15 research outputs found

    Defecation rates of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) based on fiber content in feces

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    Objective: Developing three models to estimate the defecation rate of white-tailed deer according to the year season, content of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (ADF) in feces. Design / methodology / approach: Nine captive adult deer were assigned to three levels of dietary fiber. Fecal groups (defecation rate) were counted, forage consumption was estimated, and feces were analyzed for NDF and ADF content. A randomized block design was used, where the effect of the treatments was blocked by season, and a multiple regression analysis was used to define the prediction models of the defecation rates. Results: The rates were different for dietary fiber levels (p <0.0001), and for the year season (p = 0.0007). For spring, the defecation rate model (TDp) was TDp = -4.84696- [0.02159 (FDN)] + [0.58397 (FDA)]; for summer TDv = -51.0272 + [0.26868 (FDN)] + [1.61121 (FDA)]; and for winter TDi = 7.82939- [0.02667 (FDN)] + [0.17309 (FDA)]. Findings / conclusions: The defecation rate varies depending on the year season and the fiber content in the diet.Objective: To develop three models in order to estimate the defecation rate ofwhite-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) according to the season of the year,content of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (ADF) in feces.Design / methodology / approach: Nine captive adult deer were assigned tothree levels of dietary fiber. Fecal groups (defecation rate) were counted, forageconsumption was estimated, and feces were analyzed for NDF and ADF content. Arandomized block design was used, where the effect of the treatments was blockedby season, and a multiple regression analysis was used to define the predictionmodels of the defecation rates.Results: The rates were different for dietary fiber levels (p<0.0001), and for theyear season (p = 0.0007). For spring, the defecation rate model (DR) was DR = -4.84696 - [0.02159 (NDF)] + [0.58397 (ADF)]; for summer DR = -51.0272 +[0.26868 (NDF)] + [1.61121 (ADF)]; and for winter DR = 7.82939- [0.02667 (NDF)]+ [0.17309 (ADF)].Limitations / implications: Defecation rate or fecal group counting is a useful toolto estimate deer populations. Nevertheless, the definition of an adequatedefecation rate represents a hard task, since it depends on various factors such asthe environmental conditions, and the components of the diet the deer consumes.Findings / conclusions: The defecation rate varies depending on the year seasonand the fiber content in the diet

    Efectividad del aceite de canola en dietas de cerdos para mejorar el perfil lipídico de la carne

