28 research outputs found

    Pathological Findings in the Adrenal Glands of 80 Dogs

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    Background: The adrenal glands development important endocrine functions and can be affected by primary or secondary diseases. These adrenal gland pathologies may induce clinical syndromes resulting from abnormalities in the production and secretion of hormones. Data about pathological changes in dogs are scarce. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to identify and evaluate the histopathological and epidemiological features of adrenal changes in dogs submitted to necropsy examination from 2005 to 2016 in a Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil.Material, Methods & Results: During this period, 80 animals presented alterations of adrenal gland, representing 5.5% of all necropsied dogs. The pure breed dogs representing 58.6% and mixed breed 41.4%; 53.4% were female and 46.6% were male. The non-neoplastic adrenal lesions were more frequently (57.5%) compared to the neoplastic changes (42.5%). Most of the adrenal glands lesions occurred in older dogs (60%), following by the middle aged (31.25%) and young dogs (8.75%). The main non-neoplastic lesions observed in the adrenal glands were of hyperplastic (69.5%) and circulatory (26%) origin, among the earlier, 68.8% were diffuse hyperplasia and 31.2% nodular hyperplasia. The nodular hyperplasia was classified as micronodular multifocal in 40% of the glands with nodular hyperplasia, macronodular multifocal in 30%, micronodular diffuse in 20%, and micronodular focal in 10%. The neoplasms observed were adrenocortical adenoma (ACA) in 44.1%, pheochromocytomas in 23.5% and adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC) in 11.7% of the dogs with adrenal tumors. Metastasis from other primary tumors were observed in 20.6%.Discussion: The data in veterinary literature about the frequency of changes in adrenal gland of dogs are scarce and focus features of diagnosis by ultrasound examination. Most of the adrenal changes observed in the present study were incidental findings observed during the necropsy examination and no specific clinical signs were observed. Non-neoplastic adrenal lesions, mainly of hyperplastic origin, were more frequently observed compared to the neoplastic changes. Differing from previous studies, the diffuse hyperplasia was the most common non neoplastic finding in the adrenal glands. Considering the subclassification of nodular hyperplasia, the multifocal micronodular and macronodular multifocal pattern were the most frequent. In veterinary literature, there are no data about frequency of nodular hyperplastic subtypes. However, in humans the subclassification of nodular hyperplasia is associated to development of endocrine disorders. Previous studies reported lower incidence of neoplastic changes in adrenal gland of dogs compared to the present results. The adrenocortical adenoma was the most common primary tumor, followed by the adrenocortical carcinoma, pheochromocytoma and adrenocortical carcinoma. Congestion and hemorrhage were common findings observed in the adrenal gland primary tumors. On the other hand, necrosis and inflammatory infiltrate were observed only in the adrenocortical carcinomas. These histopathological features may be used as tool in the differential diagnosis between well differentiated adrenocortical carcinoma and adenoma. The histopathological examination was fundamental to differential and definitive diagnosis of all canine adrenal gland disorders observed

