34 research outputs found

    Insuficiência cardíaca grave de etiologia amiloidótica

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    Amyloidosis is a systemic disease caused by the extracellular deposition of insoluble fibrils of low molecular weight proteins in various tissues. It can be classified in the forms: primary, secondary, hereditary and senile systemic. We report the case of a 75-year-old male patient who was admitted to a cardiologic emergency with progressive edema in the lower limbs started four months ago. Thirty days before admission he presented dyspnea from medium to small effort, evolving to restlessness and in decubitus (cardiac failure - functional class IV). On physical examination he presented a regular, conscious, tachidispneic, no fever, hydrated, hypochromic (1 +/ 4 +), icteric (2 +/ 4 +), acyanotic and jugular stasis at 45°. The cardiac rhythm was regular in two times and normal heart sounds, with systolic murmur in the mitral focus (2 +/ 6 +) fixed unfolding of the second sound; blood pressure of 80 x 40 mmHg and heart rate of 84 bpm. The admission electrocardiogram showed regular sinus rhythm, 1st degree atrioventricular block, low voltage in frontal plane leads, electrically inactive zone in anteroseptal region and left bundle branch conduction disorder. Chest X-ray with increased cardiac area, pattern of pulmonary congestion and bilateral pleural effusion, more pronounced on the left. A transthoracic echocardiogram was performed too, showing right enlarged cardiac chambers, mildly depressed right ventricular systolic function, moderate to severe tricuspid insufficiency, moderate pulmonary hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, left ventricular dysfunction and bright granular echogenicity finding. Ultrasonography of abdomen showed liver and spleen with heterogeneous texture, suggestive of granulomatous disease. Subsequently, hepatic biopsy was performed, confirming the hypothesis of infiltrative disease determined by cardiovascular amyloidosis. Patient evolved with lowered level of consciousness, and acute renal failure, undergoing hemodialysis and transfer to Coronary Unit, where he presented cardiorespiratory arrest and evolution to death.A amiloidose é uma doença sistêmica causada pela deposição extracelular de fibrilas insolúveis de proteínas de baixo peso molecular em diversos tecidos. Pode ser classificada nas formas: primária, secundária, hereditária e sistêmica senil. Relatamos o caso de um paciente masculino, 75 anos, que deu entrada em emergência cardiológica com quadro progressivo de edema em membros inferiores iniciado há quatro meses. Trinta dias antes do internamento passou a apresentar dispneia de médios para pequenos esforços, evoluindo para dispneia ao repouso e em decúbito (insuficiência cardíaca – classe funcional IV). Ao exame físico apresentou-se em estado geral regular, consciente, taquidispneico, afebril, hidratado, hipocorado (1+/4+), ictérico (2+/4+), acianótico e presença de estase jugular a 45°. O ritmo cardíaco era regular em dois tempos e bulhas, normofonéticas, com sopro sistólico em foco mitral (2+/6+) desdobramento fixo da segunda bulha; pressão arterial de 80x40 mmHg e frequência cardíaca de 84 bpm. O eletrocardiograma de admissão mostrou ritmo sinusal regular, bloqueio atrioventricular de 1º grau, baixa voltagem em derivações de plano frontal, zona eletricamente inativa em região ântero-septal e distúrbio de condução pelo ramo esquerdo do feixe de His. Radiografia de tórax com área cardíaca aumentada, padrão de congestão pulmonar e derrame pleural bilateral, mais acentuado à esquerda. Também foi realizado ecocardiograma transtorácico que evidenciou câmaras cardíacas aumentadas à direita, função sistólica de ventrículo direito levemente deprimida, insuficiência tricúspide moderada a importante, hipertensão pulmonar moderada, hipertrofia de ventrículo esquerdo, disfunção de ventrículo esquerdo e achado de ecogenicidade granular brilhante. Ultrassonografia de abdome mostrou fígado e baço com textura heterogênea, sugestivo de doença granulomatosa. Posteriormente foi realizada biópsia hepática que confirmou a hipótese de doença infiltrativa determinada pela amiloidose cardiovascular. Paciente evoluiu com rebaixamento de nível de consciência e insuficiência renal aguda, sendo realizada hemodiálise e transferência para Unidade Coronariana, onde apresentou parada cardiorrespiratória e evolução para óbito.

