4,714 research outputs found

    Random motions at finite velocity in a non-Euclidean space

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    In this paper telegraph processes on geodesic lines of the Poincaré half-space and Poincaré disk are introduced and the behavior of their hyperbolic distances examined. Explicit distributions of the processes are obtained and the related governing equations derived. By means of the processes on geodesic lines, planar random motions (with independent components) in the Poincaré half-space and disk are defined and their hyperbolic random distances studied. The limiting case of one-dimensional and planar motions together with their hyperbolic distances is discussed with the aim of establishing connections with the well-known stochastic representations of hyperbolic Brownian motion. Extensions of motions with finite velocity to the three-dimensional space are also hinted at, in the final section

    Growth by insertion: The family of bacterial DDxP proteins

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    We have identified a variety of proteins in species of the Legionella, Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Nitrosomonas, Nitrosospira, Variovorax, Halomonas, and Rhizobia genera, which feature repetitive modules of different length and composition, invariably ending at the COOH side with Asp–Asp–x–Pro (DDxP) motifs. DDxP proteins range in size from 900 to 6200 aa (amino acids), and contain 1 to 5 different module types, present in one or multiple copies. We hypothesize that DDxP proteins were modeled by the action of specific endonucleases inserting DNA segments into genes encoding DDxP motifs. Target site duplications (TSDs) formed upon repair of staggered ends generated by endonuclease cleavage would explain the DDxP motifs at repeat ends. TSDs acted eventually as targets for the insertion of more modules of the same or different types. Repeat clusters plausibly resulted from amplification of both repeat and flanking TSDs. The proposed growth shown by the insertion model is supported by the identification of homologous proteins lacking repeats in Pseudomonas and Rhizobium. The 85 DDxP repeats identified in this work vary in length, and can be sorted into short (136–215 aa) and long (243–304 aa) types. Conserved Asp–Gly–Asp–Gly–Asp motifs are located 11–19 aa from the terminal DDxP motifs in all repeats, and far upstream in most long repeats

    On random flights with non-uniformly distributed directions

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    This paper deals with a new class of random flights Xd(t),t>0,\underline{\bf X}_d(t),t>0, defined in the real space Rd,d2,\mathbb{R}^d, d\geq 2, characterized by non-uniform probability distributions on the multidimensional sphere. These random motions differ from similar models appeared in literature which take directions according to the uniform law. The family of angular probability distributions introduced in this paper depends on a parameter ν0\nu\geq 0 which gives the level of drift of the motion. Furthermore, we assume that the number of changes of direction performed by the random flight is fixed. The time lengths between two consecutive changes of orientation have joint probability distribution given by a Dirichlet density function. The analysis of Xd(t),t>0,\underline{\bf X}_d(t),t>0, is not an easy task, because it involves the calculation of integrals which are not always solvable. Therefore, we analyze the random flight Xmd(t),t>0,\underline{\bf X}_m^d(t),t>0, obtained as projection onto the lower spaces Rm,m<d,\mathbb{R}^m,m<d, of the original random motion in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. Then we get the probability distribution of Xmd(t),t>0.\underline{\bf X}_m^d(t),t>0. Although, in its general framework, the analysis of Xd(t),t>0,\underline{\bf X}_d(t),t>0, is very complicated, for some values of ν\nu, we can provide some results on the process. Indeed, for ν=1\nu=1, we obtain the characteristic function of the random flight moving in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. Furthermore, by inverting the characteristic function, we are able to give the analytic form (up to some constants) of the probability distribution of Xd(t),t>0.\underline{\bf X}_d(t),t>0.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figure

    High resolution observations of the outer disk around T Cha: the view from ALMA

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    T Cha is a young star surrounded by a transitional disk with signatures of planet formation. We have obtained high-resolution and high-sensitivity ALMA observations of T Cha in the CO(3{\rm CO}(3--2)2), 13CO(3{\rm ^{13}CO}(3--2)2), and CS(7{\rm CS}(7--6)6) emission lines to reveal the spatial distribution of the gaseous disk around the star. In order to study the dust within the disk we have also obtained continuum images at 850μ\mum from the line-free channels. We have spatially resolved the outer disk around T Cha. Using the CO(3-2) emission we derive a radius of \sim230 AU. We also report the detection of the 13^{13}CO(3-2) and the CS(7-8) molecular emissions, which show smaller radii than the CO(3-2) detection. The continuum observations at 850μ\mum allow the spatial resolution of the dusty disk, which shows two emission bumps separated by \sim40AU, consistent with the presence of a dust gap in the inner regions of the disk, and an outer radius of \sim80AU. Therefore, T Cha is surrounded by a compact dusty disk and a larger and more diffuse gaseous disk, as previously observed in other young stars. The continuum intensity profiles are different at both sides of the disk suggesting possible dust asymmetries. We derive an inclination of i(deg)=67±\pm5, and a position angle of PA (deg)= 113±\pm6, for both the gas and dust disks. The comparison of the ALMA data with radiative transfer models shows that the gas and dust components can only be simultaneously reproduced when we include a tapered edge prescription for the surface density profile. The best model suggests that most of the disk mass is placed within a radius of R<R< 50AU. Finally, we derive a dynamical mass for the central object of MM_{*}=1.5±\pm0.2M_{\odot}, comparable to the one estimated with evolutionary models for an age of \sim10Myr.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Submillimetre dust polarisation and opacity in the HD163296 protoplanetary ring system