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    The objective of this study was to determine the maximum level of inclusion of canola oil (CO) in diets for finishing pigs, to increase the content of oleic acid and unsaturated fatty acids and improve the Ω6:Ω3 ratio in meat, without affecting the productive performance, carcass characteristics and physicochemical characteristics of the meat. The treatments were: the gradual substitution of soybean oil (6 %) for CO in diets for pigs at finishing stage I and II (0, 2, 4 and 6 % of CO). The experimental units were 48 castrated pigs with initial live weight of 50.00 ± 4.5 kg, evaluated for four weeks at each stage. With the data obtained, an ANOVA was performed, and linear or quadratic trends were detected (P≤0.10). At finishing stage I, the average daily gain decreased with the inclusion of 2 % of CO, although the incorporation of 2 and 4 % of CO had no effect. At finishing stage II, a level between 2-4 % of CO reduced average daily feed intake and improved feed conversion (P≤0.05). The addition of CO did not modify the characteristics of the carcass and did not affect the physicochemical characteristics of the meat (P≥0.10). CO in the diet increased the concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and oleic acid (P≤0.05); it reduced linoleic acid (P≤0.03), polyunsaturated fatty acids (P≤0.07) and the Ω6:Ω3 ratio (P≤0.01). In conclusion, the addition of CO (2-6 %) in the diet of finishing pigs gradually increases the content of oleic acid and MUFAs, in addition, it improves the Ω6:Ω3 ratio in pork, without affecting the productive variables and the quality of the meat.El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el nivel máximo de inclusión de aceite de canola (AC) en dietas para cerdos en finalización, para incrementar el contenido de ácido oleico y ácidos grasos insaturados y mejorar la relación Ω6: Ω3 en la carne, sin afectar el comportamiento productivo, características de la canal y fisicoquímicas de la carne. Los tratamientos fueron: la sustitución gradual de aceite de soya (6%) por AC en dietas para cerdos en etapa de finalización I y II (0, 2, 4 y 6% de AC). Las unidades experimentales fueron 48 cerdos machos castrados con peso vivo inicial de 50.00 ± 4.5 kg, evaluados durante cuatro semanas en cada etapa. Con los datos obtenidos se realizó un ANDEVA y se detectaron tendencias lineales o cuadráticas (P≤0.10). En finalización I la ganancia de peso disminuyó con la inclusión de 2% de AC, aunque la incorporación de 2 y 4% de AC no tuvo efecto. En finalización II, un nivel entre 2-4% de AC redujo el consumo de alimento y mejoró la conversión alimenticia (P≤0.05). La adición de AC no modificó las características de la canal y no afectó las características fisicoquímicas de la carne (P≥0.10). El AC en la dieta aumentó la concentración de ácidos grasos monoinsaturados (AGMI) y ácido oleico (P≤0.05); redujo el ácido linoleico (P≤0.03), ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (P≤0.07) y la relación Ω6:Ω3 (P≤0.01). En conclusión, la adición de AC (2-6%) en la dieta de cerdos en finalización incrementa gradualmente el contenido de ácido oleico y de AGMI, además, mejora la relación Ω6:Ω3 en la carne de cerdo, sin afectar las variables productivas y la calidad de la carne

    Uso de disacáridos y carbón activado para preservar consorcios de bacterias ruminales celulolíticas liofilizadas

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    Objective. To determine in vitro fermentation of cellulolytic ruminal bacterial consortia (CBC) preserved by lyophilization using activated carbon, maltose and lactose as preservatives. Materials and methods. A CBC was isolated from the ruminal fluid of a female water buffalo in selective cellulolytic media. The CBC were lyophilized without preservative (SP), activated carbon (CA), lactose (LA) o maltose (MA) as preservatives. The experimental design was completely random to measure biogas at different time intervals; as well as completely random with 4x3 factorial arrangement, factors were preservative [SP, CA, LA and MA] and fermentation time (24, 48 and 72 h) for pH, ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N), dry matter degradation (DMD), neutral detergent fiber degradation (NDFD), enzymatic activity cellulases and total bacteria population. Results. LA produced higher accumulated biogas at 72 h and partial biogas after 12 h (p≤0.05). SP did not show differences (p>0.05) in cellulases, total bacteria population, DMD and NDFD in the fermentation times evaluated with the rest of the preservative. Conclusions. The production of partial and accumulated biogas, the increase in the degradation rate of 8.3 and 91.1% in the DMD and NDFD from 24 to 72 h (p≤0.05) in the LA preservative, show that lactose can be used as a preservative of ruminal cellulolytic bacteria.Objetivo. Determinar la fermentación in vitro de consorcios bacterianos ruminales celulolíticos (CBC) conservados por liofilización usando carbón activado, maltosa y lactosa como preservadores. Materiales y métodos. Un CBC se aisló de fluido ruminal de una búfala de agua en medios selectivos celulolíticos. Los CBC se liofilizaron con carbón activado (CA), lactosa (LA) o maltosa (MA) como preservadores y sin preservador (SP). El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar para medir biogás a diferentes intervalos de tiempo; así como, un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 4x3, los factores fueron preservadores (SP, CA, LA y MA) y tiempo de fermentación (24, 48 y 72 h) para pH, nitrógeno amoniacal (N-NH3), degradación de materia seca (DMS) y de fibra detergente neutro (DFDN), actividad enzimática celulasas y la población de bacterias totales. Resultados. LA produjo mayor biogás acumulado a las 72 h y parcial a partir de las 12 h (p≤0.05). SP no mostró diferencias (p>0.05) en celulasas, conteo de bacterias total, DMS y DFDN en los tiempos de fermentación evaluados con el resto de los preservadores. Conclusiones. La producción de biogás parcial y acumulada, el aumento en la tasa de degradación de 8.3 y 91.1 % en la DMS y DFDN de las 24 a 72 h (p≤0.05) con el preservador LA, muestran que la lactosa puede usarse como preservador de bacterias celulolíticas ruminales