    Electrocardiography in Bitches with Mammary Tumors

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    Background: The incidence of cancer has increased due to greater longevity of the animals as a consequence of better control of other diseases, improvement of nutrition and good practices in preventive medicine. Malignant tumors can cause paraneoplastic syndrome as hypercalcemia, anemia, cachexia, among others and consequent cardiovascular disorders. The electrocardiography (ECG) is a complementary exam that can reveal with its traces these rhythms disorders.  Based on that, the objective of this study was to evaluate the ECG in bitches with mammary tumors in order to detect in which type of tumor would be found significant changes as in cardiac rhythm, ECG waves, segments or cardiac axis.Material, Methods & Results: Twenty-nine female dogs were used in this study, being 19 bitches with mammary tumor, and they were allocated in three groups: G1: control group (n=10), G2: benign neoplasia group (n=6) and G3: malignant neoplasia group (n=13). The most prevalent type of neoplasia in G2 was the benign mixed tumor (83%), followed by adenoma (17%) whereas in G3: carcinoma in mixed tumor (61%); papillary carcinoma (23%). Regarding cardiac rhythm, it was found sinus arrhythmia (SA) and normal sinus rhythm (NS): G1: 50% SA and 50% NS; G2: 67% SA and 33% NS; G3: 54% SA and 46% NS. No ventricular or atrial arrhythmias were detected. For other parameters in G1, G2 and G3, respectively (mean±Std error): FC (bpm): 110±9.2, 120±8.5, 124±7,5; P (ms): 48±1.6, 51±1.8, 50±1.2; P (mV) 0.19±0.02, 0,2±0.02, 0,19±0.02; PR (ms): 94±4.3, 93±5.5, 89±3.9; QRS (ms): 56±1.54, 60±4, 62±1.2; R (mV): 1.1±0.06, 1.2±0.24, 0.9±0.13; QT (ms): 203±9.4; 204±7.9; 182±15.6; and cardiac axis (°): 66±6.2, 61±7.9, 70±7.5. There were no significant differences for all cardiac parameters and also for ST interval and T wave morphology.Discussion: All electrocardiographic parameters found are in accordance with other studies carried out in the canine species. The results regarding tumor types differ from what was found in another study, in which in 18 bitches with mammary tumors, 55% were benign, with prevalence of adenomas (38%) followed by benign mixed tumors, and 45% malignant, with adenocarcinoma prevailing (22%). In another study, it was verified in 63 bitches the predominance of tubular carcinoma (26.56%) and carcinoma in mixed tumor (23.44%). Diverging from the electrocardiographic parameters of this study, a significant difference was found in the R wave amplitude value in the research by Barros et al., (2015) who performed computerized electrocardiography in 50 dogs, not only with mammary neoplasms (55% mammary carcinomas), but also in mastocytomas, lymphomas, benign tumors and other sarcomas. This author found out that the R wave amplitude values of the neoplasia group were lower when compared to the control group. In addition, we suspect that other types of tumors could result in more paraneoplastic syndrome than the mammary neoplasms found in this research. Neoplasms as lymphomas (T cells), apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinomas, multiple myelomas and thymomas are known as a cause of hypercalcemia of malignancy and histiocytic sarcomas, myelomas, leukemia and lymphomas causing anemia. In conclusion, ECG has no changes in benign or malignant mammary tumors in dogs. However, this fact does not exclude the importance of its performance in pre-anesthetic evaluations

    Salmonellosis in Calves by Serovar Dublin in Paraná State, Brazil - Clinicopathological Aspects