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    We present ALMA images of the sub-mm continuum polarisation and spectral index of the protoplanetary ringed disk HD163296. The polarisation fraction at 870{\mu}m is measured to be ~0.9% in the central core and generally increases with radius along the disk major axis. It peaks in the gaps between the dust rings, and the largest value (~4%) is found between rings 1 and 2. The polarisation vectors are aligned with the disk minor axis in the central core, but become more azimuthal in the gaps, twisting by up to +/-9degrees in the gap between rings 1 and 2. These general characteristics are consistent with a model of self-scattered radiation in the ringed structure, without requiring an additional dust alignment mechanism. The 870/1300{\mu}m dust spectral index exhibits minima in the centre and the inner rings, suggesting these regions have high optical depths. However, further refinement of the dust or the disk model at higher resolution is needed to reproduce simultaneously the observed degree of polarisation and the low spectral index.Comment: 5 pages +2 pages supplemental data. v2 - revised figures and final values; conclusions unchange

    VLA observations of candidate high-mass protostellar objects at 7 mm

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    We present radio continuum observations at 7 mm made using the Very Large Array towards three massive star forming regions thought to be in very early stages of evolution selected from the sample of Sridharan et al. (2002). Emission was detected towards all three sources (IRAS 18470-0044, IRAS 19217+1651 and IRAS 23151+5912). We find that in all cases the 7 mm emission corresponds to thermal emission from ionized gas. The regions of ionized gas associated with IRAS 19217+1651 and IRAS 23151+5912 are hypercompact with diameters of 0.009 and 0.0006 pc, and emission measures of 7.0 x 10^8 and 2.3 x 10^9 pc cm^(-6), respectively.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, accepted by The Astronomical Journa

    VLA Observations of the Infrared Dark Cloud G19.30+0.07

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    We present Very Large Array observations of ammonia (NH3) (1,1), (2,2), and CCS (2_1-1_0) emission toward the Infrared Dark Cloud (IRDC) G19.30+0.07 at ~22GHz. The NH3 emission closely follows the 8 micron extinction. The NH3 (1,1) and (2,2) lines provide diagnostics of the temperature and density structure within the IRDC, with typical rotation temperatures of ~10 to 20K and NH3 column densities of ~10^15 cm^-2. The estimated total mass of G19.30+0.07 is ~1130 Msun. The cloud comprises four compact NH3 clumps of mass ~30 to 160 Msun. Two coincide with 24 micron emission, indicating heating by protostars, and show evidence of outflow in the NH3 emission. We report a water maser associated with a third clump; the fourth clump is apparently starless. A non-detection of 8.4GHz emission suggests that the IRDC contains no bright HII regions, and places a limit on the spectral type of an embedded ZAMS star to early-B or later. From the NH3 emission we find G19.30+0.07 is composed of three distinct velocity components, or "subclouds." One velocity component contains the two 24 micron sources and the starless clump, another contains the clump with the water maser, while the third velocity component is diffuse, with no significant high-density peaks. The spatial distribution of NH3 and CCS emission from G19.30+0.07 is highly anti-correlated, with the NH3 predominantly in the high-density clumps, and the CCS tracing lower-density envelopes around those clumps. This spatial distribution is consistent with theories of evolution for chemically young low-mass cores, in which CCS has not yet been processed to other species and/or depleted in high-density regions.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication by ApJ. Please contact the authors for higher resolution versions of the figure

    Harmonic damped oscillators with feedback. A Langevin study

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    We consider a system in direct contact with a thermal reservoir and which, if left unperturbed, is well described by a memory-less equilibrium Langevin equation of the second order in the time coordinate. In such conditions, the strength of the noise fluctuations is set by the damping factor, in accordance with the Fluctuation and Dissipation theorem. We study the system when it is subject to a feedback mechanism, by modifying the Langevin equation accordingly. Memory terms now arise in the time evolution, which we study in a non-equilibrium steady state. Two types of feedback schemes are considered, one focusing on time shifts and one on phase shifts, and for both cases we evaluate the power spectrum of the system's fluctuations. Our analysis finds application in feedback cooled oscillators, such as the Gravitational Wave detector AURIGA.Comment: 17 page

    XEN glaucoma treatment system in the management of refractory glaucomas: a short review on trial data and potential role in clinical practice

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    The recent development of new devices that are significantly less invasive, collectively termed minimally invasive glaucoma surgery, offers new perspective of intraocular pressure reduction with less risk, short operating times, and rapid recovery. The aim of this work is to provide a panoramic review of the currently published clinical data to assess the potential role of XEN gel stent (Allergan PLC, Irvine, CA, USA) in the management of glaucoma, which is the only filtering minimally invasive glaucoma surgery device that allows the subconjunctival filtration. The ab interno placement of the XEN gel stent offers an alternative for lowering intraocular pressure in refractory glaucoma as a final step, and in patients intolerant to medical therapy as an early surgical approach with minimum conjunctival tissue disruption, restricted flow to avoid hypotony, and long-term safety

    Toward the Identification of Novel Antimicrobial Agents: One-Pot Synthesis of Lipophilic Conjugates of N-Alkyl d- and l-Iminosugars

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    In the effort to improve the antimicrobial activity of iminosugars, we report the synthesis of lipophilic iminosugars 10a-b and 11a-b based on the one-pot conjugation of both enantiomeric forms of N-butyldeoxynojirimycin (NBDNJ) and N-nonyloxypentyldeoxynojirimycin (NPDNJ) with cholesterol and a succinic acid model linker. The conjugation reaction was tuned using the established PS-TPP/I2/ImH activating system, which provided the desired compounds in high yields (94-96%) by a one-pot procedure. The substantial increase in the lipophilicity of 10a-b and 11a-b is supposed to improve internalization within the bacterial cell, thereby potentially leading to enhanced antimicrobial properties. However, assays are currently hampered by solubility problems; therefore, alternative administration strategies will need to be devised