2,214 research outputs found

    Factors controlling the groundwater transport of U, Th, Ra, and Rn

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    A model for the groundwater transport of naturally occurring U, Th, Ra, and Rn nuclides in the ^(238)U and ^(232)Th decay series is discussed. The model developed here takes into account transport by advection and the physico-chemical processes of weathering, decay, α-recoil, and sorption at the water-rock interface. It describes the evolution along a flowline of the activities of the ^(238)U and ^(232)Th decay series nuclides in groundwater. Simple sets of relationships governing the activities of the various species in solution are derived, and these can be used both to calculate effective retardation factors and to interpret groundwater data. For the activities of each nuclide, a general solution to the transport equation has been obtained, which shows that the activities reach a constant value after a distance ϰ_i, characteristic of each nuclide. Where ϰ_i is much longer than the aquifer length, (for ^(238)U, ^(234)U, and ^(232)Th), the activities grow linearly with distance. Where ϰ_i is short compared to the aquifer length, (for ^(234)Th, ^(230)Th, ^(228)Th, ^(228)Ra, and ^(224)Ra), the activities rapidly reach a constant or quasi-constant activity value. For ^(226)Ra and ^(222)Rn, the limiting activity is reached after 1 km. High δ ^(234)U values (proportional to the ratio ^(ɛ234)Th/^(W238)U) can be obtained through high recoil fraction and/or low weathering rates. The activity ratios ^(230)Th/^(232)Th, ^(228)Ra/^(226)Ra and ^(224)Ra/^(226)Ra have been considered in the cases where either weathering or recoil is the predominant process of input from the mineral grain. Typical values for weathering rates and recoil fractions for a sandy aquifer indicate that recoil is the dominant process for Th isotopic ratios in the water. Measured data for Ra isotope activity ratios indicate that recoil is the process generally controlling the Ra isotopic composition in water. Higher isotopic ratios can be explained by different desorption kinetics of Ra. However, the model does not provide an explanation for ^(228)Ra/^(226)Ra and ^(224)Ra/^(226)Ra activity ratios less than unity. From the model, the highest ^(222)Rn emanation equals 2_ɛ. This is in agreement with the hypothesis that ^(222)Rn activity can be used as a first approximation for input by recoil (Krishnaswamiet al 1982). However, high ^(222)Rn emanation cannot be explained by production from the surface layer as formulated in the model. Other possibilities involve models including surface precipitation, where the surface layer is not in steady-state

    Local Adaptation of Reproductive Performance During Thermal Stress

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    Considerable evidence exists for local adaptation of critical thermal limits in ectotherms following adult temperature stress, but fewer studies have tested for local adaptation of sub-lethal heat stress effects across life history stages. In organisms with complex life cycles, such as holometablous insects, heat stress during juvenile stages may severely impact gametogenesis, having downstream consequences on reproductive performance that may be mediated by local adaptation, although this is rarely studied. Here, we tested how exposure to either benign or heat stress temperature during juvenile and adult stages, either independently or combined, influences egg-to-adult viability, adult sperm motility and fertility in high and low latitude populations of Drosophila subobscura. We found both population- and temperature-specific effects on survival and sperm motility; juvenile heat stress decreased survival and subsequent sperm motility and each trait was lower in the northern population. We found an interaction between population and temperature on fertility following application of juvenile heat stress; while fertility was negatively impacted in both populations, the southern population was less affected. When the adult stage was also subject to heat stress, the southern population exhibited positive carry-over effects whereas the northern population’s fertility remained low. Thus, the northern population is more susceptible to sub-lethal reproductive consequences following exposure to juvenile heat stress. This may be common in other organisms with complex life cycles and current models predicting population responses to climate change, which do not take into account the impact of juvenile heat stress on reproductive performance, may be too conservativeThis study was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NE/I013962/1)

    An improved penalty algorithm using model order reduction for MIPDECO problems with partial observations

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    This work addresses optimal control problems governed by a linear time-dependent partial differential equation (PDE) as well as integer constraints on the control. Moreover, partial observations are assumed in the objective function. The resulting problem poses several numerical challenges due to the mixture of combinatorial aspects, induced by integer variables, and large scale linear algebra issues, arising from the PDE discretization. Since classical solution approaches such as the branch-and-bound framework are typically overwhelmed by such large-scale problems, this work extends an improved penalty algorithm proposed by the authors, to the time-dependent setting. The main contribution is a novel combination of an interior point method, preconditioning, and model order reduction yielding a tailored local optimization solver at the heart of the overall solution procedure. A thorough numerical investigation is carried out both for the heat equation as well as a convection-diffusion problem demonstrating the versatility of the approach

    Gyrofluid simulations of collisionless reconnection in the presence of diamagnetic effects

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    The effects of the ion Larmor radius on magnetic reconnection are investigated by means of numerical simulations, with a Hamiltonian gyrofluid model. In the linear regime, it is found that ion diamagnetic effects decrease the growth rate of the dominant mode. Increasing ion temperature tends to make the magnetic islands propagate in the ion diamagnetic drift direction. In the nonlinear regime, diamagnetic effects reduce the final width of the island. Unlike the electron density, the guiding center density does not tend to distribute along separatrices and at high ion temperature, the electrostatic potential exhibits the superposition of a small scale structure, related to the electron density, and a large scale structure, related to the ion guiding-center density

    Gyrofluid simulations of collisionless reconnection in the presence of diamagnetic effects

