635 research outputs found

    Interaction Effects on the Magneto-optical Response of Magnetoplasmonic Dimers

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    The effect that dipole-dipole interactions have on the magneto-optical (MO) properties of magnetoplasmonic dimers is theoretically studied. The specific plasmonic versus magnetoplasmonic nature of the dimer's metallic components and their specific location within the dimer plays a crucial role on the determination of these properties. We find that it is possible to generate an induced MO activity in a purely plasmonic component, even larger than that of the MO one, therefore dominating the overall MO spectral dependence of the system. Adequate stacking of these components may allow obtaining, for specific spectral regions, larger MO activities in systems with reduced amount of MO metal and therefore with lower optical losses. Theoretical results are contrasted and confirmed with experiments for selected structures

    Raman and infrared spectroscopy of Sr2B′UO6 (B′ = Ni; Co) double perovskites

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    Temperature dependent normal modes and lattice thermal expansion of Sr 2B′UO6 (B′ = Ni, Co) double perovskites were investigated by Raman/infrared spectroscopies and synchrotron X-ray diffraction, respectively. Monoclinic crystal structures with space group P21/n were confirmed for both compounds, with no clear structural phase transition between 10 and 400 K. As predicted for this structure, the first-order Raman and infrared spectra show a plethora of active modes. In addition, the Raman spectra reveal an enhancement of the integrated area of an oxygen stretching mode, which is also observed in higher-order Raman modes, and an anomalous softening of ∼1 cm-1 upon cooling below T* ∼ 300 K. In contrast, the infrared spectra show conventional temperature dependence. The band profile phonon anomalies are possibly related to an unspecified electronic property of Sr2B′UO6 (B′ = Ni, Co).Centro de Química Inorgánic

    Raman and infrared spectroscopy of Sr2B′UO6 (B′ = Ni; Co) double perovskites

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    Temperature dependent normal modes and lattice thermal expansion of Sr 2B′UO6 (B′ = Ni, Co) double perovskites were investigated by Raman/infrared spectroscopies and synchrotron X-ray diffraction, respectively. Monoclinic crystal structures with space group P21/n were confirmed for both compounds, with no clear structural phase transition between 10 and 400 K. As predicted for this structure, the first-order Raman and infrared spectra show a plethora of active modes. In addition, the Raman spectra reveal an enhancement of the integrated area of an oxygen stretching mode, which is also observed in higher-order Raman modes, and an anomalous softening of ∼1 cm-1 upon cooling below T* ∼ 300 K. In contrast, the infrared spectra show conventional temperature dependence. The band profile phonon anomalies are possibly related to an unspecified electronic property of Sr2B′UO6 (B′ = Ni, Co).Centro de Química Inorgánic

    Collective Phase-like Mode and the Role of Lattice Distortions at TN~TC in RMn2O5 (R= Pr, Sm, Gd, Tb, Bi)

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    We report on electronic collective excitations in RMn2O5 (R= Pr, Sm, Gd, Tb) showing condensation starting at and below TN\simTC\sim40-50 K. Its origin is understood as partial delocalized eg electron orbitals in the Jahn-Teller distortion of the pyramids dimmer with strong hybridized Mn3+-O bonds. Our local probes, Raman, infrared, and X-ray absorption, back the conclusion by which there is no structural phase transition at TN\simTC. Ferroelectricity is magnetically assisted by electron localization triggering lattice polarizability by unscreening. We have also found phonon hardening as the rare earth is sequentially replaced. This is understood as consequence of lanthanide contraction. It is suggested that partially f-electron screened Rare Earth nuclei might be introducing a perturbation to eg electrons prone to delocalize as the superexchange interaction takes place.Comment: Journal of Physics Cond. Matter April 12, 2012. In pres