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    Background: Calf diarrhea remains one of the main diseases affecting the cattle industry. Persistence of this significant problem is associated with the complexity of factors that may be involved (infectious, environmental). An accurate diagnosis is essential for confirming the cause and helping clinicians and cattle producers to apply appropriate strategies in a timely manner. This report describes the histological changes according to the degree of salmonellosis severity, which is a contagious infectious disease caused by Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica, a Gram-negative bacterium, in two beef calves in northern Paraná State, southern Brazil. Cases: Two 90-day-old crossbred Angus and Nellore calves from a beef farm in northern Paraná State were referred to a Veterinary Hospital. Animal 1- developed acute clinical signs (enteritis, ataxia, and muscle rigidity) and died the day after the signs began. Gross findings included heavy and non-collapsed lungs, pulmonary oedema, hepatomegaly, enteritis, and severe diffuse typhlitis. Microscopic analysis revealed severe diffuse necrotic enteritis, typhlitis, severe diffuse interstitial pneumonia, moderate centrilobular hepatic necrosis, mild multifocal nephritis, and severe spleen and lymph node necrosis. Paratyphoid nodules were evidenced on the liver, spleen, and mesenteric lymph nodes. Animal 2- presented apathy, green fibrinous diarrhea, and died three days after the onset of clinical signs. The macroscopic examination showed moderate diffuse enteritis and hepatosplenomegaly. At the microscopic examination, many paratyphoid nodules were observed on the liver, spleen, kidneys, and Peyer's patches, which were associated with intralesional and intravascular bacilli. Additional findings included severe diffuse fibrinous necrotic enteritis with intralesional bacilli, diffuse interstitial pneumonia, multifocal splenic necrosis, lymphoid depletion, and moderate multifocal to coalescent lymphocytic nephritis. Histological Gram staining was performed on selected samples, revealing intralesional Gram-negative bacilli in the liver and intestine. Thus, liver and intestine fragments were used for the microbiological examination. Microbiological culture, isolation and biochemical tests identified the genus Salmonella spp. Then, the colonies were subjected to serological tests for serovar identification, according to ISO/TR 6579-3, which determined the serovar Dublin. After identifying the disease etiological agent, the outbreak was controlled by appropriate antibiotic therapy combined with the correction of sanitary measures.Discussion: Enteritis is a frequent disease in calves, posing a diagnostic challenge in identifying the etiological agent. In the present case, the histological, microbiological, and serological results confirmed a disseminated Salmonella spp. infection. The microscopic findings, such as interstitial pneumonia, fibrinous necrotic enteritis markedly in ileum and paratyphoid nodules in various organs, are the most common aspects of the disease. However, fibrinous cholecystitis, which is considered pathognomonic for salmonellosis, was not observed in this study. Therefore, the absence of such a lesion should not exclude the disease in sick animals. A microscopic injury score was used to determine lesion severity by assigning values from 1 to 4, wherein: 1 = no apparent lesions, 2 = mild lesions, 3 = moderate lesions, and 4 = severe lesions. Both calves were scored as 4. Multiple predisposing factors for the condition were identified in this farm such as different age animals in the same paddock and no specific paddock for sick animals, given that the infectious agent remains in feces, saliva, and nasal discharge. The serovar Dublin induces several clinical signs such as septicemic, respiratory, and enteric manifestations, making a clinical diagnosis a challenge. Keywords: dysbiosis, calf diarrhea, infection, paratyphoid nodules, septicemia.Descritores: disbiose, diarreia neonatal, infecção, nódulos paratifoides, septicemia.Título:  Salmonelose em bezerros pelo sorovar Dublin no estado do Paraná, Brasil - aspectos clínico-patológicos

