31 research outputs found

    Analysis of Verbal Interactions Between Brazilian Students in a Physics Investigative Activity Class With STS Approach: A Case Study

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    This article presents results on the analysis of verbal interactions of students from a federal public high school in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during an investigative activity class about the properties of magnets. This experimental assignment was part of a didactic sequence developed for the study of Electromagnetism, which was structured using a Science, Technology and Society (STS) approach combined with the investigative activities method, in which students divided into groups carried out a series of experimental essays on the contents that were presented to them. The objective was to determine if students were able and capable of structuring their own causal statements to a problem involving knowledge of Physics, when given the proper conditions to work with an experimental setup. Differently from the traditional transmission-reception didactic model, the STS didactic orientation seeks out to incorporate the scientific syllabus into the students' daily life relationships. A qualitative methodology was used from the transcriptions of video and digital audio recordings that were registered during classes, some scenes of an educational episode were selected and the verbal interactions of the students among themselves were analyzed, looking for some indicators that could identify whether scientific literacy was accomplished. Analysis showed evidence that students were able to construct meaning with their own words by reasoning about what was observed in the experiments performed

    A case study on the teaching of Physics of Sound and Acoustics in Brazilian federal public universities

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    Acoustics and the Physics of Sound are interdisciplinary subjects that can involve many different areas of study, such as Physics, Engineering, Architecture, Urbanism, and Environment Education. In Brazil, most of the research studies and development works in Acoustics come from postgraduate programs of federal public universities, especially mechanical engineering ones, and there is only one specific undergraduate course of Acoustical Engineering in the country, offered by the Federal University of Santa Maria. The absence of studies about the institutions that research Acoustics and Physics of Sound motivated the present systematic bibliographic work, aiming to verify which are the undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Physics, Engineering, and Architecture in Brazilian federal public universities that offer disciplines related to this area. The methodology for the analysis used databases: the Sucupira platform of the CAPES institution (a branch of the Brazilian Ministry of Education) and the Lattes platform of the CNPq institution (a branch of the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology); in which all the evaluated and recognized undergraduate and postgraduate programs in Brazil are included. The conclusions made it possible to identify the concentration of courses on acoustics and physics of sound, providing scope for different analyses, such as discussions about curriculum contents, the deficiencies in student formation in the area, and the paths for collaborative scientific interactions in this area of knowledge

    Science: from practice to teaching – The importance of research episodes in teacher formation

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    Current researches into teacher formation show different aspects in their approaches. To teach science, a professional is required to have more than knowledge of the contents and possession of good didactic skills. Teacher formation (initial and continued) is a broad problem, and a challenge, facing the innumerous questions already raised by experienced professionals in this field. Our research is directed at permanent teacher formation (initial and continued), giving priority to the relationship between DOING SCIENCE and TEACHING SCIENCE (VIANNA, 1998), while attempting to compare scientists practice at laboratories with teachers’ science. We analyzed a refresher course for High School teachers of Biology in Rio de Janeiro. We highlighted the parts of this course that took place in research laboratories, which we refer to as “research episodes,” showing what participants gained from this experience: knowledge about scientists’ practices, what they do, what they say, how they behave, how they interact, what they build, what they publish in their articles and why, that is: TO EXPERIENCE DAILY SCIENTIFIC PRACTICE. We looked at these “episodes” according to LATOUR and WOOLGAR (1988, 1989, 1994, 1995, 1997). The teachers who attended the course were queried about its influence on their teaching formation. They emphasized the perception they gained about how scientific knowledge is built, the passion researchers have for their activity, the new technologies and instruments used nowadays, and their desire to adopt a new approach in the classroom. Our work points out the need for a permanent teacher formation, establishing an analogy between scientific and pedagogic research with teaching practice

