542 research outputs found

    Population dynamics of Meloidogyne incognita on cucumber grafted onto the Cucurbita hybrid RS841 or ungrafted and yield losses under protected cultivation

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    The influence of the squash hybrid RS841 rootstock (Cucurbita maxima x C. moschata) on population dynamics of Meloidogyne incognita and yield of cucumber cv. Dasher II was assessed during 2013 and 2014 in a plastic greenhouse. In addition, the relationship between ecophysiological parameters (plant water status, gas exchange, and leaf reflectance) and Pi and cucumber yield were also estimated in 2013. Nematode densities were determined at the beginning (Pi) and at the end (Pf) of each crop, and the relationship between these parameters was used to estimate the maximum multiplication rate (a), the maximum population density (M) and the equilibrium density (E) per grafted and ungrafted cucumber and cropping season. Moreover, the relationship between the multiplication rate (Pf/Pi) and Pi was compared between grafted and ungrafted cucumber per cropping season. Finally, the relative yield of grafted or ungrafted cucumber was plotted against Pi to determine the tolerance limit (T) and the minimum relative yield (m) by the Seinhorst damage function model. Values of a, M and E in grafted cucumber were higher than in ungrafted one irrespective of the cropping season. These results were supported by comparing the relationship between Pf/Pi and Pi between grafted and ungrafted cucumber. The relationship between Pi and yield fitted the Seinhorst damage function. The values of T and m did not differ between grafted and ungrafted each year. Predawn water potential, net photosynthetic rate, and leaf chlorophyll index decreased with increasing Pi. In addition, relative yield was related to variation in net photosynthetic rate and the leaf chlorophyll index. Under the conditions of this study, RS841 rootstock was neither resistant nor tolerant to M. incognita.Postprint (published version

    A macroscopic performance analysis of NASA’s northrop grumman RQ-4A

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    This work was partially funded by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain under Contract TRA2016-77012-R and by EUROCONTROL acting on behalf of the SESAR Joint Undertaking (the SJU) and the European Union as part of Work Package E in the SESAR ProgrammeThis paper presents the process of identification, from a macroscopic point of view, of the Northrop Grumman RQ-4A Global Hawk Remote-Piloted Aircraft System from real, but limited flight information. Performance parameters and operational schemes will be extracted by analyzing available data from two specific science flights flown by the Global Hawk back in 2010. Each phase of the flight, take-off, climb, cruise climb, descent and landing, is analyzed from various points of view: speed profile, altitude, climb/descent ratios and rate of turn. The key performance parameters derived from individual flights will be confirmed by performing a wider statistical validation with additional flight trajectories. Derived data are exploited to validate a simulated RQ-4A vehicle employed in extensive real-time air traffic management simulated integration exercises and to complement the development of a future RQ-4A trajectory predictor.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Real-time simulations to evaluate the RPAS integration in shared airspace

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    This paper presents the work done during the first year in the WP-E project ERAINT (Evaluation of the RPAS-ATM Interaction in Non-Segregated Airspace) that intends to evaluate by means of human-in-the-loop real-time simulations the interaction between a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) and the Air Traffic Management (ATM) when a Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) is being operated in shared airspace. This interaction will be evaluated from three different perspectives. First, the separation management, its results are presented in this paper. Secondly, during the next year, the contingency management, also including loss of link situations and, lastly, the capacity impact of such operations in the overall ATM system. The used simulation infrastructure allows to simulate realistic exercises from both the RPAS Pilot-in-Command (PiC) and the Air Traffic Controller (ATCo) perspectives. Moreover, it permits to analyze the actual workload of the ATC and to evaluate several support tools and different RPAS levels of automation from the PiC and ATC sides. The simulation results and the usefulness of the support tools are presented for each selected concept of operations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Características de la profesión enfermera en el contexto español a partir de la experiencia de las enfermeras docentes

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    El objetivo general de esta investigación fué conocer, a partir del discurso de las enfermeras pioneras 'Ayudantes Técnicos Sanitarios' en impartir la asignatura de 'Enfermería Fundamental', cuáles son las características de la profesión enfermera en el contexto español actual. El diseño fué cualitativo y como estrategia metodológica se utilizó la Inducción analítica. El muestreo fué teórico y se utilizó como técnica de recogida de datos la entrevista en profundidad. Para el análisis de datos se utilizó la estrategia analítica propia de la teoría fundamentada. Se establecieron estrategias específicas para asegurar los criterios de rigor. El proyecto fue aprobado por una comisión de ética asistencial y se ha pasado consentimiento informado a las participantes estableciendo, además, un protocolo de seguridad, para asegurar la confidencialidad de los datos.El discurso de las cuatro docentes pioneras entrevistadas hace intuir que la profesión sigue teniendo un rol profesional basado en la técnica y no en el cuidado. La falta de confianza en el valor del cuidado, la falta de iniciativa que implica no querer asumir responsabilidades y la poca capacidad para la práctica reflexiva se establecen como principales carencias del colectivo. En cuanto al rol profesional ejercido en la práctica, según la opinión de las docentes de la asignatura fundamentos en enfermería, se destaca la clara preferencia del colectivo por el rol técnico vinculado al tratamiento en detrimento del rol vinculado al cuidado

    Transfer of nurse education to universities under a model of person-centred care: A consequence of changes in Spanish society during the democratic transition.

