19 research outputs found


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    мақолада қўйлар парамфистоматозининг ички органларида ривожланадиган патанатомик ўзгаришлар келтирилган. Инвазиянинг экстенсивлиги тўғрисидаги маълумотлар ҳам берилган. Копрологик текшириш усуллари билан паразитлар аниқланган. Илмий мақолада амалиётга аҳамиятли хулосалар берилган

    Restorative minimally invasive interventions in patients with colostomy

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    Aim. To show the benefits of performing mini-access restorative phase on the colon in patients with colostomy. Methods. A retrospective analysis of the results of closure stomy operations in 2011-2017 in two emergency cancer departments of Republican Clinical Oncology Center MH RT was conducted. The inclusion criteria of the study were: 1) surgical intervention for acute intestinal obstruction in colorectal cancer performed in RCOC; 2) mandatory removal of the primary tumor during the first surgery; 3) the presence of a functioning intestinal stoma formed during the first surgery; 4) fixation of both stumps in one stoma. The exclusion criteria were refusal to restore the continuity of the colon for medical indications and the patient's refusal to undergo the surgery. Results. The study included 11 males (44 %) and 14 females (56 %). The age interval was 49 to 81 years, of which 12 patients were over 70 years old (48 %), the average age was 67.7 ± 5.4 years. The tumor removed at the first stage was localized in the right parts of the colon in 5 patients (20 %), and in the left in 20 patients (80 %). By the stages of the malignant process, the patients were distributed as follows: stage B - 14 cases (56 %), stage C - 10 (40 %), stage D - 1 (4 %). The average duration of the surgery was 53 ± 14.38 minutes (40 to 123). The postoperative period was 10.8 ± 1.92 days on average (5 to 18). Conclusion. Restoration of intestinal continuity through mini-paracolostomy access is technically rational, as due to the mini-access the patient undergoes minor surgical trauma; the anatomical proximity of the anastomosed bowel stumps excludes the difficulties associated with the search for the distal stump in the traditional method of recovery; the duration of the postoperative hospital stay decreases significantly

    Research of bi-nickel coatings obtaining process

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Modern machine building industry can't be without the use of special coatings, which allow increasing the physical and mechanical properties of the product. Nickel coatings are widely used, due to wear resistance and corrosion resistance. Black nickel coatings began to be used in solar power engineering, for efficient conversion of solar energy into thermal energy. Also nickel coatings are used in the manufacture of medical instruments. To improve the physical and mechanical properties of nickel coatings, the task was to study the possibility of creating a bi-nickel coating

    Synthesis of Bioactive Yttrium-Metal–Organic Framework as Efficient Nanocatalyst in Synthesis of Novel Pyrazolopyranopyrimidine Derivatives and Evaluation of Anticancer Activity

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    Novel Yttrium-metal–organic framework (Y-MOF) was synthesized under optimal conditions of microwave with a power of 20 W, the temperature of 30 degrees of centigrade, and time duration of 10 min. The products were characterized by SEM (morphology and size distribution), TGA (thermal stability), BET technique (surface area), and FTIR (characterization of the related group). The Yttrium-metal–organic framework (Y-MOF) synthesized in this study, after identifying and confirming the structure, was used as an efficient and recyclable catalyst in the synthesis of new pyrazolopyranopyrimidine derivatives. Following the study of the properties and applications of Y-MOF, its anticancer properties on breast cancer cells based on the MTT method were evaluated, and significant results were observed. In addition, the anticancer properties of the pyrazolopyranopyrimidine derivatives were investigated

    Антропометрические параметры новорожденных с реализовавшейся перинатальной трансмиссией ВИЧ

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    Purpose of the study: evaluation of the anthropometric parameters of newborns with realized perinatal transmission of HIV.Materials and methods: The article presents the analysis of the main anthropometric parameters (length, weight, head and chest circumference) of 147 infants born to HIV-infected mothers who were divided into 2 groups of observation (with realized and unrealized transmission of HIV).Results: These results demonstrate that a reduction in comparison with the normative parameters of anthropometric indicators such as body weight, head circumference and chest circumference at birth, is a distinctive feature, substantiating intrauterine infection with HIV. Indicators body length did not significantly deviate from the norm in both groups observation that, apparently, was associated with a short-term impact of HIV on the child body during pregnancy.Цель: оценка антропометрических показателей новорожденных с реализовавшейся перинатальной трансмиссией ВИЧ.Материалы и методы: проанализированы данные основных антропометрических показателей (длина и масса тела, окружность головы и грудной клетки) 147 новорожденных, рожденных от ВИЧ-инфицированных матерей, которые были разделены на 2 группы наблюдения (с реализовавшейся и нереализовавшейся трансмиссией ВИЧ).Результаты: полученные данные продемонстрировали, что снижение, по сравнению с нормативными параметрами, таких антропометрических показателей, как масса тела, окружность головы и окружность грудной клетки при рождении, является дифференциальным признаком, достоверно характеризующим внутриутробное инфицирование ВИЧ. Показатели длины тела существенно не отклонялись от нормы в обеих группах наблюдения, что, по-видимому, было связано с непродолжительным воздействием ВИЧ на организм ребенка во время беременности


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    Authors present clinical and epidemiological characterization of the 108 patients with pneumococcal meningitis of the age from 6 months to 14 years old. The data analysis showed that pneumococcal meningitis is characterized with severity and complications. It was also observed that the role of S. pneumoniae in etiology of the acute bacterial meningitis has increased for the children in the last years. The use of rapid immunochromatographic test along with cultural methods increases the detection of the etiology of bacterial meningitis in children.Дана клинико-эпидемиологическая характеристика 108 больным с пневмококковым гнойным менингитом в возрасте от 6 месяцев до 14 лет. Анализ данных показал, что пневмококковый менингит характеризуется крайне тяжелым течением с отягощающими последствиями и исходами. В последние годы отмечается повышение роли S. pneumoniae в этиологической структуре острых гнойных менингитов у детей. Использование современных тест-систем (иммунохроматографический тест BinaxNOWS pneumoniae тест), наряду с бактериологическим методом, существенно улучшает этиологическую расшифровку гнойных менингитов у детей

    Taxes Opportunities and Prospects of the State Economy

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    This article provides a scientific and practical basis for the formation of effective implementation of tax reforms. It is based on the possibility of strengthening the revenue base of local budgets by expanding the tax base and reducing the tax burden, as well assimplification and rational use

    Ремодулювання серця у пацієнтів із хронічною хворобою нирок різної етіології

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    The study included 86 patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) of stage III in the outcome of nephropathies of various genesis. The echogeometric heart parameters and an evaluation in a comparative aspect of the antiremodeling effects of eprosartane and lercanidipine in patients with CKD, depending on either the presence or absence of diabetic nephropathy in them was studied. In the group of patients with the presence of diabetic nephropathy, left ventricular hypertrophy was observed more expressly than with other etiology. Eprosartane pharmacotherapy exerted the best antiremodeling effect in case of a comparable hypotensive effect.Исследование включало 86 пациентов с хронической болезнью почек (ХБП) ІІІ стадии в исходе нефропатий различного генеза. Изучались эхогеометрические параметры сердца и оценка в сравнительном аспекте антиремоделирющих эффектов эпросартана и лерканидипина у пациентов с ХБП в зависимости от наличия или отсутствия у них диабетической нефропатии. В группе больных с наличием диабетической нефропатии гипертрофия левого желудочка наблюдалась более выраженно, чем при другой этиологии. Фармакотерапия эпросартаном показала лучший антиремоделирющий результат при сопоставимом гипотензивном эффекте.Дослідження включало 86 пацієнтів із хронічною хворобою нирок (ХХН) ІІІ стадії в розподілі нефропатій різного генезу. Вивчалися ехогеометричні параметри серця й оцінка в порівняльному аспекті антиремодулюючих ефектів епросартану і лерканідипіну в пацієнтів із ХХН залежно від наявності або відсутності в них діабетичної нефропатії. У групі хворих з наявністю діабетичної нефропатії гіпертрофія лівого шлуночка спостерігалася більш часто, ніж за іншої етіології. Фармакотерапія епросартаном показала кращий антиремодулюючий результат при порівняльному гіпотензивному ефекті

    Etiological structure of anemia in HIV-infected children

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    In most cases, HIV infection in children is accompanied by the development of anemia with a decrease in hemoglobin  levels.We studied the structure of anemia in 114 children  with HIV infection aged from 1 year to 18 years. Depending on the clinical stage of HIV infection, the patients were divided into 3 groups: 1st group — 20 children with the second clinical stage of HIV infection;  2nd group — 74 children with the third clinical stage; 3rd group — 20 children with a fourth clinical stage. Serum iron and ferritin were determined.In the majority of patients (95.2%) of the studied groups iron deficiency anemia (IDA) was detected, in 4.8% of cases anemia of chronic diseases (ACD) was detected.The importance of differentiation of the identified anemia determines the therapeutic tactics and the need for the appointment of iron-containing drugs

    Hypothalamic-Pituitary Complications in Patients with Covid-19

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    The article discusses the traditions of building hydraulic structures in difficult terrain since ancient times. The unique characteristics of the landscape and socio-economic conditions in the territory of Uzbekistan have led to the development of hydrotechnical structures from the simplest local building materials - stone, wood, clay. In the past, it was possible to build large irrigation facilities, create dams, distribution irrigation facilities, etc., to transport water over difficult terrain. A large part of the experience of the past does not lose its importance even today, especially in the rural areas. Therefore, hydraulic engineering deserves the attention of modern researchers