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    The effects of the ion Larmor radius on magnetic reconnection are investigated by means of numerical simulations, with a Hamiltonian gyrofluid model. In the linear regime, it is found that ion diamagnetic effects decrease the growth rate of the dominant mode. Increasing ion temperature tends to make the magnetic islands propagate in the ion diamagnetic drift direction. In the nonlinear regime, diamagnetic effects reduce the final width of the island. Unlike the electron density, the guiding center density does not tend to distribute along separatrices and at high ion temperature, the electrostatic potential exhibits the superposition of a small scale structure, related to the electron density, and a large scale structure, related to the ion guiding-center density

    Gyrofluid simulations of collisionless reconnection in the presence of diamagnetic effects

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    The effects of the ion Larmor radius on magnetic reconnection are investigated by means of numerical simulations, with a Hamiltonian gyrofluid model. In the linear regime, it is found that ion diamagnetic effects decrease the growth rate of the dominant mode. Increasing ion temperature tends to make the magnetic islands propagate in the ion diamagnetic drift direction. In the nonlinear regime, diamagnetic effects reduce the final width of the island. Unlike the electron density, the guiding center density does not tend to distribute along separatrices and at high ion temperature, the electrostatic potential exhibits the superposition of a small scale structure, related to the electron density, and a large scale structure, related to the ion guiding-center density

    Extremely high He isotope ratios in MORB-source mantle from the proto-Iceland plume

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    The high <sup>3</sup>He/<sup>4</sup>He ratio of volcanic rocks thought to be derived from mantle plumes is taken as evidence for the existence of a mantle reservoir that has remained largely undegassed since the Earth's accretion. The helium isotope composition of this reservoir places constraints on the origin of volatiles within the Earth and on the evolution and structure of the Earth's mantle. Here we show that olivine phenocrysts in picritic basalts presumably derived from the proto-Iceland plume at Baffin Island, Canada, have the highest magmatic <sup>3</sup>He/<sup>4</sup>He ratios yet recorded. A strong correlation between <sup>3</sup>He/<sup>4</sup>He and <sup>87</sup>Sr/<sup>86</sup>Sr, <sup>143</sup>Nd/<sup>144</sup>Nd and trace element ratios demonstrate that the <sup>3</sup>He-rich end-member is present in basalts that are derived from large-volume melts of depleted upper-mantle rocks. This reservoir is consistent with the recharging of depleted upper-mantle rocks by small volumes of primordial volatile-rich lower-mantle material at a thermal boundary layer between convectively isolated reservoirs. The highest <sup>3</sup>He/<sup>4</sup>He basalts from Hawaii and Iceland plot on the observed mixing trend. This indicates that a <sup>3</sup>He-recharged depleted mantle (HRDM) reservoir may be the principal source of high <sup>3</sup>He/<sup>4</sup>He in mantle plumes, and may explain why the helium concentration of the 'plume' component in ocean island basalts is lower than that predicted for a two-layer, steady-state model of mantle structure

    A unified model for terrestrial rare gases

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    Transmission of Xylella fastidiosa by naturally infected Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera, Aphrophoridae) to different host plants.

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    © 2016 The Authors. Journal of Applied Entomology Published by Blackwell Verlag GmbH. The recent establishment of Xylella fastidiosa subspecies pauca in the southern Italian region of Apulia threatens agricultural crops and the environment. Olive is an important and widespread ancient crop in Italy and, so far, the most impacted host. The meadow spittlebug Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera, Aphrophoridae) has been identified as a vector of X. fastidiosa in southern Italy; this species is one of the most common potential vectors in Europe. To generate disease management strategies, data on X. fastidiosa transmission by P. spumarius are necessary. Therefore, we carried out transmission experiments by using field-collected spittlebugs in 2014 and 2015 (5 and 11 collection dates, respectively), and transferring groups of insects immediately on to recipient plants. Various host plant species were tested: olive, oleander, sweet orange, grapevine and the stone fruit rootstock GF677 (Prunus persica × Prunus amygdalus). Xylella fastidiosa was detected in all the host plants after insect plant access except for grapevine; infections to sweet orange and stone fruit were not systemic. In 2015, estimates of insect X. fastidiosa infectivity were obtained; the number of PCR-positive P. spumarius on each plant was positively correlated with the plant infection status. The proportion of P. spumarius infected with X. fastidiosa ranged from 25% to 71% during the entire survey period. The number of X. fastidiosa cells detected in P. spumarius heads ranged from 3.5 × 10 to 4.0 × 102(CFU equivalents), which is lower than that reported for leafhopper vectors in the Americas. These data show that field-collected P. spumarius have high rates of X. fastidiosa infection and are competent vectors

    The Effects of Acute Stress on Human Prefrontal Working Memory Systems

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    We examined the relationship between acute stress and prefrontal-cortex (PFC) based working memory (WM) systems using behavioral (Experiment 1) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI; Experiment 2) paradigms. Subjects performed a delayed-response item-recognition task, with alternating blocks of high and low WM demand trials. During scanning, participants performed this task under three stress conditions: cold stress (induced by cold-water hand-immersion), a room temperature water control (induced by tepid-water hand-immersion), and no-water control (no hand-immersion). Performance was affected by WM demand, but not stress. Cold stress elicited greater salivary cortisol readings in behavioral subjects, and greater PFC signal change in fMRI subjects, than control conditions. These results suggest that, under stress, increases in PFC activity may be necessary to mediate cognitive processes that maintain behavioral organization
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