227 research outputs found


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    Indiscutiblemente, en las últimas dos décadas la sociedad colombiana ha sido testigo y participe de las transformaciones más importantes que ha sufrido el Estado, tanto del rediseño de la estructura organizacional del poder, así como del reconocimiento progresivo de un amplio catálogo de derechos fundamentales en su carta política. En ese sentido, las transformaciones en estas dos áreas, han traído como consecuencia la existencia de un mayor parámetro de exigibilidad de respeto y garantía de los derechos humanos; para cumplir con ello, se han implementado novedosos y complejos mecanismos procesales para su defensa, tal como lo es la declaratoria del estado de cosas inconstitucional. Dicho desarrollo guarda especial relevancia, ya que sirve de modelo y guía para los países latinoamericanos, pues con ello se pretende la intervención colectiva de los poderes públicos y superar las falencias de carácter estructural de las políticas públicas, hacer frente y disminuir las violaciones masivas y sistemáticas de los derechos fundamentales y con ello reintegrar el valor máximo del ser humano que es su dignidad. Por último, se demuestra que en Brasil, aunque tímidamente, la doctrina jurisprudencial del estado de cosas inconstitucional ha sido aplicada por la Suprema Corte de aquel país

    Development of the Coordination Dimension of Relational Capabilities: Comparison between For- Profit and Non-profit Technology Transfer Partnerships

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    In order to ensure the success of a technology transfer partnership for-profit or non-profit, it is necessary to understand which relational capabilities (RC) to explore. This article analyses which factors can assist in the development of the coordination dimension of RC, in cooperation with the development of non-profit and profit-oriented technologies, highlighting their similarities and differences. The method used was multi-case qualitative research, studying two groups (group N and group P), each with 5 entities. The main differences highlighted is the increase of social credibility for the group N and the knowledge dissemination of the partners and the processes improvement for the group P. Within this research, it was possible to deepen the model of Alves (2015), regarding the inclusion of factors that can help the development of RC Management dimensions. Understanding capabilities development in each alliance is the implication of the study

    As mulheres e as planta medicinais: reflexões sobre o papel do cuidado e suas implicações

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    Focusing on processes of collective learning and social organization of rural women motivated by the theme of medicinal plants in different regions of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), this paper discusses the construction of ‘care for others’ as a female role. The starting point is the observation that this ‘care’ seems to be overcoming the family sphere, being extended to the community and even globally, once women broadened their struggles for gender equality and for the recognition of their work toward a new accountability that includes the requirements to changethe development standard. The groups are organized around the remedies production, establishing forms of action that allow access other political questions. We identified a repositioning of women for the outside, with the entrance in the productive world and toward public life, but also contradictory dynamics that cause work overload. Thus, there are continuities and discontinuities in ‘caring role’ of the women, but the donation of time, affections, words and practices still appear minimized before the developmental imperative.Tendo como foco processos de aprendizagens coletivas e de organização social de mulheres rurais motivadas pelo tema das plantas medicinais, em diferentes regiões do Rio Grande do Sul, este trabalho problematiza a construção do cuidado ao outro como um papel feminino. O ponto de partida é observação de que esse ‘cuidado’ parece estar superando a esfera familiar, ampliando-se para o âmbito comunitário e mesmo global, na medida em que as mulheres ampliaram suas lutas pela igualdade de gênero e pelo reconhecimento do seu trabalho até uma nova responsabilização pelas mudanças requeridas no padrão de desenvolvimento. Os grupos estudados têm na mobilização em torno da produção de remédios uma forma de ação que permite acessar outras questões de ordem política.Identifica-se que há reposicionamentos das mulheres frente à entrada no mundo produtivo e em direção à vida pública, mas também dinâmicas contraditórias que provocam sobrecargas de trabalho. Assim, há continuidades e descontinuidades no papel ‘cuidador’ da mulher, sendo que a doação de tempo, afetos, palavras e práticas, ainda, aparecem minimizadas diante do imperativo desenvolvimentista