    Nutrient content and in vitro degradability of the palm kernel meal produced in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, as feed for ruminants

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    Objective: The objective of this research was to determine the nutritional content of palm kernel meal (HP) produced in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, as feed for ruminants. Design/methodology/approach: The content of dry matter (DM), total protein (TP), ether extract (EE), ash, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (FDA), amino acids, long chain fatty acids (LCFA), minerals, polyphenols and the in vitro degradability of MS (DIDM), NDF (DINDF) and FAD (DIADF) was determined. Results: The contents were: DM 92.23%, PC 10.56%, EE 7.2%. ashes 3.09%, FDN 76.56% and FDA 57.20%. The HP had a low concentration of lysine (0.3%), methionine (0.228%) and tryptophan (0.095%) and high contents of lauric acid (50.49%), palmitic (10.92%), stearic acid (19.725%). ), oleic (13.56%), copper (23.3 ppm), iron (230.5 ppm), zinc (78.47 ppm) and total phenols (7.8 mg/g); although the DIDM (46.02), DINDF (29.91) and DIADF (27.61), were low. Findings/conclusions: HP as a by-product of the oil agroindustry offers some nutritional characteristics to be used as feed for ruminants, but it is recommended to carry out a chemical analysis of this by-product before including it in balanced diets to have an adequate balance of nutrients.  Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the nutritional content of palm kernel meal (PM) produced in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, as feed for ruminants. Design/Methodology/Approach: The following were determined: content of dry matter (DM), total protein (TP), ethereal extract (EE), ash, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), amino acids, long chain fatty acids (LCFA), minerals, polyphenols, and the in vitro degradability of DM (IDDM), of the NDF (IDNDF), and of the ADF (IDADF). Results: The contents were: DM 92.23%, TP 10.56%, EE 7.2%, ash 3,09%, NDF 76,56% and ADF 57,20%. The PM had low concentration of lysine (0.3%), methionine (0.228%) and tryptophan (0.095%), and high contents of lauric acid (50.49%), palmitic acid (10.92%), stearic acid (19.725%), oleic acid (13.56%), copper (23.3 mg kg-1), iron (230.5 mg kg-1), zinc (78.47 mg kg-1) and total phenols (7.8 mg g-1), although the IDDM (46.02%), IDNDF (29.91%) and IDADF (27.61%) were low. Findings/Conclusions: The PM, as byproduct of the oil agroindustry, has some important nutritional characteristics to be used as feed for ruminants. It is recommended to conduct a chemical analysis of this byproduct before including it in balanced meals to have an adequate balance of nutrient

    Effect of sunflower oil (Helianthus annuus) in ruminal fermentation in vitro and emission of gases

