250 research outputs found

    Tetris is Hard, Even to Approximate

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    In the popular computer game of Tetris, the player is given a sequence of tetromino pieces and must pack them into a rectangular gameboard initially occupied by a given configuration of filled squares; any completely filled row of the gameboard is cleared and all pieces above it drop by one row. We prove that in the offline version of Tetris, it is NP-complete to maximize the number of cleared rows, maximize the number of tetrises (quadruples of rows simultaneously filled and cleared), minimize the maximum height of an occupied square, or maximize the number of pieces placed before the game ends. We furthermore show the extreme inapproximability of the first and last of these objectives to within a factor of p^(1-epsilon), when given a sequence of p pieces, and the inapproximability of the third objective to within a factor of (2 - epsilon), for any epsilon>0. Our results hold under several variations on the rules of Tetris, including different models of rotation, limitations on player agility, and restricted piece sets.Comment: 56 pages, 11 figure

    Discovery potential for split supersymmetry with thermal dark matter

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    Supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model with scalar superpartners above 10 TeV are well motivated since the Higgs boson mass can be explained by quantum corrections while maintaining gauge coupling unification. If supersymmetry breaking is transmitted to gauginos via anomaly mediation, the gaugino masses are loop suppressed compared to scalar masses, and the lightest supersymmetric particle is the Higgsino or wino, which can be the dark matter. In this setup, we identify the regions of parameter space that reproduce the observed Higgs boson mass and the thermal abundance of dark matter. We analyze the effects of complex phases in the gaugino mass parameters on the electron electric dipole moment (EDM) and the dark matter scattering cross section. We find that, for scalar masses up to 10 PeV and any size of the complex phases, the model with Higgsino dark matter is within reach of planned experiments -- Advanced ACME via electron EDM and LUX-ZEPLIN via dark matter direct detection -- with complementary discovery potentials, and the model with wino dark matter is within reach of future electron EDM experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    CoVault: A Secure Analytics Platform

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    In a secure analytics platform, data sources consent to the exclusive use oftheir data for a pre-defined set of analytics queries performed by a specificgroup of analysts, and for a limited period. If the platform is secure under asufficiently strong threat model, it can provide the missing link to enablingpowerful analytics of sensitive personal data, by alleviating data subjects'concerns about leakage and misuse of data. For instance, many types of powerfulanalytics that benefit public health, mobility, infrastructure, finance, orsustainable energy can be made differentially private, thus alleviatingconcerns about privacy. However, no platform currently exists that issufficiently secure to alleviate concerns about data leakage and misuse; as aresult, many types of analytics that would be in the interest of data subjectsand the public are not done. CoVault uses a new multi-party implementation offunctional encryption (FE) for secure analytics, which relies on a uniquecombination of secret sharing, multi-party secure computation (MPC), anddifferent trusted execution environments (TEEs). CoVault is secure under a verystrong threat model that tolerates compromise and side-channel attacks on anyone of a small set of parties and their TEEs. Despite the cost of MPC, we showthat CoVault scales to very large data sizes using map-reduce based queryparallelization. For example, we show that CoVault can perform queries relevantto epidemic analytics at scale.<br

    Controlling TcT_c of Iridium films using interfacial proximity effects

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    High precision calorimetry using superconducting transition edge sensors requires the use of superconducting films with a suitable TcT_c, depending on the application. To advance high-precision macrocalorimetry, we require low-TcT_c films that are easy to fabricate. A simple and effective way to suppress TcT_c of superconducting Iridium through the proximity effect is demonstrated by using Ir/Pt bilayers as well as Au/Ir/Au trilayers. While Ir/Au films fabricated by applying heat to the substrate during Ir deposition have been used in the past for superconducting sensors, we present results of TcT_c suppression on Iridium by deposition at room temperature in Au/Ir/Au trilayers and Ir/Pt bilayers in the range of ∼\sim20-100~mK. Measurements of the relative impedance between the Ir/Pt bilayers and Au/Ir/Au trilayers fabricated show factor of ∼\sim10 higher values in the Ir/Pt case. These new films could play a key role in the development of scalable superconducting transition edge sensors that require low-TcT_c films to minimize heat capacity and maximize energy resolution, while keeping high-yield fabrication methods.Comment: 5 journal pages, 4 figure

    Polyamorous Families – Parenting Practice, Stigma and Social Regulation

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    As a response to the greater visibility of alternative relationship and family forms, polyamory (i.e. the practice of consensual multi-partner relationships) has recently moved to the centre of public media attention. Questions of polyamory have emerged as a major concern within law, social policy, family sociology, gender and sexuality studies. Yet certain core issues have remained underexplored. This includes the distinctive nature of polyamorous intimacy, the structure of poly household formations and the dynamics of care work within poly families. In particular, poly parenting has been subject to tabooisation and scandalisation. Governing bodies, the judiciary and educational institutions have remained largely ignorant of polyamorous relationships. Research documents the exclusions of poly families (and individuals) from access to legal provisions and protections and their common discrimination in the courts, namely in custody cases. It further highlights the discrimination of polyidentified adolescents in school and college settings and the predicament that poly families face when interacting with public institutions (including schools and kindergardens). Insights into parenting practices and the organisation of childcare is vital for understanding the transformative potential of polyamorous ways of relating. It is also important for challenging the common demonisation and stigmatisation of polyamory within conservative family politics that perceives polyamory exclusively from a harm perspective. This paper will review and critically analyse existing research on poly parenting focussing on three dimensions: (a) parenting practices, (b) social and legal discrimination, and (c) parental response to stigmatisation. The paper argues for a stronger incorporation of queer perspectives within the guiding frameworks of research into parenting in consensually non-monogamous and polyamorous relationships to highlight the transformative potential of the ‘queer bonds’ that sustain many of these practices

    Controlling TcT_c of Iridium Films Using the Proximity Effect

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    A superconducting Transition-Edge Sensor (TES) with low-TcT_c is essential in a high resolution calorimetric detection. With a motivation of developing sensitive calorimeters for applications in cryogenic neutrinoless double beta decay searches, we have been investigating methods to reduce the TcT_c of an Ir film down to 20 mK. Utilizing the proximity effect between a superconductor and a normal metal, we found two room temperature fabrication recipes of making Ir-based low-TcT_c films. In the first approach, an Ir film sandwiched between two Au films, a Au/Ir/Au trilayer, has a tunable TcT_c in the range of 20-100 mK depending on the relative thicknesses. In the second approach, a paramagnetic Pt thin film is used to create Ir/Pt bilayer with a tunable TcT_c in the same range. We present detailed study of fabrication and characterization of Ir-based low-TcT_c films, and compare the experimental results to theoretical models. We show that Ir-based films with predictable and reproducible critical temperature can be consistently fabricated for use in large scale detector applications.Comment: 5 figures, accepted in the Journal of Applied Physic

    Development of Long and Short Forms of the Multilevel Resilience Resource Measure for African American/Black Adults Living with HIV

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    Understanding resilience in relation to HIV-related outcomes may help address racial/ethnic disparities, however, significant gaps in its measurement preclude in-depth study. Thus, this research aims to develop and evaluate the psychometric properties of long and short forms of the Multilevel Resilience Resource Measure for African American/Black Adults Living with HIV. To develop the items, we conducted a mixed methods study (N = 48) and reviewed published resilience measures. We completed content validity index analyses to ensure the items reflected the resilience construct. Next, we conducted 20 cognitive interviews and a field survey (N = 400). The long and short forms demonstrated acceptable to excellent psychometric properties based on factorial validity, internal consistency and convergent validity and on measurement invariance (conducted for the short form only). These measures provide a comprehensive framework to examine resilience and HIV-related outcomes and can inform resilience-building interventions to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities

    Carbene footprinting accurately maps binding sites in protein–ligand and protein–protein interactions

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    Specific interactions between proteins and their binding partners are fundamental to life processes. The ability to detect protein complexes, and map their sites of binding, is crucial to understanding basic biology at the molecular level. Methods that employ sensitive analytical techniques such as mass spectrometry have the potential to provide valuable insights with very little material and on short time scales. Here we present a differential protein footprinting technique employing an efficient photo-activated probe for use with mass spectrometry. Using this methodology the location of a carbohydrate substrate was accurately mapped to the binding cleft of lysozyme, and in a more complex example, the interactions between a 100 kDa, multi-domain deubiquitinating enzyme, USP5 and a diubiquitin substrate were located to different functional domains. The much improved properties of this probe make carbene footprinting a viable method for rapid and accurate identification of protein binding sites utilizing benign, near-UV photoactivation

    Receptor Sorting within Endosomal Trafficking Pathway Is Facilitated by Dynamic Actin Filaments

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    Early endosomes (EEs) are known to be a sorting station for internalized molecules destined for degradation, recycling, or other intracellular organelles. Segregation is an essential step in such sorting, but the molecular mechanism of this process remains to be elucidated. Here, we show that actin is required for efficient recycling and endosomal maturation by producing a motile force. Perturbation of actin dynamics by drugs induced a few enlarged EEs containing several degradative vacuoles and also interfered with their transporting ability. Actin repolymerization induced by washout of the drug caused the vacuoles to dissociate and individually translocate toward the perinuclear region. We further elucidated that cortactin, an actin-nucleating factor, was required for transporting contents from within EEs. Actin filaments regulated by cortactin may provide a motile force for efficient sorting within early endosomes. These data suggest that actin filaments coordinate with microtubules to mediate segregation in EEs
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