25 research outputs found


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    Characteristics of productivity and growth (yield per tree, trunk cross-sectional area, yield efficiency and fruit weight) were studied in 40 apricot cultivars of early and medium early maturity in the Belgrade area during the six-year period (2009 – 2014). The cultivar ‘Hungarian Best’ was used as a control for comparison. The period of study was divided to initial bearing (age of trees three and four years) and full bearing (age of trees from five to eight years). Significant differences in yield between cultivars and years were found. Average yield in the period of initial bearing ranged from 0.3 to 11.3 kg per tree, and in the period of full bearing from 5.6 to 24.8 kg per tree. Compared with the control cultivar, significantly higher yield was obtained in 17 cultivars. Adverse weatherconditions resulted in significant reduction of yield in two out of six years of study. Cumulative yield efficiency varied from 0.17 to 0.87 kg/cm2 and in 19 cultivars it was significantly higher compared with the control cultivar. Fruit weight ranged from 27.7 to 80.1 g. Compared with control, fruit weight was significantly higher in nine cultivars, and significantly lower in 11 cultivars


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    Morphological characteristics of fruiting shoots: length, diameter, internode length, length of the basal part without flower buds, number of flower buds (per shoot, node and 1 m of shoot length) were studied in 12 peach and 12 nectarine cultivars. The study was conducted at the Experimental farm “Radmilovac” of the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade during the two–year period (2016-2017). Control cultivar for peaches was ‘Redhaven’, and for nectarines ‘Stark Redgold’. For all studied traits statistically significant differences between cultivars were found. The average length of shoots varied from 62.4 to 76.8 cm, diameter from 5.9 to 8.0 mm, and internode length from 2.45 to 3.00 cm. The length of basal part of a shoot without flower buds was on average lower in nectarines (3.9 cm) than in peaches (9.1 cm). Peach cultivar ‘Tardibelle’ is characterized by the longest basal part of a shoot without flower buds (22.2 cm). All studied peach cultivars are characterized by lower flower bud density compared to control (‘Redhaven’). In nectarines, most of the studied cultivars had flower bud density similar to control (‘Stark Redgold’). Cultivars with higher flower bud density such as peaches: ‘Redhaven’, ‘Maria Marta’, ‘Autumn Glo’, and nectarines ‘Rita Star’, ‘Maria Carla’, ‘Orion’ require severe pruning in order to obtain better fruit size. On the other hand, cultivars with lower flower bud density e.g. ‘Tardibelle’, ‘Flavorcrest’, ‘Royal Glory’, ‘Bolero’, ‘Maria Lucia’ should be pruned slightly in order to obtain higher yield

    Типичные трудности при документировании трудовых отношений

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    В статье представлен аналитический обзор наиболее часто возникающих трудностей и ошибок, которые появляются при документировании трудовых отношений, приведены пути их устранения


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    The study researched the influence of four vegetative rootstocks on a biological and production properties of sweet cherry cultivar ‘Regina’. The study was carried out during fourth and fifth growing years at an orchard located at the experimental estate “Radmilovac” of the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade. Cultivar ‘Regina’ was grafted on the following rootstocks: ‘Gisela 6’, ‘Ma×Ma 14’, ‘Colt’ and ‘Oblačinska cherry’, while trees grafted on P. mahaleb used like a control. The highest yield had trees grafted on rootstock ‘Gisela 6’ (6.5 kg), while the smallest yield had trees grafted on seedlings of P. mahaleb (1.4 kg). Cultivar ‘Regina’ had the highest number of sper fruiting branches on ‘Colt’ (367.2) and the smallest number was recorded on P. mahaleb (154.8), while number of lateral fruiting branches on trees of cultivar ‘Regina’ was between 91.6 (‘MaxMa 14’) and 42.2 (‘Oblačinska cherry’). The highest content of soluble solid matter and sweetness in fruit were on the trees grafted on P. mahaleb


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    Spring frost often reduces the yield because of damaged flowers. Spring frost is a dangerous climatic hazard that can be responsible for yield loses to orchard trees. Frost damage is highly dependent on the stage of development of the flower buds. Flowers buds samples were collected from ‘Granny Smith’, ‘Golden Delicious Rainders’ and ‘Gala Schniga’ apple cultivars at different flower buds stages from BBCH 59 (most flowers with petals forming a hollow ball) to BBCH 65 (full bloom on trees), two days after frost that occurred on the morning at 5:00-7:00 of March 31, 2017 when the temperature dropped to -1.5 to -3.3°C in the apple orchard of company Pollino Agrar near Fruška gora mountain. Pistils in flower buds samples at a hollow ball stage to full bloom were examined individually and classified as dead or alive based on tissue browning. The highest damage on flowers was recorded to cultivar ‘Gala Schniga’ (75.4%) and the lowest to cultivar ‘Golden Delicious Rainders’. Cultivar ‘Gala Schniga’ had more than 90% of damaged king flowers. Our results showed that the spring frost damage of pistils was variable according to stages of flower bud development and genotypes

