183 research outputs found

    Daughter of time: the postmodern midwife (Part 1)

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    Este artículo busca conceptuar la partera pos-moderna, definiéndola como aquella que tiene una postura en relación a la biomedicina y a otros sistemas de conocimiento, moviéndose fluidificado entre ellos para ayudar a las mujeres que asiste. Es consciente, culturalmente competente y políticamente enganchada. Trabaja con recursos de su conocimiento específico, aliados a los intereses de la mujer. Su relativismo informado es más accesible para las parteras profesionales, pero lo que se observa, alrededor del mundo, es que esta actitud está atingiendo las parteras tradicionales, en diversos países. Así, el concepto de partera pos-moderna representa una puente para las brechas étnicas, raciales y de status, que separan las parteras profesionales de las tradicionales, y un punto focal y analítico para la comprensión de la forma de negociación de identidades y papeles de cada uno de los miembros en el grupo, en el mundo en transformación.This article presents the notion of the postmodern midwife, defining her as one who takes a relativistic stance toward bio-medicine and other knowledge systems, alternative and indigenous, moving fluidly between them to serve the women she attends. She is locally and globally aware, culturally competent, and politically engaged, working with the resources at hand to preserve midwifery in the interests of women. Her informed relativism is most accessible to professional midwives but is also beginning to characterize some savvy traditional midwives in various countries. Thus the concept of the postmodern midwife can serve as a bridge across the ethnic, racial, and status gaps that divide the professional from the traditional midwife, and as an analytical focal point for understanding how the members of each group negotiate their identities and their roles in a changing world.Este artigo busca conceituar a parteira pós-moderna, definindo-a como aquela que tem uma postura realista em relação à bio-medicina e a outros sistemas de conhecimento, movendo-se fluidicamente entre eles para ajudar as mulheres que assiste. É consciente, culturalmente competente e politicamente engajada. Trabalha com recursos do seu conhecimento específico, aliados aos interesses da mulher. Seu relativismo informado é mais acessível para as parteiras profissionais, mas o que se observa, ao redor do mundo, é que esta atitude está atingindo as parteiras tradicionais, em diversos países. Assim, o conceito de parteira pós-moderna representa uma ponte para as brechas étnicas, raciais e de status, que separam as parteiras profissionais das tradicionais, e um ponto focal e analítico para a compreensão da forma de negociação de identidades e papéis de cada um dos membros no grupo, no mundo em transformação

    Density Functional Studies of the Structure and Bonding of Nitrosyl Metalloporphyrin Complexes

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    Density functional calculations were used to determine optimized geometries fornitrosyl-metalloporphyrin complexes of Fe(II),Co(II)and Mn(II).The optimized structures were found to be consistent with experimental data and previous computational predictions using single point density functional calculations. Vibrational frequencies for the N-0stretching mode were also calculated and shown to be consistent with experimental data. The nature of the bonding between the metal center and nitrosyl ligand is discussed in relation to the structure of the M-N-0 linkage. The results were found to be consistent with previous descriptions derived from the Fenske-Hall approximate molecular orbital method. Other interesting structural features in the optimized geometries are noted

    Open and Closed Knowledge Systems, the 4 Stages of Cognition, and the Cultural Management of Birth

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    This conceptual “think piece” looks at levels or Stages of Cognition, equating each of the Four Stages I examine with an anthropological concept. I equate Stage 1—rigid or concrete thinking—with naïve realism (“our way is the only way”), fundamentalism (“our way should be the only way and those who do not follow it are doomed”), and fanaticism (“our way is so right that everyone who disagrees with it should be either converted or eliminated”). I equate Stage 2 with ethnocentrism (“there are lots of other ways out there, but our way is best”). The next two Stages represent more fluid types of thinking—I equate Stage 3 with cultural relativism (“all ways are equal in value and validity”), and Stage 4 with global humanism (“there must be higher, better ways that can support cultural integrity while also supporting the individual rights of each human being”). I then categorize various types of birth practitioners within these 4 Stages, while showing how ongoing stress can cause even the most fluid of thinkers to shut down cognitively and operate at a Stage 1 level that can involve obstetric violence—an example of further degeneration into Substage—a condition of panic, burnout or “losing it.” I note how ritual can help practitioners ground themselves at least at a Stage 1 level and offer ways in which they can rejuvenate and re-inspire themselves. I also describe a few of the ongoing battles between fundamentalists and global humanists and the persecution that Stage 4 globally humanistic birth practitioners often experience from fundamentalist or fanatical Stage 1 practitioners and officials, often referred to as the “global witch hunt.

    Indigenous Midwives and the Biomedical System among the Karamojong of Uganda: Introducing the Partnership Paradigm

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    Certainly there can be no argument against every woman being attended at birth by a skilled birth attendant. Currently, as elsewhere, the Ugandan government favors a biomedical model of care to achieve this aim, even though the logistical realities in certain regions mitigate against its realisation. This article addresses the Indigenous midwives of the Karamojong tribe in Northeastern Uganda and their biosocial model of birth, and describes the need British midwife Sally Graham, who lived and worked with the Karamojong for many years, identified to facilitate “mutual accommodation” between biomedical staff and these midwives, who previously were reluctant to refer women to the hospital that serves their catchment area due to maltreatment by the biomedical practitioners there. This polarisation of service does not meet that society’s needs. We do not argue for the provision of a unilateral, top-down educational service, but rather for one that collaborates between the biosocial model of the Karamojong and the biomedical model supported by government legislation. We show that such a partnership is practical, safer, and harnesses the best and most economical and effective use of resources. In this article, we demonstrate the roles of the Indigenous midwives/traditional birth attendants (TBAs) and show that not only is marriage of the two systems both possible and desirable, but is also essential for meeting the needs of Karamojong women. The TBA is frequently all the skilled assistance available to these women, particularly during the rainy season when roads are impassable in rural South Karamoja. Without this skilled help, the incidence of maternal and infant mortality would undoubtedly increase. Ongoing training and supervision of the TBA/Indigenous midwife in best practices will ensure better care. We offer a way forward via the Partnership Paradigm (PP) that lead author Sally Graham designed in conjunction with the Indigenous midwives and biomedical staff with whom she worked, the development and characteristics of which this article describes

