92 research outputs found

    Causas del incumplimiento de responsabilidad materna y paterna en cuanto al interés superior de niños/as entre las edades de 3 a 12 meses en el Centro Social Hermann Gmeiner Norte, en el II semestre del 2012

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    Este trabajo de tesis se realizó con el objetivo de determinar las causas del incumplimiento de responsabilidad materna y paterna en cuanto al interés superior de sus hijos e hijas de 3 a 12 meses de edad en el Centro Social Hermann Gmeiner Norte, en el II semestre del 2012. Cabe mencionar que los padres y madres son los principales responsables de propiciar el pleno cumplimiento de los derechos de sus hijos e hijas, sobre todo respetar y brindar acciones y procesos tendientes a garantizar su desarrollo integral y una vida digna, así como proporcionar condiciones materiales y afectivas que les permitan vivir plenamente y alcanzar el máximo bienestar posible. El tipo de investigación es cualitativa porque a través de ella pretendemos comprender a las familias de los niños y niñas en su cotidianidad utilizando métodos cualitativos poniendo énfasis en la comprensión de los procesos que se observan en su ámbito relacional en este caso el familiar y escolar. Además de ser una investigación cualitativa es una investigación exploratoria, este tipo resulta apropiado cuando el investigador se interesa por el significado de las experiencias y valores humanos, el punto de vista interno e individual de las personas y del ambiente natural que ocurre el fenómeno estudiado, logrando identificar las tendencias sobre fenómenos relativamente poco estudiado. Como parte de este estudio uno de los objetivos es caracterizar a los niños y niñas entre tres y doce meses de edad del Centro Social Hermann Gmeiner Norte, a través de la aplicación de instrumentos como observación directa a las familias, a sus comunidades y en el Centro Social, así como el análisis documental que se realizó de las políticas internas del centro y expedientes de niños y niñas. En este primer objetivo sobresalió que la relación de las familias con sus hijos e hijas es poco comunicativa, que los barrios donde viven y sus condiciones no son óptimos para su desarrollo integral debido a grandes carencias materiales y vulnerabilidad social. A través de la encuesta socioeconómica, entrevista y observación realizada a docentes, niños/as y familias respectivamente se encontró que el bajo nivel educativo de las familias incide en el tipo de trabajo que desempeñan como obreros/as en fábricas tabacaleras, obteniendo un salario bajo con el cual no satisfacen sus necesidades básicas. Producto de este bajo nivel educativo las familias procrearon a temprana edad sin planificarlo previamente lo que ha provocado su desconocimiento en las formas de estimulación temprana que deben trabajar con sus hijos/as. Otro aspecto relevante en los resultados de esta investigación fue el conocer que las familias buscan en los centros sociales el cuido de sus niños/as mostrándose desinteresadas en las actividades que realiza el centro social en pro del desarrollo de los niños/a

    Modelo multiestadio en emociones en personal de la salud

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    Introduction: The research follows a quantitative approach of multi-stage analysis on professionals within each institution (stage 1) and between several institutions (stage 2). Objective: to identify emotions in health personnel in Norte de Santander-Colombia. Materials and methods: explanatory, correlational, quasi-experimental study. The sample was conformed by 120 health professionals, applying a structured instrument of 10 questions in nominal scale to measure personal variables, emotions, and, Likert scale of 20 questions in order to analyze competences. Results: Health professionals from the same institution have the same stage of competence and emotion management as those from another health institution; variables were incorporated to predict the stages: health institution, health professional and their relationship. Conclusion: A multistage model of emotions is estimated that describes a high correlation between actions to avoid, delay, or attenuate an illness, obtain functional, physical, and mental recovery of an individual in promoting active and effective participation in his or her community and institutional strategy, with the management of emotions by health professionals.Introducción: La investigación sigue un enfoque cuantitativo de análisis multiestadio en los profesionales dentro de cada institución (estadio 1) y entre varias (estadio 2). Objetivo: identificar emociones en personal de salud en Norte de Santander-Colombia. Materiales y métodos: estudio explicativo, correlacional, cuasi experimental. La muestra estuvo conformada por 120 profesionales de salud, aplicándoles un instrumento estructurado de 10 preguntas en escala nominal para medir variables personales, emociones, y, escala Likert de 20 preguntas a fin de analizar competencias. Resultados: Los profesionales en salud de la misma institución poseen igual estadio de competencia y manejo de emociones en comparación a quienes son de otra institución de salud; se incorporaron variables predictoras de los estadios: institución de salud, profesional de salud y su relación. Conclusión: se estima un modelo multiestadio de emociones que describe alta correlación entre acciones para evitar, retardar o atenuar una enfermedad, obtener recuperación funcional, físico y mental de un individuo en la promoción de una participación activa y efectiva en su comunidad y estrategia institucional, con la gestión de emociones de los profesionales de salud

