8 research outputs found

    Multicultural Interdisciplinary Handbook: tools for learning history and geography in a multicultural perspective (MIH)

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    [ES] MIH project (Multicultural Interdisciplinary Handbook: tools for learning History and Geography in a multicultural perspective) is a Comenius Multilateral Project funded with support from the European Commission that has been developed from 2009 to 2011.Conceived from the idea of educating lower and upper Secondary School pupils in a process of construction of a European identity by involving them in the culture of other countries, MIH project meets this need by providing new methodological and ICT tools that could help teachers and pupils to plunge deeper into both cultures and languages of another nations via their History and Geography, and opens the way to introduce a European perspective in History and Geography school curricula and classroom activities

    Intercultural Education through Religious Studies (IERS): COMENIUS Multilateral project

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    [EN] Religious and cultural diversity are today more than ever a critical and political challenge as the recent emergencies related to geo-political and economical global transformations clearly show. European countries are concerned by a big immigration flow that demands an educational effort in order to foster the mutual understanding and integration. According to Toledo guiding principles, IERS project meets the needs of an innovative approach in teaching about religions and beliefs at school by providing teachers of humanistic disciplines with new tools that help teachers and pupils to plunge deeper into religions and cultures of non-european countries, as well as raising the knowledge of the religious traditions that contributed to the common European cultural Identity, promoting it in the best way suited for encourage intra -and extra- European cultural dialogue attitudes. The Project aims to support the development of social, civic and intercultural transversal key competences by educating towards a positive understanding of cultural and religious differences, a readiness to engage in dialogue and to avoid or manage conflicts. By encouraging teachers and pupils to expose themselves to the differences and commonalities of religious topics, it promotes also the values of democracy, equality and human rights as it deals with social and civic dimensions of both intercultural and interreligious dialogue. The project will involve high school in-service teachers by developing a complete set of didactical tools and training experiences. The results will be: 1. A baseline study which analyzes the actual situation of teaching about religions throughout Europe; 2. New innovative didactic tools such as Multimedia Digital Modules to be used in classroom activities, accompanied by a Handbook with didactical guidelines for teachers. 3. Teacher support activities (virtual community, training activities, developing of didactical projects to apply in classroom)

    La pratica diagnostica nell’insegnamento della storia

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    This proposal is intended to encourage a diagnostic perspective in the teaching of History, hardly ever used in schools, in order to avoid a learning process based on superficial factual knowledge. Administering a survey at the very beginning of a scholastic cycle is a good means of pointing out and measuring students’ conceptual tools together with their emotional relationship with the subject (their commitment, interest, curiosity, motivation and identification with the collective memory). It enables teachers to relate with young people’s reality with respect to generational perspective, cultural education and family background. After introducing the survey, this essay comments the most common stereotypes and clichés collected by the authors within the past decade and give an overview of the most widely used study methods and of the expectations students have for their high school education. Lastly it reflects over the “idea” of History that students developed during their middle school years and their knowledge of the historical method.La proposta valorizza la pratica diagnostica nell’insegnamento della storia, scarsamente utilizzata a scuola, per evitare un apprendimento esclusivamente nozionistico. La somministrazione di un questionario, all’inizio di un ciclo scolastico, che rilevi gli strumenti concettuali già acquisiti dagli studenti e nel contempo il loro rapporto emotivo con la disciplina (motivazione, interesse, curiosità, identificazione con la memoria collettiva) permette di confrontarsi con la specifica realtà dei giovani nei suoi aspetti generazionali, familiari e di formazione culturale. L’articolo, dopo una presentazione del questionario, commenta alcuni risultati raccolti dalle autrici nell’ultimo decennio circa i luoghi comuni e gli stereotipi più frequenti, illustra le abitudini di studio diffuse e le aspettative sul nuovo corso di studi e riflette sull’”idea” di storia che molti studenti hanno maturato alla fine della secondaria inferiore e sulle loro conoscenze circa il metodo storico

