96 research outputs found

    Passenger muscle responses in lane change and lane change with braking maneuvers using two belt configurations: Standard and reversible pre-pretensioner

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    Objective: The introduction of integrated safety technologies in new car models calls for an improved understanding of the human occupant response in precrash situations. The aim of this article is to extensively study occupant muscle activation in vehicle maneuvers potentially occurring in precrash situations with different seat belt configurations. Methods: Front seat male passengers wearing a 3-point seat belt with either standard or pre-pretensioning functionality were exposed to multiple autonomously carried out lane change and lane change with braking maneuvers while traveling at 73 km/h. This article focuses on muscle activation data (surface electromyography [EMG] normalized using maximum voluntary contraction [MVC] data) obtained from 38 muscles in the neck, upper extremities, the torso, and lower extremities. The raw EMG data were filtered, rectified, and smoothed. All muscle activations were presented in corridors of mean \ub1 one standard deviation. Separate Wilcoxon signed ranks tests were performed on volunteers’ muscle activation onset and amplitude considering 2 paired samples with the belt configuration as an independent factor. Results: In normal driving conditions prior to any of the evasive maneuvers, activity levels were low (<2% MVC) in all muscles except for the lumbar extensors (3–5.5% MVC). During the lane change maneuver, selective muscles were activated and these activations restricted the sideway motions due to inertial loading. Averaged muscle activity, predominantly in the neck, lumbar extensor, and abdominal muscles, increased up to 24% MVC soon after the vehicle accelerated in lateral direction for all volunteers. Differences in activation time and amplitude between muscles in the right and left sides of the body were observed relative to the vehicle’s lateral motion. For specific muscles, lane changes with the pre-pretensioner belt were associated with earlier muscle activation onsets and significantly smaller activation amplitudes than for the standard belt (P <.05). Conclusions: Applying a pre-pretensioner belt affected muscle activations; that is, amplitude and onset time. The present muscle activation data complement the results in a preceding publication, the volunteers’ kinematics and the boundary conditions from the same data set. An effect of belt configuration was also seen on previously published volunteers’ kinematics with lower lateral and forward displacements for head and upper torso using the pre-pretensioner belt versus the standard belt. The data provided in this article can be used for validation and further improvement of active human body models with active musculature in both sagittal and lateral loading scenarios intended for simulation of some evasive maneuvers that potentially occur prior to a crash

    Trunk muscle recruitment patterns in simulated precrash events

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    Objectives: To quantify trunk muscle activation levels during whole body accelerations that simulate precrash events in multiple directions and to identify recruitment patterns for the development of active human body models. Methods: Four subjects (1 female, 3 males) were accelerated at 0.55\ua0g (net Δv = 4.0\ua0m/s) in 8 directions while seated on a sled-mounted car seat to simulate a precrash pulse. Electromyographic (EMG) activity in 4 trunk muscles was measured using wire electrodes inserted into the left rectus abdominis, internal oblique, iliocostalis, and multifidus muscles at the L2–L3 level. Muscle activity evoked by the perturbations was normalized by each muscle\u27s isometric maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) activity. Spatial tuning curves were plotted at 150, 300, and 600\ua0ms after acceleration onset. Results: EMG activity remained below 40% MVC for the three time points for most directions. At the 150- and 300\ua0 ms time points, the highest EMG amplitudes were observed during perturbations to the left (–90\ub0) and left rearward (–135\ub0). EMG activity diminished by 600\ua0ms for the anterior muscles, but not for the posterior muscles. Conclusions: These preliminary results suggest that trunk muscle activity may be directionally tuned at the acceleration level tested here. Although data from more subjects are needed, these preliminary data support the development of modeled trunk muscle recruitment strategies in active human body models that predict occupant responses in precrash scenarios

    Safety test methods for EV batteries

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    The aim of the present paper is to share our experience in battery safety testing and risk analysis from a recent project called BLIXT, which had the objective to speed up the progress of the paradigmatic shift toward electric vehicles (EV). The batteries in question have been three different configurations of lithiumion batteries (LiFePO4). The tests have involved fire, crash tests and sort circuit

    Stigmatization of failed entrepreneurs: prevalence and solutions

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    This paper investigates why entrepreneurs experience stigma after firm failure and what can be done to reduce it. We use attribution theory as an overarching theoretical framework and hypothesize that entrepreneurs are held more accountable than employees for their unemployment after firm failure irrespective of the circumstances causing the failure. To test this hypothesis we conduct a between group, 2x2 full factorial experiment where the cause of the failure is manipulated. We find that entrepreneurs are held more accountable for firm failure irrespective of the circumstances causing the failure and that respondents who view failure as an inherent risk of firm ownership are less likely to stigmatize failed entrepreneurs

    RegnbÄgsfamiljer i förskolan : Syns de?