    Neonatal Atrial Flutter Approach: A Case Series

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    Objective: This study set out to analyze the therapeutic options of patients with neonatal atrial flutter (AFL), considering the diagnostic methods available and the prognosis of these patients. Methodology: A retrospective study was performed by reviewing the medical records of a series of seven patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) diagnosed during fetal or neonatal period. The follow-up time of these patients ranged from 7 months to 3 years and 8 months (mean: 1 year). The clinical data for the diagnosis included sustained heart rate greater than 180 bpm, which was confirmed in all patients by a 12-lead electrocardiogram. Results: Four (57.1%) of the 7 patients studied were male. Most of the patients revealed cardiac arrhythmia during the intrauterine period when screened by fetal ultrasound in the third trimester of gestation (5 patients, i.e. 71.2%). Only the mother of Patient 2 was administered digoxin before childbirth. The atrial rate of the tachyarrhythmia revealed a mean of 375 bpm, with an increase of up to 500 bpm. Atrioventricular conduction presented a 2:1 ratio in all patients, with variations of 3:1 and 4:1 observed in Patients 1, 3 and 6. The ventricular rate ranged from 188 to 250 bpm. All patients revealed typical and counter-clockwise electrocardiogram characteristics. Synchronized electrical cardioversion was the treatment of choice in 6 patients (85.7%), with a dose of 1 J/kg. Conclusion: Early diagnosis, prior treatment, and synchronized electrical cardioversion indicate an excellent prognosis, and prolonged maintenance treatment may be unnecessary

    Neonatal Atrial Flutter Approach: A Case Series

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    Objective: This study set out to analyze the therapeutic options of patients with neonatal atrial flutter (AFL), considering the diagnostic methods available and the prognosis of these patients. Methodology: A retrospective study was performed by reviewing the medical records of a series of seven patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) diagnosed during fetal or neonatal period. The follow-up time of these patients ranged from 7 months to 3 years and 8 months (mean: 1 year). The clinical data for the diagnosis included sustained heart rate greater than 180 bpm, which was confirmed in all patients by a 12-lead electrocardiogram. Results: Four (57.1%) of the 7 patients studied were male. Most of the patients revealed cardiac arrhythmia during the intrauterine period when screened by fetal ultrasound in the third trimester of gestation (5 patients, i.e. 71.2%). Only the mother of Patient 2 was administered digoxin before childbirth. The atrial rate of the tachyarrhythmia revealed a mean of 375 bpm, with an increase of up to 500 bpm. Atrioventricular conduction presented a 2:1 ratio in all patients, with variations of 3:1 and 4:1 observed in Patients 1, 3 and 6. The ventricular rate ranged from 188 to 250 bpm. All patients revealed typical and counter-clockwise electrocardiogram characteristics. Synchronized electrical cardioversion was the treatment of choice in 6 patients (85.7%), with a dose of 1 J/kg. Conclusion: Early diagnosis, prior treatment, and synchronized electrical cardioversion indicate an excellent prognosis, and prolonged maintenance treatment may be unnecessary

    Miocardiopatia de Takotsubo: importante diagnóstico diferencial de dor torácica na emergência

