarium conditions

    Examinatıon Of Mindfulness-Based Self-Efficacy Of Students Studying In Sports Sciences

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    In this study, it was aimed to examine the mindfulness-based self-efficacy levels of undergraduate students studying in sports sciences in terms of various variables. The sample of the research consists of undergraduate students studying at the faculty of sports sciences at Trakya University and Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, which were selected by convenience sampling method. The Conscious Awareness-Based Self-Efficacy Scale-Revised (SPS-A) developed by (Cayoun et al., 2012) and adapted into Turkish (Atalay et al., 2017) was used as a data collection tool in the research. The statistical information of the participants was evaluated by using the descriptive survey method in the study. Skewness and Kurtosis values were evaluated statistically by Normal Distribution test analysis. First of all, by looking at the Cronbach Alpha values of the scale, after the validity and reliability analysis, the skewness and kurtosis values of the obtained data were examined and the hypotheses of the socio-demographic variables were tested. Regular exercise status of students studying in sports sciences, taking part in sports organizations organized by university federations, having a licensed athlete for at least three years, according to the exam score taken as a basis for university application, according to the university success score, according to the frequency of participating in recreational activities, It was tested statistically according to the status of working in any job, university, department and class, and no significant difference was found in mindfulness-based self-efficacy, while a significant difference was obtained according to the gender variable. The result of Mann Whitney-U Test was obtained that male undergraduate students studying in sports sciences participating in the research had higher mindfulnessbased self-efficacy levels than females (P: 009<0.05)

    Lens partition function, pentagon identity and star-triangle relation

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    We study the three-dimensional lens partition function for N=2\mathcal N=2 supersymmetric gauge dual theories on S3/ZrS^3/\mathbb{Z}_r by using the gauge/YBE correspondence. This correspondence relates supersymmetric gauge theories to exactly solvable models of statistical mechanics. The equality of partition functions for the three-dimensional supersymmetric dual theories can be written as an integral identity for hyperbolic hypergeometric functions. We obtain such an integral identity which can be written as the star-triangle relation for Ising type integrable models and as the integral pentagon identity. The latter represents the basic 2-3 Pachner move for triangulated 3-manifolds. A special case of our integral identity can be used for proving orthogonality and completeness relation of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for the self-dual continuous series of Uq(osp(12))U_q(osp(1|2)).Comment: 22 pages, v2: minor corrections and comments, v3: minor correction

    Foaming behavior of Ti6Al4V particle-added aluminum powder compacts

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    The foaming behavior of 5 wt.% Ti6Al4V (Ti64) particle (30–200 μm)-added Al powder compacts was investigated in order to assess the particle-addition effects on the foaming behavior. Al compacts without particle addition were also prepared with the same method and foamed. The expansions of Ti64 particle-added compacts were measured to be relatively low at small particle sizes and increased with increasing particle size. At highest particle size range (160–200 μm), particle-added compacts showed expansion behavior similar to that of Al compacts without particle addition, but with lower expansion values. Expansions studies on 30–45 μm size Ti64-added compacts with varying weight percentages showed that the expansion behavior of the compacts became very similar to that of Al compact when the particle content was lower than 2 wt.%. However, Ti64 addition reduced the extent of drainage. Ti64 particles and TiAl3 particles formed during foaming increased the apparent viscosity of the liquid foam and hence reduced the flow of liquid metal from cell walls to plateau borders. The reduced foamability in the compacts with the smaller size Ti64 addition was attributed to the relatively high viscosities, due to the higher cumulative surface area of the particles and higher rate of TiAl3 formation between liquid Al and Ti64 particles.TÜBİTAK for the grant #106M18

    Níveis de ansiedade na saúde e status de comprometimento organizacional dos jogadores de handebol com seus times durante a pandemia de COVID-19

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate health anxiety levels and organizational commitment status of handball players to their teams during COVID-19 pandemic. 84 elite handball players (male=40, female=44) participated in this research. An information form was used to determine occasions and behaviors of handball players during COVID-19 pandemic. Health Anxiety Scale and Organizational Commitment Scale were performed. Data obtained were analyzed through SPSS package. In research results; there were no significant difference in health anxiety scores of handball players with regard to gender, sports type, training and wage. While male players were determined to have higher normative organizational commitment and continuation scores than female players, National players were determined to have significantly lower scores in continuation, normative and total organizational commitment scores. However, it was determined that there was a significant correlation between COVID-19, total anxiety scores and organizational commitment subdimension scores of handball players.El propósito de este estudio fue investigar los niveles de ansiedad por la salud y el estado de compromiso organizativo de los jugadores de balonmano con sus equipos durante la pandemia de COVID-19 . En esta investigación participaron 84 jugadores de balonmano de élite (hombres=40, mujeres=44). Se utilizó un formulario de información para determinar las ocasiones y los comportamientos de los jugadores de balonmano durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Se realizó la Escala de Ansiedad por la Salud y la Escala de Compromiso Organizacional. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron mediante el paquete SPSS. En los resultados de la investigación; no hubo diferencias significativas en las puntuaciones de ansiedad por la salud de los jugadores de balonmano con respecto al género, el tipo de deporte, el entrenamiento y el salario. Mientras que se determinó que los jugadores masculinos tenían puntuaciones de compromiso organizacional normativo y de continuación más altas que las mujeres, se determinó que los jugadores nacionales tenían puntuaciones significativamente más bajas en las puntuaciones de compromiso organizacional de continuación, normativo y total. Sin embargo, se determinó que existía una correlación significativa entre el COVID-19, las puntuaciones de ansiedad total y las puntuaciones de la subdimensión de compromiso organizativo de los jugadores de balonmano.O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os níveis de ansiedade na saúde e o status de comprometimento organizacional dos jogadores de handebol com seus times durante a pandemia de COVID-19 . 84 jogadores de handebol de elite (masculino=40, feminino=44) participaram desta pesquisa. Um formulário de informações foi utilizado para determinar as ocasiões e comportamentos dos jogadores de handebol durante a pandemia de COVID-19 . Escala de Ansiedade na Saúde e Escala de Compromisso Organizacional foram realizadas. Os dados obtidos foram analisados através do pacote SPSS. Nos resultados da pesquisa, não houve diferença significativa nos resultados de ansiedade na saúde dos jogadores de handebol em relação ao gênero, tipo de esporte, treinamento e salário. Enquanto os jogadores masculinos foram determinados a ter pontuações mais altas de comprometimento organizacional normativo e de continuação do que as femininas, os jogadores nacionais foram determinados a ter pontuações significativamente mais baixas de continuação, normativas e de comprometimento organizacional total. No entanto, foi determinado que havia uma correlação significativa entre a COVID-19, a pontuação total de ansiedade e a pontuação subdimensional de comprometimento organizacional dos jogadores de handebol

    Sharing information with AI (versus a human) impairs brand trust: The role of audience size inferences and sense of exploitation

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    This research examines whether and why disclosing information to AI as opposed to humans influences an important brand-related outcome—consumers’ trust in brands. Results from two pilot studies and nine controlled experiments (n = 2,887) show that consumers trust brands less when they disclose information to AI as opposed to humans. The effect is driven by consumers’ inference that AI shares information with a larger audience, which increases consumers’ sense of exploitation. This, in turn, decreases their trust in brands. In line with our theorizing, the effect is stronger among consumers who are relatively more concerned about the privacy of their data. Furthermore, the negative consequences for brands can be mitigated when (1) customers are informed that the confidentiality of their information is protected, (2) AI is anthropomorphized, and (3) the disclosed information is relatively less relevant

    Life is short, stay awake: death anxiety and bedtime procrastination

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    In the present study, the relation between bedtime procrastination and death anxiety, and also the moderator roles of gender and purpose in life were investigated. Data were collected from 245 participants through an online survey. The results revealed that gender, but not purpose in life, moderated the relation between death anxiety and bedtime procrastination. The effect of death anxiety on bedtime procrastination was significant only for males. Further, this effect was still significant even after controlling circadian energy and self-control. The findings can be explained based on the Terror Management Theory. Bedtime procrastination can be considered risk-taking behavior, and it functions as a world view for males. Moreover, males might have regarded sleep as a waste of time, and therefore, delayed bedtime to increase their nonsleeping lifetime

