17 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic conservative management of ureteral endometriosis: a survey of eighty patients submitted to ureterolysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>this study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of laparoscopic conservative management of ureteral endometriosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eighty cases of histologically confirmed endometriosis affecting the ureter, 10 of which with bladder involvement were prospectively studied. In detail, patients were 13 women with ureteral stenosis (7 with hydronephrosis), 32 with circular lesions totally encasing the ureter, and 35 with endometriotic foci on the ureteral wall, but not completely encasing it. They were submitted to laparoscopic ureterolysis with or without partial cystectomy, ureteroneocistostomy. The rate of surgical complications, the recurrence rate, the patients' satisfaction rate was assessed during 22 months (median) follow-up.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Laparoscopic ureterolysis was employed for all patients and set free the ureter from the disease in 95% of cases, whereas ureteroneocystostomy was necessary for 4 patients showing severe stenosis with hydronephrosis, among which 2 had intrinsic endometriosis of the ureteral muscularis. Three post-surgery ureteral fistulae occurred in cases with ureteral involvement longer than 4 cm: two cases were successfully treated placing double J catheter, the third needed ureteroneocistostomy. During follow-up, ureteral endometriosis recurred in 2 patients who consequently underwent ureteroneocystostomy. Most patients expressed high satisfaction rate throughout the whole follow-up period.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>laparoscopic ureterolysis is effective and well tolerated in most cases of ureteral endometriosis. Ureteroneocystostomy is a better strategy for patients with extended (more than 4 cm) ureteral involvement or with severe stenosis with or without hydronephrosis.</p

    Where Morphological and Molecular Classifications Meet: The Role of p53 Immunohistochemistry in the Prognosis of Low-Risk Endometrial Carcinoma (GLAMOUR Study)

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    Simple Summary There is a lack of literature on the role of molecular classification in patients with morphological low-risk EC. We aimed to evaluate the incidence and prognostic role of p53 mutations in this specific subgroup of patients. Our findings show that 4.9% of low-risk EC are p53abn; the OR for the recurrence of p53abn versus p53wt patients was 5.23-CI 95% 0.98-27.95, p = 0.053. No difference in OS was observed between the two groups. Recurrences were mostly local and occur two years after diagnosis. Our data might serve as a valuable tool for clinicians' everyday practice, but larger prospective studies are urgently needed.Abstract No prospective study has validated molecular classification to guide adjuvant treatment in endometrial cancer (EC), and not even retrospective data are present for patients with morphological low-risk EC. We conducted a retrospective, multicenter, observational study including 370 patients with low-risk endometrioid EC to evaluate the incidence and prognostic role of p53 abnormal expression (p53abn) in this specific subgroup. Among 370 patients, 18 had abnormal expressions of p53 (4.9%). In 13 out of 370 patients (3.6%), recurrences were observed and two were p53abn. When adjusting for median follow-up time, the odds ratio (OR) for recurrence among those with p53abn versus p53 wild type (p53wt) was 5.23-CI 95% 0.98-27.95, p = 0.053. The most common site of recurrence was the vaginal cuff (46.2%). One recurrence occurred within the first year of follow-up, and the patient exhibited p53abn. Both 1-year and 2-year DFS rates were 94.4% and 100% in the p53abn and p53wt groups, respectively. One patient died from the disease and comprised p53wt. No difference in OS was registered between the two groups; the median OS was 21.9 months (16.4-30.1). Larger multicenter studies are needed to tailor the treatment of low-risk EC patients with p53abn. Performing molecular classification on all EC patients might be cost-effective, and despite the limits of our relatively small sample, p53abn patients seem to be at greater risk of recurrence, especially locally and after two years since diagnosis

    Lettura archeologica e prassi liturgica nei battisteri ambrosiani tra IV e VI secolo

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    Le nuove indagini archeologiche nell'area del Battistero di san Giovanni alle Fonti e di santo Stefano alle Font

    Different reactivity of primary fibroblasts and endothelial cells towards crystalline silica: A surface radical matter.

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    none8Quartz is a well-known occupational fibrogenic agent able to cause fibrosis and other severe pulmonary diseases such as silicosis and lung cancer. The silicotic pathology owes its severity to the structural and chemo-physical properties of the particles such as shape, size and abundance of surface radicals. In earlier studies, we reported that significant amounts of surface radicals can be generated on crystalline silica by chemical aggression with ascorbic acid (AA), a vitamin naturally abundant in the lung surfactant, and this reaction led to enhanced cytotoxicity and production of inflammatory mediators in a macrophage cell line. However in the lung, other cells acting in the development of silicosis, like fibroblasts and endothelial cells, can come to direct contact with inhaled quartz. We investigated the cytotoxic/pro-inflammatory effects of AA-treated quartz microcrystals (QA) in human primary fibroblasts and endothelial cells as compared to unmodified microcrystals (Q). Our results show that, in fibroblasts, the abundance of surface radicals on quartz microcrystals (Q vs QA) significantly enhanced cell proliferation (with or without co-culture with macrophages), reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, NF-κB nuclear translocation, smooth muscle actin, fibronectin, Bcl-2 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 expression and collagen production. Contrariwise, endothelial cells reacted to the presence of quartz microcrystals independently from the abundance of surface radicals showing similar levels of cytotoxicity, ROS production, cell migration, MCP-1, ICAM-I and fibronectin gene expression when challenged with Q or QA. In conclusion, our in vitro experimental model demonstrates an important and quite unexplored direct contribute of silica surface radicals to fibroblast proliferation and fibrogenic responses.Pozzolini, Marina; Vergani, Laura; Ragazzoni, Milena; Delpiano, Livia; Grasselli, Elena; Voci, Adriana; Giovine, Marco; Scarfì, SoniaPozzolini, Marina; Vergani, Laura; Ragazzoni, Milena; Delpiano, Livia; Grasselli, Elena; Voci, Adriana; Giovine, Marco; Scarfi', Soni

    Biochemical markers of sperm function: male fertility and sperm selection for ICSI

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    Ovaj rad biti će podijeljen na dio o content marketing-u, društvenim mrežama kao glavnoj platformi za reproduciranje sadržaja i influencer marketing-u. Najprije će biti definiran pojam marketinga sadržaja odnosno content marketing-a, koje pozitivne strane on ima za poduzeća i klijente te nekolicinu onih negativnih. Također, biti će prikazan proces nastanka sadržaja u marketingu, kako se on kreira, reproducira te kako se mjere učinci i utjecaj samog na dobit poduzeća. S obzirom da je najzastupljeniji kanal za plasiranje sadržaja onaj putem društvenih mreža, detaljnije će biti opisane društvene mreže te vrste društvenih mreža. Nadalje, biti će navedeni i uspješni primjeri iz prakse te na koji način su uklopili marketing sadržaja u svoje objave na društvenim mrežama. I na kraju, biti će definiran influencer marketing, kako je postao unosan posao za sve koji se njime žele baviti i biti kreatori sadržaja. I u ovom dijelu biti će opisan nastanak sadržaja na određenim društvenim mrežama i njegovo mjerenje i analiza učinaka.This research paper will be divided into a section on content marketing, a section on social networks as the main platform for content reproduction and influencer marketing. First, the concept of content marketing will be defined, which are the positive sides for companies and clients and which are the negative ones. Also, the process of creating content in marketing will be presented, how it is created, reproduced, and how the effects and impact of it are measured on companies’ profit. Since the most widely used channel for content marketing is through social networks, the social networks and types of social networks will be described in more detail. Additionally, successful examples of practice will be listed and how they incorporated marketing content into their social networking. And finally, the term influencer marketing will be defined, as it has become a lucrative job for everyone who wants to pursue career in it and be a content creator. And in this section the emergence of content on certain social networks will be described as well as its measurement and analysis of effects. To sum up, a conclusion was made about the continued development of content marketing and that of influential people and the assumption on how it will be further developed