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    A miocardiopatia de Takotsubo é uma forma de insuficiência cardíaca aguda, geralmente reversível e desencadeada por um estresse físico ou gatilho emocional, cuja apresentação clínica é bastante similar às síndromes coronarianas agudas, porém sem a obstrução vascular característica da doença coronariana. Relatamos o caso de uma mulher de 53 anos que chegou à emergência cardiológica com dor retroesternal tipicamente coronariana, alterações dinâmicas no eletrocardiograma e aumento dos marcadores de necrose miocárdica. Cateterismo cardíaco mostrou coronárias isentas de ateromatose significativa, embora houvesse pequeno grau de aterosclerose, e achados sugestivos de miocardiopatia de Takotsubo do tipo apical. Foi realizado tratamento de suporte com drogas anti-hipertensivas, visando diminuir trabalho e remodelamento cardíacos. Os marcadores de necrose miocárdica acompanhados durante o internamento mostraram curva descendente. Paciente evoluiu com melhora clínica, recebendo alta hospitalar no 7º dia após internamento, em uso de inibidor da enzima conversora de angiotensina, beta bloqueador de 3ª geração, estatina e antiagregante plaquetário.Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a form of acute, usually reversible, heart failure triggered by physical or emotional stress. The clinical presentation is very similar to that of acute coronary syndromes, but without the characteristic vascular obstruction of coronary disease. Here we report a case of a 53-year-old woman who presented at the cardiac emergency room with typical coronary chest pain, dynamic electrocardiogram changes, and increased markers of myocardial necrosis. Cardiac catheterization showed coronary arteries without significant atheromatosis, despite a slight degree of atherosclerosis, and findings suggestive of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy of the apical type. Supportive treatment with antihypertensive drugs was performed, aiming to reduce cardiac workload and remodeling. Markers of myocardial necrosis monitored during hospitalization showed a downward curve. The patient had clinical improvement, being discharged on the 7th day after hospitalization, using angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, third-generation beta-blocker, statin and platelet antiaggregants

    Autonomic dysfunction in COVID-19 patients receiving mechanical ventilation: A cross-sectional study

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    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can damage cardiac tissue by increasing troponin levels and inducing arrhythmias, myocarditis, and acute coronary syndrome. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the impact of COVID-19 on cardiac autonomic control in mechanically ventilated intensive care unit (ICU) patients. DESIGN AND SETTING: This cross-sectional analytical study of ICU patients of both sexes receiving mechanical ventilation was conducted in a tertiary hospital. METHODS: Patients were divided into COVID-19-positive (COVID(+)) and COVID-19-negative (COVID(-)) groups. Clinical data were collected and heart rate variability (HRV) records obtained using a heart rate monitor. RESULTS: The study sample comprised 82 subjects: 36 (44%) in the COVID(-) group (58.3% female; median age, 64.5 years) and 46 (56%) in the COVID(+) group (39.1% females; median age, 57.5 years). The HRV indices were lower than the reference values. An intergroup comparison identified no statistically significant differences in the mean normal-to-normal (NN) interval, standard deviation of the NN interval, or root mean square of successive differences in NN intervals. The COVID(+) group had an increased low frequency (P = 0.05), reduced high frequency (P = 0.045), and increased low frequency/high frequency (LF/HF) ratio (P = 0.048). There was a weak positive correlation between LF/HF and length of stay in the COVID(+) group. CONCLUSION: Patients who received mechanical ventilation had lower overall HRV indices. COVID(+) patients who received mechanical ventilation had lower vagal HRV components. These findings likely indicate clinical applicability, as autonomic control impairments are associated with a greater risk of cardiac death

    Ventricular Septal Rupture after Acute Coronary Syndrome

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    Objective: Ventricular septal rupture (VSR) is a rare but serious complication of acute myocardial infarction, which occurs in about 0.2 to 0.3% of patients with myocardial ischemia. If early therapy is not initiated, 90% of patients with VSR will die within the first month. This study aimed to evaluate the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with VSR as a mechanical complication of acute myocardial infarction. Methods: A prospective study was conducted among nine patients who presented to the Cardiovascular Emergency Room of Pernambuco with acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation and VSR complications. Results: There were five women and 4 men, and the mean age of the patients was 72.5 years. The median time from the onset of the symptoms of acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation to the diagnosis of VSR was 3.5 days. Among the nine patients included in the study, three were treated surgically. Of all the patients, including those who underwent corrective surgery, eight patients died, 44.4% (N = 4), in the first four days after AMI. Conclusion: VSR occurs more frequently among elderly patients with multi-arterial involvement, lower wall infarction, and involvement of the right coronary artery. The prognosis is extremely limited, especially in patients who are already admitted to the cardiac emergency room with Killip IV, with > 24 hours of clinical evolution, and do not require surgical correction.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Surgical aortic valve replacement and patient-prosthesis mismatch a meta-analysis of 108 182 patients

