409 research outputs found

    Discriminative Link Prediction using Local Links, Node Features and Community Structure

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    A link prediction (LP) algorithm is given a graph, and has to rank, for each node, other nodes that are candidates for new linkage. LP is strongly motivated by social search and recommendation applications. LP techniques often focus on global properties (graph conductance, hitting or commute times, Katz score) or local properties (Adamic-Adar and many variations, or node feature vectors), but rarely combine these signals. Furthermore, neither of these extremes exploit link densities at the intermediate level of communities. In this paper we describe a discriminative LP algorithm that exploits two new signals. First, a co-clustering algorithm provides community level link density estimates, which are used to qualify observed links with a surprise value. Second, links in the immediate neighborhood of the link to be predicted are not interpreted at face value, but through a local model of node feature similarities. These signals are combined into a discriminative link predictor. We evaluate the new predictor using five diverse data sets that are standard in the literature. We report on significant accuracy boosts compared to standard LP methods (including Adamic-Adar and random walk). Apart from the new predictor, another contribution is a rigorous protocol for benchmarking and reporting LP algorithms, which reveals the regions of strengths and weaknesses of all the predictors studied here, and establishes the new proposal as the most robust.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Learning and Forecasting Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks

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    Social media and social networking sites have become a global pinboard for exposition and discussion of news, topics, and ideas, where social media users often update their opinions about a particular topic by learning from the opinions shared by their friends. In this context, can we learn a data-driven model of opinion dynamics that is able to accurately forecast opinions from users? In this paper, we introduce SLANT, a probabilistic modeling framework of opinion dynamics, which represents users opinions over time by means of marked jump diffusion stochastic differential equations, and allows for efficient model simulation and parameter estimation from historical fine grained event data. We then leverage our framework to derive a set of efficient predictive formulas for opinion forecasting and identify conditions under which opinions converge to a steady state. Experiments on data gathered from Twitter show that our model provides a good fit to the data and our formulas achieve more accurate forecasting than alternatives

    Differentially Private Link Prediction With Protected Connections

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    Link prediction (LP) algorithms propose to each node a ranked list of nodes that are currently non-neighbors, as the most likely candidates for future linkage. Owing to increasing concerns about privacy, users (nodes) may prefer to keep some of their connections protected or private. Motivated by this observation, our goal is to design a differentially private LP algorithm, which trades off between privacy of the protected node-pairs and the link prediction accuracy. More specifically, we first propose a form of differential privacy on graphs, which models the privacy loss only of those node-pairs which are marked as protected. Next, we develop DPLP , a learning to rank algorithm, which applies a monotone transform to base scores from a non-private LP system, and then adds noise. DPLP is trained with a privacy induced ranking loss, which optimizes the ranking utility for a given maximum allowed level of privacy leakage of the protected node-pairs. Under a recently-introduced latent node embedding model, we present a formal trade-off between privacy and LP utility. Extensive experiments with several real-life graphs and several LP heuristics show that DPLP can trade off between privacy and predictive performance more effectively than several alternatives

    Strain-induced stabilization of Al functionalization in graphene oxide nanosheet for enhanced NH3 storage

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    Strain effects on the stabilization of Al ad-atom on graphene oxide(GO)nanosheet as well as its implications for NH3 storage have been investigated using first-principles calculations.The binding energy of Al ad-atom on GO is found to be a false indicator of its stability.Tensile strain is found to be very effective in stabilizing the Al ad-atom on GO.It strengthens the C-O bonds through an enhanced charge transfer from C to O atoms. Interestingly,C-O bond strength is found to be the correct index for Al's stability.Optimally strained Al-functionalized GO binds up to 6 NH3 molecules,while it binds no NH3 molecule in unstrained condition.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables, Applied Physics Letters (Under Review

    Generator Assisted Mixture of Experts For Feature Acquisition in Batch

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    Given a set of observations, feature acquisition is about finding the subset of unobserved features which would enhance accuracy. Such problems have been explored in a sequential setting in prior work. Here, the model receives feedback from every new feature acquired and chooses to explore more features or to predict. However, sequential acquisition is not feasible in some settings where time is of the essence. We consider the problem of feature acquisition in batch, where the subset of features to be queried in batch is chosen based on the currently observed features, and then acquired as a batch, followed by prediction. We solve this problem using several technical innovations. First, we use a feature generator to draw a subset of the synthetic features for some examples, which reduces the cost of oracle queries. Second, to make the feature acquisition problem tractable for the large heterogeneous observed features, we partition the data into buckets, by borrowing tools from locality sensitive hashing and then train a mixture of experts model. Third, we design a tractable lower bound of the original objective. We use a greedy algorithm combined with model training to solve the underlying problem. Experiments with four datasets show that our approach outperforms these methods in terms of trade-off between accuracy and feature acquisition cost.Comment: Accepted in AAAI-2

    Adversarial Permutation Guided Node Representations for Link Prediction

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    After observing a snapshot of a social network, a link prediction (LP) algorithm identifies node pairs between which new edges will likely materialize in future. Most LP algorithms estimate a score for currently non-neighboring node pairs, and rank them by this score. Recent LP systems compute this score by comparing dense, low dimensional vector representations of nodes. Graph neural networks (GNNs), in particular graph convolutional networks (GCNs), are popular examples. For two nodes to be meaningfully compared, their embeddings should be indifferent to reordering of their neighbors. GNNs typically use simple, symmetric set aggregators to ensure this property, but this design decision has been shown to produce representations with limited expressive power. Sequence encoders are more expressive, but are permutation sensitive by design. Recent efforts to overcome this dilemma turn out to be unsatisfactory for LP tasks. In response, we propose PermGNN, which aggregates neighbor features using a recurrent, order-sensitive aggregator and directly minimizes an LP loss while it is `attacked' by adversarial generator of neighbor permutations. By design, PermGNN{} has more expressive power compared to earlier symmetric aggregators. Next, we devise an optimization framework to map PermGNN's node embeddings to a suitable locality-sensitive hash, which speeds up reporting the top-KK most likely edges for the LP task. Our experiments on diverse datasets show that \our outperforms several state-of-the-art link predictors by a significant margin, and can predict the most likely edges fast.Comment: Rectified an error in evaluation in earlier 60-40 split
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