330 research outputs found

    Collective T=0 pairing in N=Z nuclei? Pairing vibrations around 56Ni revisited

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    We present a new analysis of the pairing vibrations around 56Ni, with emphasis on odd-odd nuclei. This analysis of the experimental excitation energies is based on the subtraction of average properties that include the full symmetry energy together with volume, surface and Coulomb terms. The results clearly indicate a collective behavior of the isovector pairing vibrations and do not support any appreciable collectivity in the isoscalar channel.Comment: RevTeX, two-column, 5 pages, 4 figure

    α decay of high-spin isomers in N = 84 isotones

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    The superfluid tunneling model is applied to the calculation of half-lives of the observed α decays in N=84 isotones. Results of our calculations are compared to experimental data on the ground-state α decays along the isotonic chain from 144Nd to 159Re. Good agreement is found. The α decays of the known high-spin isomers in 155Lu, 156Hf, 157Ta, and 158W are also well reproduced, once a reduction in the pairing strength is taken into account. This includes reproduction of the main features of the recently observed fine structure from 155Lu (25/2-) and 156Hf (8+). Predictions for the α-decay fine structure of 157Ta (25/2-) and 158W (8+) high-spin isomers are presented

    Triplet energy differences and the low lying structure of Ga 62

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    Background: Triplet energy differences (TED) can be studied to yield information on isospin-non-conserving interactions in nuclei. Purpose: The systematic behavior of triplet energy differences (TED) of T=1, J\u3c0=2+ states is examined. The A=62 isobar is identified as having a TED value that deviates significantly from an otherwise very consistent trend. This deviation can be attributed to the tentative assignments of the pertinent states in Ga62 and Ge62. Methods: An in-beam \u3b3-ray spectroscopy experiment was performed to identify excited states in Ga62 using Gamma-Ray Energy Tracking In-Beam Nuclear Array with the S800 spectrometer at NSCL using a two-nucleon knockout approach. Cross-section calculations for the knockout process and shell-model calculations have been performed to interpret the population and decay properties observed. Results: Using the systematics as a guide, a candidate for the transition from the T=1, 2+ state is identified. However, previous work has identified similar states with different J\u3c0 assignments. Cross-section calculations indicate that the relevant T=1, 2+ state should be one of the states directly populated in this reaction. Conclusions: As spins and parities were not measurable, it is concluded that an unambiguous identification of the first T=1, 2+ state is required to reconcile our understanding of TED systematics

    Effective charge of the [pi]h11/2 orbital and the electric field gradient of Hg from the yrast structure of 206Hg

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    The γ-ray decay of excited states of the two-proton hole nucleus, 206Hg, has been identified using Gammasphere and 208Pb+238U collisions. The yrast states found include a T1/2 = 92(8)ns 10+ isomer located above the known 5- isomer. The B(E2;10+→8+) strength is used to derive the quadrupole polarization charge induced by the h11/2 proton hole. Also, the implied quadrupole moment has been used to provide an absolute scale for the electric field gradient of Hg in Hg metal

    Search for the 1/2+1/2^+ intruder state in 35^{35}P

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    The excitation energy of deformed intruder states (specifically the 2p2h bandhead) as a function of proton number ZZ along N=20N=20 is of interest both in terms of better understanding the evolution of nuclear structure between spherical 40^{40}Ca and the Island of Inversion nuclei, and for benchmarking theoretical descriptions in this region. At the center of the N=20N=20 Island of Inversion, the npnh (where n=2,4,6) neutron excitations across a diminished N=20N=20 gap result in deformed and collective ground states, as observed in 32^{32}Mg. In heavier isotones, npnh excitations do not dominate in the ground states, but are present in the relatively low-lying level schemes. With the aim of identifying the expected 2p2h⊗s1/2+\otimes\mathrm{s}_{1/2^+} state in 35^{35}P, the only N=20N=20 isotone for which the neutron 2p2h excitation bandhead has not yet been identified, the 36^{36}S(d,3^3He)35^{35}P reaction has been revisited in inverse kinematics with the HELical Orbit Spectrometer (HELIOS) at the Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System (ATLAS). While a candidate state has not been located, an upper limit for the transfer reaction cross-section to populate such a configuration within a 2.5 to 3.6\,MeV energy range, provides a stringent constraint on the wavefunction compositions in both 36^{36}S and 35^{35}P
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