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    OBJECTIVES: This study sought to evaluate the impact of patient–prosthesis mismatch (PPM) on the risk of perioperative, early-, mid- and long-term mortality rates after surgical aortic valve replacement. METHODS: Databases were searched for studies published until March 2018. The main outcomes of interest were perioperative mortality, 1-year mortality, 5-year mortality and 10-year mortality. RESULTS: The search yielded 3761 studies for inclusion. Of these, 70 articles were analysed, and their data were extracted. The total num- ber of patients included was 108 182 who underwent surgical aortic valve replacement. The incidence of PPM after surgical aortic valve re- placement was 53.7% (58 116 with PPM and 50 066 without PPM). Perioperative mortality [odds ratio (OR) 1.491, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.302–1.707; P < 0.001], 1-year mortality (OR 1.465, 95% CI 1.277–1.681; P < 0.001), 5-year mortality (OR 1.358, 95% CI 1.218–1.515; P < 0.001) and 10-year mortality (OR 1.534, 95% CI 1.290–1.825; P < 0.001) were increased in patients with PPM. Both severe PPM and moderate PPM were associated with increased risk of perioperative mortality, 1-year mortality, 5-year mortality and 10-year mortality when analysed together and separately, although we observed a higher risk in the group with severe PPM. CONCLUSIONS: Moderate/severe PPM increases perioperative, early-, mid- and long-term mortality rates proportionally to its severity. The findings of this study support the implementation of surgical strategies to prevent PPM in order to decrease mortality rates

    Isquemia silenciosa e arritmias ventriculares são preditores independentes de evenos no pós-infarto do miocárdio de baixo risco

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    pós-infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) têm mostrado baixo valor preditivo positivo quando estudados isoladamente. A possibilidade da Eletrocardiografia Dinâmica de 24 horas (ECGD) fornecer dados referentes a isquemia silenciosa (IS), arritmias ventriculares e modulação autonômica do coração pelo estudo da variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca (VFC), levou o autor a empregar este método em pacientes acometidos de IAM com o objetivo de avaliar se estas três variáveis estariam relacionadas a presença de eventos desfavoráveis em evolução a médio prazo. Material e Métodos – Foram selecionados 91 pacientes acometidos de um primeiro IAM não-complicado e realizados exames de ECGD de 24 h por dois dias consecutivos, antes da alta hospitalar. Os parâmetros pesquisados nos exames foram: isquemia silenciosa, identificação e quantificação de arritmias ventriculares e determinação dos índices de VFC pelos métodos do domínio do tempo e do mapa de retorno tridimensional. Foram considerados como desfechos: re-infarto, angina instável, taquicardia ventricular sustentada e morte. Resultados – No seguimento médio de 27,7 meses (DP=15,45), 23 (25%) dos pacientes apresentaram eventos, sendo nove fatais. Os eventos foram mais freqüentes entre os pacientes que apresentaram extra-sístoles ventriculares ≥10/hora (p=0,01) e também naqueles com IS (p=0,02). Em modelo de análise multifatorial, a presença de dislipidemia elevou o valor preditivo positivo dessas variáveis. Nenhum dos índices de VFC esteve significativamente relacionado ao surgimento de eventos. Conclusões – Em pacientes pós-IAM de baixo risco, a presença de arritmias ventriculares freqüentes ou de isquemia silenciosa está relacionada a um prognóstico desfavorável. O estudo da VFC não mostrou utilidade na estratificação de risco destes pacientes.Introduction and objective – The noninvasive methods used in post-acute myocardial infarction (AMI) risk stratification have been shown to have a low predictive value when studied in isolation. The possibility that ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring (AEM) may provide data on silent ischemia (SI), ventricular arrhythmias (VA) and autonomic modulation of the heart through the study of heart rate variability (HRV) led the present author to use this method in AMI patients with the aim of assessing whether these three variables could be related to the presence of unfavorable events in the medium term follow-up. Methods – Ninety-one patients with a first, uncomplicated AMI were selected and submitted to AEM for two consecutive days prior to discharge from the hospital. The parameters studied in the examination were as follows: presence of SI, identification and quantification of VA and determination of the HRV indices by the time domain and three-dimensional return map methods. The following were regarded as outcomes: new AMI, unstable angina, sustained ventricular tachycardia and death. Results – In the mean follow-up of 27.7 months (SD=15.45), 23 (25%) of the patients presented events, nine of which were fatal. Events occurred most frequently in the patients who presented ventricular premature contractions >= (p=0.01) and also in those with SI (p=0.04). In the multifactorial analysis the presence of dislipidemia raised the positive predictive value of these variables. None of the HRV indices was significantly correlated with the occurrence of events. Conclusions – In low-risk post-AMI patients the presence of frequent ventricular arrhythmias or silent ischemia is associated with an unfavorable prognosis. The study of HRV was not shown to be useful in the risk stratification of these patients

