50 research outputs found

    Was sagen Rezipient/-innen zu Pornografie? : Rezension

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    Rezension zu: Gaye Suse Kromer: Obszöne Lust oder etablierte Unterhaltung? Zur Rezeption pornografischer Filme. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag 2008. 232 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-8366-6730-2, € 39,50 Die Autorin befragte vier Männer und vier Frauen zu ihrer Pornografienutzung und ihren Rezeptionserfahrungen mit dem pornografischen Film Adrenalin (Italien 2003). Selbst nach Maßstäben einer Qualifikationsarbeit überzeugen die Überblickskapitel zu Rechtsgrundlagen, Definition und Geschichte des pornografischen Films, zur theoretischen und fachlichen Verortung nicht; diese werden später auch nicht auf die Interviews bezogen. Den Hauptteil stellen die Interviews dar. Der Autorin gelingt es nur teilweise – so bei der Entwicklung der Leitfragen –, stringente Kategorien für die Auswertung der qualitativen Interviews zu entwickeln. Die im Anhang des Buches abgedruckten Interviews stellen eine interessante Quelle für die Erforschung der Rezeption pornografischer Filme dar

    Images of Dutchness: Popular Visual Culture, Early Cinema and the Emergence of a National Cliché

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    Why do early films present the Netherlands as a country full of canals and windmills, where people wear traditional costumes and wooden shoes, while industries and modern urban life are all but absent? Where do such visual clichés come from? This study investigates the roots of this imagery in popular visual media ranging from magazines to tourist brochures, from anthropological treatises to advertising trade cards, stereoscopic photographs, picture postcards, magic lantern slide sets and films of early cinema. The book provides an in-depth study of this rich and fascinating corpus of popular visual media that has not been studied before, and the discourses that these images were meant to illustrate. This intermedial approach offers new insights into the emergence of national clichés and the study of stereotypical thinking

    Representations of the extraordinary human body: making sense of the nuttall collec-tion of lantern slides

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    Taking the slide collection of medical expert professor G.H.F. Nuttall as a starting point, this article inves-tigates the representations of the extraordinary human body in West-Europe lantern history and lantern heritage between 1880 and 1930. To explain the at first sight unfamiliar image repertoire of this collection, the authors place the object, the medium and the aesthetical representations in a historical and cultural frame and compare the material on two levels. Firstly, the authors apply a cross-media visual analysis to describe several modes in which the extraordi-nary body is represented (cartes de visite, early cinema) and secondly, they trace the appearance of extraor-dinary bodies in other genres within the medium of lantern slides. After these two comparisons the authors provide a contextualized, more nuanced understanding of the ar-chival objects of the G.H.F. Nuttall slide collection and its visual strategies.Tomando como punto de partida la colección del catedrático en medicina G.H.F. Nuttall, este artículo in-vestiga las extraordinarias representaciones del cuerpo humano en la historia de la linterna mágica del Occidente europeo y su patrimonio entre 1880 y 1930. Con el objeto de explicar el repertorio de imágenes a primera vista desconocidas de esta colección, los autores colocan el objeto, la técnica y las representa-ciones estéticas en un marco histórico y cultural que se explica en dos niveles. En primer lugar, las autoras aplican un análisis visual cross-media para describir los diferentes modelos desde los cuales son represen-tadas las particularidades del cuerpo humano (cartes de visite, cine de los orígenes) y, en segundo lugar, mues-tran su apariencia desde otros géneros que no utilizan las técnicas de representación de las placas de lin-terna mágica. Después de estas dos comparaciones, las autoras proporcionan una contextualización que servirá para comprender de una forma más matizada los objetos de archivo de la colección de placas de G.H.F. Nuttall y sus estrategias visuales

    Giovanna Fossati, Annie van den Oever (Hg.): Exposing the Film Apparatus: The Film Archive as a Research Laboratory

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    Review of the edited volume Exposing the Film Apparatus: The Film Archive as a Research Laboratory by Giovanna Fossati and Annie van den Oever (eds.): Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP 2016 (Framing Film), ISBN 9789462983168, EUR 39,9

    Oliver Kühschelm, Franz X. Eder, Hannes Siegrist (Hg.): Konsum und Nation. Zur Geschichte nationalisierender Inszenierungen in der Produktkommunikation

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    Review of the edited volume "Konsum und Nation. Zur Geschichte nationalisierender Inszenierungen in der Produktkommunikation." (Kühschelm, Eder & Siegrist 2012). The author reviews the articles from a perspective of historic media studies. The editors believe that consumer goods not only have an exchange value but always also communicate meanings. This approach, so Dellmann, makes the publication interesting for scholars in media studies - even though only some articles discuss the mediating functions and communicated meanings of the consumer goods. Most articles analyze the presentation of goods in advertising or buy-national campaigns

    Erkki Huhtamo: Illusions in Motion. Media Archaeology of the Moving Panorama and Related Spectacles

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    Book review of Illusions in Motion. Media Archaeology of the Moving Panorama and Related Spectacles. Cambridge, London: MIT Press 2013, 438 S., ISBN 978-0-262-01851-7, 45,- USD / 31,95 GB