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    Syftet med denna studie Àr att synliggöra hur pedagogerna i förskolan beskriver att de arbetar med hbtq-relaterade frÄgor i barngruppen för att möta lÀroplanens krav pÄ inkluderande arbetsmetoder. De frÄgestÀllningar som valts ut för att besvara studiens syfte Àr: Hur beskriver pedagogerna sina strategier i förskolan för att utmana heteronormativiteten? Vilka utmaningar och möjligheter kan uppstÄ i utbildningen med att inkludera alla familjer och barn i samhÀllet, ur ett hbtq perspektiv? Studien presenterar en tillbakablick pÄ hur hbtq personers förutsÀttningar och livsvillkor förÀndrats över tid. I tidigare forskning framgÄr det hur somliga pedagoger saknar intresse i att vilja lÀra sig mer om hbtq relaterade frÄgor. Merparten av pedagogerna framhÀver hur de Àr positiva till hbtq familjer och mÄngfald i utbildningen men de har svÄrigheter att arbeta inkluderande med Àmnet i barngruppen. Studien presenterar och diskuterar teorier i relation till Àmnet. Med ett avstamp i Foucaults teorier om makt med avslut i queer teorin samt en nÀrmre diskussion av heteronormativiteten. Underlaget till studiens resultat och diskussion har inhÀmtats genom en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna har utförts pÄ 6 olika förskolor och Àr belÀgna pÄ landet och centralt i en stad. Analysen av det empiriska materialet har bearbetats med diskursanalytiska influenser. Resultatet av studien visade att pedagogerna sÄg deras förhÄllningssÀtt som avgörande, för att skapa en utbildning som Àr inkluderande för alla familjer. Oberoende av detta förhÄllningssÀtt framgÄr det i resultatet att somliga pedagoger i studien inte ser regnbÄgsfamiljer som ett naturligt och relevant Àmne att lyfta i förskolan. Deras argument Àr att de under studiens gÄng inte har nÄgra regnbÄgsbarn pÄ sin förskola. Vidare visar resultatet att pedagogerna Àr prÀglade bÄde medvetet och omedvetet av den heteronorm som styr samhÀllet och hur den pÄverkar dem i deras arbete.Gemensamt för samtliga pedagoger var dock att studien medförde en nyfikenhet och medvetenhet kring hur de vill fortsÀtta arbetet i att synliggöra regnbÄgsfamiljer i förskolan

    “If I want to become a nurse, I must know how to
” : an Empirical Study on the Visibility of the Importance of Mathematics in Future Careers of Students who Study at a Health and Social Care Vocational Program

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    Denna empiriska studie redogör för hur matematiklĂ€rare och elever vid vĂ„rd- och omsorgsprogrammet beskriver synliggörandet av matematikens betydelse i elevernas kommande yrkesliv. Studien bygger pĂ„ litteraturstudien ”Varför ska man kunna det hĂ€r?” – en litteraturstudie om undervisningsmetoder i matematik pĂ„ yrkesprogram. Studien baseras dels pĂ„ tre matematiklĂ€rares beskrivningar av bedriven matematikundervisning, dels pĂ„ 45 elevers beskrivningar av hur de uppfattar den givna matematikundervisningen. Beskrivningarna erhölls genom kvalitativa intervjuer med matematiklĂ€rarna samt genom en enkĂ€tundersökning vilken besvarades av eleverna. Intervjusvaren transkriberades och analyserades med hjĂ€lp av en tematisk analys medan enkĂ€tsvaren sammanstĂ€lldes i bland annat stapeldiagram och jĂ€mfördes med matematiklĂ€rarnas beskrivningar. Ur den tematiska analysen lokaliserades bĂ„de beskrivningar av karaktĂ€rsövergripande och icke karaktĂ€rsövergripande undervisning. Samtliga lĂ€rare beskriver att icke karaktĂ€rsövergripande undervisning anvĂ€nds i större utstrĂ€ckning och dĂ„ frĂ€mst i form av lĂ€rarledd genomgĂ„ng följt av individuell rĂ€kning i matematikbok. NĂ€r lĂ€rarna redogör för vad som pĂ„verkar val av undervisningsmetod ges beskrivningar av exempelvis tids- och materialbrist, ej etablerade lĂ€rarsamarbeten, skolledningens ansvar samt elevers instĂ€llning till matematik. I elevenkĂ€ten framgĂ„r att 40 % av eleverna beskriver matematik som nödvĂ€ndigt i nĂ„gon utstrĂ€ckning i kommande yrkesliv. Cirka 46 % av eleverna beskriver att de inte fĂ„r kunskap om detta pĂ„ matematiklektionerna.This empirical study describes how mathematic teachers and students in the health and social care vocational program describe the visibility of the importance of mathematics in the students’ future careers. The study is based on the literature study “Why do we have to know this?” – a literature review of teaching methods in mathematics in vocational education. The study is based partly on descriptions from three mathematic teachers regarding their teaching, and partly on descriptions from 45 students of how they perceive their teaching. The descriptions were obtained through qualitative interviews with the teachers and through a survey which was answered by the students. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using a thematic analysis, while the questionnaire was compiled in, for example, bar graphs and compared with the descriptions of the mathematics teachers. From the thematic analysis, descriptions of subject integrated methods and non-subject integrated methods were identified. All teachers describe that non-subject integrated methods were used mainly in the form of teacher-led lessons followed by individual work in the book. When the teachers report on what influences the choice of teaching method, descriptions of, for example, lack of time and material, un-established teacher collaborations, the responsibility of the school management and students' attitude to mathematics are given. The student survey shows that 40 % of the students describe mathematics as necessary to some extent in their future career. Approximately 46 % of the students describe that they are not taught this in the mathematic classroom

    “If I want to become a nurse, I must know how to
” : an Empirical Study on the Visibility of the Importance of Mathematics in Future Careers of Students who Study at a Health and Social Care Vocational Program

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    Denna empiriska studie redogör för hur matematiklĂ€rare och elever vid vĂ„rd- och omsorgsprogrammet beskriver synliggörandet av matematikens betydelse i elevernas kommande yrkesliv. Studien bygger pĂ„ litteraturstudien ”Varför ska man kunna det hĂ€r?” – en litteraturstudie om undervisningsmetoder i matematik pĂ„ yrkesprogram. Studien baseras dels pĂ„ tre matematiklĂ€rares beskrivningar av bedriven matematikundervisning, dels pĂ„ 45 elevers beskrivningar av hur de uppfattar den givna matematikundervisningen. Beskrivningarna erhölls genom kvalitativa intervjuer med matematiklĂ€rarna samt genom en enkĂ€tundersökning vilken besvarades av eleverna. Intervjusvaren transkriberades och analyserades med hjĂ€lp av en tematisk analys medan enkĂ€tsvaren sammanstĂ€lldes i bland annat stapeldiagram och jĂ€mfördes med matematiklĂ€rarnas beskrivningar. Ur den tematiska analysen lokaliserades bĂ„de beskrivningar av karaktĂ€rsövergripande och icke karaktĂ€rsövergripande undervisning. Samtliga lĂ€rare beskriver att icke karaktĂ€rsövergripande undervisning anvĂ€nds i större utstrĂ€ckning och dĂ„ frĂ€mst i form av lĂ€rarledd genomgĂ„ng följt av individuell rĂ€kning i matematikbok. NĂ€r lĂ€rarna redogör för vad som pĂ„verkar val av undervisningsmetod ges beskrivningar av exempelvis tids- och materialbrist, ej etablerade lĂ€rarsamarbeten, skolledningens ansvar samt elevers instĂ€llning till matematik. I elevenkĂ€ten framgĂ„r att 40 % av eleverna beskriver matematik som nödvĂ€ndigt i nĂ„gon utstrĂ€ckning i kommande yrkesliv. Cirka 46 % av eleverna beskriver att de inte fĂ„r kunskap om detta pĂ„ matematiklektionerna.This empirical study describes how mathematic teachers and students in the health and social care vocational program describe the visibility of the importance of mathematics in the students’ future careers. The study is based on the literature study “Why do we have to know this?” – a literature review of teaching methods in mathematics in vocational education. The study is based partly on descriptions from three mathematic teachers regarding their teaching, and partly on descriptions from 45 students of how they perceive their teaching. The descriptions were obtained through qualitative interviews with the teachers and through a survey which was answered by the students. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using a thematic analysis, while the questionnaire was compiled in, for example, bar graphs and compared with the descriptions of the mathematics teachers. From the thematic analysis, descriptions of subject integrated methods and non-subject integrated methods were identified. All teachers describe that non-subject integrated methods were used mainly in the form of teacher-led lessons followed by individual work in the book. When the teachers report on what influences the choice of teaching method, descriptions of, for example, lack of time and material, un-established teacher collaborations, the responsibility of the school management and students' attitude to mathematics are given. The student survey shows that 40 % of the students describe mathematics as necessary to some extent in their future career. Approximately 46 % of the students describe that they are not taught this in the mathematic classroom