    Fabrication of a hydrogenated amorphous silicon detector in 3-d geometry and preliminary test on planar prototypes

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    Hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) can be produced by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) of SiH4 (silane) mixed with hydrogen. The resulting material shows outstanding radiation hardness properties and can be deposited on a wide variety of substrates. Devices employing a-Si:H technologies have been used to detect many different kinds of radiation, namely, minimum ionizing particles (MIPs), X-rays, neutrons, and ions, as well as low-energy protons and alphas. However, the detection of MIPs using planar a-Si:H diodes has proven difficult due to their unsatisfactory S/N ratio arising from a combination of high leakage current, high capacitance, and limited charge collection efficiency (50% at best for a 30 µm planar diode). To overcome these limitations, the 3D-SiAm collaboration proposes employing a 3D detector geometry. The use of vertical electrodes allows for a small collection distance to be maintained while preserving a large detector thickness for charge generation. The depletion voltage in this configuration can be kept below 400 V with a consequent reduction in the leakage current. In this paper, following a detailed description of the fabrication process, the results of the tests performed on the planar p-i-n structures made with ion implantation of the dopants and with carrier selective contacts are illustrated

    High-Resolution Photoemission Study of Neutron-Induced Defects in Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon Devices

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    In this paper, by means of high-resolution photoemission, soft X-ray absorption and atomic force microscopy, we investigate, for the first time, the mechanisms of damaging, induced by neutron source, and recovering (after annealing) of p-i-n detector devices based on hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H). This investigation will be performed by mean of high-resolution photoemission, soft X-Ray absorption and atomic force microscopy. Due to dangling bonds, the amorphous silicon is a highly defective material. However, by hydrogenation it is possible to reduce the density of the defect by several orders of magnitude, using hydrogenation and this will allow its usage in radiation detector devices. The investigation of the damage induced by exposure to high energy irradiation and its microscopic origin is fundamental since the amount of defects determine the electronic properties of the a-Si:H. The comparison of the spectroscopic results on bare and irradiated samples shows an increased degree of disorder and a strong reduction of the Si-H bonds after irradiation. After annealing we observe a partial recovering of the Si-H bonds, reducing the disorder in the Si (possibly due to the lowering of the radiation-induced dangling bonds). Moreover, effects in the uppermost coating are also observed by spectroscopies

    Impact of hormonal status on outcome of ductal carcinoma in situ treated with breast-conserving surgery plus radiotherapy: Long-term experience from two large-institutional series

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    BACKGROUND: Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a heterogeneous disease, for which the best adjuvant treatment is still uncertain. Many attempts of risk-groups stratification have been made over time, developing prognostic scores to predict risk of local recurrence (LR) on the basis of features such as age, final surgical margins (FSM) status, grade, and tumor size. The aim of our analysis was to evaluate the patterns of recurrence from a two large-institutional retrospective series. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We collected data on 457 patients treated with BCS and adjuvant RT between 1990 and 2012. Final analysis was performed on 278 patients, due to missing data about hormonal status (HS). Patients were treated at the Radiation Oncology Unit of the University of Florence (n = 195), and S. Maria Annunziata Hospital (n = 83) (Florence, Italy). RESULTS: At a median follow up time of 10.8 years (range 3-25), we observed 20 LR (7.2%). The 5-year and 10-year LR rates were 4.9% and 10.2%, respectively. At Cox regression univariate analysis, estrogen receptor (ER) positive status (p = 0.001), HS positive (p = 0.003), and FSM <1 mm (p = 0.0001) significantly impacted on LR. At Cox regression multivariate analysis positive ER status maintained a protective role (p = 0.003), and FSM status <1 mm its negative impact (p = 0.0001) on LR rate. CONCLUSIONS: Our experience confirmed the wide heterogeneity of DCIS. Inadequate FSM and negative ER status negatively influenced LR rates. Tumor biology should be integrated in adjuvant treatment decision-making process