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    Objective: The production of total gas, methane (CH4) and in vitro fermentative variables in diets for sheep with 1 and 2 % sunflower oil were evaluated. Design/Methodology/Approach: Serological vials with 0.5 g of treatment and 50 ml of culture medium were incubated at 39 °C for 24, 48 and 72 h. The production of total gas, CH4, and degradation of dry matter (DEGDM), neutral detergent fiber (DEGNDF), acid (DEGADF), production of volatile fatty acids (VFA) and ammoniacal nitrogen (N-NH3) were estimated. . The experimental design was completely randomized. Results: Total gas production at 48 and 72 h increased (p < 0.05) and at 24 h decreased (p < 0.05) as the oil increased. CH4 production at 24 and 48 h did not present differences (p > 0.05); a linear decrease (p < 0.05) was quantified at 72 h. DEGDM increased (p < 0.05) at 24 and 48 h and decreased (p < 0.05) at 72 h. DEGNDF and DEGADF increased (p < 0.05) at 48 h. Butyric acid content and N-NH3 decreased (p < 0.05) at 48 h. Study Limitation/Implications: An inclusion greater than 2 % of sunflower oil in the diet can reduce the degradability of the food and the microbial protein. Findings/Conclusions: The inclusion of up to 2% of sunflower oil in diets for lambs does not affect the degradation of fibers and is an alternative to reduce the methane emitted into the environment

    Standardization of PCR technique for detecting Listeria monocytogenes in chicken, beef and pork

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    The aim of this study was to standardize the PCR technique for detecting Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) in chicken, beef and pork. The sensitivity and specicity of PCR and the level of concordance with the microbiological method were evaluated. PCR was standardized using a total of 60 samples of chicken, beef and pork (20 samples per meat type.) Sensitivity and specicity were calculated using the 2 x 2 table and the level of accordance by the Kappa index. The minimum detectable DNA concentration was 3.0 ng µL −1 . The PCR showed 100% sensitivity and specicity, and 80, 91 and 100% concordance between the methods was obtained for detecting Lm in chicken, beef and pork samples respectively, with 89.4% similarity between the methods for the three types of meat

    Standardization of PCR technique for detecting Listeria monocytogenes in chicken, beef and pork

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    ABSTRACT. The aim of this study was to standardize the PCR technique for detecting Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) in chicken, beef and pork. The sensitivity and specificity of PCR and the level of concordance with the microbiological method were evaluated. PCR was standardized using a total of 60 samples of chicken, beef and pork (20 samples per meat type.) Sensitivity and specificity were calculated using the 2 x 2 table and the level of accordance by the Kappa index. The minimum detectable DNA concentration was 3.0 ng μL-1. The PCR showed 100% sensitivity and specificity, and 80, 91 and 100% concordance between the methods was obtained for detecting Lm in chicken, beef and pork samples respectively, with 89.4% similarity between the methods for the three types of meat.RESUMEN. El objetivo fue estandarizar la técnica de PCR para el diagnóstico de Listeria monocytogenes en carne de pollo, res y cerdo. Se evaluó la sensibilidad y especificidad de la PCR y el nivel de concordancia con el método microbiológico. La PCR se estandarizó utilizando un total de 60 muestras de carne de pollo, res y cerdo, (20 muestras por tipo de carne). La sensibilidad y especificidad se calculó utilizando la tabla 2 x 2 y el nivel de concordancia mediante el índice Kappa. La concentración mínima detectable de ADN fue de 3.0 ng μL-1. La PCR mostró 100% de sensibilidad y especificidad, y se obtuvo una concordancia entre los métodos de 80, 91 y 100% en muestras de carne de pollo, res y cerdo, con similitud entre los métodos evaluados del 89.4% para los tres tipos de carne

    Comportamiento productivo y niveles de ácidos grasos en la canal de corderos suplementados con Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Saturated fatty acids (FA) in the carcass of ruminants represent a critical topic in human alimentation given by their relationship with cardiovascular diseases. In view of this, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc) represents an alternative to modify the meat FA profile by increasing the ratio of deposited unsaturated FA, because of its high levels of unsaturated fatty acids. An experiment was carried out using 30 commercial growing lambs (20 ± 0.9 kg LW), distributed into three groups with 10 animals each, which was placed into one of three evaluated treatments: 0, 3, and 5g Sc animal-1 d-1, in order to determine the productive performance of the animals, plasmatic cholesterol levels, and FA deposited in the carcass. A totally random design was used. Data were analyzed using the PROC GLM, considering ten repetitions per treatment. Mean comparison of the treatments was done through the Tukey test. The results show that adding 3g animal-1 d-1 Sc partially decreased (p 0.05) daily weight gain. It also did not affect (p > 0.05) muscle area of the Longissimus dorsi, fat thickness and total cholesterol in the blood. As the Sc dose increased, the levels of myristic, palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids decreased (p 0.05) la ganancia diaria de peso. Tampoco afectó (p > 0.05) el área del músculo Longissimus dorsi, espesor de grasa dorsal y colesterol total en sangre. Al incrementar la dosis de Sc, disminuyó (p < 0.05) el nivel de ácido mirístico, palmítico, oleico y linoleico. Se no afecta el comportamiento productivo del animal, tampoco mejora el perfil de AG insaturados en la canal; sin embargo, disminuye las concentraciones de AG saturados