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    This article presents some reflections generated in the implementation of the project “ Promotion of sustainable rural development in northeastern Rio Grande do Sul: extraction, local knowledge and environmental conser­vation”. This project sought to discuss: i) how specific ways of life may be revalued in the context of the Atlantic Forest conservation practices? ii ) how to articulate the local and wider society, to foster opportunities for rural development with recognition and respect for otherness dimensions? The article emphasizes the relationship between people and nature in the narra­tives about the past and present practices of farmers living in hillside areas of the North Coast of Rio Grande do Sul. In the constitution of the narrative process we seek to understand how spaces are organized, connecting plants, animals, water for productive logic and continuity of life. Finally, we highlight some elements that problematize the relationship between this way of life and the debate on rural development. Keywords: local practices, cultural heritage, social and environmental diversity, rural development.This article presents some reflections generated in the implementation of the project “ Promotion of sustainable rural development in northeastern Rio Grande do Sul: extraction, local knowledge and environmental conser­vation”. This project sought to discuss: i) how specific ways of life may be revalued in the context of the Atlantic Forest conservation practices? ii ) how to articulate the local and wider society, to foster opportunities for rural development with recognition and respect for otherness dimensions? The article emphasizes the relationship between people and nature in the narra­tives about the past and present practices of farmers living in hillside areas of the North Coast of Rio Grande do Sul. In the constitution of the narrative process we seek to understand how spaces are organized, connecting plants, animals, water for productive logic and continuity of life. Finally, we highlight some elements that problematize the relationship between this way of life and the debate on rural development. Keywords: local practices, cultural heritage, social and environmental diversity, rural development.Cet article présente quelques réflexions générées dans le processus de mise en oeuvre du projet «Promotion du développement rural durable dans le nord-est de Rio Grande do Sul: extractivisme, les savoir et les pratiques locales et con­servation de l'environnement.» Ce projet visait à discuter: i) la façon dont les ces modes de vie localisées peuvent être revalorisées dans le contexte de la conservation de la Mata Atlantica (forêt atlantique), ii) comment ils articulent les dimensions locales et de la société inclusive, afin de favoriser les possibili­tés de développement rural, reconnaissance et le respect de l'altérité? L'article met l'accent sur la façon de montrer les relations entre les gens et la nature dans les récits sur les pratiques passées et actuelles des agriculteurs vivant dans les zones de collines de la côte nord du Rio Grande do Sul. Ce processus de constitution de ces récits cherchent à comprendre comment les espaces sont organisés reliant les plantes, les animaux, l'eau à une logique productive et la continuité de la vie de ces personnes. Enfin, nous mettons en évidence certains éléments qui remettent en question la relation entre ce mode de vie et le débat sur le développement rural. Mots-clés: pratiques locales, le patrimoine culturel, la diversité sociale de l’environment, le développement rural.O presente artigo apresenta algumas reflexões geradas no processo de execução do projeto “Promoção do desenvolvimento rural sustentável na Região Nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul: extrativismo, saberes e fazeres locais e conservação ambiental”. Este projeto buscou problematizar: i) de que forma modos de vida específicos podem ser revalorizados, em um contexto de conservação da Mata Atlântica? ii) como se articulam as dimensões locais e da sociedade abrangente, no sentido de fomentar possibilidades de desenvolvimento rural com o reconhecimento e o respeito à alteridade? O artigo enfatiza as relações entre as pessoas e a natureza nas narrativas sobre as práticas atuais e passa¬das de agricultores moradores de áreas de encosta do Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul. No processo de constituição das narrativas buscamos compreender como os espaços são organizados, conectando plantas, animais, água a uma lógica produtiva e de continuidade da vida. Enfim, destacamos alguns elementos que problematizam as relações entre esse modo de vida e o debate sobre o desenvolvimento rural. Palavras-chave: práticas locais, patrimônio cultural, diversidade socioambiental, desenvolvimento rural

    Influence of glass fiber posts and class III direct restorations on the resistance of anterior teeth

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    This study objectives to evaluate the fracture strength of upper central incisors (UCI) restored with composite resin (CR) in Class III cavities and endodontically treated teeth with or without glass fiber post (GFP), analyzing their failure mode. Sixty human UCI were randomly divided into four experimental groups: endodontically treated teeth without GFP (G1), endodontically treated teeth with GFP (G2), teeth with mesial/distal Class III cavities restored with CR without GFP (G3), and teeth with mesial/distal Class III cavities restored with CR with GFP (G4). The samples were submitted to the fracture strength test in a universal testing machine with a compression shear load applied at speed of 1.0 mm/min until fracture occurred. The data were submitted to one-way ANOVA (α=0.05) and the samples were analyzed for failure mode. The analysis did not show a significant statistical difference in fracture strength between the groups (p>0.05). The results showed that only endodontically treated teeth (G1) (753.4N) presented behavior similar to teeth with GFP (G2) (702.1N). The same occurred when comparing teeth with Class III cavities without GFP (G3) (670.2 N) and with GFP (G4) (746.1N). It can be concluded that glass fiber posts do not change the fracture strength of incisors with endodontic treatment and Class III cavities