    RNY3 modulates cell proliferation and IL13 mRNA levels in a T lymphocyte model: a possible new epigenetic mechanism of IL-13 regulation

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    [EN] Allergic asthma is the most common type of asthma. It is characterized by TH2 cell-driven inflammation in which interleukin-13 (IL-13) plays a pivotal role. Cytoplasmic RNAs (Y-RNAs), a variety of non-coding RNAs that are dysregulated in many cancer types, are also differentially expressed in patients with allergic asthma. Their function in the development of the disease is still unknown. We investigated the potential role of RNY3 RNA (hY3) in the TH2 cell inflammatory response using the Jurkat cell line as a model. hY3 expression levels were modulated to mimic the upregulation effect in allergic disease. We evaluated the effect of hY3 over cell stimulation and the expression of the TH2 cytokine IL13. Total RNA was isolated and retrotranscribed, and RNA levels were assessed by qPCR. In Jurkat cells, hY3 levels increased upon stimulation with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and ionomycin. When transfecting with high levels of hY3 mimic molecules, cell proliferation rate decreased while IL13 mRNA levels increased upon stimulation compared to stimulated control cells. Our results show the effect of increased hY3 levels on cell proliferation and the levels of IL13 mRNA in Jurkat cells. Also, we showed that hY3 could act over other cells via exosomes. This study opens up new ways to study the potential regulatory function of hY3 over IL-13 production and its implications for asthma development.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Consejería de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León; Gerencia Regional de Salud, Junta de Castilla y Leó

    Pensamiento lateral, creatividad y emprendimiento

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    Lateral thinking is closely related to creative thinking and is open to anyone interested in new ideas. Objective: to establish the relationship between problem-based learning as a pedagogical intervention to identify proposals for entrepreneurial actions in order to develop lateral thinking in first semester students in university academic programs of business sciences and to establish its relationship with the development of their creativity. Method: multi-method approach combining qualitative research using ethnographic method with quantitative research through factor analysis with quasi-experimental field design. Results: Collaborative learning as a result of field work in the resolution of environmental problems develops creativity and the capacity to propose entrepreneurial ideas; students in the first semesters of business science programs show a favorable disposition to develop their creativity.  El pensamiento lateral, está muy relacionado con el pensamiento creativo y está abierto a todo aquel que se interese por ideas nuevas. Objetivo: establecer la relación entre el aprendizaje basado en problemas como intervención pedagógica para identificar las propuestas de acciones emprendedoras con el fin de desarrollar el pensamiento lateral en estudiantes de primeros semestres en programas académicos universitarios de ciencias empresariales y establecer su relación con el desarrollo de su creatividad. Método: enfoque multimétodo que combina investigación cualitativa utilizando método etnográfico con investigación cuantitativa mediante de análisis factorial con diseño de campo cuasiexperimental. Resultados: El aprendizaje colaborativo como resultado del trabajo de campo en la resolución de problemas del entorno desarrolla la creatividad y capacidad de proponer ideas emprendedoras, los estudiantes de los primeros semestres de programas de ciencias empresariales presentan disposición favorable para desarrollar su creatividad

    Evaluación de indicadores de bienestar animal de bovinos en un rastro Tipo Inspección Federal

