5,914 research outputs found

    How extreme are the Wolf-Rayet clusters in NGC3125?

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    We reinvestigate the massive stellar content of NGC3125 (Tol3) using VLT/FORS1 imaging & spectroscopy, plus archival VLT/ISAAC, HST/FOC and HST/STIS datasets. Narrow-band imaging confirms that A and B knots represent the primary sites of Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars, whilst HST imaging reveals that both regions host multiple clusters. Clusters A1 + A2 within region A host WR stars. altough is not clear which cluster within region B hosts WR stars. Nebular properties infer an LMC-like metallicity. LMC template WN5-6 & WC4 spectra are matched to the observed optical WR bumps of A1 and B, permitting the contribution of WC stars to the blue bump to be quantified. We obtain N(WN5-6:WC4)=105:20, 55:0, 40:20 for clusters A1, A2 and B1+B2, a factor of 3 lower than optical studies, as a result of a lower E(B-V). Using Starburst99 models to estimate O star populations for individual clusters, we find N(WR)/N(O)=0.2 for A1 and 0.1 for A2 and B1+B2. From Halpha imaging, the O star content of the Giant HII regions A and B is found to be a factor of 5-10 times higher than that derived spectroscopically for the UV/optically bright clusters, suggesting that NGC3125 hosts optically obscured young massive clusters, further supported by VLT/ISAAC K band imaging. Archival HST/STIS UV spectroscopy confirms the low E(B-V) towards A1, for which we have determined an SMC extinction law, in preference to an LMC or starburst law. We obtain N(WN5-6)=110 from the slit-loss corrected HeII 1640 line flux, in excellent agreement with optical result. However, this is a factor of 35 times lower than that inferred from the same dataset by Chandar et al. due to their use of a starburst extinction law. Highly discrepant stellar populations may result in spatially resolved star forming regions from UV and optical studies through use of different extinction laws.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for MNRAS (fixes previous error in Table 2

    A survey of the Wolf-Rayet population of the barred, spiral galaxy NGC 1313

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    We present a VLT/FORS1 survey of Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars in the spiral galaxy NGC 1313. In total, 94 WR candidate sources have been identified from narrow-band imaging. Of these, 82 have been spectroscopically observed, for which WR emission features are confirmed in 70 cases, one of which also exhibits strong nebular HeII 4686 emission. We also detect strong nebular HeII 4686 emission within two other regions of NGC 1313, one of which is a possible supernova remnant. Nebular properties confirm that NGC 1313 has a metal-content log(O/H)+12=8.23+/-0.06, in good agreement with previous studies. From continuum subtracted Halpha images we infer a global star formation rate of 0.6 Msun/yr. Using template LMC WR stars, spectroscopy reveals that NGC 1313 hosts a minimum of 84 WR stars. Our census comprises 51 WN stars, including a rare WN/C transition star plus 32 WC stars. In addition, we identify one WO star which represents the first such case identified beyond the Local Group. The bright giant HII region PES 1, comparable in Halpha luminosity to NGC 595 in M 33, is found to host a minimum of 17 WR stars. The remaining photometric candidates generally display photometric properties consistent with WN stars, such that we expect a global WR population of ~115 stars with N(WR)/N(O)~0.01 and N(WC)/N(WN)~0.4.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Finding charts omitted, full version available by anonymous ftp (ftp: hydra.shef.ac.uk/pub/lh/ngc1313-fullversion.pd

    A downward revision to the distance of the 1806-20 cluster and associated magnetar from Gemini near-Infrared spectroscopy

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    We present H- and K-band spectroscopy of OB and Wolf-Rayet (WR) members of the Milky Way cluster 1806-20 (G10.0-0.3), to obtain a revised cluster distance of relevance to the 2004 giant flare from the SGR 1806-20 magnetar. From GNIRS spectroscopy obtained with Gemini South, four candidate OB stars are confirmed as late O/early B supergiants, while we support previous mid WN and late WC classifications for two WR stars. Based upon an absolute Ks-band magnitude calibration for B supergiants and WR stars, and near-IR photometry from NIRI at Gemini North plus archival VLT/ISAAC datasets, we obtain a cluster distance modulus of 14.7+/-0.35 mag. The known stellar content of the 1806-20 cluster suggests an age of 3-5 Myr, from which theoretical isochrone fits infer a distance modulus of 14.7+/-0.7 mag. Together, our results favour a distance modulus of 14.7+/-0.4 mag (8.7^+1.8_-1.5 kpc) to the 1806-20 cluster, which is significantly lower than the nominal 15 kpc distance to the magnetar. For our preferred distance, the peak luminosity of the December 2004 giant flare is reduced by a factor of three to 7 X 10^46 erg/s, such that the contamination of BATSE short gamma ray bursts (GRB's) from giant flares of extragalactic magnetars is reduced to a few percent. We infer a magnetar progenitor mass of ~48^+20_-8 Msun, in close agreement with that obtained recently for the magnetar in Westerlund 1.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for MNRAS Letter

