462 research outputs found

    Tracking "Yuwaan Gageets" : a Russian fairy tale in Tlingit oral tradition

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    Tracking "Yuwaan Gageets" has involved many levels of the collaborative process in folklore transmission and research. The borrowing and development of "Gageets" as a story in Tlingit oral tradition, as well as its discovery and documentation by folklorists, offer complex examples of collaboration. Neither the process of borrowing nor of documentation would have been possible without the dynamics of collaboration.Note: Dedicated to the Memory of Anny Marks / Shkaxwul.aat (1898-1963); Willie Marks / Keet Yaanaayi (1902-1981); Susie James / Kaasgeiy (1890-1980); Robert Zuboff / Shaadaax' (1893-1974). Issue title; "Native American Oral Traditions: Collaboration and Interpretation.

    Tlingit Indians of Alaska, by Archimandrite Anatolii Kamenskii

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    Luc Ferry, A Brief History of Thought: A Philosophical Guide to Living

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    Review of Luc Ferry, A Brief History of Though

    Programme Impact Overview : [Malawi Renewable Energy Acceleration Programme (MREAP)]

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    The Malawi Renewable Energy Acceleration Programme (MREAP) was funded by the Scottish Government to explore multiple yet coordinated strands of work to improve prospects for renewable energy in Malawi. The programme ran from 2012 – 2015 and had two key outcomes: improving the enabling environment for renewable energy and improving access rates to affordable and appropriate energy for poor Malawians. Much of the emphasis of MREAP has been on demonstrating and improving the model for community energy in Malawi, especially in rural areas where electricity access rates are only 1%. This overview presents a selection of the imagery, reports, and data generated from MREAP that highlights the impact that has been produced

    Ricoeur, Rawls, and Capability Justice

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    A review of Molly Harkirat Mann, Ricoeur, Rawls, and Capability Justice (London and New York: Continuum Books, 2012), pp. 232

    Seven hundred million to one: Personal action in reversing language shift

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    The paper considers what influence a single person can have on language survival and transmission of knowledge, comparing and contrasting the situation of large languages such as Putonghua (traditionally called Mandarin Chinese, with 700 million speakers) and small languages such as Eyak with as few speakers as one. It examines the delights and dilemmas of such work, the practical results (such as texts and documents) and the spiritual rewards (mostly satisfaction), drawing examples from our own work of the last 35 years with Tlingit, and from the work of colleagues, especially Michael Krauss, in the context of a volume celebrating his 70th birthday and 45 years of work on behalf of Alaska Native languages and endangered indigenous languages around the world, especially in the circumpolar north. The paper is by design an informal and non-technical address to the general reader, especially members of communities whose indigenous languages are endangered.L’article considère l’influence qu’une personne peut avoir sur une langue qui lutte pour sa survie linguistique et sur la transmission de cette langue, en comparant et contrastant la situation des langues répandues, telles que le putonghua (plus traditionnellement appellé le chinois mandarin, avec 700 millions de locuteurs) et des langues peu répandues, telles que la langue eyak que seulement une personne parle. L’article examine les joies et les dilemmes qu'apportent de tels travaux, les résultats pratiques (i.e. textes et documents) et les récompenses spirituelles (principalement des satisfactions) tirés d’exemples de nos propres travaux des dernières 35 années à étudier la langue tlingit, et des travaux de nos collègues, spécialement Michael Krauss, dans le contexte d’un volume célébrant son 70e anniversaire et aussi ses 45 ans de travaux au nom des différentes langues des Autochtones de l’Alaska et des langues indigènes en voie de disparition autour du monde, spécialement autour du cercle polaire de l’hémisphère nord. L’article a un but non-formel et non-technique et s’adresse à tous les lecteurs, spécialement aux membres des communautés dont les langues indigènes sont en voie de disparition

    System usage trends for off-grid renewable energy users in developing communities

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    With 1.3 billion people currently lacking access to electricity and a significant share of new rural access in the next 15 years expected to be off-grid (70% of total), efforts to ensure the sustainability of these systems is paramount. Transferring technologies that exhibit both scalability and appropriateness for the context, or likewise, developing such technologies is key objective for engineers interested in energy for development. Remote monitoring allows for near real-time monitoring and analysis of off-grid systems and provides several channels for improvement in sustainability of these projects including during operation and as a research tool. With the current portfolio of off-grid deployments, little empirical data are typically available for load estimation, load growth and analysis of consumer behavior resulting in heavier dependence on potentially imprecise assumptions. we seek to demonstrate the value of captured data in improving understanding of how off-grid systems actually operate and how differences in uses impact that operation. The data set includes seven original and individual off-grid systems in Malawi and Kenya that were fitted with remote monitoring systems. All systems are solar-PV but represent a range of different use cases from primary schools, restaurants, small businesses and health centers
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