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    The slaughter process is the last stage of management and represents a point at which the welfare of the cattle is compromised. The objective of this study was to evaluate the animal welfare indicators of cattle in a Federal Inspection Type slaughterhouse. The slaughter process of 1,167 animals [740 males (63.8 %) and 420 females (36.2 %)] was observed in a Federal Inspection Type slaughter plant in northwestern Mexico. Management and behavioral variables, as well as indicators of return to sensitivity were recorded, and the bruises observed on the carcasses were characterized. 10 % of the cattle received electric shocks with prods, while 24.2 % were beaten by operators. Arching of the spine was observed (44.5 %), 62.2 % of the animals exhibited sensitivity during exsanguination. The prevalence of bruising was 88.8 %. Females had 1.62 % higher risk of bruising than males and the presence of large horns increased the risk of bruising by 1.46 %. The characteristics of the bruises observed were bright red (93.8 %), mottled (71.5 %), small (82.9 %), and grade 1 (95.7 %). The area most affected by bruises was the dorsal-lumbar area, with 58.3 %. It was concluded that the animals included in this study were exposed to conditions conducive to stress, including the use of the electric prod by the operators, undesirable behaviors of cattle during herding, ineffective stunning, and the presence of bruises on the carcasses.El proceso de sacrificio es la última etapa de manejo y representa un punto en el que se compromete el bienestar de los bovinos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar los indicadores de bienestar animal de bovinos en un rastro Tipo Inspección Federal. Se observó el proceso de sacrificio de 1,167 animales [740 machos (63.8 %) y 420 hembras (36.2 %)] en una planta de sacrificio Tipo Inspección Federal en el noroeste de México. Se registraron variables de manejo y comportamiento, así como indicadores de retorno a la sensibilidad y se caracterizaron los hematomas observados en las canales. El 10 % del ganado recibió descargas eléctricas con picanas, el 24.3 % fue golpeado por los operarios. Se observó arqueamiento de la columna vertebral (44.5 %), el 62.2 % de los animales mostró sensibilidad durante el sangrado. La prevalencia de hematomas fue del 88.8 %. Las hembras tuvieron 1.62 mayor riesgo de sufrir hematomas que los machos y la presencia de cuernos grandes incrementó el riesgo de presentar hematomas 1.46. Las características de los hematomas observados fueron rojo brillante (93.8 %), moteado (71.5 %), pequeño (82.9 %) y grado 1 (95.7 %). La zona más afectada por hematomas fue la dorso-lumbar con un 58.3 %. Se concluyó que los animales incluidos en el presente estudio estuvieron expuestos a condiciones que propician el estrés, entre estos, el uso de la picana eléctrica por los operarios, las conductas indeseables de los bovinos durante el arreo, el aturdimiento ineficaz y la presencia de hematomas en las canales

    Competencias comunicativas y pensamiento matemático

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    Introduction: The research aims to identify the existing relationship between the communicative competences of students and teachers with the development of mathematical thinking of first semester university students. Materials and methods: The research follows a descriptive quantitative approach with field design in multivariate analysis methodology. The sample was composed of teachers and students from different academic programs of the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander. Conclusion: Good levels of development of communicative competence are found in both teachers and students; a positive correlation between the level of communicative competence and the development of mathematical thinking is also evidenced, with significant differences between students from different programs.Introducción: La investigación tiene como objetivo identificar la relación existente entre las competencias comunicativas de estudiantes y docentes con el desarrollo del pensamiento matemático de estudiantes de primer semestre universitario. Materiales y métodos: La investigación sigue un enfoque cuantitativo descriptivo con diseño de campo en metodología de análisis multivariante. La muestra estuvo compuesta por docentes y estudiantes de diferentes programas académicos de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander. Conclusión: Se encuentran buenos niveles de desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa tanto en docentes como en estudiantes; también se evidencia una correlación positiva entre el nivel de competencia comunicativa y el desarrollo del pensamiento matemático, con diferencias significativas entre estudiantes de diferentes programas

    Quantitative and qualitative methods of evaluating response to biologics in severe asthma patients: Results from a real-world study

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    [EN] Asthma is a complex major noncommunicable disease affecting around 333 million people worldwide, both children and adults.New biological therapies for treating severe asthma have remarkably improved disease management. Notwith-standing, one remaining crucial problem is evaluating the response to these treatments. Therefore, adequate measurement of the response to biologics in a holistic manner that integrates clinical variables of interest and quality of life is needed, particularly in identifying super-responder patients (SR). Menzies-Gow et al went more profound in the concept and proposed a consensus to evaluate remission.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); European Union -Next Generation EU; Junta de Castilla y Leó

    Effects of Therapeutic Antibodies on Gene and Protein Signatures in Asthma Patients: A Comparative Systematic Review

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    [EN]Several biologic therapies that target inflammatory modulators are now used for treating patients with uncontrolled, severe asthma. Knowledge about how this type of treatment modifies the molecular milieu is rapidly increasing. Thus, this systematic review aimed to compile the reported effects of therapeutic antibodies on the transcriptome or proteome of asthma patients. Studies of asthmatic patients under biological treatment describing transcriptomic or proteomic changes upon treatment were included. Preclinical or single gene/protein studies were not considered. PubMed and Scopus search was performed in August and September 2021. Following PRISMA guidelines and GRADE recommendations, we selected 12 studies on gene or protein expression changes in patients treated with the antibodies currently approved by EMA and the FDA. All studies were at low risk of bias as per the RoB2 tool. Different gene clusters have been identified to change upon omalizumab treatment, found a reduction in eosinophil-associated gene signatures after benralizumab treatment, and protein profiles were different in patients treated with mepolizumab and in those treated with benralizumab. The main potential biomarkers proposed by the selected studies are shown. These results may contribute to discovering biomarkers of response and selecting the best therapy for each patient.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Junta de Castilla y León; Sociedad Española de Alergia e Inmunología Clínic

    Interleukin 5 Receptor Subunit Alpha Expression as a Potential Biomarker in Patients with Nasal Polyposis

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    [EN]Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyposis (CRSwNP) affects the quality of life of patients suffering from it. The search for a suitable biomarker has been conducted over the last decades. Interleukin 5 receptor subunit alpha (IL-5Rα) involves the activation, maintenance, and survival of eosinophils, which are highly tied to chronic inflammatory processes of the airways, like asthma or CRSwNP. In this study, we evaluate the utility of IL5RA as a genetic biomarker in CRSwNP. IL5RA mRNA expression level was analyzed in different groups of patients by performing qPCR assays. A significant increase in IL5RA expression was observed in CRSwNP patients, especially those with asthma and atopy. We found differences in expression levels when comparing groups with or without polyposis or asthma, as well as some atypical cases related to eosinophil levels. That opens a path to future studies to further characterize groups of patients with common features in the context of pharmacogenetics and in an era towards developing a more precise personalized treatment with IL-5Rα as a therapeutic target for CRSwNP.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; European Union Next Generation EU; European Regional Development Fun

    Reconstruction of the seasonal cycle of air–sea CO2 fluxes in the Strait of Gibraltar

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    The present study reports and discusses water surface fCO2 measurements from 36 cruises in the Strait of Gibraltar made over an eleven-year period (1997 to 2009). Underway measurements of sea surface CO2 fugacity (fCO2sw), sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface salinity (SSS) compiled during the cruises were analysed and integrated into a single database which provided the resolution/sensitivity required for an examination of the seasonal variability of the fCO2sw; these data allowed the reconstruction of the climatological seasonal cycle for the year 2005. The seasonal cycle of both SST and SSS was found to be within the range of the thermohaline signature of the North Atlantic Surface Water, which is the main water mass that flows into the Mediterranean Sea through the Strait of Gibraltar at the surface. The seasonal distribution of fCO22005 was characterised by a monthly minimum value of 334 ± 12 μatm in May, followed by a gradual increase to a maximum of 385 μatm during late summer, due to the warming of surface waters. The spatial variability of fCO2sw observed in the area also indicated that superimposed phenomena, occurring at scales other than seasonal, could affect the dissolved CO2 distribution. In particular, intense vertical mixing processes generated by internal waves in this region may have an impact on the surface fCO2sw on a tidal scale. Seasonal CO2 cycle dynamics indicated that the surface waters of the Strait of Gibraltar acted as an atmospheric CO2 source during summer and autumn and a CO2 sink during winter and spring. When these sink/source strengths are integrated on an annual basis, the Strait of Gibraltar was close to equilibrium with atmospheric CO2, resulting in a neutral atmosphere-ocean exchange (− 0.06 ± 0.12 mol C m− 2 yr− 1).Funding for this work was provided by the CARBOOCEAN IP of the European Commission (511176GOCE) and by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Sciences through the Projects CAIBEX (CTM2007-66408) and (CTM2006-26206-E/MAR). Author Mercedes de la Paz acknowledges the financial support of the CSIC postdoctoral program JAE-Doc.Peer reviewe