    Arginina como aminoácido funcional en dietas para cerdos en iniciación

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    The objective of this research was to determine the optimum concentration of synthetic arginine (Arg) that should be added to diets of nursery pigs to improve the productive performance. The addition of five concentrations of synthetic Arg (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0%) in diets was evaluated with 40 hybrid (Yorkshire × Duroc × Pietrain) barrows, with average initial live weight of 8.72 ± 1.36 kg and 30 days of age. The design used was completely randomized with five treatments and eight repetitions. The data were analyzed with ANOVA and treatment means were compared with Tukey’s test (p ≤ 0.05). The addition of 0.5% Arg in the diet improved average daily feed intake, average daily gain and gain: feed ratio (p < 0.05). The plasma urea concentration increased with the addition of 2% Arg in the diet (p < 0.05).El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la concentración óptima de arginina (Arg) sintética que se debe adicionar a dietas para cerdos en iniciación para mejorar el comportamiento productivo. En el experimento se evaluó la adición de cinco concentraciones de Arg sintética (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 y 2.0%), con 40 cerdos híbridos castrados, con peso inicial promedio de 8.72 ± 1.36 kg y 30 días de edad. El diseño utilizado fue completamente al azar con cinco tratamientos. Los datos se analizaron con ANOVA y las medias de tratamientos se compararon con la prueba de Tukey (p ≤ 0.05). La adición a partir de 0.5% de Arg en la dieta mejoró el consumo de alimento, la ganancia de peso y la conversión alimenticia (p < 0.05). La concentración de urea en plasma se incrementó con la adición de 2% de Arg en la dieta (p < 0.05)

    Suplementación de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados en el empadre de ovejas nulíparas Katahdin: eficiencia reproductiva y crecimiento pre-destete de las crías

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    A total of 46 nulliparous Katahdin ewes were distributed under a completely randomized block design in two dietary treatments (n=23) around mating to evaluate the effects of adding of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) on the reproductive performance and pre-weaning growth in lambs. Treatments were two concentrates formulated isoenergetic and isoproteic that contained or did not contain (control) n-6 PUFA, and both were offered for 42 d (7 d before the breeding period and 35 d of breeding period; exposure to ram). Dietary addition of PUFA shortened (P0.05) other reproductive variables. Lamb birth weight did not change (P>0.05) with addition of PUFA; however, the dietary addition of PUFA increased (P0.05) las demás variables reproductivas. En crías, el peso al nacimiento no varió (P>0.05) con la adición de AGP; sin embargo, la inclusión dietaria de AGP aumentó (P<0.05) la tasa de crecimiento pre-destete y el peso al destete en corderos, pero no en corderas. La inclusión de AGP en la dieta también mejoró (P<0.05) el crecimiento pre-destete en crías de parto gemelar pero no en crías de parto simple. En conclusión, la inclusión de AGP omega 6 en la dieta de ovejas nulíparas Katahdin durante el empadre, redujo el tiempo de aparición del estro sin afectar otras variables reproductivas; asimismo, mejoró el crecimiento pre-destete de sus crías machos y aquellas nacidas en parto gemelar