104 research outputs found

    Efecto del entrenamiento de vibraciones sobre diversos parámetros funcionales y fisiológicos en ancianos

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    174 p.El presente estudio se diseñó con la finalidad de establecer las posibles relaciones existentes entre el Entrenamiento de Vibraciones de Cuerpo Completo (EVCC), la capacidad funcional y los marcadores de inflamación a nivel sistémico, en una población de ancianos institucionalizados. Por tanto, los objetivos planteados son los siguientes: 1. Determinar el efecto del EVCC sobre los niveles de Máxima Contracción Voluntaria Isométrica, la función neuromuscular y los niveles de potencia muscular. 2. Constatar el efecto del EVCC sobre la capacidad funcional de los ancianos medida a través de la Batería Senior Fitness Test (SFT), valorando la fuerza, la resistencia aeróbica, la flexibilidad y el equilibrio dinámico. 3. Evaluar el papel del EVCC sobre diversos marcadores de inflamació

    Physical Activity Levels of Chilean Children in a National School Intervention Programme. A Quasi-Experimental Study

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    Background. Recess is a great opportunity to interrupt sedentary behaviour and increase moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in schoolchildren. This quasi-experimental study aimed to compare the levels of physical activity (PA) during the school day of children in a school intervention programme vs. those in a control group, and to determine compliance with MVPA recommendations.Methods.A sample of 154 schoolchildren (6-12 years old) was obtained from several schools (70 with the intervention and 84 controls). This programme was structured with a duration of 90 min/session and performed three times/week. PA levels were recorded with triaxial accelerometers during the school day: during recess, during a PA session or physical education session (PE), and during lunchtime. No pre-intervention evaluation was performed.Results.The MVPA of the control group was higher than that of the intervention group during the first recess (p< 0.001). None of the groups complied with the recommendations for steps during the PA or PE sessions. During the PA session, sedentary time was lower and MVPA was higher, in the intervention group than in the control group. Fifty percent of the children from the intervention group complied with the MVPA recommendations, vs. 22.7% of those in the control group.Conclusions.The schoolchildren in the intervention group performed more MVPA than those in the control group. Future interventions could include other periods, such as recess and lunchtime, which are opportunities for improving the MVPA levels of schoolchildren

    Actividad física laboral y composición corporal en mujeres adultas

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    Introducción: Las actividades durante la jornada laboral, pueden diferenciarse entre sí por su gasto energético y algunos de ellos podrían beneficiar la salud de acuerdo a sus características. Objetivo: Analizar y comparar la composición corporal y las características de la actividad física, a través de la acelerometría en las jornadas laborales de las trabajadoras administrativas y trabajadoras auxiliares de aseo de la Universidad Viña del Mar. Métodos: Se realiza un registro en jornadas de 10 hrs. por cuatro días seguidos del gasto energético a través de acelerómetros triaxiales a 8 secretarias y 8 auxiliares de aseo. Además se hace una evaluación antropométrica y se aplica el IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire). Resultados: Según el IPAQ, ambos grupos se encuentran en categoría de sedentarias, pero la acelerometría determina que las auxiliares caminan más pasos, tienen más quiebres sedentarios y realizan un nivel de actividad física más alto que las secretarias. Discusión: Hay trabajos que pueden favorecer el estado de salud, a pesar de no cumplir con la norma para considerarse ?no sedentario?, como es el caso de las auxiliares de aseo. El gasto energético es mayor en las personas que realizan actividades que implican ejercicio de baja intensidad, lo que podría ayudar a reducir los niveles de adiposidad y mantener la masa muscular de las persona

    Which one? A comparative study of traditional and sports uniforms on academic achievement, cognitive performance, playtime, bullying, and discrimination in adolescents: The Cogni-Action Project

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    ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to compare academic achievement, cognitive performance, playtime, bullying, and discrimination in adolescents according to traditional uniforms (TUs) and sports uniforms (SUs) worn at school, while simultaneously exploring the influence of the school vulnerability index. MethodsA total of 988 Chilean adolescents (52.6% boys) aged 10-14 years participated in this cross-sectional study. Academic achievement was evaluated by the average grade in maths, language, and science grades, while cognitive performance was assessed through eight cognitive tasks. TUs affecting physical activity, playtime, bullying, and discrimination were queried. Mixed model analyses were performed. ResultsNo differences were observed in academic achievement (TU: 5.4 +/- 0.1 vs. SU: 5.5 +/- 0.2, p = 0.785) or in cognitive performance (TU: 99.6 +/- 0.8 vs. SU: 98.9 +/- 1.8, p= 0.754) according to the school uniformtype. Moreover, 64.1 % of participants declared that wearing TU affects their physical activity (traditional uniforms: + 8 min and sports uniforms: + 20 min), and those who believed so spent more time playing than those who answered negatively (14.5 min, p = 0.012). Finally, adolescents wearing SU displayed a lower feeling of bullying and discrimination; this finding depended mainly on the school's vulnerability. ConclusionIt is concluded that wearing TU does not show an educational advantage at an academic and cognitive level that justifies its obligation. In addition, it could be suggested that schools consider adolescents' opinions in adopting a more comfortable uniform, such as the SU. This feasible and low-cost measure would help to increase adolescents' physical activity during the school day, and, contrary to belief, it would not be related to increased feelings of bullying and discrimination.CONICYT/FONDECYT INICIACION2016 grantNo. 11160703 (Chile

    Actividad física laboral y composición corporal en mujeres adultas

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    Las actividades durante la jornada laboral, pueden diferenciarse entre sí por su gasto energético y algunos de ellos podrían beneficiar la salud de acuerdo a sus características. Objetivo: Analizar y comparar la composición corporal y las características de la actividad física, a través de la acelerometría en las jornadas laborales de las trabajadoras administrativas y trabajadoras auxiliares de aseo de la Universidad Viña del Mar. Métodos: Se realiza un registro en jornadas de 10 hrs. por cuatro días seguidos del gasto energético a través de acelerómetros triaxiales a 8 secretarias y 8 auxiliares de aseo. Además se hace una evaluación antropométrica y se aplica el IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire). Resultados: Según el IPAQ, ambos grupos se encuentran en categoría de sedentarias, pero la acelerometría determina que las auxiliares caminan más pasos, tienen más quiebres sedentarios y realizan un nivel de actividad física más alto que las secretarias. Discusión: Hay trabajos que pueden favorecer el estado de salud, a pesar de no cumplir con la norma para considerarse “no sedentario“, como es el caso de las auxiliares de aseo. El gasto energético es mayor en las personas que realizan actividades que implican ejercicio de baja intensidad, lo que podría ayudar a reducir los niveles de adiposidad y mantener la masa muscular de las personas.Departamento de Educación Físic

    Prevalence of non-responders for blood pressure and cardiometabolic risk factors among prehypertensive women after long-term high-intensity interval training

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    Background: Exercise is known to improve cardiometabolic outcomes; however, results are typically reported as mean values, and there is wide interindividual variability in terms of response that has not been explored in populations at risk for hypertension. Our aim was to investigate both the effects on and the prevalence of non-responders (NRs) for decreasing blood pressure (BP) and other risk factors among prehypertensive women after long-term high-intensity interval training (HIIT). A secondary aim was to report potential variables that can predict decreases in BP after HIIT. Methods: Sedentary overweight/obese women (age 35.9 ± 5.4 year; body mass index [BMI] 30.9 ± 6.2 kg/m2) were assigned to a prehypertensive (PreHTN; N = 44) or normotensive (NT; N = 40) group according to their ambulatory BP at baseline. Subjects underwent a thrice-weekly 16-week HIIT program (7-10 × 1 min exercise with 2 min of rest). Training-induced changes in body composition and cardiovascular, metabolic, strength, and endurance performance markers were measured, and the prevalence of NRs was reported as a percentage. All outcomes were analyzed by multivariable regression. Results: Statistically significant (P and lt; 0.05) decreases in systolic BP (SBP) were detected in the PreHTN group (? -8 mmHg) compared with baseline, whereas the NT group (? + 3 mmHg) showed a non-significant increase in SBP. Diastolic BP (DBP) was significantly decreased in the PreHTN group (? -5.8 mmHg) and non-significantly decreased (? -2 mmHg) in the NT group. Also, there were significant differences (P and lt; 0.0001) in the prevalence of NRs based on SBP between the PreHTN and NT groups (11.4 vs. 68.8%), but similar prevalence of NRs based on DBP. SBP alone was a powerful predictive factor for a beneficial SBP reduction, explaining 51.2% of the results, which was similar to other more complex models tested. Conclusion: The prevalence of NRs based on SBP and DBP was different between prehypertensive and normotensive subjects after 16 weeks of HIIT. Other comorbidities such as body composition and metabolic outcomes showed almost similar modifications between prehypertensive and normotensive subjects, being the most basic predictive factor for BP reduction baseline SBP, which we refer to as 'BP health status' (51.2%). This improvement in BP was accompanied by other known improvements of HIIT on body composition, metabolic and endurance performance in both study cohorts. © 2007 - 2018 Frontiers Media S.A

    Impact of Distance on Mode of Active Commuting in Chilean Children and Adolescents

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    Active commuting could contribute to increasing physical activity. The objective of this study was to characterise patterns of active commuting to and from schools in children and adolescents in Chile. A total of 453 Chilean children and adolescents aged between 10 and 18 years were included in this study. Data regarding modes of commuting and commuting distance was collected using a validated questionnaire. Commuting mode was classified as active commuting (walking and/or cycling) or non-active commuting (car, motorcycle and/or bus). Commuting distance expressed in kilometres was categorised into six subgroups (0 to 0.5, 0.6 to 1, 1.1 to 2, 2.1 to 3, 3.1 to 5 and >5 km). Car commuting was the main mode for children (to school 64.9%; from school 51.2%) and adolescents (to school 50.2%; from school 24.7%). Whereas public bus commuting was the main transport used by adolescents to return from school. Only 11.0% and 24.8% of children and adolescents, respectively, walk to school. The proportion of children and adolescents who engage in active commuting was lower in those covering longer distances compared to a short distance. Adolescents walked to and from school more frequently than children. These findings show that non-active commuting was the most common mode of transport and that journey distances may influence commuting modes in children and adolescents.To the teachers and students of the participating schools, the CONICYT PAI-MEC programme (MEC 80150030), the Academic Incentive Programs from the Research Department of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaiso-Chile and funding from the University of Granada 2016 (Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health—UCEES)

    El sedentarismo se asocia a un incremento de factores de riesgo cardiovascular y metabólicos independiente de los niveles de actividad física = Sedentary lifestyle is associated with metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors independent of physical activity

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    Background: Sedentary behavior is a main risk factor for cardiovascular disease and mortality. Aim: To investigate the association between sedentary behavior and metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors. Material and Methods: We assessed 322 participants aged between 18 to 65 years. Physical activity and sedentary behavior were measured with accelerometers (Actigraph®). Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, percentage of body fat, diet and blood markers (glucose, lipid profile, insulin and HOMA-IR) were measured with standardized protocols. Results: Thirty four percent of participants were physically inactive and spent on average 8.7 h/day on sedentary activities. Per one hour increase in sedentary behavior there were significant adverse changes in glucose (4.79 mg/dl), insulin (2.73 pmol/l), HOMA-IR (0.75), BMI (0.69 kg/m2), waist circumference (1.95 cm), fat mass (1.03%), total cholesterol (9.73 mg/dl), HDL-cholesterol (-3.50 mg/dl), LDL-cholesterol (10.7 mg/dl) and triglycerides (12.4 mg/dl). These findings were independent of main confounding factors including total physical activity, dietary factors, BMI and socio-demographics. Conclusions: The detrimental effect of sedentary behaviors on cardiometabolic and obesity-related traits is independent of physical activity levels. Therefore, reducing sedentary time should be targeted in the population apart from increasing their physical activity levels

    GT1M, GT3X and ActiTrainer counts comparison during standardized activities in young, adults and older adults

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    Objective: The present study aims to compare the vertical counts registered by GT1M, GT3X and ActiTrainer. Methods: Treadmill activities, repeated sit-stands and rest were completed by 31 young, 31 adults and 35 older adults while wearing the accelerometers (GT1M, GT3X and ActiTrainer) on their right hips. Independent sample t-test analyses were performed to determine differences between counts in each age group and activities along with the Bland &amp; Altman analysis to determine the degree of agreement. In order to determine the correction factor for the ActiTrainer counts, the linear regression forward analysis was used to minimize differences with the GT3X and the GT1M counts. Results: Differences among ActiTrainer, GT1M, and GT3X were revealed in all activities except in rest. The counts for ActiTrainer were significantly lower than those of GT3X and GT1M. The correction factor for ActiTrainer with GT1M (GT1M counts = 3185.564 + 649.647; *ActiTrainer counts - 36.163; *weight [kg] - 7.545 *age [years] r = 0.864; r2 = 0.746; r2 corrected = 0.745; SEE = 1451) and GT3X (GT3X counts = 3501.977 + 705.662 *ActiTrainer counts - 40.523 *weight [kg] - 11.864 *age [years] r = 0.901; r2 = 0.812; r2 corrected = 0.811; SEE = 310.160) reduced these differences. Conclusion: The GT1M and GT3X vertical counts may be compared. However, a correction factor to decrease differences to compare ActiTrainer counts with those of GT1M or GT3X counts must be applied

    Joint effect of physical activity and sedentary behaviour on cardiovascular risk factors in Chilean adults

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    Background: To investigate the associations between combined categories of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) with markers of adiposity and cardiovascular risk in adults. Methods: Overall, 5040 participants (mean age 46.4 years and 59.3% women) from the cross-sectional Chilean National Health Survey 2009–2010 were included in this study. MVPA and SB were measured using the Global Physical Activity questionnaire. Four categories were computed using MVPA- and SB-specific cut-offs (‘High-SB &#38; Active’, ‘Low-SB &#38; Active’, ‘High-SB &#38; Inactive’ and ‘Low-SB &#38; Inactive’). Results: Compared to the reference group (‘High-SB &#38; Inactive’), those in ‘High-SB &#38; Active’ and ‘Low-SB &#38; Active’ were less likely to have an obese BMI (OR: 0.67 [0.54; 0.85], P = 0.0001 and 0.74 [0.59; 0.92] P = 0.0007, respectively) and less likely to have metabolic syndrome (OR: 0.63 [0.49; 0.82], P &lt; 0.0001 and 0.72 [0.57; 0.91], P = 0.007), central obesity (OR: 0.79 [0.65; 0.96], P = 0.016 and 0.71 [0.59; 0.84], P &lt; 0.0001), diabetes (OR: 0.45 [0.35; 0.59], P &lt; 0.0001 and 0.44 [0.34; 0.56], P &lt; 0.0001) and hypertension (OR: 0.52 [0.43; 0.63], P &lt; 0.0001 and 0.60 [0.50; 0.72], P &lt; 0.0001), respectively. Conclusions: Being physically active and spending less time in SBs was associated with lower adiposity and improvements in cardiovascular risk factors