    Representations of motherhood in the media:A systematic literature review

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    We undertook a systematic review to understand (i) how motherhood is represented across different media, (ii) how the modalities of media domains influence the motherhood representations that they offer, (iii) the gaps in recent research on the subject. We searched 7 databases for all studies investigating the representation of motherhood in media texts, in any geographical location, published after 31 December 2016. We identified 55 studies as relevant to the search criteria and undertook a thematic analysis of their findings. Our contribution is to offer a framework that summarizes and contrasts key themes of motherhood and tensions within and between motherhood ideologies as identified in different media domains

    Negotiating the dilemmas of community-based learning in teacher education

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    At the University of Ballarat, pre-service teachers (PSTs) in their second year of the Bachelor of Education (P-10) are required to plan community-based teaching and learning in conjunction with school students, their teachers and schools along with community organizations. These requirements are in synergy with curriculum developments in schools and appear to be valued by them. In this paper, the implementation of community-based teaching and learning programs developed by PSTs is examined for educational and organizational issues that shaped the outcomes for PSTs. The paper highlights a number of consistent themes that throw light on factors that appear to affect the success of such pre-service courses. These insights contribute to the understanding of community-based PST education curricula and pedagogies as an important and emerging area of interest

    OK, please just tell us what to do : The challenge of freedom in teacher education

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    At the University of Ballarat, pre-service teachers (PSTs) in their second year of the Bachelor of Education (P-10) are required to plan community-based teaching and learning in conjunction with school students, their teachers and schools along with community organisations. These requirements are in synergy with curriculum developments in schools and appear to be valued by them. While the transformative potential of community-based teaching and learning for teacher educators is acknowledged, there is a clear need for more research into the factors which underlie the success or otherwise of such approaches. In this paper, the implementation of community-based teaching and learning programs developed by pre-service teachers is examined for educational and organisational issues that shaped the outcomes for students. The paper highlights a number of consistent themes that throw light on factors that appear to affect the success of such pre-service courses. These insights contribute to the understanding of community-based pre-service teacher education curricula and pedagogies as an important and emerging area of interest

    Lateral Load Testing of the Advanced Stirling Convertor (ASC-E2) Heater Head

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    Free-piston Stirling convertors are fundamental to the development of NASA s next generation of radioisotope power system, the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG). The ASRG will use General Purpose Heat Source (GPHS) modules as the energy source and Advanced Stirling Convertors (ASCs) to convert heat into electrical energy, and is being developed by Lockheed Martin under contract to the Department of Energy. Achieving flight status mandates that the ASCs satisfy design as well as flight requirements to ensure reliable operation during launch. To meet these launch requirements, GRC performed a series of quasi-static mechanical tests simulating the pressure, thermal, and external loading conditions that will be experienced by an ASC E2 heater head assembly. These mechanical tests were collectively referred to as lateral load tests since a primary external load lateral to the heater head longitudinal axis was applied in combination with the other loading conditions. The heater head was subjected to the operational pressure, axial mounting force, thermal conditions, and axial and lateral launch vehicle acceleration loadings. To permit reliable prediction of the heater head s structural performance, GRC completed Finite Element Analysis (FEA) computer modeling for the stress, strain, and deformation that will result during launch. The heater head lateral load test directly supported evaluation of the analysis and validation of the design to meet launch requirements. This paper provides an overview of each element within the test and presents assessment of the modeling as well as experimental results of this task

    The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey - XIII. Dust in early-type galaxies

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    Aims. We study the dust content of a large optical input sample of 910 early-type galaxies (ETG) in the Virgo cluster, extending also to the dwarf ETG, and examine the results in relation with those on the other cold ISM components. Methods. We searched for far-infrared emission in all galaxies of the input sample using the 250 micron image of the Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey (HeViCS). This image covers a large fraction of the cluster. For the detected ETG we measured fluxes in 5 bands from 100 to 500 micron, and estimated the dust mass and temperature with modified black-body fits. Results. Dust is detected above the completeness limit of 25.4 mJy at 250 micron in 46 ETG, 43 of which are in the optically complete part of the input sample. In addition dust is present at fainter levels in another 6 ETG. We detect dust in the 4 ETG with synchrotron emission, including M 87. Dust appears to be much more concentrated than stars and more luminous ETG have higher dust temperatures. Dust detection rates down to the 25.4 mJy limit are 17% for ellipticals, about 40% for lenticulars (S0 + S0a) and around 3% for dwarf ETG. Dust mass does not correlate clearly with stellar mass and is often much more than that expected for a passive galaxy in a closed-box model. The dust-to-stars mass ratio anticorrelates with galaxy luminosity, and for some dwarf ETG reaches values as high as for dusty late-type galaxies. In the Virgo cluster slow rotators appear more likely to contain dust than fast ones. Comparing the dust results with those on HI from ALFALFA, there are only 8 ETG detected both in dust and in HI in the HeViCS area; 39 have dust but only an upper limit on HI, and 8 have HI but only an upper limit on dust. The locations of these galaxies in the cluster are different, with the dusty ETG concentrated in the densest regions, while the HI rich ETG are at the periphery.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics; modified to reflect the on-line forthcoming version on the A&A web sit