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    Background. In Spain the transfer of nurse education to universities was accompanied by a shift towards a model of person-centred care. Aim. To explore whether the change in nurses' professional profile (from physician assistant to providers of person-centred care) was a response to changing needs in Spanish society. Design. Qualitative study. Methods. Theoretical sampling and in-depth interviews using an inductive analytical approach. Results. Four categories described the nursing profession in Spain prior to the introduction of university training: the era of medical assistants; technologisation of hospitals; personal care of the patient based on Christian values; professional socialisation differentiated by gender. Further analysis showed that these categories could be subsumed under a broader core category: the transfer of nurse education to universities as part of Spain's transition to democracy. Conclusion. The transfer of nurse education to universities was one of several changes occurring in Spanish society during the country's transition to democratic government. The redefined public health system required a highly skilled workforce, with improved employment rights being given to female health professionals, notably nurses

    Professional responsibility and decision-making in the context of a disease-focused model of nursing care: The difficulties experienced by Spanish nurses

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    When, in 1977, nurse education in Spain was transferred to universities a more patient-centred, Anglo-American philosophy of care was introduced into a context in which nurses had traditionally prioritised their technical skills. This paper examines the characteristics of the nurse's professional role in Spain, where the model of nursing practice has historically placed them in a position akin to that of physician assistants. The study design was qualitative and used the method of analytic induction. Participants were selected by means of theoretical sampling and then underwent in-depth interviews. The resulting material was analysed using an approach based on the principles of grounded theory. Strategies were applied to ensure the credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability of the findings. The main conclusion is that nurses in Spain continue to work within a disease-focused model of care, making it difficult for them to take responsibility for decision making

    Economic freedom influences economic growth and unemployment: an analysis of the Eurozone

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    Lack of economic growth and a high unemployment rate imply poverty and inequality. Economic freedom is considered a relevant explanatory factor for growth, employment and the distribution of income. The present research work addresses how policy makers should take into account economic freedom aspects to effectively enhance a country’s economic growth and lower its unemployment rate. This study analyses the effect of four components of economic freedom (business freedom, labour freedom, government integrity, tax burden) on the mean GDP growth of the last 5 years, and also on unemployment. A cross-national analysis, based on data from the 23 Eurozone3 (Eurozone and part of its enlargement) Member Countries, examines the causal configurations of GDP and unemployment by a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. The results suggest that the combination of high levels of business freedom, labour freedom and government integrity triggers high levels of economic growth and lowers the unemployment rate

    Correlación fenotipo-genotipo de variantes génicas en síndrome metabólico

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    [ES]La importancia del Síndrome Metabólico viene dada por el aumento del riesgo cardiovascular que genera, con un aumento de la mortalidad, y por su alta prevalencia. Esto ha llevado a investigar diferentes factores genéticos que puedan estar implicados en la resistencia insulínica y la obesidad. Nuestro objetivo ha sido encontrar una asociación entre determinados polimorfismos genéticos, como son la IL-1β, IL-4, IL-6, PPAR-γ y TNF-α, y su relación con el Síndrome Metabólico (según la clasificación IDF) y sus componentes (la obesidad, la diabetes mellitus, la hipertensión, la dislipemia y la hipertrigliceridemia). Además hemos realizado un estudio descriptivo de nuestra población con Síndrome Metabólico de la provincia de Salamanca, y realizado comparaciones entre las alteraciones de la función hepática y del metabolismo hidrocarbonado entre dichos pacientes y los grupos control y control obeso

    Synthesis and characterization of tert-butylcyclopentadienyl derivatives of hafnium

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    Reaction of Si(C5H3-1,3-tBu2)Me3 with HfCl4 in toluene or hexane at room temperature afforded the new trichloro monocyclopentadienyl derivatives [Hf(η5-C5H3-1,3-tBu2)Cl3] (1). Treatment of [Hf(η5-C5H3-1,3-tBu2)Cl3] with the appropriate alkylating reagent in hexane gave the mono[1,3-di(tert-butyl)cyclopentadienyl] trialkyl hafnium complexes [Hf(η5-C5H3-1,3-tBu2)R3] [R  CH3 (2), CH2C6H5 (3), CH2Si(CH3)3 (4)].When [Hf(η5-C5H3-1,3-tBu2)Cl3] reacts with 1 equivalent of TlCp in toluene at room temperature the mixed dicyclopentadienyl complex [Hf(η5-C5H3-1,3-tBu2)(η5-C5H5)Cl2] (5) was isolated in almost quantitative yield. Reaction of 5 with LiMe led to the dimethyl complex [Hf(η5-C5H3-1,3-tBu2)(η5-C5H5)(CH3)2] (6). However, the analogous reaction of a hexane solution of 5 with MgBz2 · 2THF in the presence of traces of water afforded the μ oxo derivative [{Hf(η5-C5H3-1,3-tBu2)(η5-C5H5)(CH2C6H5)} 2(μ-O)] (7)

    Modular Avionics for Seamless Reconfigurable UAS Missions

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    Abstract Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) architecture is a trend in current avionics that employs a partitioned environment in which different avionics functions share a unique computing environment. UAS avionics, especially in small UAS, are usually of less complexity than not the present on airliners, however, in real autonomous UAS, the onboard avionics should control not only the flight and navigation but also the mission and payload of the aircraft. This involves more complex software as it should implement “intelligent” or at least autonomous behavior. This need of both flexibility and complexity management while keeping low costs in the UAS avionics field requires new architectures to cope with. In this article, we describe a modular avionics architecture based on services. The avionics functionality is divided in distributed elements, the services, which are interconnected by a communication middleware. This article also proposes a configuration and deployment infrastructure and its related procedures that complete our vision of UAS avionics.Peer Reviewe