    The relationship between anxiety, coping strategies and characteristics of patients with diabetes

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    Background This study provided essential information, about Turkish patients with type I and type II diabetes, concerning: levels of anxiety, coping strategies used, and relationships that exist among anxiety, coping strategies, sociodemographic and medical characteristics. Methods A sample comprising 161 Turkish adults with both types of diabetes participated in the study. The trait anxiety scale, the brief COPE, sociodemographic and medical questionnaire were administered to patients with diabetes. Results The mean age was 49.01 (SD = 9.74), with a range from 20 to 60 years. The majority of the participants were female (60.9%) and type II diabetes (75.8%). 79% of the participants experienced anxiety. A clear majority of the participants reported to integrate their diabetes. Acceptance, religion, planning, positive reframing, instrumental support, emotional support, self-distraction and venting were the most frequently used coping strategies. The most frequently used problem-focused and the emotion-focused coping strategies were found to be similar in both type I and type II diabetes. However, participants with type II diabetes had relatively higher scores on the problem-focused strategies than those with type I. Participants with type I diabetes used humour, venting and self-blame more than those with type II diabetes. Other findings indicated that only a small minority responded to diabetes-related problems by denial, behavioural disengagement and substance use. Significant correlations were found among anxiety, coping strategies and sociodemographic characteristics of the participants. Moreover, Self-blame was found to be correlated significantly with both the problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies. Self-blame was also significantly correlated with both instrumental support and emotional support indicated that higher self-blame caused more frequent use of instrumental and emotional support by patients with diabetes. Conclusion The findings of this study indicate that care for patients with diabetes should address their physical, psychological, social and economic wellbeing and the findings point to the importance of taking individual coping strategies into account when evaluating the impact of diabetes on psychosocial wellbeing. Because of the mean of anxiety were not in normal range, for this study, health professionals need to pay attention to patient's psychological state. This is especially true for patients who are likely to use self-blame and behavioural disengagement as a coping strategy. Through psychosocial interventions, professionals need to assist patients in establishing positive self evaluations. Delineation of coping strategies might be useful for identifying patients in need of particular counselling and support

    Eğitim Liderliği ve Yönetimi Kapsamında 2012 Yılında Yayınlanmış Olan Makalelerin Amaç ve Yöntem Bakımından Değerlendirilmesi

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    Öz. Eğitim liderliği ve yönetimi kapsamında yayımlanmış olan araştırmaların, ülkelerin eğitim sistemlerine nasıl liderlik edildiği ve yönetildiği konusunda mevcut durumu ortaya koyması ve geleceğe yönelik projeksiyonlarda bulunması bakımından önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu araştırmada 2012 yılında Educational Administration Quarterly (EAQ), International Journal of Educational Management (IJEM) ve School Leadership & Management (SLM) dergilerindeki araştırmaların, amaç ve yöntem alt başlıkları altında incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma grubu,  2012 yılında alanın saygın dergileri arasındaki EAQ, IJEM ve SLM dergilerinde yayınlanan araştırmalardan oluşmaktadır. Araştırma verileri, nitel araştırma tekniklerinden doküman incelemesi yoluyla toplanmış olup betimsel analiz yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Bu araştırmada temalar amaç/konu, araştırma deseni/yöntemi, çalışma grubu ve verilerin analizi olarak önceden belirlenmiştir. Analiz sonucunda, eğitim araştırmalarında son dönemde nitel araştırmaların ağırlık kazandığı ve araştırma konularında eğitim liderliğine yer verildiği görülmüştür. Araştırmalarda çalışma grubu olarak alanyazın, okul yöneticileri ve öğretmenlerin alındığı ve verilerin analizinde ise daha çok içerik analizi ve alanyazın taraması yapıldığı görülmüştür.Anahtar sözcükler: Eğitim araştırmaları, eğitim yönetimi araştırmaları, makale incelemes