    La Xarxa de Biblioteques del CSIC : 10 anys informatitzant

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    En éste artículo se explica el proceso de informatización de la Red de Bibliotecas del CSIC iniciado en 1986, de la situación de la que se partía, la elección de Aleph cómo sistema integrado de gestión de bibliotecas y el balance tras diez años de informatización de la Red

    Efeito da estimulação elétrica nervosa transcutânea (TENS) no tratamento de dor pós-cirúrgica após amputação de membro inferior: estudo piloto

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    Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a noninvasive, nonmedical modality.  Objective: To establish the role of TENS for the management of postoperative surgical pain after lower limb amputations. Methods: Randomized controlled trial, which included forty-six subjects who had undergone lower limb amputations, randomly divided into control and treatment group. The control group received standard postoperative care, whereas the treatment group received standard postoperative care plus TENS. Forty subjects successfully completed the study according to the study protocol. The majority of the individuals had undergone transtibial amputation due to complication of diabetes. Five TENS XL-A1 portable devices with four self-adhesive electrodes were used. This was the conventional TENS mode, characterized by the delivery of electrical impulses with a duration of 200 microseconds, frequency of 110 Hz, and amplitude of 44V. Treatment was carried out for 2 hours a day, during 10 days. The evaluation of TENS efficacy was performed using the horizontal VAS (0-100 mm). Student T test was used in the statistical analysis. Results: Pain intensity was significantly diminished in both groups at the tenth in comparison with the first postoperative day. Conclusion: Conventional TENS (dose: 200 microseconds, 110 Hz, 44V), administered two hours a day during ten days, significantly reduced postoperative surgical pain in twenty subjects who had undergone lower limb amputations.A estimulação elétrica nervosa transcutânea (TENS) é uma modalidade não médica e não invasiva. Objetivo: Avaliar o papel da TENS no tratamento de dor cirúrgica pós-operatória após amputação de membro inferior. Métodos: Teste controlado randomizado, conduzido com 46 indivíduos submetidos à amputação de membro inferior, que foram aleatoriamente divididos em grupo controle e grupo tratado. O grupo controle recebeu cuidados-padrão no pós-operatório; o grupo tratado recebeu cuidados-padrão e aplicação de TENS. Quarenta indivíduos completaram efetivamente o estudo de acordo com o protocolo de estudo. A maior parte das amputações consistiu de amputação transtibial devido a complicações da diabete. Foram utilizados cinco dispositivos portáteis Ultima TENS XL-A1 com eletrodos auto-adesivos. Esta é a aplicação convencional da TENS, caracterizada pela aplicação de impulsos elétricos com a duração de 200 microssegundos, freqüência de 110 Hz e amplitude de 44 V. O tratamento foi administrado durante 10 dias, 2 horas por dia. A avaliação da eficácia da TENS foi feita utilizando-se a escala visual analógica (EVA) horizontal (0-100 mm). O teste t de Student foi usado na análise estatística. Resultados: A intensidade da dor estava significantemente diminuída em ambos os grupos no 10º dia em comparação ao 1º dia de pós-operatório.  Conclusão: A TENS convencional (dose: 200 microssegundos, 110 Hz, 44 V), administrada 2 horas por dia, durante 10 dias, significantemente reduziu a dor cirúrgica pós-operatória em 20 indivíduos com amputação de membro inferior

    Plants as Bio-Insecticides in the Service of the Suppression of Potato Tuber Moth in Storage

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    Phthorimaea operculella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), is economically very important pest of potato and other solanaceous plants in the field and warehouse. Frequent and excessive use of insecticides leads to development of insects resistance, environmental pollution, and lives residues in food. All this implicated as a obligatory applications of botanical insecticides. Research in this area is increasingly attracting attention as the kingdom of plants is an inexhaustible source of active ingredients with insecticidal properties. This is the only way in the registration and appropriate use of eco-friendly active ingredients as pesticides


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    The main goal of breeding and testing of rootstocks for sweet cherry is to obtain small and productive trees and to improve precocity. The objective of this study was to examine the influence of six rootstocks on vigor and productive characteristics of young sweet cherry trees. The experimental orchard is situated at the Experimental farm “Radmilovac”, of the Faculty of Agriculture (near Belgrade). Three sweet cherry cultivars: ‘Kordia’, ‘Karmen’ and ‘Regina’ were grafted on six rootstocks: Prunus mahaleb L. seedlings, ‘Colt’, ‘Ma×Ma 14’, ‘Gisela 6’, ‘Gisela 5’ and ‘Oblačinska’ sour cherry. During a two-year period (2015-2016) the following characteristics were studied: scion diameter above the grafting union, rootstock diameter under the grafting union, length and diameter of shoots, height of the tree and the number of spurs per tree. The resultsshowed different influence of rootstocks on the tree vigor, spur formation and precocity. The average diameter of the scion in all tested cultivars was the largest on the Mahaleb rootstock. The largest average number of spurs per tree in the second year was recorded on cherry trees grafted on the rootstocks ‘Gisela 6’ and ‘Oblačinska’ sour cherry (28 and 23 respectively). The lowest average number of spurs (6) was found on trees grafted on the rootstock ‘Colt’