    Isquemia silenciosa e arritmias ventriculares são preditores independentes de evenos no pós-infarto do miocárdio de baixo risco

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    pós-infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) têm mostrado baixo valor preditivo positivo quando estudados isoladamente. A possibilidade da Eletrocardiografia Dinâmica de 24 horas (ECGD) fornecer dados referentes a isquemia silenciosa (IS), arritmias ventriculares e modulação autonômica do coração pelo estudo da variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca (VFC), levou o autor a empregar este método em pacientes acometidos de IAM com o objetivo de avaliar se estas três variáveis estariam relacionadas a presença de eventos desfavoráveis em evolução a médio prazo. Material e Métodos – Foram selecionados 91 pacientes acometidos de um primeiro IAM não-complicado e realizados exames de ECGD de 24 h por dois dias consecutivos, antes da alta hospitalar. Os parâmetros pesquisados nos exames foram: isquemia silenciosa, identificação e quantificação de arritmias ventriculares e determinação dos índices de VFC pelos métodos do domínio do tempo e do mapa de retorno tridimensional. Foram considerados como desfechos: re-infarto, angina instável, taquicardia ventricular sustentada e morte. Resultados – No seguimento médio de 27,7 meses (DP=15,45), 23 (25%) dos pacientes apresentaram eventos, sendo nove fatais. Os eventos foram mais freqüentes entre os pacientes que apresentaram extra-sístoles ventriculares ≥10/hora (p=0,01) e também naqueles com IS (p=0,02). Em modelo de análise multifatorial, a presença de dislipidemia elevou o valor preditivo positivo dessas variáveis. Nenhum dos índices de VFC esteve significativamente relacionado ao surgimento de eventos. Conclusões – Em pacientes pós-IAM de baixo risco, a presença de arritmias ventriculares freqüentes ou de isquemia silenciosa está relacionada a um prognóstico desfavorável. O estudo da VFC não mostrou utilidade na estratificação de risco destes pacientes.Introduction and objective – The noninvasive methods used in post-acute myocardial infarction (AMI) risk stratification have been shown to have a low predictive value when studied in isolation. The possibility that ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring (AEM) may provide data on silent ischemia (SI), ventricular arrhythmias (VA) and autonomic modulation of the heart through the study of heart rate variability (HRV) led the present author to use this method in AMI patients with the aim of assessing whether these three variables could be related to the presence of unfavorable events in the medium term follow-up. Methods – Ninety-one patients with a first, uncomplicated AMI were selected and submitted to AEM for two consecutive days prior to discharge from the hospital. The parameters studied in the examination were as follows: presence of SI, identification and quantification of VA and determination of the HRV indices by the time domain and three-dimensional return map methods. The following were regarded as outcomes: new AMI, unstable angina, sustained ventricular tachycardia and death. Results – In the mean follow-up of 27.7 months (SD=15.45), 23 (25%) of the patients presented events, nine of which were fatal. Events occurred most frequently in the patients who presented ventricular premature contractions >= (p=0.01) and also in those with SI (p=0.04). In the multifactorial analysis the presence of dislipidemia raised the positive predictive value of these variables. None of the HRV indices was significantly correlated with the occurrence of events. Conclusions – In low-risk post-AMI patients the presence of frequent ventricular arrhythmias or silent ischemia is associated with an unfavorable prognosis. The study of HRV was not shown to be useful in the risk stratification of these patients