    A Very Large Telescope imaging and spectroscopic survey of the Wolf-Rayet population in NGC 7793

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    We present a VLT/FORS1 imaging and spectroscopic survey of the Wolf-Rayet (WR) population in the Sculptor group spiral galaxy NGC 7793. We identify 74 emission line candidates from archival narrow-band imaging, from which 39 were observed with the Multi Object Spectroscopy (MOS) mode of FORS1. 85% of these sources displayed WR features. Additional slits were used to observe HII regions, enabling an estimate of the metallicity gradient of NGC 7793 using strong line calibrations, from which a central oxygen content of log (O/H) + 12 = 8.6 was obtained, falling to 8.25 at R_25. We have estimated WR populations using a calibration of line luminosities of Large Magellanic Cloud stars, revealing ~27 WN and ~25 WC stars from 29 sources spectroscopically observed. Photometric properties of the remaining candidates suggest an additional ~27 WN and ~8 WC stars. A comparison with the WR census of the LMC suggests that our imaging survey has identified 80% of WN stars and 90% for the WC subclass. Allowing for incompleteness, NGC 7793 hosts ~105 WR stars for which N(WC)/N(WN)~0.5. From our spectroscopy of HII regions in NGC 7793, we revise the global Halpha star formation rate of Kennicutt et al. upward by 50% to 0.45 M_sun/yr. This allows us to obtain N(WR)/N(O)~0.018, which is somewhat lower than that resulting from the WR census by Schild et al. of another Sculptor group spiral NGC 300, whose global physical properties are similar to NGC 7793. Finally, we also report the fortuitous detection of a bright (m_V = 20.8 mag) background quasar Q2358-32 at z~2.02 resulting from CIV 1548-51 redshifted to the 4684 passband.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, accepted for MNRAS (detailed finding charts omitted)

    Sediment redistribution in the Uilkraals estuary as a consequence of human disturbance

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    Bibliography: pages 131-139.The construction of bridge embankments and other physical obstacles in estuaries has often resulted in the redistribution of sediments, which ultimately leads to detrimental impacts in these environments. The aim of this study is to investigate how the sediment distribution and dynamics within a specific estuary, the Uilkraals estuary, have been affected by human disturbance; focusing on the impacts arising from construction of two temporary embankments and a permanent bridge and embankment. The Uilkraals estuary is situated in the south-western Cape, approximately 60 kilometres north-west of Cape Agulhas. Human impact has been extensive and engineering projects of various sizes and permanence have marked the recent history of this estuary. A bridge and embankment which cross the estuary 800 m from the mouth were built in 1973. In 1978 an embankment was built between the bridge and the estuary mouth. A second embankment which replaced the first in 1980, was removed before the end of that year. Extensive dune reclamation occurred on the left bank between 1938 and 1973. The techniques used in the study include: (i) a quantitative analysis of all available aerial photographs from 1938 to 1987 (ii) a ground survey and (iii) core and surface sediment sampling. The quantitative analysis reveals that the major changes in estuarine characteristics have been in response to human disturbance. The contour map and cross-sections drawn from the ground survey indicate a build-up of sediment downstream of the bridge and scouring of the channel upstream. The latter suggests the dominance of the flood-tidal current in the estuary. The core sediment analyses are unable to distinguish any real difference in the modes of sediment deposition on either side of the bridge embankment. The embankment has, however, affected deposition by acting as a "hydraulic shelter" to sediment accumulated downstream of the bridge during high run-off events and by initiating deposition of sediment upstream of the embankment. The surface sample analyses indicate that there has been an increase in flow velocities in the vicinity of the bridge since its construction and that the major agents which bring marine sediment into the estuary are flood-tidal currents and wind. It is concluded that the sediment distribution and dynamics of the Uilkraals estuary have been affected by human disturbance. Recommendations for future management of the estuary are that no further embankments should be constructed in the estuary and that the construction of a culvert or culverts under the existing bridge embankment would alleviate a number of problems presently experienced in the estuary