    Excisão cirúrgica de um osteocondroma de raiz nervosa da cauda equina de cão

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    Background: Spinal neoplasms are classified into extradural, intradural/extramedullary or intramedullary. Intradural/extramedullary tumors include meningiomas and nerve sheath tumors, which arise from meninges or peripheral nerves around the spinal cord. Clinical signs are related to dysfunction of the involved nerve and include pain, nerve root signature and atrophy. Osteochondromas are benign tumors located within the bone, on its surface or in extra-osseous regions, when they are classified as soft tissue osteochondoma. The aim of this study is to describe a case of an osteochondroma in a nervous root of the cauda equina in a dog, whose surgical resection allowed the resolution of the clinical signs.Case: A 12-year-old, male, Labrador Retriever dog, was presented with a 40-day history of progressive, painful, pelvic limb paresis, with no improvement when treated with analgesics and acupuncture. Neurological abnormalities included paraparesis, sometimes worse in the left pelvic limb, that was carried flexed at the level of the stifle, hindlimb atrophy, decreased interdigital reflexes and pain in the lumbar spinal region, mainly over L6 vertebra. Results of blood count and serum biochemical analysis were unremarkable. Computed tomography (CT) of the lumbosacral area was performed and the evaluation of images in transverse and reconstructed dorsal and sagittal planes allowed the visualization of a hyperattenuating and calcified round structure with 8 mm x 6 mm, in the left side of vertebral canal, at the level of caudal epiphysis of L6. Lumbosacral (L7-S1) CT abnormalities, as subchondral sclerosis, mild disc margin bulging, spondylosis deformans and foraminal proliferation were also observed but were considered clinically insignificant. Then, a dorsal L6 laminectomy was performed and after opening of the vertebral canal it was observed the presence of an ovoid mass, in the left side of the medullary cone, measuring approximately 0.9 cm in length, originating from a sacral nerve root. This structure was excised and submitted to histopathological evaluation. The dog improved after surgery without any complications, and neurological functions were gradually recovered. The histopathology of the mass was confirmed as an osteochondroma.Discussion: The history and neurologic examination findings as well the improvement after surgery were compatible with the lesion visualized by TC in L6, rather than the degenerative changes in L7-S1. Regarding the position of the mass, the main differential would be nerve sheath tumor, one of the most common types of primary neoplasia of the peripheral nervous system, however in a CT study in dogs with brachial plexus and nerve roots neoplasms, calcification of the tumor was not observed. Most of benign cartilaginous tumors of soft tissue are chondromas/osteochondromas, and this lesion should not be confused with multiple osteochondroma or multiple cartilaginous exostoses, which have been reported as multifocal, proliferative lesions involving the surface of ribs, vertebrae and pelvis of young dogs. If this lesion is unique, it is called osteochondroma. There are two reports of chondromas into the first lumbar vertebrae of dogs, with adherence to the floor of the vertebral canal and one report of an osteochondroma originated from the left pedicle of T11 in a cat. Radiculopathy and myelopathy caused by osteochondromas inside the spine are rare in humans and description of this tumor arising from nerve roots were not found in the veterinary literature. Probably the origin of the mass was metaplasia of the meninges surrounding the nervous root. In conclusion, neurological examination, CT and surgical exploration allowed the diagnosis and removal of a soft tissue osteochondroma, a rare benign tumor, with good patient recovery


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    Malignant mammary tumors are most prevalent neoplasms in bitches. Currently, it is known the influence of several factors and biological markers involved in tumors development, such as cyclooxygenase-2. Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs appears as a promising adjuvant treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate and to compare the effectiveness of piroxicam and Trocoxil® (mavacoxib) in reduce the peritumoral temperature. At random, it was selected 16 middle-aged bitches presenting mammary tumor according the routine of the Veterinary Hospital. On day 0, after clinical examination and thermography of both mammary chains, piroxicam was prescribed to group 1 (n=12) (0.3mg/kg, VO, SID, 10 days) and to group 2 (n=4) was prescribed Trocoxil® (2mg/kg, VO, single dose). After 10 days, the animals returned for further evaluation and the second thermography. The images were analyzed, tabulated and submitted to statistical analysis by the SigmaPlot® program in a simple t-test, considering p<0.05. The results indicated that Trocoxil® showed a better ability to reduce peritumoral temperature than piroxicam after 10 days of treatment (p=0.041), suggesting this drug with better efficiency in the adjuvant treatment of mammary neoplasms in bitches.Os tumores mamários malignos são as neoplasias mais prevalentes em cadelas. Atualmente, é conhecida a influência de diversos fatores e marcadores biológicos envolvidos no desenvolvimento de tumores, como a ciclooxigenase-2. O uso de anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais surge como tratamento adjuvante promissor. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar e comparar a eficácia do piroxicam e Trocoxil® (mavacoxib) na redução da temperatura peritumoral. Foram selecionadas aleatoriamente 16 cadelas de meia idade apresentando tumor mamário de acordo com a rotina do Hospital Veterinário. No dia 0, após exame clínico e termografia de ambas as cadeias mamárias, foi prescrito piroxicam para o grupo 1 (n=12) (0,3mg/kg, VO, SID, 10 dias) e para o grupo 2 (n=4) foi prescrito Trocoxil ® (2mg/kg, VO, dose única). Após 10 dias, os animais retornaram para nova avaliação e segunda termografia. As imagens foram analisadas, tabuladas e submetidas à análise estatística pelo programa SigmaPlot® em teste t simples, considerando p<0,05. Os resultados indicaram que o Trocoxil® apresentou melhor capacidade de reduzir a temperatura peritumoral do que o piroxicam após 10 dias de tratamento (p=0,041), sugerindo esta droga com melhor eficiência no tratamento adjuvante de neoplasias mamárias em cadelas


