1,285 research outputs found

    Changing tools to catch the beast: Why the EU studies should take policy seriously, and how this shift could help to understand integration

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    While the EU is still enlarging its membership and range of actions, the current stalemate of the integration project is pushing the ‘ontological’ question about the nature of the common Europe again at the top of both the political and the research agendas. This paper aims to contribute the debate and display the possibilities of enhancing the comprehension of the ‘supranational beast’ from a policy perspective. The focus hence is shifted on implementation and policy frameworks, and the field of analysis widened to cover the institutional transformations occurred within the administrative dimension both at the national and supranational levels in the last decades. From this perspective, previous findings are revisited to account for the new meaning of the common Europe after the Single European Act, the complexity of the current institutional architecture, and the reasons beneath the stalemate. Finally, the approach is translated into research hypotheses about integration and viable strategies for sustaining it beneath and beyond the usual ‘hard’ institutional re-engineering

    institutionalizing practices in the context of extractive expansion

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    actors when an area under their control becomes the target of increased extractive activities. National and local public regulations safeguarding the environment, the assignment of extractive rights to individuals or companies, and handling of ensuing conflicts are developed in an institutional gray zone. This paper analyzes how informal institutions developed in early period become hybrid institutional entanglements that depend largely on configurations of power. It does so by looking at two cases in Peru: Water extraction in Ica, mostly by large companies and gold mining in Madre de Dios, mostly by small scale miners. Taken together, these cases show the institutions resulting from state governance of extractive activities depends heavily on the agency and political leverage of the state but also of other social actors

    The Impact of Attractions Demand on Lodging Demand

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    This three-year study of the relationship between attractions demand and lodging demand indicate that increasing attendance at recreation and entertainment-related attractions is associated with heightened lodging demand. However, it is also clear that the relationship between attractions attendance and lodging demand may vary from destination to destination

    God, the Bible and the Environment. An Historical Excursus on the Relationship between Christian Religion and Ecology

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    The aim of this paper is double. On the one hand, it focuses on the relationship between Christian religion and ecology in order to inquire into the most common charges that environmentalist movements address to Christians and to evaluate them showing their historical roots. On the other, this study will show how some recent suggestions taken from Catholic authors – who, at the same time, are the traditional ones – and from the teachings of the Church, could be useful to encourage and to promote ecological ethics founded on human responsibility. In order to do so, an historical method will be used. In the first part, some authors from the Patristic-Scholastic age will be take into consideration, with particular care to Augustine. In the second part an article by Lynn White will be presented as an emblematic turning point in the relationship between Christian religion and ecologists, paying attention first, to the Puritan context of his writings, and, second, to the birth of contemporary environmentalist theories. In the last part Romano Guardini’s work and Francis’ Laudato sì will be considered. My attention will be focused on the interpretation of some relevant verses taken from the Bible book of Genesis

    Configurational Explanations

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    Agri-Tainment: Combining Agriculture and Entertainment Along the Grand Strand

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    This paper provides an overview of the benefits sought by consumers from Agri-tainment venues and the challenges of establishing such venues. The paper begins by defining Agri-tainment, and providing examples of established Agri-tainment venues across the United States and within the Grand Strand area of South Carolina. It then provides a series of Supporting Statements regarding likely benefits and Cautionary Statements associated with Agri-tainment, and concludes with potential resources for expanding the offering of Agri-tainment venues along the Grand Strand

    Interesting results - but are they valid?

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    QCA\u2019s grasp on causation is often questioned from a probabilistic, experimental understanding of validity. QCA results however rely on logical and set-theoretical inferences. Is a difference in languages enough to justify a separate validity yardsticks? And what secures that QCA is delivering valid results? The review of quantitative and qualitative exemplary yardsticks shows that traditions share validity concerns, yet give them different contents. The article argues that such difference is legitimized by the special assumptions about causation that inform their research processes. It therefore clarifies QCA causal ontology, identifies its special threats, and evaluates the strategies in use to prevent or tackle them - also adding a new one to address over-specified hypotheses. In this, the nomothetic yardstick proves to be a fertile framework, yet hardly a proper guideline for solutions

    Finding Wonder, Love, and Praise: Weaving the Threads of Wesleyan and Methodist Theology and History Into a Twenty-First Century Worship Tapestry

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    The United Methodist Church has seen a decline in membership for many decades. Accompanying this numeric decline has been a decline in the vitality of worship in many churches. This denomination traces its roots to a renewal movement in the Church of England, led by John and Charles Wesley, which spread across the Atlantic and took hold in the American colonies, where it soon became a separate church. This new church was characterized by lively and Spirit-filled worship and exponential growth. This thesis explores and analyzes the theology of the Wesley brothers and the Wesleyan movement, the history of that movement as it developed into a new denomination in colonial America and the United States, the worship practices that emerged with that history, and the music that inspired that worship. That analysis is applied to a modern worship context with new musical expressions of Wesleyan ideas and practical application of the core of Wesleyan theology and practice

    dilemas de polĂ­tica en la RegiĂłn Andina

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    El curso se basa en la revisiĂłn del conjunto de instrumentos de polĂ­tica utilizados en los paĂ­ses de la regiĂłn para maximizar la captura de la renta extractiva, y el impacto social, polĂ­tico y econĂłmico del uso, a travĂ©s del gasto pĂșblico, que se le da a esta renta extractiva capturada. En Ășltima instancia se trata de sistematizar los procesos de cambio institucional, tanto a nivel local como nacional, inducidos por la expansiĂłn de las industrias extractivas, y cĂłmo Ă©stos cambios ayudan o limitan a los paĂ­ses de la regiĂłn a cumplir con los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Luego de una sesiĂłn introductoria sobre la relaciĂłn de las industrias extractivas y sostenibilidad, el curso inicia con un mĂłdulo sobre los distintos modelos de inversiĂłn observados en la regiĂłn para los casos de las diferentes industrias (gas, petrĂłleo, y minerales). La segunda secciĂłn se centra en las polĂ­ticas fiscales (tributos y regalĂ­as) para las distintas industrias extractivas en la regiĂłn. Luego de revisar la evoluciĂłn de los instrumentos de rendiciĂłn de cuentas y transparencia, sobre todo a partir de la implementaciĂłn de la iniciativa EITI en la Ășltima dĂ©cada, el curso centra el anĂĄlisis en la cuarta secciĂłn en los efectos de la renta extractiva; siguiendo la literatura acerca de la maldiciĂłn de los recursos, se analizan los cambios tanto en indicadores sociales y econĂłmicos, asĂ­ como tambiĂ©n en tĂ©rminos de economĂ­a polĂ­tica de las instituciones. Finalmente, el curso culmina con una discusiĂłn acerca de las condiciones en las que las industrias extractivas pueden formar parte de una visiĂłn de sostenibilidad de largo plazo, enfatizando los desafĂ­os para implementar un enfoque territorial del desarrollo. En suma, el curso persigue tres objetivos generales: (1) brindar a los estudiantes la informaciĂłn necesaria para comprender los principales cambios en las polĂ­ticas e instrumentos para capturar a la renta extractiva durante el reciente boom; (2) incentivar investigaciĂłn comparada sobre los efectos del boom extractivo con un enfoque multiÂŹdimensional; e (3) incentivar un debate acerca de las condiciones bajo las cuales las industrias extractivas pueden formar parte de una visiĂłn de sostenibilidad de largo plazo en la regiĂłn. Todo esto con miras a aproximarse al cumplimiento de los ODS
