1,251 research outputs found

    Diseño mexicano de productos de lujo. Una herramienta metodológica para su validación y desarrollo

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    El beneficio de esta investigación radica en facilitar a los diseñadores y emprendedores una herramienta confiable que mitigue el riesgo de lanzar al mercado un producto carente de validación y que no cumpla con las expectativas de los consumidores. La aplicación real que se hizo de la herramienta permite concluir su efectividad ya que arrojó información importante del producto evaluado, permitiendo a su productores detectar áreas de oportunidad en su productos y fortalezas importantes. La herramienta es una propuesta innovadora, que facilitará la creación de productos de lujo en México, para sentar un precedente es esta clase de instrumentos y facilitar la creación de productos mejor planeados

    Structural properties of a calcium aluminosilicate glass from molecular-dynamics simulations: A finite size effects study

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    We study a calcium aluminosilicate glass of composition (SiO2_2)0.67_{0.67}-(Al2_2O3_3)0.12_{0.12}-(CaO)0.21_{0.21} by means of molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations, using a potential made of two-body and three-body interactions. In order to prepare small samples that can subsequently be studied by first-principles, the finite size effects on the liquid dynamics and on the glass structural properties are investigated. We find that finite size effects affect the Si-O-Si and Si-O-Al angular distributions, the first peaks of the Si-O, Al-O and Ca-O pair correlation functions, the Ca coordination and the oxygen atoms environment in the smallest system (100 atoms). We give evidence that these finite size effects can be directly attributed to the use of three-body interactions.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figures. Journal of Chem. Phys., in pres

    Vers une approche générique pour la reconnaissance de formes manuscrites structurées : Application aux équations mathématiques et aux caractères chinois

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    International audienceNous présentons ici une approche générique pour la reconnaissance des formes manuscrites structurées. Leurs caractéristiques : structure 2D complexe, topologie récursive, grand nombre de primitives et de relations spatiales, imposent la mise en oeuvre de stratégies d'analyse adaptées pour limiter l'explosion combinatoire. GASPR est une approche originale consistant à guider la construction et l'exploration d'un graphe de segmentation par des connaissances a priori (grammaire du langage, relations spatiales...). La maîtrise de la complexité est assurée par un algorithme inspiré de A* qui limite la construction du graphe aux meilleures hypothèses. Les expérimentations sur différents types de données en-ligne (équations mathématiques et caractères chinois) confirment l'intérêt de la méthode et sa généricité

    Modélisation du positionnement relatif de tracés manuscrits par morphologie mathématique floue

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    National audienceNous explorons dans ce papier plusieurs approches basées sur la morphologie mathématique floue pour décrire et modéliser le positionnement relatif de tracés manuscrits. Nous montrons d'abord comment les opérations morphologiques floues permettent de définir une partition du plan qui soit adaptée aux spécificités de ces objets imprécis par nature, tout en rendant bien compte de l'ambigüité de leurs relations spatiales. Ensuite, nous proposons une nouvelle approche pour l'apprentissage automatique de modèles de positionnement spatial basée sur ces opérations morphologiques. Enfin, nous illustrons l'apport de ces méthodes pour la reconnaissance de formes par des expérimentations menées sur une base de gestes d'édition en-ligne

    Fuzzy relative positioning templates for symbol recognition

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    International audienceRelative positioning between components of a structured object plays a key role for its interpretation. Fuzzy relative positioning templates are a description framework for 2D handwritten patterns, that is based on positioning models specifically designed for dealing with variability and imprecision of handwriting. In this work, we present fuzzy positioning templates and investigate the idea of recognizing structured handwritten symbols by considering the relative positioning of the components, rather than the shapes of the components themselves or the global shape of the symbol. The templates are automatically trained from data without requiring any prior knowledge. Experiments on a database of on-line symbols prove that this original strategy is a promising approach for interpretation of structured patterns

    Learning spatial relationships in hand-drawn patterns using fuzzy mathematical morphology

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    International audienceWe introduce in this work a new approach for learning spatial relationships between elements of hand-drawn patterns with the help of fuzzy mathematical morphology operators. Relying on mathematical morphology allows to take into account the actual shapes of hand-drawn patterns when modeling their spatial relationships, and thus to cope with the variability of handwriting signal. Extension of mathematical morphology to the fuzzy set framework further allows to handle imprecision of handwriting and to deal with the ambiguity of spatial relationships. The novelty lies in the generative aspect of the models we propose, in the sense that they can exhibit the region of space where the learnt relation is satisfied with respect to a reference object, and can thus be used for driving structural analysis of complex patterns. Experiments over on-line handwritten data show their performance, and prove their ability to deal with variability of handwriting and reasoning under imprecision

    The universal ancestor : an unfinished reconstruction

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    The cenancestor is defined as the last common ancestor of every currently living being. Its nature has been inferred from the identification of homologous genes between archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotic lineages. These inferences indicate that the cenancestor had a relatively modern protein translation system, similar in complexity to that of a current cell. However, the key enzymes for the replication of genetic material and for cell membrane biosynthesis are not homologous in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. Here, we briefly review the history of the concept of the last universal common ancestor and the different hypotheses proposed for its biology