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    A intoxicação por Sida carpinifolia causa doença degenerativa do sistema nervoso central, caracterizada por síndrome cerebelar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos observados em um surto de intoxicação por Sida carpinifolia em caprinos, sendo o primeiro relato no estado do Paraná. Há dez anos a doença era observada em uma propriedade na região norte pioneiro do estado, causando a morte de 35 caprinos, de diferentes idades, com evolução de três dias a seis meses. No surto mais recente, a enfermidade foi observada em três caprinos que tinham acesso a uma área, sombreada, intensamente invadida pela planta. Os sinais clínicos consistiam em emagrecimento progressivo, incoordenação motora, tremores de intenção da cabeça, nistagmo, déficits proprioceptivos e episódios de queda espontânea. A vacuolização nas células de Purkinje foi a principal lesão histológica. Também estava presente em hepatócitos, epitélios tubular e corpuscular parietal renal, epitélio acinar e células das ilhotas pancreáticas. A presença da planta em grande quantidade somada às evidências de que haviam sido consumidas, os sinais clínicos apresentados pelos caprinos e as lesões histológicas presentes foram as principais informações que determinaram o diagnóstico de intoxicação por Sida carpinifolia. Essa planta deve ser incluída na relação das plantas tóxicas que podem causar mortalidade de herbívoros no estado do Paraná

    Consensus for the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of feline mammary tumors

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    Mammary neoplasms are described as the third most common type of feline tumor, after haematopoietic and skin tumors, and present a challenge for clinicians because the prognosis for feline mammary tumors ranges from guarded to poor. Thus, it is necessary to define new therapeutic approaches and establish more in-depth knowledge about this disease in felines. The main aspects of the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of feline mammary neoplasia were discussed, aiming to standardize the criteria and to serve as a guide for pathologists and veterinary clinicians.As neoplasias mamárias são descritas como o terceiro tipo mais frequente de tumor em felinos (após as neoplasias hematopoiéticas e cutâneas) e apresentam um desafio para os clínicos devido ao prognóstico, que varia de reservado a ruim. Assim, é necessário conhecer melhor essa doença em felinos e definir novas abordagens terapêuticas. Discutiu-se os principais aspectos de diagnóstico, prognóstico e tratamento da neoplasia mamária felina, com o objetivo de padronizar os critérios e servir de guia para patologistas e clínicos veterinários

    Padrão histológico, perfil imunoistoquímico e potencial pré-maligno das lesões diaplásicas da próstata canina

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    A neoplasia intra-epitelial prostática (HGPIN) e a atrofia inflamatória proliferativa (PIA) são lesões potencialmente pré-malignas encontradas na próstata humana (De Marzo et aI., 1999; Bostwick e Qian, 2004). HGPIN tem sido relatada na próstata canina com características semelhantes às observadas em humanos (Waters et aI., 1997), porém a PIA ainda não foi caracterizada nesta espécie. O presente trabalho objetivou a avaliação imunoistoquímica do índice proliferativo (PCNA e Ki67), da expressão de proteínas pró-apoptose (caspase-3), genes supressores de tumores (p-53), genes inibidores de apoptose (bcl-2) e de moléculas de adesão (E-caderina), além da avaliação histoquímica do estado proliferativo (AgNOR) e da determinação de mensurações nucleares por análise quantitativa computadorizada de imagens (AQCI) em focos HGPIN, PIA e em ácinos normais da próstata canina. Considerando os resultados de ácinos normais, constatou-se que as lesões estudadas apresentam alto índice proliferativo; capacidade proliferativa no compartimento epitelial secretor; ausência de expressão de p-53; perda de expressão de E-caderina; padrão de AgNOR semelhante ao de ácinos normais; e núcleos celulares maiores e com fator de circunferência maior. Focos de PIA exibem ainda índice apoptótico semelhante ao de ácinos normais e predomínio do linfócitos T, quando considerado o infiltrado Iinfocítico. Tais achados aproximam estas duas lesões entre si e sugerem que possam estar envolvidas no processo de transformação neoplásica da próstata canina.Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) and proliferative inflammatory atrophy (PIA) are potentially premalignant lesions, found in human prostate (De Marzo et aI., 1999; Bostwick e Qian, 2004). HGPIN have been reported in canine prostate (Waters et aI., 1997), and share the same aspects with the humans, and PIA hadn't been described in the dogs. The aim of this work was to evaluate, by immunohistochemistry proliferative index (PCNA and KI-67), proapoptotic proteins expression (caspase 3), tumour suppressor gene (p-53), adhesion molecules (Ecadherin), histochemical proliferative status (AgNOR) and nuclear measurement by image computer quantitative analysis (AQCI) in HGPIN focus, PIA e normal acinus in canine prostate. Comparing the normal acinus results, the lesions showed higher proliferative index, secretory epithelial cells capable of proliferation, absence of p-53 expression, loss of E-cadherin expression, AgNOR patterns similar to normal acinus, cellular nucleus bigger and with higher nuclear round factor. PIA had the same apoptotic index as the normal acinus and mainly T Iymphocytes in the inflammatory infiltrate. Our findings allow us to consider these two lesions close to each other, and they may be involved in the process of neoplastic transformation of canine prostate.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Estudo morfológico, morfométrico e imunoistoquímico de próstatas caninas normais e hiperplásicas

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    A próstata canina é sítio freqüente de afecções, entre as quais destaca-se a hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB) visto sua alta freqüência, as similaridades observadas entre a doença nesta espécie e no homem, assim como o fato de ser a única espécie não humana a desenvolvê-la espontaneamente. Foram avaliadas macro e microscopicamente 100 próstatas, das quais selecionaram-se 15 imaturas, oito normais e 15 hiperplásicas para estudo morfométrico e imunoistoquímico. A incidência de alterações prostáticas foi alta entre os animais adultos e idosos, sendo a hiperplasia do tipo complexo a mais freqüente. A marcação imunoistoquímica com o anticorpo de uso humano PSA mostrou-se forte e homogênea no epitélio secretor de próstatas caninas normais e hiperplásicas. A análise morfométrica do tecido prostático revelou que há diferenças morfológicas entre as regiões periuretral, central e periférica em glândulas caninas imaturas, normais e hiperplásicas. De modo geral próstatas imaturas continham predomínio de tecido estromal, enquanto nas normais e hiperplásicas o tecido epitelial predominou. A diferença entre glândulas normais e hiperplásicas deu-se pela maior quantidade de tecido estromal e menor de tecido epitelial nas regiões central e periférica das próstatas hiperplásicas. Palavras-chave: Próstata, cão, hiperplasia, imunoistoquímica, morfometria.Canine prostate is a frequent site of disease, the benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one of the most importance, since is frequent, very similar to this disease in human beings and the dog is the only specie that develop BPH spontaneously. Gron and histopathological study of 100 prostate glands were evaluated and 15 imature, 8 normal and 15 hyperplastic prostate were selected for morphometric and immunohistochemical study. The incidence of prostatic changes was high in adult and elder animals and complex hyperplasia was more frequent. PSA immunohistochemistry was strong and homogeneous in the secretor epithelial cells in normal and hyperplastic prostate gland. Prostatic tissue morphometric analysis showed morphological differences between periurethral, central and peripherical regions in imature, normal and hyperplastic canine glands. Imature prostate had more stromal tissue and in normal and hyperplastic glands the epithelial component was predominant. The difference between normal and hyperplastic glands was the higher amount of stromal tissue and lower epithelial component in central and peripherical regions of hyperplastic prostate. Key words: Prostate, dog, hyperplasia, immunohistochemistry, morphometry.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP