146 research outputs found

    Cuidados associados à radioiodoterapia em regime de internamento

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    Objectivos – Saber em que contexto um doente com carcinoma diferenciado da tiróide é proposto para terapia com Iodo-131 (I131). Conhecer os motivos que levam a que um doente deixe de poder ser tratado em regime ambulatório e passe a estar em regime de internamento. Nomear e explicar os principais cuidados associados ao doente antes, durante e após a dita terapia, em regime de internamento. Avaliar, de um ponto de vista técnico, os cuidados referidos nas várias fontes bibliográficas pesquisadas

    A sexualidade nos idosos. Contributo para a avaliação das atitudes face à sexualidade nos idosos e a sua relação com a religião e nível cognitivo

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    O presente estudo teve como objectivo principal conhecer melhor aspectos relacionados com a sexualidade na 3ª idade. A escala utilizada foi construída por nós, tornando-se num elemento chave para esta pesquisa. A escala de atitudes face à sexualidade no idoso foi relacionada com algumas características sociodemográficas: género, idade, estado civil, escolaridade e religião. Da análise realizada ressaltam evidências de uma atitude conservadora face às questões da sexualidade na 3ª idade. Através de uma amostra de 120 idosos com idades compreendidas entre os 60 e os 97 anos de idade, constatámos que os homens e as mulheres distinguem-se significativamente no que respeita às atitudes face à sexualidade, exibindo os homens uma atitude global mais positiva e liberal (M = 25.82). Os resultados evidenciaram um efeito significativo da variável escolaridade sobre o nível cognitivo, revelando que quanto maior a escolaridade do idoso na nossa amostra, maior é o nível cognitivo. Relativamente ao estado civil, os casados revelaram uma atitude global mais positiva perante a sua sexualidade (M = 31.98) comparativamente aos viúvos (M = 27.26) e aos divorciados (M = 23.67). A religião apenas se mostrou associada com a escala de atitudes face ao cristianismo, evidenciando aqueles que são praticantes, uma atitude mais positiva em relação ao cristianismo. Na nossa amostra, também podémos constatar que quanto maior é o nível cognitivo, mais positiva é a atitude face à sexualidade. Com base nos pontos de corte do MMSE verificou-se que 75% dos idosos da nossa amostra não apresentava qualquer défice cognitivo. Comparados os grupos, sem e com défice cognitivo, constatou-se que o grupo de idosos sem défice cognitivo exibe uma atitude mais positiva face à sexualidade que o grupo com défice cognitivo. Pretendemos que de alguma forma este estudo contribua para dar a conhecer as atitudes dos idosos face à sua sexualidade bem como esperamos que os nossos resultados permitam uma reflexão sobre possíveis estratégias de intervenção no sentido de promover uma sexualidade bem vivida por esta faixa etária. / The present study aimed to better understand the main aspects related to sexuality in the 3rd age. The scale used was built by us, becoming a key element in this research. The scale of attitudes towards sexuality in the elderly was related to sociodemographic characteristics: gender, age, marital status, education and religion. From the analysis point out evidence of a conservative approach in relation to issues of sexuality in the 3rd age. Using a sample of 120 elderly aged 60 and 97 years old, found that men and women differ significantly with regard to attitudes towards sexuality, men showing a more positive overall attitude and liberal (M = 25.82). The results showed a significant effect on the education variable cognitive level, revealing that the higher the education of the elderly in our sample, the higher the cognitive level. With regard to marital status, married people showed a more positive overall attitude towards their sexuality (M = 31.98) compared to widowed (M = 27.26) and divorced (M = 23.67). The only religion was associated with the scale of attitudes to Christianity, showing those who are practitioners, a more positive attitude toward Christianity. In our sample, we can also see that the higher the cognitive level, the more positive attitude towards sexuality. Based on the MMSE cutoffs found that 75% of older people in our sample did not show any cognitive deficit. Comparing the groups with and without cognitive impairment, it was found that the group of elderly people without cognitive impairment display a more positive attitude towards sexuality that the group with cognitive impairment. We intend that somehow this study contributes to publicize the attitudes of the elderly compared to their sexuality and we expect our results allow a discussion on possible intervention strategies to promote a sexuality lived well by this age group

    The action of acetyl-L-carnitine in dopaminergic neurotransmission

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    Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) has been described as playing a neuroprotective effect against a variety of substances. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying its action, particularly regarding the induction of changes in neurotransmitter system, are still not fully understood. Using both a cell line and an animal model of exposure to methamphetamine (METH), we aim to contribute to clarify the mechanism by which the administration of ALC alters neurotransmitter release.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of molecular imaging in modern drug development

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    Drug development represents a highly complex, inefficient and costly process. Over the past decade, the widespread use of nuclear imaging, owing to its functional and molecular nature, has proven to be a determinant in improving the efficiency in selecting the candidate drugs that should either be abandoned or moved forward into clinical trials. This helps not only with the development of safer and effective drugs but also with the shortening of time-to-market. The modern concept and future trends concerning molecular imaging will assumedly be hybrid or multimodality imaging, including combinations between high sensitivity and functional (molecular) modalities with high spatial resolution and morphological techniques

    Melhoria contínua do sistema de controlo da qualidade

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    Trabalho realizado na Empresa Caetanobus, orient. pela Engenheira Catarina LealTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    The Road to Telemedicine: mobile solutions for Nuclear Medicine

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    The present dimension of the concept “Telemedicine” includes the application of mobile communication technologies and information systems to provide Health Care at distance. In the medical imaging field, and particularly in Nuclear Medicine, this concept is broader, involving the application of a variety of software and mobile applications at several steps of the process: digital imaging display and processing, data transfer and storage, but also decay calculations and inherent corrections, often in real-time and automatically performed, as well as the exchange of theoretical information. This paper aims to review the current status concerning available software and applications, with a clear accent on those with a close relation to cloud computing and interfacing with smart phones and/or tablet

    The Bologna Era and the Nuclear Medicine Technologists Education: three years after

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    Allied Health Technologies in general and Medical Imaging in particular are medical specialities where the intrinsic dynamic nature and the absolute need for the related health professionals to entirely comply with an external environment in constant evolution, with technical and regulatory issues obliging the provision of a solid basic education to be complemented with an adequate long-life learning attitude. At our institution the “Bologna Process” was considered as a great opportunity to re-think all the educative process, and the Nuclear Medicine Degree Course chose the moment to work on its adaptation regarding the real nature of the competences perceived as needed – and so naturally expected as an intrinsic characteristic from the new graduates - as well as the possible best solutions to optimize the correlation between the formal and informal education received, the “real world” needs and the preparation towards its predictable evolution

    NanoSPECT/MRI: a “new generation” high performance tool in pre-clinical imaging

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    Abstract Body: PreClinical Imaging it is an each-day evolving field, getting more and more important at distinct areas. The Biotechnology field is between those that taken the biggest benefit. With so much interest, it is not surprising that investment consented on Research and Development is also evolving at the same time that this specific branch of business into the Imaging Industry is getting more and more attention and growing in importance. Hybrid Imaging is also getting more and more interest in the last decade and actually there are different vendors proposing interesting technical solutions, making things easier for one that has the possibilities – and the knowledge about each will be the most adequate for the specific purpose on each situation! – to choose one (or more) of those solutions. This paper relates with the public presentation of images produced from the world first model of a new pre-clinical imaging system, an new equipment that mixes Nuclear Medicine and MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging techniques, using as base the sub-millimeter Nano-SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography), so an high-level performance system – the world reference, produced by MEDISO Company, in Hungary - from Nuclear Medicine and a new MRI component, optimized for Neurosciences, but able to perform adequately on other critical biological fields. As practical example from the possibilities being introduced, images from mice, which are being enrolled on a Neuroscience project, will be showed and will be discussed, but also will be compared with other images being produced on other, actually more current, technical solutions, in order to try to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of this specific new approach. Since this small – quick and unpretentious – comparison will be done, it is meant to make possible understanding the place and the real possibilities of this equipment, which it is expected to become available on the world market between the end of this year and the 1st Quarter from next year

    Nuclear medicine technologists' education and training: Where are we…and where do we intend to go?

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    This work aims to promote Critical Thinking and to sustain discussion about distinct methods and options for Education and Training of Nuclear Medicine Technologists.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio