171 research outputs found

    Les successions argileuses mésozoïques des domaines subalpin et ultra-helvétique

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    Mémoire HS n° 13 - Géologie Alpine : Le détritisme dans le Sud-Est de la France - Colloque Association des Géologues du Sud-est - Grenoble 11-12 décembre 1986Les assemblages argileux mésozoïques des domaines subalpin et ultrahelvétique résultent d' influences diagénétiques et détritiques dont la distinction est parfois délicate. La nature des évolutions diagénétiques de plus en plus prononcées vers les zones alpines internes (enfouissement sédimentaire et tectonique) est conditionnée par la lithologie. Les assemblages argileux détritiques conservés dans les parties occidentales sont surtout constitués d'illite, de smectite et de kaolinite. L'évolution des proportions relatives de ces trois minéraux au cours du Malm et du Crétacé résulte tour à tour d' influences tectoniques, eustatiques et climatiques

    Increased risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and serum organochlorine concentrations among neighbors of a municipal solid waste incinerator

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    peer reviewedOrganochlorine chemicals may contribute to an increased risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) within nonoccupationally exposed populations. Among these chemicals, dioxins and furans were mainly released by municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs) until a recent past in France, a source of exposure that is of public concern. We investigated organochlorines and the risk of NHL among neighbors of a French MSWI with high levels of dioxin emissions (Besançon, France), using serum concentrations to assess exposure. The study area consisted of three electoral wards, containing or surrounding the MSWI. Pesticides, dioxins, furans, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured in the serum of 34 newly diagnosed NHL cases (2003– 2005) and 34 controls. Risks of NHL associated with each lipid-corrected serum concentration were estimated using exact logistic regression. The pesticides β-hexachlorocyclohexane (odds ratio [OR]=1.05, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.00–1.12, per 10 ng/g lipid) and p,p' dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) (OR=1.20, 95% CI=1.01-1.45, per 10 ng/g lipid) were associated with NHL risk. Evidence indicated an increased NHL risk associated with cumulative WHO1998-toxic equivalency factor (TEQ) concentrations (dioxins, OR=1.12, 95% CI=1.03–1.26; furans, OR=1.16, 95% CI=1.03–1.35; dioxin-like PCBs, OR=1.04, 95% CI=1.00–1.07; and total TEQ, OR=1.04, 95% CI=1.01–1.05), as well as with non dioxin-like PCBs (OR=1.02, 95% CI=1.01–1.05, per 10 ng/g lipid). Most congener-specific associations were statistically significant. This study provides strong and consistent support for an association between serum cumulative WHO1998-TEQ concentrations, at levels experienced by people residing in the vicinity of a polluting MSWI, and risk of NHL

    Biodiversity across the Guadalupian-Lopingian Boundary: first results on the ostracod (Crustacea) fauna, Chaotian section (Sichuan Province, South China)

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    International audienceThe Middle Permian-Late Permian boundary (Guadalupian-Lopingian boundary, GLB) interval is characterised by important faunal assemblage changes. This extinction-turnover episode is considered by some authors to be the first step of the end-Permian biodiversity drop. The forty-five meters thickness of sediment encompassing the GLB in Chaotian section (Sichuan Province, South China) was sampled and processed for ostracod study. This study presents the first analysis of ostracod faunas in the GLB interval. A total of 154 species belonging to 29 genera are identified. Three species are described as new: Bairdia chaotianensis Zazzali, n. sp., Microcheilinella wujiapingensis Zazzali, n. sp., Microcheilinella pagodaensisZazzali, n. sp. All the ostracods discovered in the section belong to shallow marine taxa. So these results are not consistent with previous interpretations (lagoonal environment or deep water setting) based on other evidences. Abundance and diversity present a rapid and noticeable decline in the Early Capitanian. Recovery is then recorded about three meters above the GLB. At specific level, a 93% extinction rate and a 96% turnover rate are recorded at the GLB. Moreover, Palaeocopida, straight dorsal border ostracods known to progressively disappear from the Late Permian to the basal Middle-Triassic, are here less abundant and diversified after the GLB. This could reflect the first step of their disappearance at the end of the Palaeozoic

    Wildfire activity enhanced during phases of maximum orbital eccentricity and precessional forcing in the Early Jurassic

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    Fire regimes are changing due to both anthropogenic climatic drivers and vegetation management challenges, making it difficult to determine how climate alone might influence wildfire activity. Earth has been subject to natural-background climate variability throughout its past due to variations in Earth’s orbital parameters (Milkankovitch cycles), which provides an opportunity to assess climate-only driven variations in wildfire. Here we present a 350,000 yr long record of fossil charcoal from mid-latitude (~35°N) Jurassic sedimentary rocks. These results are coupled to estimates of variations in the hydrological cycle using clay mineral, palynofacies and elemental analyses, and lithological and biogeochemical signatures. We show that fire activity strongly increased during extreme seasonal contrast (monsoonal climate), which has been linked to maximal precessional forcing (boreal summer in perihelion) (21,000 yr cycles), and we hypothesize that long eccentricity modulation further enhances precession-forced fire activity