    Coleta Certa: Modern board game about radioactive waste

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    THE GAME AND TEACHING With the objective of promoting teaching with greater participation of students in the teaching and learning process, associating school content with daily events of students, the modern board game Coleta Certa – like a correct waste collection - was created (Almeida & Vianna, 2022). This game simulates a deposit of radioactive rejects from different locations that use sources of nuclear radiation. The theme of the game provides knowledge about the various places that use radioactive elements and shows how waste that is contaminated in these places by radioisotopes must be treated so as not to contaminate the environment. Regarding the Physics content, the game aims to provide knowledge about the half-life for radioactive decay. The game aims to simulate reality by creating its own rules that are valid for the magic circle created to experience the game (Huizinga, 2019). According to this, it can be said that the game is an excellent tool to simulate a real problem and test possible solutions, developed by the students. In addition, when the Physics content is taught in a way linked to social problems, the content ends up helping not only in the students’ professional training, but also in their critical training, as they will relate the content to the world in which they live. This way of approaching the content is in line with teaching with a focus on Science, Technology and Society (STS) (Aikenhead, 2003). In 2019, this game was applied with a higher education class at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and, because the participants' speeches were recorded, it was possible to make an analysis and conclude that the students learned about radioisotope applications and about the half-life concept for radioactive decay (Almeida, 2021). OBJECTIVES GAME AND MAIN RULES The game Coleta Certa represents a radioactive rejects warehouse in a fictional city. Over time, the warehouse became very crowded and it was necessary to hire professionals who could monitor these tailings and verify which ones are no longer emitting radiation at a harmful level to the environment. From there, the players represent these professionals responsible for monitoring the deposit. The winner is the one who accumulates the most points at the end of competition, and these points are related to the right time to collect each waste. For the tailings classified by the players as ready to be collected before or after the right time, in the first case they lose a point, as the tailings still pose a danger, and in the second they gain nothing, as the tailings are taking up unnecessary space. The game allows participants to study the correct time through the half-life of radioisotopes, the initial activity and the exemption level for each waste. Therefore, during the game, everyone must find out the time required for the tailings to decrease the initial activity by an order of magnitude value of the exemption level, as a function of the half-life of the element (Almeida & Vianna, 2022). REFERENCES Aikenhead, G. (2003). STS Education: A rose by any other name. In: Cross, R. (Ed.): A Vision for science education: Responding to the work of Peter J. Fensham, p. 59-75. New York: Routledge Falmer. Almeida, A. C. C. (2021). Jogo de tabuleiro Coleta Certa: Aplicação com alunos cursando o ensino superior. Proceedings of the National Meeting of Games and Ludic Activities in Chemistry, Physics and Biology Teaching. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Almeida, A. C. C., & Vianna, D. M. (2022). Coleta Certa: Jogo de tabuleiro moderno sobre rejeitos radioativos. Caminhos da educação matemática em revista (online), 12(1), 304-318. Huizinga J. (2019). Homo Ludens: o jogo como elemento da cultura. São Paulo: Perspectiva

    Atuando na sala de aula após a reflexão sobreumaoficina de astronomia

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    O presente artigo identifica a reflexão de professores que participaram de uma oficina de Astronomia, de curta duração, baseada na metodologia da Ação-Reflexão-Ação proposta por Donald Schön (1992). Apresentamos os resultados coletados após a observação, em suas salas de aula, da prática dos professores que participaram da atividade. Destacamos suas reflexões em relação à sua formação e à sua prática pedagógica

    Práticas de professores com abordagens investigativas

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    Our main question is whether it is possible to implement the didactic approach of teaching by research in any emphases of physics teaching worked by teachers, either theoretically, in the classroom, or at the laboratory during class. To answer this question, we discussed with teachers during their initial and continuing training, different emphases of teaching, always emphasizing that in any of them the Teaching by Research is a possibility of didactic approach. For Elementary and High School, we consider as theoretical and experimental physics teaching emphases approaches to the History of Science; relations between science and art, as well as in science, technology, and society (STS); school inclusion issues; relations with the environment; Scientific Dissemination activities, such as the organization of visits to museums, among others. Each student is responsible for preparing materials throughout the course taught at the University, considering the different emphases of teaching physics, but compulsorily making use of research activities. We consider that with this type of initial education, we offer graduates conditions to have, when graduated, alternatives to work in the labor market differently from traditional education, which we still have in Brazilian schools, but we are not limited to initial education. Masters and doctoral researches have been oriented about issues involving research teaching. These practices have been developed in the Physics Institutes of Higher Education Institutions: UFRJ and UERJ, as well as in the Oswaldo Cruz Institute's Bioscience and Health Graduate Program.Nuestra pregunta principal es si existe la posibilidad de emplear el enfoque didáctico de la enseñanza por investigación para ciertos énfasis de la enseñanza de la física trabajada por profesores durante la clase, sea teóricamente, en aula o en laboratorio. Para responder a esta pregunta, discutimos con los maestros diferentes énfasis de la enseñanza durante su capacitación inicial y continuada, enfatizando que, en cualquiera de estas, la Enseñanza por Investigación es un posible enfoque didáctico. Para la escuela primaria y secundaria, consideramos que la enseñanza de la Física Teórica y Experimental enfatiza los enfoques de la Historia de la Ciencia; relaciones entre Ciencia y Arte, así como en Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (CTS); problemas de inclusión escolar; relaciones con el Medio Ambiente; actividades de divulgación científica, la organización de visitas a museos, entre otras. Cada estudiante es responsable de preparar los materiales a lo largo del curso impartido en la Universidad, bajo los diferentes énfasis de la enseñanza de la física, haciendo uso obligatorio de las actividades de Investigación. Consideramos que, con este tipo de capacitación inicial, ofrecemos alternativas a los y las estudiantes al momento de graduarse y trabajar en el mercado laboral de manera alternativa a la educación tradicional, que todavía tenemos en las escuelas brasileñas. Pero, no estamos limitados a la formación inicial, investigaciones de maestría y doctorado se han orientado sobre temas relacionados con la enseñanza de la investigación. Estas prácticas se han desarrollado en los Institutos de Física de las Instituciones de Educación Superior: UFRJ y UERJ, así como en el Programa de Postgrado en Biociencia y Salud del Instituto Oswaldo Cruz.Nossa principal pergunta é se é possível empregar a abordagem didática do ensino por investigação em quaisquer ênfases do ensino de Física trabalhados pelos professores, seja teoricamente, em sala de aula, ou em laboratório, durante as aulas. Para respondermos a tal questão, debatemos com os professores durante suas formações iniciais e continuadas, diferentes ênfases de ensino, sempre ressaltando que em quaisquer delas o Ensino por Investigação é uma possibilidade de abordagem didática. Para o Ensino Fundamental e o Médio, consideramos como ênfases de ensino de Física, tanto teóricas, quanto experimentais, abordagens da História da Ciência; relações entre Ciência e Arte, como também em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS); questões de Inclusão Escolar; relações com o Meio Ambiente; atividades de Divulgação Científica, como por exemplo, a organização de visitas a museus, entre outras. Cada estudante tem sob sua responsabilidade preparar materiais ao longo do curso ministrado na Universidade, considerando as diferentes ênfases de ensino de Física, mas obrigatoriamente fazendo o uso de atividades por investigação. Consideramos que, com este tipo de formação inicial, oferecemos aos licenciandos condições de ter, quando formados, alternativas para atuar no mercado de trabalho de maneira diferenciada ao ensino tradicional, que até hoje temos nas escolas brasileiras, mas não nos limitamos à formação inicial. Pesquisas de mestrado e doutorado têm sido orientadas, tendo como tema questões que envolvem o ensino por investigação. Estas práticas vêm sendo desenvolvidas nos Institutos de Física das Instituições de Ensino Superior: UFRJ e UERJ, assim como no Programa de pós-graduação em Biociência e Saúde do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz

    Ouvindo os formadores nas Licenciaturas em Física a Distância sobre as políticas públicas educacionais

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7941.2012v29nesp1p448Esse trabalho apresenta parte dos resultados de uma pesquisa a respeito da formação de professores de física em cursos de Licenciatura em Física mediados por ambientes virtuais de ensino-aprendizagem na modalidade a distância. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram professores que atuavam em 2009 e 2010 na organização ou criação de três cursos a distância de Licenciatura em Física do Sistema Universidade Aberta do Brasil das Regiões Sul, Sudeste e Nordeste e na extinta Secretaria de Educação a Distância do Ministério de Educação. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas gravadas, transcritas e submetidas à análise temática. Apresentamos as posições dos entrevistados relacionadas à categoria Políticas Públicas Educacionais, com 16 temas divididos nas cinco seções a saber: o papel da EaD; aspectos legais; aspectos metodológicos; polos de apoio presencial; e investimentos. Dentre as conclusões obtidas, é possível apontar que apesar dos documentos oficiais concederem liberdade para a elaboração dos projetos dos cursos a distância, isso não contribuiu para a sua elaboração, pois os cursos a distância estão adaptando, de forma inapropriada e anacrônica, características dos cursos presenciais. Além disso, os entrevistados apontaram que são obrigados a acatarem as decisões do governo federal para receberem o financiamento do Sistema UAB, reduzindo a autonomia universitária. Outro aspecto observado foi o aumento da fragmentação da formação de professores de física. Conclui-se o trabalho alertando que mesmo com os intensos investimentos na EaD e na ampliação do acesso aos cursos de nível superior, outras ações fazem-se necessárias para se acabar com a carência de professores de física na educação básica

    Ouvindo os formadores nas Licenciaturas em Física a Distância sobre as políticas públicas educacionais

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    Esse trabalho apresenta parte dos resultados de uma pesquisa a respeito da formação de professores de física em cursos de Licenciatura em Física mediados por ambientes virtuais de ensino-aprendizagem na modalidade a distância. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram professores que atuavam em 2009 e 2010 na organização ou criação de três cursos a distância de Licenciatura em Física do Sistema Universidade Aberta do Brasil das Regiões Sul, Sudeste e Nordeste e na extinta Secretaria de Educação a Distância do Ministério de Educação. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas gravadas, transcritas e submetidas à análise temática. Apresentamos as posições dos entrevistados relacionadas à categoria Políticas Públicas Educacionais, com 16 temas divididos nas cinco seções a saber: o papel da EaD; aspectos legais; aspectos metodológicos; polos de apoio presencial; e investimentos. Dentre as conclusões obtidas, é possível apontar que apesar dos documentos oficiais concederem liberdade para a elaboração dos projetos dos cursos a distância, isso não contribuiu para a sua elaboração, pois os cursos a distância estão adaptando, de forma inapropriada e anacrônica, características dos cursos presenciais. Além disso, os entrevistados apontaram que são obrigados a acatarem as decisões do governo federal para receberem o financiamento do Sistema UAB, reduzindo a autonomia universitária. Outro aspecto observado foi o aumento da fragmentação da formação de professores de física. Conclui-se o trabalho alertando que mesmo com os intensos investimentos na EaD e na ampliação do acesso aos cursos de nível superior, outras ações fazem-se necessárias para se acabar com a carência de professores de física na educação básica