    Environmental changes during the onset of the Late Pliensbachian Event (Early Jurassic) in the Cardigan Bay Basin, Wales

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    The Late Pliensbachian Event (LPE), in the Early Jurassic, is associated with a perturbation in the global carbon cycle (positive carbon isotope excursion (CIE) of ∼2 ‰), cooling of ∼5 ∘C, and the deposition of widespread regressive facies. Cooling during the late Pliensbachian has been linked to enhanced organic matter burial and/or disruption of thermohaline ocean circulation due to a sea level lowstand of at least regional extent. Orbital forcing had a strong influence on the Pliensbachian environments and recent studies show that the terrestrial realm and the marine realm in and around the Cardigan Bay Basin, UK, were strongly influenced by orbital climate forcing. In the present study we build on the previously published data for long eccentricity cycle E459 ± 1 and extend the palaeoenvironmental record to include E458 ± 1. We explore the environmental and depositional changes on orbital timescales for the Llanbedr (Mochras Farm) core during the onset of the LPE. Clay mineralogy, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) elemental analysis, isotope ratio mass spectrometry, and palynology are combined to resolve systematic changes in erosion, weathering, fire, grain size, and riverine influx. Our results indicate distinctively different environments before and after the onset of the LPE positive CIE and show increased physical erosion relative to chemical weathering. We also identify five swings in the climate, in tandem with the 405 kyr eccentricity minima and maxima. Eccentricity maxima are linked to precessionally repeated occurrences of a semi-arid monsoonal climate with high fire activity and relatively coarser sediment from terrestrial runoff. In contrast, 405 kyr minima in the Mochras core are linked to a more persistent, annually wet climate, low fire activity, and relatively finer-grained deposits across multiple precession cycles. The onset of the LPE positive CIE did not impact the expression of the 405 kyr cycle in the proxy records; however, during the second pulse of heavier carbon (13C) enrichment, the clay minerals record a change from dominant chemical weathering to dominant physical erosion

    Continental weathering as a driver of Late Cretaceous cooling : new insights from clay mineralogy of Campanian sediments from the southern Tethyan margin to the Boreal realm

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    21 pagesInternational audienceNew clay mineralogical analyses have been performed on Campanian sediments from the Tethyan and Boreal realms along a palaeolatitudinal transect from 45° to 20°N (Danish Basin, North Sea, Paris Basin, Mons Basin, Aquitaine Basin, Umbria-Marche Basin and Tunisian Atlas). Significant terrigenous inputs are evidenced by increasing proportions of detrital clay minerals such as illite, kaolinite and chlorite at various levels in the mid- to upper Campanian, while smectitic minerals predominate and represented the background of the Late Cretaceous clay sedimentation. Our new results highlight a distinct latitudinal distribution of clay minerals, with the occurrence of kaolinite in southern sections and an almost total absence of this mineral in northern areas. This latitudinal trend points to an at least partial climatic control on clay mineral sedimentation, with a humid zone developed between 20° and 35°N. The association and co-evolution of illite, chlorite and kaolinite in most sections suggest a reworking of these minerals from basement rocks weathered by hydrolysis, which we link to the formation of relief around the Tethys due to compression associated with incipient Tethyan closure. Diachronism in the occurrence of detrital minerals between sections, with detrital input starting earlier during the Santonian in the south than in the north, highlights the northward progression of the deformation related to the anticlockwise rotation of Africa. Increasing continental weathering and erosion, evidenced by our clay mineralogical data through the Campanian, may have resulted in enhanced CO2 consumption by silicate weathering, thereby contributing to Late Cretaceous climatic cooling

    Three years pilot of spinal muscular atrophy newborn screening turned into official program in Southern Belgium.

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    Three new therapies for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) have been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency since 2016. Although these new therapies improve the quality of life of patients who are symptomatic at first treatment, administration before the onset of symptoms is significantly more effective. As a consequence, newborn screening programs have been initiated in several countries. In 2018, we launched a 3-year pilot program to screen newborns for SMA in the Belgian region of Liège. This program was rapidly expanding to all of Southern Belgium, a region of approximately 55,000 births annually. During the pilot program, 136,339 neonates were tested for deletion of exon 7 of SMN1, the most common cause of SMA. Nine SMA cases with homozygous deletion were identified through this screen. Another patient was identified after presenting with symptoms and was shown to be heterozygous for the SMN1 exon 7 deletion and a point mutation on the opposite allele. These ten patients were treated. The pilot program has now successfully transitioned into the official neonatal screening program in Southern Belgium. The lessons learned during implementation of this pilot program are reported

    Le Précambrien, 4 milliards d'années d'histoire de la Terre.

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    240 pagesNational audienc


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